DIRECTORY. ] LEICESTERSHIRE. GOPSALL. 83 of Cardigan, and held since 1848 by the Rev. John Morpott pasture; rateable value, £587; the population in 1891 William Piercy M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge, J.P. was 73. Leic, who is also vicar of and resides at Slawston. The Sexton, Thomas Warner. Rev. G. F. M. Scott B.A. rector of and residing at Cranoe, Letter Box cleared at 4.30 p.m. Letters received from has been curate in charge since 1889. There ars some Market Harborough, arrive at 9 a.m. Hallaton is the small charities. The Countess of Cardigan, who is lady lIearest money order office &; East Langton nearest tele­ of the manor, Mrs. Price-Dent, of Hallaton Manor, and graph office, about 3 miles distant the rector, are the chief landowners. The soil is principally stiff clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are The children of this place attend Cranoe school wheat, beans and oats. The area is 973 acres, of which Oarrier.--Shadrach Warner, to Market Harborough,tues. ; 120 are arable, Glooston Wood, 18 the remainder to Leicester, sat Neal George, Elue Bell P.R ISmith Thomas, grazier IWarner Shadrach, carrier Rudkin Robert Henry, farmer GOADBY (or Godeby) is a village, township and Billesdon and the chapelry of Rolleston, in the gift of Lord chapelry, in the civil parish of Billesdon, stand- Churchill and held since 1893 by the Rev. Chas. Rowland ing on rlSln,g ground, and is 3 miles north-west Fowke M.A. of Jesus College, Oambridge, who resides at from Hallaton station on the Peterborough and Leicester Billesdon. Maj.-Gen. Thomas Maynard Hazlerigg, of Old branch of the Great Northern and London and Charlton, London SE, who is lord of the manor and the North Western joint railway, 8 miles north from Hon. Sir Raymond Robert Tyrwhitt-Wilson bart. of Stan­ Market Harborough and 12 south-east from Leices- ley Hall, Bridgnorth, are the principal landowners. The ter, in the Easter~ division of the county, hundred of soil is chiefly red clay; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief Gartree, Billesdon union, East Norton petty sessional crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 961 division, Uppingham county court district, rural deanery acres; rateable value,£1,139; the population in 1891 was 93. of Gartree (third portion), archdeaconry of Leicester and Pa.rish Clerk, Matthias Walker. diocese of Peterborough. The church of St. John, Letter Box cleared at 5.5 p.m. Letters received from restored about 1854, is a cruciform build:ng of stone in Leicester, via Tugby, arrive at 8 a.m. The nearest the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, money order office is at Tugby & nearest telegraph. aisles and a western turret containing one bell: the chan- office is at East Norton, about Il ~iles distant eel retains a piscina and the east window is stained: there . The children of this place attend the school at Tugby are 130 sittings. The register dates from the-year 1700. Carriers to Leicester.-William Barwell, wed. &, sat. &. The living is a chapelry, consolidated with the vicarage of Lewin Popple, sat Bell Mrs. The Pines Belton Samuel, grazier Kendall William Henry J.P., C.C. for- Davis WilIiam Henry Rennett John, grazier East Norton division & chairman 01. Kendall William Henry' J.P., C.C 'Bennett Rebecca (Mrs.), grazier. the Billesdon rural district council, " Manor house grazier & estate steward to the Hon. COMMERCIAL. Brown Charles Cornelius, grazier, The Sir Raymond Tyrwhitt-Wilson bart Barwell William,. carrier Laurels Popple Lewin, grazier &; carrier GOADBY MAjtWOOD is a parish on the Wold Hills, glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. 