REPORTS TO THE 80th GENERAL CONVENTION STANDING COMMISSION ON LITURGY AND MUSIC Membership The Rev. Paul Fromberg, Chair California, VIII 2021 Mrs. Ellen Johnston, Vice-Chair Virginia, III 2021 The Rev. Stannard Baker, Secretary Vermont, I 2024 Mr. Thomas Alexander Arkansas, VII 2021 The Rev. Susan Anslow Williams Michigan, V 2021 Dr. Michael Boney Colorado, VI 2024 Ms. Martha Burford Southwestern Virginia, III 2021 Canon Mark Childers Rio Grande, VII 2024 Mr. Joshua Floberg North Dakota, VI 2024 The Rev. Canon Robert Hino Hawaii, VIII 2024 The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee Chicago, V 2021 Mr. Ellis Montes Texas, VII 2024 Ms. Jessica Nelson Mississippi, IV 2021 Mr. John Robert Western Louisiana, VII 2021 Br. Angel Roque, BSG Southeast Florida, IV 2024 The Very Rev. Dr. James Turrell Bethlehem, III 2021 The Rt. Rev. Andrew Waldo Upper South Carolina, IV 2024 The Rt. Rev. Pierre Whalon Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, II 2024 The Rt. Rev. Terry White Kentucky, IV 2021 The Rt. Rev. Carl Wright Washington, III 2024 The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Ex Officio North Carolina, IV The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, Ex Officio Ohio, V Changes in Membership Ms. Athena Hahn (Member) 2019 Ms. Mary Grace DuPree (Member) 2019 The Rev. J. Sierra Reyes (Member) 2019 The Rev. Canon Frank Logue (Liaison of Executive Council) 2019 Acknowledgements The Rev. Clayton Crawley (Church Publishing Liaison) Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music REPORTS TO THE 80th GENERAL CONVENTION Mandate Canon I.1.2.n.2 2. A Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. The Custodian of the Book of Common Prayer shall be a member ex officio with voice, but without vote. It shall be the duty of the Commission to: i. Discharge such duties as shall be assigned to it by the General Convention as to policies and strategies concerning the common worship of this Church. ii. Collect, collate, and catalogue material bearing upon possible future revisions of the Book of Common Prayer. iii. Cause to be prepared and to present to the General Convention recommendations concerning the Lectionary, Psalter, and offices for special occasions as authorized or directed by the General Convention or House of Bishops. iv. Recommend to the General Convention authorized translations of the Holy Scripture from which the Lessons prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer are to be read. v. Receive and evaluate requests for consideration of individuals or groups to be included in the Calendar of the Church year and make recommendations thereon to the General Convention for acceptance or rejection. vi. Collect, collate, and catalogue material bearing upon possible future revisions of The Hymnal 1982 and other musical publications regularly in use in this Church, and encourage the composition of new musical materials. vii. Cause to be prepared and present to the General Convention recommendations concerning the musical settings of liturgical texts and rubrics, and norms as to liturgical music and the manner of its rendition. viii. At the direction of the General Convention, to serve the Church in matters pertaining to policies and strategies concerning Church music. ix. Collaborate with the Secretary of General Convention to make final edits to the text of resolutions adopted by General Convention that establish new or revised liturgical materials, and to arrange for their publication. For the sole purpose of this collaboration, members of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music are exempt from the terms of office set forth in I.1.2.b and shall remain in office until their successors are appointed and take office. Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music REPORTS TO THE 80th GENERAL CONVENTION Summary of Work The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music's work in the 2018 - 2021 triennium was primarily responding to resolutions from the 79th General Convention. However, many of those resolutions returned us to work from the previous triennium, including revisions for The Book of Occasional Services and Lesser Feasts and Fasts. Significantly, the SCLM was not asked to directly take up the work which had occupied our attention in the last triennium, the question of comprehensive Prayer Book revision. As is reported in another place in this volume, General Convention assigned that work to the Task Force of Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision, which admirably discharged it. The SCLM is grateful for the excellent work of the Task Force. A significant portion of our work took place under the exceptional circumstances of 2019 – 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the United States' most recent awakening to the issues of racism and white supremacy, which continue to vex Episcopalians. All of these forces influenced both the content of our work and the processes by which we accomplished it. At the beginning of the triennium, we decided that the best course forward was to divide the twenty-eight resolutions we received from General Convention into seven sub-committees. The summary of our work consists of reports from the seven sub-committees of the SCLM: • Subcommittee on The Book of