Devoted Presented Fairly, dearly To the Community Interest And Impartially Each Week Foil Local Coverage Complete News Picture* vol. xun I'nhliihiin ]$drtm'I Ciirl,prrt., New Jerseyt, Thursday, September 16. 19G5 rrri) as ind CUn M»l PRICE TEN CENTS P O. Carter*, N J. Safety is Council Promotes 4 1 "lea h Named VSade Policemen; Votes To \UTKHKT - With the <>|H>n- To Kins »[ the schools Police Chief ,!,.< Makinski nppcnled to (WKTKIiKT - Sclm.il Hoard i, i'•is to use greater caution President Joseph P. Lamli reports Sell $564,000 Bonds ', diiving through the tint -l''e Carlerct II i:h School^ .•I' with its modern addition and! CAUTERET - Two membeit . i Ii.t-I said. "We are nn the vreally improved and broadened of the police department wer« ,,!i| nl another SCIHHII",ear ruiiiniliim will be supervised by elevnted to captains, a third WM : ,. appropriate that Ihe piih- a new administrative team com- Sisters Meet in Borough named lieutenant, and a fourth v' mi be called to Ihe im- pii-itr: Pi'ineitMl IViu^'as K King., advanced to sergeant by Borougjl • nl protectiiu: and run- anil nvently appointed Vice Prin-1 Council last night. ih" youth ol our nation i-inal (Ic:)i !4i- A. Dinich. After Lapse of 61 Years Named as captain in the detefi>. Iraehcrs. public officials, 1 Ihe, community." r e p o rt s tivc division was Andrew G» II adulls, have a respond- l/iu'n. "is well aware of Mr. CARTERET — Mrs. Dnry Turk of 21 Chrome Avenue was viinek, while Andrew Pross wai '.i instruct our children ir Kind's capabilities and exeep-j recently reunited with her sister, Mrs. Julia Uanko of Hungary advanced to the same capacity ^ , fc'v prnc.eis in liatfic, tiim;il \v«rk as ViiT Principal fwj who nbe has not seen Jor 61 years. Mrs Turk makej..her bQIQe in the uniformed division. Fran -•w piavRrouiHl, in llw clim Hie p.isl tun years. We are now with her daughter, Mrs. John Rusnak at the Chrome Avenue Versfgi was riamexi lieutenant m the uniformed division and E*. i I it home." furliin-ilf in addim* Mr Dirndl to address. our hi-i'i srVml ad'iijni.slrative! It was the first trip to the United States for Mrs, Danko, who wnrd Brechka was advanced M in ..\ .1 will he l! nr tir.il sergeant. ' • v in fioniR In -vln:<il and st:'ff ai: I look Inrward to substan- is 76. It was also the first time that she had flown by plane. • in their IMIMCS. They tial c.inlrihiitions as the result of Mrs. Danko has another sisttr, here, Mrs. Julia Larkin. She The resolution introduced ttfj Police Commissioner Nioholai ,i 'i,us niir-i precious re also has three brothers, Steve, Anton and John Turk, all living 1 in this country. Del Vacehio came after an ordf- i I it is our ri ,.<insihilir. nance was passed that allowed its to properly instruei Since the arrival of Mrs. Danko, there have been a series of family reunions. for the creation of additional adV , • i st.i) on the sidewalk, in l.lllKAin MAItKS Mli.l-.WOV-: CHIKHR nhhi.ii at (arlnct lihia.-. in nvunnilii.n of Hi;- lilharv hem- -10 years old and starting vancements and which was a^ Mrs. Rusnak said it was quiuva thrill to meet her aunt when reels only on the proper Mondav tin- lihrarv lias smic mi lull tinif. Dniihlin^ the hours ol uperiitinn from ?l) tit ID hmirs per week. The inw sdirdulc is tacked by several in the audience , ,.ikv to obey the si»nals Tuesdays ,md Thiir-.il;i>s I-!); Ucdmsdavs ami liiihns, UMi; Suliiidiiy. II-.V There will be a special sioiy telling hour this Saturday she arrived aboard a KLM plan at the Kennedy Airport. "We on the grounds that the depart, . ill I iM-luek In relcliniti1 Ihe new M'hi'diile. Left to ryht: Kilwiu ((inn. superintnidanl <if sehools, Mrs. Orniond MeLeod, trustee; all cried from happiness" she said. i e officers, of school crnss ment could become one of "nw*c : i .rds. safety patrols and Mayor Andrew Bnniek, rutting ribbon, Unrfii- V. llmliiwanee, library director. In rear Rieehanl Meyers, trustee and Harold II. Ross, Chiefs than Indians." ' j -. lights." president uf board. Councilman John Hutnick said ' i i e attention of Mr. and Mrs Tax Appeal Hearings he wanted it known for the re-' -t must be alerted that dur- cord that he did not oppose any[ I i carefree summer many CARTERET - The Mlddleja County Board of Taxation has of the appointments but was vat' ' CartereVs Jewish Community Plans Observance in favor of the way it was dontf ••n. in the excitement of re- set the entire