Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate

Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate

SFCFL 1: Western Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Totals Results W - Ft Lauderdale AR - W - Cypress Bay Hi KI L - Nova High Scho AB L - Nova High Scho MO Christopher Co CI Christopher 3-2 Neg - AFF BYE - AFF - Neg 9th 130 Columbus High School F6 Michael Sheehan AH2 Audrey Chou J6 Anna Curry AE11 Julie Ehrilich Marcos Cibran 29.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 23.00 130.00 16th L - Nova High Scho AB W - Cypress Bay Hi KI - L - J.P. Taravella ID - L - Western High S RI - Christopher Co DO Christopher 2-3 BYE - AFF Neg Neg AFF 14th 131.25 Columbus High School AE11 Julie Ehrilich F11 Jose Rodriguez F6 Michael Sheehan E14 Sandra Abdoollah Ryan Doll 26.25 24.00 28.00 26.00 27.00 131.25 13th Christopher Co SO Christopher W - J.P. Taravella WE - L - Nova High Scho MO W - Coral Springs CH - L - Nova High Scho BE AFF BYE - Neg AFF - Neg 3-2 8th 130 Columbus High School J6 Anna Curry Z4 Kirsten Knowles AE7 Maureen Weinstein AG5 Diego Gomez Jorge Soto 27.00 26.00 24.00 26.00 27.00 130.00 14th Coral Springs CH Coral Springs High L - Ft Lauderdale TA - W - Nova High Scho BE W - J.P. Taravella ID - L - Christopher Co SO - W - McArthur High RI - AFF - Neg AFF Neg AFF 3-2 7th 133 School X9 Armando Rivera AE11 Julie Ehrilich F1 Feizool Khan AE7 Maureen Weinstein S3 Tori Warenik Laura Saint Charles 27.00 27.00 26.00 25.00 28.00 133.00 11th Coral Springs LA Coral Springs High FORFEIT FORFEIT 0-2 20th School 0 Marcange Lauture 0.00 20th Cypress Bay Hi AN Cypress Bay High W - J.P. Taravella ID - W - Ft Lauderdale TA - W - Nova High Scho L - Nova High Scho AB BYE Neg AFF MO - AFF - Neg 4-1 2nd 140 School E13 Lakanbini David F11 Jose Rodriguez N14 Richard Wooley U1 Randall Martinez Ravin Anderson 28.00 29.00 29.00 26.00 28.00 140.00 2nd W - Western High S RI L - Christopher Co CI - L - Christopher Co DO - W - McArthur High RI - L - J.P. Taravella BR - Cypress Bay Hi KI Cypress Bay High 2-3 - AFF Neg AFF Neg Neg 12th 134 School AA2 Catherine Risi AH2 Audrey Chou F11 Jose Rodriguez AE7 Maureen Weinstein H1 AL Pena Joshua Kim 28.00 25.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 134.00 8th Dr. Michael Kr LL Dr. Michael Krop Sr. L - Ft Lauderdale LU - BYE Neg FORFEIT FORFEIT 1-3 19th 48 High School U2 Daniel Ciocca Omar Llerena 24.00 24.00 48.00 19th L - Christopher Co CI - L - Ransom Evergla DO L - Western High S RI - L - J.P. Taravella ID - Ft Lauderdale AR Ft Lauderdale AFF - Neg Neg BYE AFF 1-4 18th 130 F6 Michael Sheehan Q6 David Lema Z4 Kirsten Knowles X6 Martina Hall Murica Archil 26.00 25.00 26.00 26.00 27.00 130.00 17th L - J.P. Taravella BR - W - Dr. Michael Kr LL - L - McArthur High RI - L - Nova High Scho BE L - Ransom Evergla DO 1-4 Ft Lauderdale LU Ft Lauderdale Neg AFF AFF - Neg - Neg 17th 133 F6 Michael Sheehan U2 Daniel Ciocca X6 Martina Hall U1 Randall Martinez AE12 Rich Ehrlich Morgan Lucas 29.00 27.00 26.00 27.00 24.00 133.00 12th W - Coral Springs CH - L - Nova High Scho MO L - Cypress