Serving South Brunsw ick since 1958 GO Cents Vol. 40, No. 49 Thursday, December 5,1996 A Packet Cominittee reduces housing densities Publication By Ken Weingartner ^ its density designation would have Staff Writer Cuts 206 units but 368 still under debate been reduced to eliminate the poten­ tial for 197 units. In Little Rocky A move to reduce residential den­ rine Road from office corporate land already approved for the Heath­ Hill, a residential zone would have sities in the township took a small Rezoning headquarters to office research. er Knolls West development, he been changed from half-acre lots to INSIDE s t e p forward Tuesday night. of warehouse site Township Planner Bob Hall told added. That portion was changed 1-acre lots, thereby cutting densities The Township Committee ap­ being considered the committee that the office corpo­ from office corporate headquarters to in half. That change would have proved one change to the zoning map rate headquarters designation alio\vs residential. eliminated the potential for 165 units. Time Off that will eliminate the potenhal for Page 7A ___________ . \ ' Ordinance No. 71-96 contained . Finally, frontage owned by Heri­ 206 units to be biiilt in South Bruns­ for residential development. By 1997 because there is just one more changing it to office research, it elim­ eight amendments to the zoningmap, tage Center along Ridge Road in the wick. However, an ordinance that vicinity of the new high school could have further reduced densities public meeting, on Dec. 17, sched­ inated the potential for residential three of which could have eliminated would have been changed from a res­ by 368 units was tabled indefinitely. uled for this year. units being constructed, he added. the potential for a total of 368 resi­ By tabling the ordinance (No. Unanimously approved was ordi­ The bulk of the property is owned dential units. idential zone to office research, elim- 71-96), the committee will not be nance No. 68-96, which changes; a by Wyeth Ayerst, Mr. Hall said. The An area, along Blackhorse Lane block between Ridge Road and Per- ordinance also affects; contiguous would have remained residential, but See ZONING, Page 7A able to take action on the matter until Charter - V v n \ . S ch o o l i--*; Parents talk of need Eat, and Be Merry: the Hol­ Gommission iday Dining issue features for reform everything from kitchen- By Ken Weingartner to wrestle gadget stocking stuffers to Staff Writer ethnic suggestions for holi­ When Sam Stewart was a child, with variety day dining. See Time Off. he walked more than two miles to el­ ementary school. That walk, he said, By Ken Weingartner took hint through corn fields and cow Staff Writer HOME pastures. The five members who make up “That’s not what school children the township’s Charter Study Com­ DESIGM . , are facing today,” added Dr. Stewart, mission face a number of challenges South Brunswick Township’s super­ during the next few months. Perhaps The old intendent of schools. , the most difficult will be keeping the Dr. Stewart was among numerous public interested. and the new area school officials and parents who “It’s very difficult to sustairt pub-; addressed the state’s Assembly Ta.sk lie interest over a nine-month period The Central Post offers tips Force on Courtesy Busing during a on finding a home, making on a subject like this,” said Ernest C. public hearing Monday in the main Reock Jr., a Kendall Park resident, your old house look new meeting room of the ; Municipal who is professor emeritus for Rutgers and your new house look Building in South Brunswick, Center for Government Services: lived in. See Home Design The task force — under the direc­ “It does have an impact on how tion of Republican Assemblywoman magazine. local-government operates, but a lot Barbara Wright, whose district in­ of people don’t find it to be a very cludes South Brunswick will hold exciting subject. This is one of the BOSIHESS several hearings this month to solicit things the charter commission will input about how school districts aie have to tpi tb, work lat, tfyjng .to. keep , dealing with the issue of non-mandat- the public aware of what they are Computer ed busing. doing and sustain some interest in it.” banking Under current law, the state does The Charter Study Commission not provide funding to transjport ele­ was empowered by voters to review Automated teller machines mentary students who live within two the Township . Committee form of are proliferating — and are miles of their school, and high school government in South Brunswick and now dispensing more than students who live within 2.5 miles. determine if a change might be nec-. cash. Page 11 A. Ms. Wright said the policy is more essary. If the panel favors a change, than 30 