8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize (http://soundandnoize.com) S A E E D Y O U N A N A N N O U N C E S D E C A D E S T O U R A J C O I A ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / A U T H O R / A J - C O I A / ) A U G U S T 7 , 2 0 1 8 NEWS (HTTP://SOUNDANDNOIZE.COM/CATEGORY/NEWS/) 0 COMMENTS (HTTP://SOUNDANDNOIZE.COM/SAEED-YOUNAN-ANNOUNCES-DECADES-TOUR/#RESPOND) 0 Saeed Younan is preparing his latest tour, and we’re pumped. In celebration of his 20th year in the industry, the Decades tour is set to be a huge one. The Washington local has had some major performances under his belt, including gigs at EDC Las Vegas, Electric Forest, and the closing of Space Ibiza! With all that in mind, he’s ready to http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 1/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize celebrate with an international tour (it should come as no surprise that this tour will have him travelling across the world, since he’s been doing it his entire career). So far, the tour has conrmed shows in San Francisco, LA, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico and Chicago. And that’s just the Americas! He’s also got shows conrmed in France and China!! With no doubt more to come. If you aren’t familiar with Saeed Younan, denitely check out our Discover post (http://soundandnoize.com/the- raw-beat-discover-saeed-younan/) where we covered his style and sound. When you hear a set from him, you’re going to get slammin House beats, with loads of Tribal inspired sounds and the occasional funk. Denitely check out his set at Womb, Tokyo, where he really brings the heat! Saeed Younan SAEED YOUNAN LIVE AT WOMB TOKYO, JAPAN 2018 If you’re as stoked as we are for Saeed to come to your town, be sure to check his website! (http://www.saeedyounan.com/tour-dates/) Also, follow Saeed Younan on all his socials to stay up to date on what’s going on. Soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/saeedyounan) Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/OcialSaeedYounan) Twitter (https://twitter.com/saeedyounan) D E C A D E S T O U R ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / T A G / D E C A D E S - T O U R / ) F U N K ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / T A G / F U N K / ) H O U S E ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / T A G / H O U S E / ) S A E E D Y O U N A N ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / T A G / S A E E D - Y O U N A N / ) http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 2/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize T E C H H O U S E ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / T A G / T E C H - H O U S E / ) T R I B A L ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / T A G / T R I B A L / ) SHARE ON Like 2 Tweet P R E V I O U S A R T I C L E ( H T T P : // S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / O N Y V A - R E L E A S E S - N E W - S A M B O - E P / ) O N YVA R E L E A S E S N E W S A M B O E P ( H T T P : //S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .CO M /O N YVA- R E L E A S E S - N E W-S A M B O - E P/ ) N O N E W E R A R T I C L E S A J C O I A ( H T T P : // S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M /A U T H O R /A J - C O I A / ) Techno is really what I've been connecting with lately, but I still have a soft spot for House and Trance. (http://www.soundandnoize.com) RELATED POSTS http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 3/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize (http://soundandnoizemarkus schulz remix/) com/open heart morgan page (http://soundandnoizegreen velvet layton giordani/)com/space date adam beyer OPEN HEART – MORGAN PAGE (MARKUS SCHULZ SPACE DATE – ADAM BEYER, GREEN VELVET, REMIX) (HTTP: //SOUNDANDNOIZE.COM/OPEN- LAYTON GIORDANI HEART-MORGAN-PAGE-MARKUS-SCHULZ-REMIX/) (HTTP: //SOUNDANDNOIZE.COM/SPACE-DATE- A J C O I A ( H T T P : // S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / A U T H O R / A J - ADAM-BEYER-GREEN-VELVET-LAYTON-GIORDANI/) C O I A / ) J U LY 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 A J C O I A ( H T T P : // S O U N D A N D N O I Z E . C O M / A U T H O R / A J C O I A / ) J U LY 3 0 , 2 0 1 8 LEAVE A REPLY Your email address will not be published. C O M M E N T N A M E * http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 4/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize E M A I L * W E B S I T E P O S T C O M M E N T @soundandnoize (https://instagram.com/soundandnoize) http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 5/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize (https://www.instagram.com/p/BmKgEaAnE1A/) (https://www.instagram.com/p/BmC3vfNnEu8/) (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl_SSoFnVtw/) http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 6/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl8_yXBHZSi/) (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl3ESdhHtdZ/) (https://www.instagram.com/p/Blqax6VHo0n/) Load More... Follow on Instagram (https://instagram.com/soundandnoize) http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 7/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize FOLLOW US ONLINE (http://www.facebook.com/soundandnoize) (https://twitter.com/soundandnoize) (http://www.instagram.com/soundandnoize) (http://www.soundcloud.com/soundandnoize) LATEST POSTS S A E E D YO U N A N A N N O U N C E S D E CA D E S T O U R ( H T T P : //S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .CO M /S A E E D -YO U N A N -A N N O U N C E S - D E CA D E S - T O U R / ) A U G U S T 7 , 2 0 1 8 announces decades tour/) (http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan- (http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/) O N YVA R E L E A S E S N E W S A M B O E P ( H T T P : //S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .CO M /O N YVA- R E L E A S E S - N E W-S A M B O - E P/ ) A U G U S T 7 , 2 0 1 8 sambo ep/) (http://soundandnoize.com/onyva-releases-new- (http://soundandnoize.com/onyva-releases-new-sambo-ep/) http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 8/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize S O L A R D O – B E S O M E B O DY ( H T T P : //S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .CO M /S O L A R D O - B E-S O M E B O DY/ ) A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 8 (http://soundandnoize.com/solardo-be-somebody/) (http://soundandnoize.com/solardo-be-somebody/) G R E E N VE LVE T D E B U T S L A L A L A N D I N N YC ( H T T P : //S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .CO M /G R E E N -VE LVE T- D E B U T S - L A- L A- L A N D - I N - N YC / ) A U G U S T 2 , 2 0 1 8 la land in nyc/) (http://soundandnoize.com/green-velvet-debuts-la- (http://soundandnoize.com/green-velvet-debuts-la-la-land-in-nyc/) A D A M B E Y E R X C I R E Z D CO N F I R M S H OWS I N L A & N YC ( H T T P : //S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .CO M /A D A M - B E Y E R -X- C I R E Z - D - CO N F I R M - S H OWS - I N - L A- N YC / ) A U G U S T 2 , 2 0 1 8 conrm shows in la nyc/) (http://soundandnoize.com/adam-beyer-x-cirez-d- (http://soundandnoize.com/adam-beyer-x-cirez-d-conrm-shows-in-la-nyc/) http://soundandnoize.com/saeed-younan-announces-decades-tour/ 9/10 8/8/2018 Saeed Younan Announces Decades Tour – Sound and Noize ( H T T P : / / S O U N D A N D N O I Z E .
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