3 miles north-east from Scalford statipn on Jhe Great Stevenson Gilbert Bellairs, and held since 18~2 by­ Northern and London and North Western joint railway, 6 the Rev. Samuel George Rees M.A. of Jesus norvh-by-ea.st from Melton Mowbray and 120 from London College, Oxford. George Villiers, 1st Duke of Bucking •. by rail, in the Easte·rn divisioh of the county, Framland ham, •. who was assassinated by Felton at Ports­ hundred, Melton Mowbray petty sessional division, union mouth, 23 Aug. 1628; resided here. The poor's land,. and county court distric.t, rural deanery of Framland the bequesf of a former resident at the Hall, (second portion), archdeaoonry of Leicester and diocese. consists of lIa. 3r. the rent of which, £24, is distribut~d of Peterborough. The chtlrch of St. Denys is a build~ng in coals yearly 0 the poor and for educa.tlion. :Kumerous.. of stone 'in' the Ea:r;:ly English, Decorated and PeI"peildicular Roman coin's; urns.and human bones have been discoT'ered styles, and consists of chancel, cleresooried, nave of four at differenttixpes; and in 1813 a skull of large size ",as. bays, aisles, south porch, and an embattled' tower at the found at a depth {)f seven feet below the ground. Goadby west end with crocketed pinnacles at the angles and con- Hall, near the church, a handsome mansion with a small taining 3 bells, dated respectively 1625, 1710 and 1775: park, is the residence of Algernon Turnor esq. C.B., J.P. the tracery of the windows is considel'ed exceptionally and Lady Henrietta Turnor. The Duke of Rutland K.G. good: the founder's tomb remains. in the south aisle and is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is, pa.rt of the rood suairs also exists: Francis Peck M.A. the red marl; subsoil, clay and ironstone. The land is mostly historian and author of "Desiderata Curiosa," who was in pasture; corn and root crops are grown. The area is. some time rector here, died 13 Aug. 1743, and is buried 1,642 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable value, £2,639; in the south aisle: in the north aisle is a marble tomb to the population in 1891 was 155. Edward Manners esq. and a tablet to the Rev. Edward Manners, rector from r825, and his wife; the Rev. Post Office.-Joel Brutnell, sub-postmaster. Letters Edmund Cartwright D.D. inventor of the power loom, through Melton Mowbray arrive at 7 a.m.; departure,. was also rector here 1820-23: the church was restored 5·55 p.m. week days only. Postal orders are issued and resewted in 1884, at a cost of £1,000, and has 170 here, but not paid. The nearest money order &; tele-- si.ttings. The register dates from the year 1656 and graph office is at Waltham, 2 miles distant contains several entries relating to the Villiers family, Parochial School, erected by the late rector in 1861 at a. who formerly owned the manor. The living is a rectory. cost of about [350, to hold 50 children; average attend- net yearly .value £3°0, with residence and 34 acres of ance, 31; Miss Annio Wag staff, mistress nees Rev. Samuel Geo. M.A. Rectory Brewin Edmund, stone mason Lock George, cowkeeper Turnor Algernon, C.B., J.P., & Lady Brown Charles, horse breaker Morris Henry, farmer Henrietta, Goadby hall Brutnell Joel, cru-penter, Post office Rowbotham Joseph, farmer COMMERCIAL. Carter William, farmer Rowbotham Thomas, farmer Ash Richard, grazier Forster John, shopkeeper Watson Robert, farmer Barker John Gardener, farmer Kirk William Thomas, farmer Wright Mary (Mrs.), farmer GOPSALL, formerly extra-parochial, is now a. parish, eminence nearly in the centre of a fine park of about 600 Ilnd for ecclesiastical purposes is annexed to Norton-juxta- acres, well stocked with deer, and contains many family Twycross, 2 miles west from Shackerstone station on the portraits and other pictures by old masters; attached to Midland and London and North Western railways and 6 the house is a beautiful chapel, with communion tabll", north-west from Market Bosworth, in the Western division seats and wainscoting of carved cedar; here, it is said, of the county, hundred of Sparkenhoe, Market BOl!worth Handel composed his" Messiah." The area is 729 acres j nnion, petty sessional division and county court district. rateable value, £998; the population in 1891 was 25· Gopsall Park is the seat of Gen. the Right Hon. the Earl Letters through Atherstone, arrive at 8 a.m. The nearest Hows G.C.V.O., C.B. lord lieut. of the county; the man- post, money order &; telegraph office is at Twycross, sion is a large and handsome building, situated on a gentle about 1 mile distant Howe Gen. the Earl G.C.V.O., C.B. (lord lieut. of ILeicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry (Prince .Albert's Own) Leicestershire). Gopsall park; &J Curzon house, May- (detachment of D. Squadron, Capt. Yiscount Cun-on fair, London W M.P. in command) LEICS. RUT. ,I. & 6* .
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