E426 Volume 2 (revised) Data(3) Submittedto the WorldBank World Bank Loan Project: China Inland Waterway Ill Public Disclosure Authorized Xiangjiang Waterway Construction & Development Zhuzhou Navigation Complex Project Environmental Public Disclosure Authorized ImpactAssessment Public Disclosure Authorized Hunan EnvironmentalProtection ResearchInstitute Changsha,Hunan Public Disclosure Authorized January 2001 F!'~~~~~r Environmental Impact Assesment Organization Unit: HunanEnvironmental Protection Research Institute AssessmentCertificate: China Certificate No.: EECJZ2702 HEPRI Director: PengXiang CooperativeUnits: HengyangEnvironmental Protection Research Institute ZhuzhoijEnvironmental Protecbon Research Instute Project Superintendent: Liu Jiawven Members: Liu Jiawen (CertificateNo.: EEUC-Changsha 05767) Xiong Rkuyi(ADB CertificateNo.: EETC 95280) Hu Yuriquan(Certificate No.: EEUC-Changsha05790) Liao V\enhui (CertificateNo.: EEUC-Charxsha 05714) Xiao Jiingjie (CerlificateNo.: EEUC-Changsha 05897) Zhang Yuqing (ADB CerfficateNo.: EETC 95279) Liu Dingzhong(Cerificabe No.: EEUC-Changsha 05765) Checked by: Yao Bini -1- EnvironmentalImpact Assessment Content 1. General...........................................................................---- 5 1.1 Motivation-...................................... ..---- 5 1.2 Assessment Objective..---------------..------------------ 6 1.3 AssessmentBasis .-------------------------------- X-- .. ..-......-------.-- 6 1.4 AssessmentAreas-........... .............................---.--.-..-..---.--.--.-.-..-.. 7 1.5 AssessmentStandards. .-...---..-.. --------.. -------------..-------------------8 1.6 Objectiveof EnvironmentalProtection. .--.-.-.---.-------.-..---.---.--- 11 1.7 AssessmentAssignments-.-------------------------..--------.*----------------------12 2. Outline of Project -----.....--..---. *--------------..---.---.------------.*-----------------13 2.1 Overview.. ----------------..-..-----------------------------..--..----------- .-- 13 2.2 AuxiliaryWorks. .--.. --.. ---.. -------------..----.------ - ...................... 18 3. Present EnvironmentalSituation .. 20 3.1 Natural Environment...................................................................... 20 3.2 Social Environment..-------..-------..--------------------------.-.----------------- 23 3.3 RegionalWater Pollution Sources.. ----.. -----------.---.--------------.-- 26 3.4 Water Environment.--..---------------..------------------ 30 3.5 Ecological Environment.......................................... 35 3.6 Atmospheric& Acoustic Environment..---------.---------------------- 38 4. Impactson Water Environment---------------.----.. -- 39 4.1 Impactson Water Environmentduring ConstructionPhase .---------- 39 4.2 Impacton Hydrologic Environmentduring OperationPhase ..................- 40 4.3 Impact on Integral Water Quality in Reservoir Area during Operation Phase.................................................................................................- 42 2 Environmental Impact Assessment 4.4 Impact on Water intake duringjOperation Phase ..- 46 5. Analysis of Ecological Impact........................................................--. 49 5.1 Impacton Vegetation..------- -------- . 49 5.2 Impact on Water Organism.-....-..---------..--..--------- 50 5.3 Impact on Public Health.- -......------------------------- 51 5.4 Impacton Soil Erosion.. ----------------------------------.----------------------52 6. Impact on Social, Acoustic & AtniosphericEnvironments .55 6.1 Impacton Social Environmert.. -..--------- ..--.-------.- 55 6.1.1 Land Acquisition and Reseltlement................................................ 55 6.1.2 Impact on RegionalEconornic Development. -.-.----.---.--------- 58 6.1.3 Impact on Regional Ecolcgical Landscape and Cultural Relic and Historic sites-................................................................................... 58 6.2 Impacton Atmosphere.*-- -.--------..-..-..-------------------------------------.- 60 6.3 Impact on Acoustic Environment..- 61 6.4 Impact on Geological Environment..------------------------ 63 7. AlternativesAnalysis. .---..---------..---..--..-..- ..--......---..-..-----.--- .--- .-- 66 7.1 Dam Sites Alternatives.. *------------------------------------------------.- 66 7.2 NormalWater-storage Level 3election.----------------------------------------- 68 7.3 Alternatives of Carryingout thieProject and Not Carrying out the Project--70 8. Environmental Impact Analysis of Xiangjiang River Zhuziou-Xiangtan Waterway Dredging & ExpansionProject. ............................................. .....-.... 73 8.1 Regional Environment-.............. 73 8.2 WaterwayDredging & ExpansionProject. .-------------------------- 74 8.3 Survey and Assessmenton WNaterEnvironment for XiatngjiangRiver Zhuzhou- Xiangtan Section-.