*The Observer an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XIII, No. 55 Tuesday, November 28, 1978 Latest financial reports indicate increase in unrestricted funds by Mark Rust Student Loan, Endowment and back loans to the government in Senior Staff Reporter Employee Retirement Investment annually increasing amounts rang­ Funds. This represents an increase ing from $60,000 to $120,000 until Notre Dame realized a net in­ of 1.7 percent from the 1977 figure. the year 2018 for dormitory con­ crease of $203,385 in Unrestricted Much of the University’s operating struction debts. Notre Dame Funds during the last fiscal year, expenses are taken from interest- Apartments, Planner Hall, Grace an increase of 13.45 percent, this year amounting to 5 percent- Hall, and the property on which according to financial statements realized on these funds. they are located, are all mortgaged released by the University last Over $5 million was awarded in under the terms of the bond month. the different forms of financial aid indenture. The increase in unrestricted last year, an increase of 1 percent •$25 million dollars was spent on funds in particularly important from that offered in fiscal year departmental research and spon­ because it represents the unex­ 1977. sored programs, an increase of pended amount of money that is Other highlights revealed by the almost 20 percent from fiscal year available to the University as financial statements: 1977. working capital. • Net income for post-season The financial statements also The financial statements also athletic contests was $768,407, all report a decrease in enrollments- show that the University picked up of which was transferred to the both graduate and undergraduate- close to $2 million in tuition Endowment Fund. That figure is for the last fiscal year. Degrees revenues due to tuition increases. an increase of 663 percent over ’77 awarded in both the bachelor and That figure represents an increase earnings of $115,000. advanced catagories decreased, There's no shot like a snow shot! [Photo by Dave Rumbach] of 7 percent, compared to a • $78 million has thus far been while the number of faculty mem­ national inflation rate of 11 percent pledged to the Campaign for Notre bers increased from 775 to 798. so that even with last year’s tuition Dame. These monies are uncol­ increase, the University realized a lected at present, and do not net loss in tuition revenue of 4 appear in asset figures. percent. • Notre Dame held properties, The University has earmarked $6 buildings and equipment worth Ex~supervisor million in unexpended revenues for close to $100 million. That figure the construction of new buildings takes into account both improve­ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mayor rendered to police at a station eight when the shots rang out. on campus, an amount that consists ments and depreciation. George Moscone and Harvey Milk, blocks from the murder scene. “We heard shots but we were primarily of transferred monies •The insured replacement value the city’s first self-proclaimed ho­ Police and city officials said unaware at the time that the shots received through gifts and grants. of buildings and equipment on White, who resigned from the came from the room,” said Mel The report shows that the Uni­ campus is $248 million. mosexual supervisor, were shot to Board of Supervisors Nov. 10 then Wax, Moscone’s press secretary. versity holds $116 million in Plant, •T h e University will be paying death yesterday in City Hall, and a former city supervisor, who had asked for his seat back, was One of the mayor’s secretaries wanted his job back, was arrested meeting with Moscone in a back walked to a window, thinking the 45 minutes later. room of the mayor’s office, pre­ noise was a car backfiring. CLC reviews overcrowding; Dan White, 32, was booked for sumably begging to be reap­ Moscone’s bloody body was investigation of the murders, which pointed, when the 11 a.m. shooting found lying on the floor when the stunned a city still numbed by the occurred. mayor’s fiscal adviser, Rudy seeks alternative to lottery suicide massacre in Guyana of Moscone had scheduled an 11:30 Nothenberg, walked in for an 11 more than 900 members of the a.m. news conference to announce a.m. appointment. Police sid by Kathleen Connelly no graduate student would be Peoples Temple, based in San White’s successor, Dan Horanzy, Moscone had been shot three Senior Staff Reporter displaced from a residence under Francisco. who was waiting in an outer office times, twice in the head and once in the conversion plan, and that the The former supervisor had sur­ at the ornate, domed City Hall the left arm. The Campus Life Council (CLC) conversion provision of the propo­ Wax said White had appeared at met for three hours last night in sal is only a request for the the mayor’s door about 10:40 a.m., Keenan to discuss possible alterna­ examination of the feasibility of the asking to see Moscone without an tives to a lottery proposed by conversion of such residences, not appointment. He added, “I didn’t Edmund Price, director of Hous­ a suggestion that this plan be want them to see each other. I ing, as a solution to overcrowding. implemented. thought that would be a bad Price noted that the lottery is a Another recommendation of the scene.” virtual certainty, not an actual overcrowding proposal is that the The press secretary said that certainty as implied by a headline date for the collection of housing although it was normal procedure in the Nov. 21 issue of the contracts be advanced to an earlier for a Moscone aide to sit in on Observer. date. This move was in response to every meeting, this time “George “I don’t see an alternative,” general agreement that the neces­ said there was no need for that.” Price stated. ‘‘But it is not sity of a lottery cannot be Police said after the shooting, definite. If that is that case, people conclusively established until after the contracts have been turned in. White left Moscone’s office will be notified officially in a letter through a back door and ran about that there will be a lottery,” he “We want to set up the machin­ ery for a lottery in case we need 100 yards down the hall and into added. it,” Price said. the supervisors’ offices, where he In the final proposal to be The CLC also voted to appeal allegedly shot and killed Milk, 48, presented to Fr. John Van Wolv- Van Wolvlear’s decision on parie- in what had been his own office lear, vice president for Student tals and hall judicial boards be­ before his resignation. Affairs, the CLC stated firmly that cause of what Judicial Commission­ Moscone turned 49 last Friday. a lottery would not be acceptable as er Jayne Rizzo termed an inade- A liberal, he and White had been at a method of alleviating the problem [ continued on page 2] of overcrowding. political odds for some time. The proposal will be reviewed by The mayor had been supported Van Wolvlear and Thomas Mason, by the Rev. Jim Jones, leader of director of Business Affairs. the Peoples Temple and one of (Housing has been placed under those who died in Guyana. He once the jurisdiction of the Business appointed Jones to the city’s Office) housing authority, Police said, The CLC proposal regarding the however, that the murders ap­ overcrowding situation advocates parently were not connected to the the exploration of development of Peoples Temple. off-campus housing, changes in RA Dianne Feinstein, who as presi­ selection (i.e., giving preference to dent of the Board of Supervisors juniors), and official inquiry into will become acting mayor, tearfully the possibility of the conversion of existing on-campus buildings into announced the murders outside undergraduate residence halls. Moscone’s office to a crowd of Fr. Richard Conyers, rector of reporters and city employees, who Keenan Hall, addressed concerns gasped and screamed, “ Oh God!” of graduate students who fear that drowning out her statement. they may be displaced from their “The suspect is Supervisor Dan present residences. He stated that Director of Housing, Edmund Price. [Photo by Dave Rumbach]. White,” she said. the observer____ Tuesday, November 28, 1978 .News Center for pastoral World host conference by John McDermott entists, and representatives of to examining the full range of business, industry, and communi­ emerging bioethical issues in light Group accuses China A Pope John XXIII Conference cations. of Catholic theology. will be held today through Thurs­ Participants from Notre Dame A spinoff of the Catholic Hospi­ LONDON [AP] - Amnesty International accused China yesterday of day at the Center for Continuing include Harvey Bender, professor tal Association, the Center primari­ systematically repressing political dissent through social censure, Education. Hosted by the Center of Biology, Msgr. John Egan, ly conducts or analyzes research on imprisonment, mental torture and execution since the 1949 for Pastoral and Social Ministry, director of The Center for Pastoral medical-moral concerns and com­ Communist takeover. In its first major report on China, the the three-day consultation will and Social Ministry, Stanley municates its findings to the na­ London-based human rights group quoted official Chinese discuss test-tube fertilization, euth­ Hauerwas, associate professor of tion’s bishops and Catholic health documents indicating the number of people punished for straying anasia, the allocation of scarce Theology, and Peggy Roach. ministry. from official policy is in the millions. resources and other major bioethi- The consultation is sponsored by ‘ Recent advances in medicine, cal issues facing the Catholic the Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral in technology, and in science Church today.
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