E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 No. 145 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, September 15, 2008, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Pending: called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Reid amendment No. 5290, to change the SHERROD BROWN, a Senator from the enactment date. State of Ohio. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Reid amendment No. 5291 (to amendment clerk will please read a communication No. 5290), of a perfecting nature. PRAYER to the Senate from the President pro Motion to recommit the bill to the Com- tempore (Mr. BYRD). mittee on Armed Services with instructions The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- The legislative clerk read the fol- to report back forthwith, with Reid amend- fered the following prayer: lowing letter: ment No. 5292 (to the instructions of the mo- Let us pray. tion to recommit), to change the enactment U.S. SENATE, God of power and might, wisdom and date. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, justice, for whom all authority is Reid amendment No. 5293 (to the instruc- Washington, DC, September 12, 2008. tions of the motion to recommit to the bill), rightly administered, laws are enacted, To the Senate: of a perfecting nature. and judgment is decreed, thank You for Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Reid amendment No. 5294 (to amendment the gift of this day, for the opportunity of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby No. 5293), of a perfecting nature. to be used by You to make a positive appoint the Honorable SHERROD BROWN, a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Senator from the State of Ohio, to perform difference in our world. pore. The senior Senator from Michi- Use our lawmakers for Your honor. the duties of the Chair. ROBERT C. BYRD, gan is recognized. Assist them with Your spirit of counsel President pro tempore. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, as pre- and fortitude. Give them the wisdom to viously announced, there are no roll- always seek the paths of righteousness, Mr. BROWN thereupon assumed the chair as Acting President pro tempore. call votes today or Monday. Senators justice, and mercy. Protect them with should expect the next vote to occur on Your omnipotence, and infuse them f Tuesday. However, Senator WARNER with the passion to lead this Nation RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME and I will be here today, we will be with honesty and integrity. Lord, help here Monday, and we will, of course, be The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- them to walk blamelessly, so that Your here Tuesday morning to discuss pore. Under the previous order, the integrity will guide them and Your amendments with Senators to try to leadership time is reserved. favor will sustain them. May this his- get these amendments considered or at toric Chamber become a place of cre- f least in line to be considered. We are ative exchange of insights that leads to NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- clearing amendments. We have a man- shared convictions about what is best TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009 agers’ package already that is ready to for America. go with—I am not sure how many We pray in Your powerful Name. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- amendments we have already put in Amen. pore. Under the previous order, the there—perhaps 15 or 16 amendments Senate will resume consideration of S. f that have already been cleared. We 3001, which the clerk will report. can’t get them passed yet because of an PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The legislative clerk read as follows: objection, but we would expect that ob- A bill (S. 3001) to authorize appropriations The Honorable SHERROD BROWN led jection would be removed by Tuesday. for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of We will continue in the next few days, the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: the Department of Defense, for military con- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the struction, and for defense activities for the over the weekend, to try to agree upon United States of America, and to the Repub- Department of Energy, to prescribe military many of the 200-plus amendments that lic for which it stands, one nation under God, personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and have been filed so that we would be indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. for other purposes. hopeful that we would have a large ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8457 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:49 Sep 13, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12SE6.000 S12SEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with SENATE S8458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 12, 2008 number of amendments in a managers’ Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I ask will have less of an impact on the sur- package ready to go on Tuesday if we unanimous consent that the order for rounding community. can get the objection removed. the quorum call be rescinded. In reading the Army’s report, I be- We also hope that we could, today The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- lieve they have shown their willingness and Monday, debate amendments pore. Without objection, it is so or- to work with the community on a vari- which will be requiring rollcall votes dered. ety of issues: land, cultural resources, on Tuesday. Our goal is to try to com- AMENDMENT NO. 5296 and historic preservation concerns in plete consideration of this bill by Tues- Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I am the area. For example, Otero County, day night. The majority leader has in- rising to speak in regard to the Defense one of the neighboring counties to dicated he will be filing cloture today, authorization bill, which is now being Pinon Canyon, has asked that the foot- which means there would be a cloture considered on the floor of the Senate. I print of the expansion not invade the vote on Tuesday, and hopefully we am delighted that we are moving for- Comanche National Grassland, and the would get to the point on Tuesday ward with this piece of legislation. It is Army’s new plan leaves that area un- where the amendments which need something that gets passed every year. touched. Additional community lead- rollcall votes could be voted on Tues- It is important that we get this kind of ers suggested that the expansion site day and that we would have a large legislation passed because, with the not cross Interstate 350, which the managers’ package and that we would challenges the country is facing, we Army has also agreed to. not have to go to a cloture vote on need to deal with some very vital I also want to draw attention to the Tuesday and instead try to get to final issues in the defense of this country economic impact data that signals sig- passage without it. That is the lineup. and also take care of the families and nificant increases in revenue for the My dear friend from Virginia and I are the men and women in the armed serv- surrounding area. The expansion would here to work with Senators to try to ices. generate more than 100 full-time civil- see if we can’t get amendments lined I want to mention a few things about ian and contractor positions, equalling up for votes and other amendments a couple of amendments I plan on in- as much as $5 million in payroll. These agreed upon so that they will be part of troducing at some point in time for would be civilian jobs and would yield the managers’ package. consideration by the Senate. One of increased property and tax sale rev- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- them has to do with Fort Carson, enue for the area. pore. The senior Senator from Virginia which is located in Colorado Springs, Now, that is important, because if is recognized. CO. It is an attractive place, if you are you have Federal facilities in your Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I thank in the Army, to be assigned. It is one of county, the Federal Government the Presiding Officer. I join my col- the bases where we are looking at some doesn’t pay taxes. They make pay- league. We are here. expansion possibilities. ments in lieu of taxes. Many times, the I wish to also bring to the attention One of the key points with the new complaints we have from local govern- of colleagues that at the close of busi- personnel we are bringing is that they ments in Colorado say it doesn’t meas- ness last night we were informed there need more training space. So I have ure up to the lost revenue if that had are over 200 amendments at the desk. been working with the Colorado been a facility in the private sector. It is our hope that perhaps Senators Springs community and the com- This is an important part of that, so who have filed those amendments could mander at Fort Carson, as well as the this part of Colorado wants and needs work with the managers and/or our Army, to facilitate this so it can move economic development. They need staffs such that they could be added to, forward and everybody would be com- ways to be able to expand their prop- hopefully, a future package that will fortable with what is being done.
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