-----------------................................. 74 8.4 EnvironmentalImpact Analysis d1'Waterway Dredging & ExpansionProject . 77 3 Environmental Impact Assessment 9. EnvironmentalImpact Analysis ol Hengshan kilo-tonnageDock Project .------80 9.1 General Project Information.--.. ---..-- ..--- 80 9.2 Survey of Regional Environmentat Hengshankilo-tonnage Dock Site. 81 9.3 ImpactsAnalysis of HengshanDock Construction.81 9.4 Public Opinion Survey on Herigshankilo-tonnage Dock Project ----.--.-.. 83 10. Public Consultation.. ---..-..--..- ..---..--......--..-----..--.. 84 10.1 First Public Consultation. .........................................................- 84 10.2 Second Public Consultation-........................................................ 85 11. EnvironmentManagement Plan .------------------- ....-- ..-.-.--- .- 88 11.1 EnvironmentalProtection MeasuIres for Zhuzhou Navigation Complex Project - * 88 11.2 EnvironmentalProtection Measures for Hengsha Kiloton-cliss Dock Project 99 11.3 EnvironmentalProtection Measures for WaterwayDredging Project between Zhuzhou andXiangtan-.................................................................................................. 100 11.4 InstitutionalArrangement for Environmental.. ------------.--.---.------ 102 11.5 EnvironmentalTraining. ---.. ---.... -------------------..------------- 103 11.6 EnvironmentalMonitoring ..................................................... 104 11.7 Investment Estimatesof EnvironmentProtection------------.................. 108 12. Conclusionand Suggestion -.... 110 12.1 Conclusion ----..-.---.... 110 12.2 Suggestion --.....------...---............................ *----110 Attachments: 1. SketchMap of Xiangjiang Watelway Construction &Developrient. 2. GeneralLayout of ZhuzhouNa%rigation Complex Project. 3. Distributionof Main PollutionSc urcesand WaterSampling Locations. 4. SchematicDiagram of InundatedArea for ZhuzhouNavigation Complex Project 5. General Layout for Kloton-cl3ss Waterway Dredging Project and Distribution of MonitoringPoints for WaterQuility and BottomSludge 6. LocationDrawing for HengshanKiloton-class Dock Project 7. MaterialQuarry Locations 4 Environmental Impact Assessment 1. General 1.1 Motivation Xiangjiang River, originating fronm Haiyangshan Mountairn of Linchuan County, GuangxiZhuang AutonomousRegion, is the biggest river within Hunan Province and a first-grade branch of Yangtze River. It runs through Hunan Province from south to north and emptiesinto YangtzeRiver at Chenglingjiof Yueyangcity, with a total length of 969 km and a drainage area of 94,660 km2. Hunan's major industrial cities such as Yueyang, Changsha, Xiangtan, 2:huzhou and Hengyang are all situated on its riverside. 70% of the large & medium-scale enterprises t:hereof are sited along Xiangjiang River, therefore, XiangjiangRiver is regardedas the economic corridor of Hunan Province. In 1985, the Ministry of Communications(MOC), Development Center of the State Council and Hunan ProvincialGovarnment jointly conducted an extensive survey on Xiangjiang River, aiming at upgradingthe 439km waterway between Hengyang and Chenglingji into a Kilo-tonnage ravigation channel. In 1988, MOC submitted a proposal to State Planning Cominittee (SPC), suggesting that Xiangjiang River Waterway Construction be taken as an experimental project for inland waterway development. In 1989, MOC's cfficials instructed, duringj a site inspection on Xiangjiang River, that the auxiliary works should be expedited simultaneouslywhile developingXiangjiang River waterv/ay.In Decemberof the same year, YangtzeRiver System Development-Strategy SEminar (YRSDSS) also suggested in its report submitted to the State Council ori Yangtze River Waterway System Development Proposals, that Xiangjing River waterway development project be taken as a model project for navigation & power joint constructions, water resources extensive exploitationsand navigationmodernization. With Central Government and HLnan Provincial Government's intensive concern, Xiangjiang River Waterway Construction Project is currently progressing smoothly. The Phase I Project of Xingjiang River - Zhuzhou to ChenglingjiGrade Ill Waterway Dredging Project, which approved Dy SPC, was commencedin 1989 and completed in 1994.The follow-up Phase 11Prcject was officially commencedin December 1995. After 5-year construction,the principal part - DayuanduNavigiation & Power Complex Projectwill be completedand put irto operationin 2000. In 1999, Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Governmentset forward a strategic target aiming at acceleratingthe priority regional economy development,known as One Point and One Line, and speeding up the economic integrationprogram of three cities, respectivelyknown
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