INSIDE " Senate: SEC Actions January 6, Agenda for February 3, p. 2 " Faculty Appointments/Promotions, p. 2 " Implementation of Smoking Policy, p. 3 " CrimeStats (Campus, Precinct), Update, p. 4 Pullout: February on Campus Tuesday, January 26, 1988 Published by the University of Pennsylvania Volume 34, Number 19 OF RECORD HUP Staff Reductions: 110 by Layoff Guidelines Open Expression Facing an anticipated deficit of$I! million in and other assistance to laid-off employees, he A proposed revision of the Guidelines on FY1988,the Hospital ofthe University ofPenn- added. Open Expression was published For Com- sylvania will eliminate 239 positions from its With staff reduction plus operating econ- ment in Almanac November 24, 1987, and budget- 110 by layoff on February 5, and the omies HUP is taking steps to trim expenses by accepted by University Council and by the 129 vacancies to meet adeficit that President on December 9, 1987 "with the remaining by leaving present 7.5% Mr. Schwartz attrib- The bulk of the are "in to internal and understanding that the Committee on Open unfilled. jobs support uted a mixture of factors Expression will make a recommendation on areas where there are large numbers of em- changes in the national health care environ- the exercise of authority by the vice provost ployees and where reductions can be made ment. "Federal and other health insurance before the end of the spring term." without negatively affecting patient care," Execu- agencies are now reimbursing hospitals accord- As University policy and for purposes of tive Director C. Edward Schwartz said. ing to calculated averages called DRGs (Diag- reference, the Guidelines on Open Expression "We will work to help every one of the laid- nostic Related Groups), rather than by the that are now in effect are those published For off find actual cost of care," he said. "In the Comment on November 24, on 6, 7 and employees continuing employment," patient pages Mr. Schwartz added. "Some may be offered current fiscal year, HUP experienced a sudden 8 (ending after the paragraph designated Roman numeral VI). otherjobs at HUP or in the University. All will increase in patient length-of-stay that has in- be provided with job search assistance, inclu- creased the cost of care beyond reimbursable -Office ofthe President ding seminars on job search skills. A job fair amounts and at the same time limited the will be held, attended by several local hospitals number of beds available for new admissions. VPUL: Study Available and other employers who have job openings." At the same time, HUP also continues to meet Mr. Schwartz also said the laid-off its commitment to care." A 30-page report detailing three options for employees provide indigent will be eligible for a severance allowance, and HUP is a Short Unit and restructuring the Office ofthe Vice Provost for implementing Stay the and benefits any and University Life, is available on request at the pay terminating employee Same-Day Surgery Early Discharge pro- Office of the Provost. would receive. HUP has made arrangements grams, while working toincrease admissions by with a career services firm to several means, Mr. Schwartz said. In the report, Consultants Marshall T. Rice, provide support Katharine Hanson and Charles S. Olton recom- mend that the VPUL continue to report to the Provost, serving undergraduate and graduate The the students but with the latter's place more clearly Opening Shops... Closing Bridge defined. No large-scale movement ofresponsi- 3401 Walnut's shopping center, "The Shops Detour Ahead: Construction crews on 34th bilities out of University Life are recommended at Penn" will open officially next week with a Street have been working against a February 15 (though in one of three organizational models, ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon February 4 deadline when the Walnut Street Bridge's daily Financial Aid and the Registrar go into a ser- which launches a ten-day Grand Opening flow of 20,000 cars will be diverted to the vice bureau reporting to the Provost and Vice Celebration running through February 14. All Market Street Bridge, turning 34th Street into President for Finance). A "more hierarchical members of the University are welcome to the part of a three-year detour. The 3200 block of administrative structure"is recommended in all celebration, which has music and entertain- Walnut will be temporarily made two-way for three organizational charts. ment every day from noon to2p.m. and from 5 access to the Class of 1923 Ice Rink, General The consultants recommend "that Penn at- to 7 p.m. Electric, and parking facilities there. tempt to identify accomplished academic per- Thirteen stores will sell clothing, records and Later this spring (tentatively April 15) the sons as priority candidates in its VPULsearch" other goods at 3401, where there is also a full- Walnut on-ramp to the Schuylkill Expressway but that any decisions about changing the service restaurantplus nine other outlets around