Occasional Services • Subcommittee on the Calendar of the Church • Subcommittee on Policy and Evaluation • Subcommittee on Formation • Subcommittee on The Book of Common Prayer • Subcommittee for Liturgical Translation • Subcommittee on Constitution and Canons In each of these subcommittees, members of the SCLM and others we invited into the work as consultants addressed the resolutions thoughtfully and with an eye on the church's life together post-pandemic. The values that guided our work centered on our service to God's mission in the world and how we could empower members of the church to take up this mission through liturgical texts, guidelines, formation, and worship. We have been keenly aware that the most significant influence in the church's liturgy should come up from worshipping communities to the General Convention, and not the other way around. This awareness means that we look to enculturated expressions of worship to guide us in developing liturgical resources. Instead of assuming that we know what the church needs to revitalize its life in worship, we have asked the church to tell us what they are doing already and share it with the broader community. We wish to express our gratitude to the General Convention Office staff – for their incredible patience and generous assistance throughout the triennium. We are grateful, too, to the Presiding Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music REPORTS TO THE 80th GENERAL CONVENTION Officers for offering each of us the opportunity to serve our beloved church, and we look forward to the deliberations of the 80th General Convention. Speaking as the Chair of the SCLM, I wish to thank each member and consultant for their dedication, wisdom, insight, and creative energy in accomplishing the work the church has given us to do. Respectfully Submitted, The Rev. Paul D. Fromberg, D.Min Chair, The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music Budget The SCLM requests the sum of $200,000 to complete the translation of liturgical texts as mandated by General Convention. Supplementary Material The supplementary materials provided by each subcommittee were appended to their own report. Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music REPORTS TO THE 80th GENERAL CONVENTION Proposed resolutions A005 Translations of Enriching Our Worship and the Book of Occasional Services into Spanish, French, and Haitian Kreyol Resolved, the House of ____ concurring, That this 80th General Convention directs the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to facilitate the professional translation of Enriching Our Worship, Volumes 1 – 6 and The Book of Occasional Services 2018, and Lesser Feasts and Fasts into Spanish, French, and Haitian Kreyol; and be it further Resolved, that in this work the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music's Task Force for Liturgical Translations, employ the same process and criteria used for the new translation of the Book of Common Prayer into these languages; and be it further Resolved, that the sum of $200,000 be appropriated to the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music for the completion of these translations. EXPLANATION The work of liturgical translation needs to continue as the SCLM responds to the call of the 79th General Convention in Resolution 2018-C024: "Resolved, That the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music be directed to consider and propose to the 80th General Convention a process for translating Enriching Our Worship, Book of Occasional Services, and other authorized liturgical resources into the primary languages currently in use in this church." The amount requested is commensurate with the amount of work required for professionally translating these texts into the official languages of the Episcopal Church. A006 Authorize the Book of Occasional Services, 2021 Resolved, the House of ____ concurring, That the 80th General Convention authorize for optional use throughout this Church A Scriptural Way of the Cross; On Maundy Thursday; When Persons Leave a Congregation; Presentación de un(a) Niño o Niña (Presentation of a Child); Quinceañera (The Celebration of Fifteen Years); The Founding of a Church: Ground Breaking; The Founding of a Church: Laying of a Cornerstone; Commissioning a Church Planter, Missioner, or Mission Team; A Liturgy for the Opening of a New Congregation; Setting Apart Secular Space for Sacred Use; A Litany of God’s Mission for the Church; Consecration of Chrism Apart from Baptism; Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows, Reception as a Priest or Deacon, and Restoration to the Ordained Ministry; and be it further Resolved, that the 80th General Convention authorize the publication of the revision of that certain document entitled The Book of Occasional Services, prepared by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music and published by The Church Hymnal Corporation in 1979, and last revised in 2018. Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music REPORTS TO THE 80th GENERAL CONVENTION EXPLANATION The Book of Occasional Services, 2018 was presented by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to the 79th General Convention as Resolution 2018-A218.
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