day, Tuesday, September .21 as the date to hear a • old friendships, will do He said that after the ordinance , total of 116 tax appeals from Cartflret owners, was passed there should be some1 i High Holy Days; 10-Day Period of Reflection One group will be heard at 10 KM. and others later. The time elapse before the appoint' , final session is set for 2:30 P. M. ments were made. ' \ J rivers, must remain alert The complete list of the taipaycri who filed appeals to be extra cautions of children CARTTiKET — Rosh Hashono,' individuals and nations on, this ris service, will begin as follows:, York, will eFiant the special Seli- Attacking the ordinance from : 1 Ut idllL'l _ \\ HJflil* VjL'l •• V\Z\rf 1 tlC Hint **T\*1U fit fl l/llllHAMt ' tl*n T ft ia«l OimJnai I'Mnin^Ur... t\lf ~. L I* . flft ^_ I.. ^ _ f* _...'_. rt i I ,t heard Tuesday, will be found In this week's issue of the Carteret 1 1 Jl wih Nl w Year just 'Day o( Judyment" the Lord,• Sunday, September 26, at 6:30 the floor were Edward Zanat, i>r riding to our public,! ' * ' ' ' ehos Services on Saturday, Sep- Press. ' * ,h I or private schools." before s.induwn on Sunday, Sep- "Like n shepherd, causes the P. M\ Mondny and Tuesday, Sep- tember 18. at midnight. former Mayor Stephen Skiba and Herman Richert, among others. Umber y<. and ends on Tuesday, souls o( his flock to pass before tember 27 and 28, at 9 A.M. Spe« Selichos are penitential prayers Sentemin-r 2fl The Hebrew cal- Him" and nil men are urged to";cial Children's Service conducted recited on the Sabbath nifjhl be- Del Vacehio defended the ap- WeTyGOP endar records the beginning of examine their deeds of the pasti by Mrs. A. Album on Monday and fore New Years. The Selichos re- Maskaly to Speak pointment of the four men, stat |the llo,\ Day as the first of Tis- year, and to pray for His for-iTuesday at it A.M. The most veal the saintly character of the ing that they had all deserved 'hri K,'i\ fiivenoss. 'dramatic moment o( the Service the promotion on their past wort. past generations, who in profound CARTERET - The Carteret High SchUol Parent Teachers :i-'i!i! Councilman Charles Boncelet siid Marked SuccessIS- to Jewish tradition. This message gives the content, comes at the sounding of the Sho- humility sought the reason of! Association will meet on Wednesday, September 22, at 4 p.m. :the that he did not believe in ad ling il commemorates the of the Holy day a universal yet! far, the ram's horn. In fact, the their misfortune in themselves. at the High School. iil'KKFT - Ompitt the in-jbiitiid..v i.i the world', and initiates ever-modern metil. any more policemen to the force I Hiblical name of the festival was rather than in a devin» injustice. There will be an introduction of the faculty^ Michael Maskaly, weather List Sundiiyirhe ten l)a>< of Awe and Re- Worship Services to be conduct-j "The Day of Sounding the Ranv's btlt that he was in favor of ad- The Selichos program will begin Art Instructor, will speak on High School Ar^aiid the National picnic, jpofls 4v& by thC|p.;ntan e dedicated to prayered at the Carteret Jewish Coin-Horn." This historic rite serves at 10 P. H. A special film about vancements for the men who de- f>^.u.mi,*.» "T*..!. * i . ' i* - - ' - - - — — • • -• • --- - - professional experience." Poster Competition. ItepuoJICJii "P\ib at iJ-jsett-Mutvliiiip; emphasizing, ape- munity Ceiitar by Ralibi Abraiwmlas a religious reveille, stirring Israel will be shown and refresh- served it. Mr, Dinich has been a teacher ftymour Feingold, borough at I'irk wai «r"out- n.Klin?|c|;uf. 6nn\ ability of self-mas tl. Album and bj|-Canhr'thhe conscienci e off thhe congregants ments wtH-.be injht *ords ol ;-1uni-[K\ and -rturn to the paths ofLeon Machlij, wl:,,i«ll ti>: to a greater sense of loyalty to ^ Rabbi |0r.X3 years, the last eight in the torney, told the audience that the J Hashooo Musaf Servy1 . ,.j_ .... .. ,' ." and Hi§ weaRh of truth, will'direct the East Orange High School where he ptaaMtions. wera temporary aadi Ki PTA Sek Session over'awl biftjs Cj' tfnflfcis JM AT. fltiiehos BervJee and wili l speaf taugh*t SSocial l Sdl it was up to the Civil Servir» to. '•••--"! ;hi! Iftfllr arid the destiny of Max Gruhin will chant the Shoch- Cantor Leon Machlis of New befor the Service. Me was also President ,ofvth| make a final derision. ' Teachers Assn. of East Or*ng<j.
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