Bay Hi AN - L - Western High S RI - W - J.P. Taravella WE - 2-3 Ft Lauderdale TA Ft Lauderdale Neg - AFF Neg AFF AFF 10th 139 X9 Armando Rivera Q6 David Lema F11 Jose Rodriguez F6 Michael Sheehan AH2 Audrey Chou Syed Tahir 29.00 28.00 27.00 29.00 26.00 139.00 4th J.P. Taravella BR J.P. Taravella High W - Ft Lauderdale LU - L - Western High S RI - L - Nova High Scho BE L - Ransom Evergla DO W - Cypress Bay Hi KI AFF Neg - AFF - Neg - AFF 2-3 11th 135.5 School F6 Michael Sheehan AH2 Audrey Chou AA2 Catherine Risi N14 Richard Wooley H1 AL Pena Cara Bryan 29.50 25.00 28.00 25.00 28.00 135.50 7th J.P. Taravella ID J.P. Taravella High L - Nova High Scho AB L - Cypress Bay Hi AN - L - Coral Springs CH - W - Christopher Co DO W - Ft Lauderdale AR - - Neg AFF Neg - AFF Neg 2-3 13th 134 School AA2 Catherine Risi E13 Lakanbini David F1 Feizool Khan F6 Michael Sheehan X6 Martina Hall Isra Idris 27.00 26.00 25.00 29.00 27.00 134.00 10th J.P. Taravella VO J.P. Taravella High FORFEIT FORFEIT 0-2 20th School 0 Christopher Vomero 0.00 20th J.P. Taravella WE J.P. Taravella High L - Christopher Co SO - L - McArthur High RI - L - Ft Lauderdale TA - Neg AFF BYE BYE Neg 2-3 16th 130 School J6 Anna Curry U2 Daniel Ciocca AH2 Audrey Chou Laura Weinstein 26.00 28.00 26.00 26.00 24.00 130.00 18th L - Nova High Scho BE W - J.P. Taravella WE - W - Ft Lauderdale LU - L - Cypress Bay Hi KI - L - Coral Springs CH - McArthur High RI McArthur High 2-3 - AFF Neg Neg AFF Neg 15th 132.5 School X9 Armando Rivera U2 Daniel Ciocca X6 Martina Hall AE7 Maureen Weinstein S3 Tori Warenik Johnathan Risi 27.00 27.50 26.00 26.00 26.00 132.50 15th W - J.P. Taravella ID - W - Christopher Co DO W - Ransom Evergla W - Christopher Co CI - W - Cypress Bay Hi AN 5-0 Nova High Scho AB Nova High School AFF - Neg DO - AFF Neg - AFF 1st 142.5 AA2 Catherine Risi AE11 Julie Ehrilich F1 Feizool Khan J6 Anna Curry U1 Randall Martinez Zaraah Abdoollah 30.00 27.00 29.00 28.00 28.50 142.50 1st W - McArthur High RI - L - Coral Springs CH - W - J.P. Taravella BR - W - Ft Lauderdale LU - W - Christopher Co SO Nova High Scho BE Nova High School Neg AFF Neg AFF - AFF 4-1 3rd 138.5 X9 Armando Rivera AE11 Julie Ehrilich AA2 Catherine Risi U1 Randall Martinez AG5 Diego Gomez Chaela De Belen 29.00 25.00 29.00 27.50 28.00 138.50 3rd W - Ransom Evergla W - Ft Lauderdale TA - W - Christopher Co SO L - Cypress Bay Hi AN - W - Christopher Co CI Nova High Scho MO Nova High School DO - AFF Neg - AFF Neg - AFF 4-1 5th 134 N16 Shamara Fuller Q6 David Lema Z4 Kirsten Knowles N14 Richard Wooley AE11 Julie Ehrilich Bayaan Mohamed 27.00 29.00 28.00 25.00 25.00 134.00 9th 3-2 6th 135 Ransom Evergla DO Ransom L - Nova High Scho MO W - Ft Lauderdale AR - L - Nova High Scho AB W - J.P. Taravella BR - W - Ft Lauderdale LU - Everglades - Neg AFF - Neg AFF AFF N16 Shamara Fuller Q6 David Lema F1 Feizool Khan N14 Richard Wooley AE12 Rich Ehrlich Emanuelle Dooreck-Aloni 25.