years old. its recommendations would be placed Some school officials and parents before township voters next fall. IN THE- said it’s more than outdated. A meeting of the commission will “The code, doesn’t address the be held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 SCHOOLS fact that some students within these p.m. in the main room of the Munici­ zones may be put at risk if they were pal Building. Subsequent meetings Helping hands made to walk,” said Kathy Leonard, are scheduled for Dec. 12 and Dec. a member of the Monroe Township 19 in the committee conference Second-graders at St. Au­ Board of Education who was speak­ room. All meetings are open to the ing as a parent, not as an official. ; public. gustine of Canterbury Dr. Reock, who was a member of School sang songs and visit­ “We need to ensure that kids don’t become road kill oh their way; the township’s last elected Charter Study Commission in 1963, said the ed with seniors at a nursing to school.” horne. Page 13A. Danielle . Miller of Monroe added newly , elected prniel has a number of alternative forms of government to that her two children would be forced staff photo by John Keating review. SPORTS to walk along Route 522 to get to He said there are approximately a their schools, Barclay Brook and Breaking bread dozen forms of government being Brookside, if the so-called “courtesy As a way of celebrating Thanksgiving — and the various cultures in the South Brunswick school used in New Jersey, but only a-hand­ busing” was eliminated. community ^—the Dayton School hosted its annual International Bread Feast. Dozens of variet­ ful would be suitable for South Citing statistics provided by the Brunswick. The types that might best Monroe Township Police Depart- ies of bread were available for children and parents to sample. Above, Alexandra Dobromilsky, 3Va, feasts on a piece of bread. Her brother Nicholas is in the fourth grade at the school. See CHARTER, Page 10A See BUSING, Page 7A Spreading the word about a ‘miraculoys gift’ Heart transplant rjecipient The fallen South to speak at B’nai Tikvah The Vikings sea.son ends with a tough loss to rival North Brunswick in the an­ of life’s second chances nual Thanksgiving game. By Ken Weingartner Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Page Ib'Av Staff Writer North Brunswick. Mickey Mantle, Larry Hag- “I ask the audience to joinsme man, David Crosby and Steve on my odyssey,” said Mr. Franz­ Franzman have something in com­ man, who lives in Princeton Walk. mon: all have benefited from organ “An odyssey is defined in the dic­ donations. tionary as a long, wandering jour­ INDEX Never heard of Mr. Franzman? ney. I focus on that a.spect. Cer­ That’s the point. The South Bruns­ tainly, we as Jews know a lot about wick resident says he is living odysseys.” . proof that one does not have to be Mr. Franzman, 61, suffered his rich or famous to become an organ heart attack June 2, 1994, while Classified 1B recipient. working in the office of his ac­ Community “That’s a misconception,” Mr. counting firm in New York City. Franzman said. “People hear about “1 didn’t realize what - was Capsules 14A Mickey Mantle or Larry Hagman going on,” Mr. Franzman said. “I’d or David Crosby, but I’ ve met hun­ never had anything like this hap­ Editorial 8A dreds of people in New Jersey who pen before. There was no prior Official are not wealthy or celebrities and medical history to lead anyone to have received organs. The system believe what was coming down the Meetings 2A of organ donation is set up to give pike.” ■ ordinary people like me the mirac­ Tests revealed Mr. Franzman Movie Times 4A ulous gift of a second chance at suffered a heart attack. There was Obituaries 2A life.” extensive damage to the heart mus­ It was nearly two years ago cle, Mr. Franzman said, but initial­ Police Blotter 5A that Mr. Franzman received a heart ly his condition wasn’t considered transplant following a severe heart severe enough to warrant a trans­ Religious attack. This Sunday at 10 a.m., he plant. News 15A will share his experiences as a “I probably needed one, but I staff photo by John Keating heart transplant recipient as well as wasn’t a good candidate because I Sports 16A the Jewish perspective on organ Steve Franzman with his family; at rear, daughter Arlene with husband Marc, Liz Stallard with donation with the Men’s Club of See GIFT, Page 10A Ryan, sons Craig and Brian; front, grandson Aaron, wife Sharon and grandson Jacob. 2A The Central Post Thursday, December 5,1996 Eight-day Festival of Lights begins; SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT Unless otherwise specified, all Affordable Housing Agency, meetings are at the Municipal 8 p.m.
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