will also close, and more traffic will be sent via structure ofthe division be made before criteria a food court that has booths, tables and an 34th to reach the University Avenue ramp. for the search are made final. outdoor patio overlooking Moravian Street. The 23nd to 33rd Street stretch of Walnut is Two other questions the consultants recom- The shop-and-office complex is L-shaped, to be closed until November 1990, though the mend Penn study are (1) that Student Dining with two entrances to the office portion-one section between 30th and 33rd will be reopened Services be moved to University Life and (2) at the corner, the other at midsection on Wal- to local traffic about October 1989. that Penn consider doing away withthe special- nut. The food court can be entered either from More details, maps and tentative dates for status General Fee budgetary arrangement in Walnut (east ofthe elevator lobby that leads to closings are in a PennDOT brochure available University Life. offices) or from the patio. from the Parking Office, first floor of the The report is being taken by the President Within afew weeks there will also be, off the Franklin Building Annex. and Provost to key advisory groups for com- corner entrance at street level, Penn's new cen- The widening of the 94-year-old Walnut ment before accepting any ofthe recommenda- tral Information Center. Street Bridge is a state project, with federal tions. Academic Planning and Budget, the Inthe office sector of 3401, University Man- dollars providing 80% of the $28 million cost. Steering Committee of Council, the Council of agement Information Services (UMIS) are the When completed the new bridge will have four Deans and Council of Undergraduate Deans, first Penn services to move in. Dates for auto lanes flanked by 8-foot-wide sidewalks. and the VPUL search committee are among Human Resources', Purchasing's and others' New stairways will lead down to a winding those receiving the report so far. moves will be announced toward March. park planned along the river. SENATE From the Senate Office adopte Rules Senate new the Thewith accordance in published is following d and their representatives. We would be pleased to hear suggestionsfrom by mail ballot June 15, 1987 members of the Faculty Senate. Please communicate your comments to Senate Chair F Gerard Adams or Faculty Senate StaffAssistant Carolyn Agenda of Senate Executive Committee Meeting Burdon, 15 College Hall/6303, Ext. 8-6943. Wednesday, February 3, 1988, 3-5:30 p.m. Actions Taken the Senate Executive Committee 1. Approval of the minutes of January 6, 1988. by 6, 1988 2. Chair's Report. Wednesday, January 3. Discussion of how to the role in the admissions improve faculty's At its meeting of January6, the Senate Executive Committee was particu- process. larly concerned with the new program proposed to bring in outstanding 4. revision of admissions Proposed undergraduate policy. faculty. Provost Aiken commented that this is one part of larger faculty 5. Further discussion of in the academic calendar. changes development efforts which are oriented both to recognizing talent at the 6. of WXPN to the Relationship University. University and to recruiting distinguished scholars from outside. 7. Council items. Upcoming University The item on improving the faculty's role in the undergraduate admissions 8. Other new business. process will be the the first item on the agenda of the next meeting. 9. 5:30 Adjournment by p.m. Two faculty members outside Nursing were appointed to serve on the can be directed to Carolyn Burdon, Faculty Senate Staff Assis- Questions Provost's Committee to review the lecturer/clinical specialist track in the tant, Ext. 8-6943. School of Nursing. Thefollowing statement is published in accordance with the Senate Rules It was also decided that SEC would choose the new Senate Committee on adoptedby mail ballot June 15, 1987 Amongotherpurposes, thepublication Committees by circulatingto SEC a mail ballot that lists all eligible (continu- ofSECactionsis intended to stimulate discussion betweenthe constituencies ing) members of SEC. From the extensive list of Trustee actions on appointments, reappointments, secondary appointments, leaves, and terminations, Almanac gleans those actions reflect- ing movement into or within the Standing Faculty This includes new appointments andpromotions. and chair designations with or without promotion, in allschools. In the health schools, where reappointment sometimes includes movement from the associated faculty (not in standing faculty) to the clinician-educator track (stand- ingfaculti' but not tenure-accruing), those actions arepublished. Note that clinician-educator titles are recognizable by theform of title, "Professor of at [affiliated institution]" Thefollowing list shows actionsfrom Trustees'minutes ofJune 11, 1987 through December 18, 198Z representing actions approved at Pro- vost 's StaffConferences leading up to those meetings.
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