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 26.00 135.00 6th L - Cypress Bay Hi KI - W - J.P. Taravella BR - W - Ft Lauderdale AR - W - Ft Lauderdale TA - W - Christopher Co DO Western High S RI Western High 4-1 Neg AFF AFF Neg - Neg 4th 141 School AA2 Catherine Risi AH2 Audrey Chou Z4 Kirsten Knowles F6 Michael Sheehan E14 Sandra Abdoollah Diego Rivera 27.50 28.00 28.00 29.50 28.00 141.00 5th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software - © 2004-2016 Ben Stewart - All Rights Reserved. SpeechWire version 4.21.006. SFCFL 1: Western Novice Policy Debate Competitor Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Totals Results L - Cypress Bay Hi STSA - W - Ft Lauderdale SCRO - W - North Broward KISI - W - North Broward BRRA - Carrollton Sch BEDE Carrollton School of the 3-1 Neg AFF Neg AFF 2nd 231.1 Sacred Heart A1 Daniel Shatzkin S6 Reilly Markowitz S6 Reilly Markowitz S6 Reilly Markowitz Emma Behary 26.50 (3.00) 29.70 (1.00) 29.80 (2.00) 29.50 (1.00) 115.50 1st Camille Deschappellas 27.00 (4.00) 29.00 (2.00) 29.90 (1.00) 29.70 (2.00) 115.60 2nd W - North Broward KISI - W - North Broward BRRA - W - Ft Lauderdale SCRO - L - Cypress Bay Hi STSA - Carrollton Sch LAMC Carrollton School of the 3-1 AFF Neg Neg AFF 3rd 230 Sacred Heart S6 Reilly Markowitz A1 Daniel Shatzkin V1 Shree Awsare A1 Daniel Shatzkin Amy Labrador 29.50 (2.00) 28.00 (2.00) 28.60 (2.00) 28.50 (4.00) 114.60 6th Chiara McCartney 29.80 (1.00) 28.00 (1.00) 29.00 (1.00) 28.60 (3.00) 115.40 3rd W - Carrollton Sch BEDE - W - North Broward KISI - W - North Broward BRRA - W - Carrollton Sch LAMC - 4-0 Cypress Bay Hi STSA Cypress Bay High School AFF Neg AFF Neg 1st 230.6 A1 Daniel Shatzkin N18 David Berger V2 Aaron Trujillo A1 Daniel Shatzkin Doug Sandler 28.50 (1.00) 30.00 (1.00) 28.50 (2.00) 29.00 (2.00) 116.00 4th Corey Steinman 28.00 (2.00) 28.00 (2.00) 29.50 (1.00) 29.10 (0.00) 114.60 5th W - North Broward BRRA - L - Carrollton Sch BEDE - L - Carrollton Sch LAMC - W - North Broward KISI - 2-2 Ft Lauderdale SCRO Ft Lauderdale AFF Neg AFF Neg 4th 224.8 G1 David Heidt S6 Reilly Markowitz V1 Shree Awsare V2 Aaron Trujillo Mel Schmittendorf 28.50 (1.00) 28.50 (4.00) 27.70 (3.00) 28.00 (2.00) 112.70 7th Gemma Rovshan 27.50 (3.00) 28.50 (3.00) 27.60 (4.00) 28.50 (1.00) 112.10 8th L - Ft Lauderdale SCRO - L - Carrollton Sch LAMC - L - Cypress Bay Hi STSA - L - Carrollton Sch BEDE - North Broward BRRA North Broward Preparatory 0-4 Neg AFF Neg Neg 5th 221 School G1 David Heidt A1 Daniel Shatzkin V2 Aaron Trujillo S6 Reilly Markowitz Jacob Brock 27.00 (4.00) 27.00 (3.00) 27.00 (4.00) 28.50 (4.00) 109.50 11th Ezra Rader 28.00 (2.00) 27.00 (4.00) 27.50 (3.00) 29.00 (3.00) 111.50 9th L - Carrollton Sch LAMC - L - Cypress Bay Hi STSA - L - Carrollton Sch BEDE - L - Ft Lauderdale SCRO - North Broward KISI North Broward Preparatory 0-4 Neg AFF AFF AFF 6th 216 School S6 Reilly Markowitz N18 David Berger S6 Reilly Markowitz V2 Aaron Trujillo Evan Kiffel 29.00 (3.00) 27.00 (3.00) 25.00 (4.00) 27.00 (4.00) 108.00 12th Sebastian Siervo 28.50 (4.00) 27.00 (4.00) 25.00 (3.00) 27.50 (3.00) 108.00 10th This tournament is being run using SpeechWire Tournament Services software -

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