William F. Reynolds (1993) Hyperbolic Geometry on a Hyperboloid, The American Mathematical Monthly, 100:5, 442-455, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.1993.11990430. (c) 1993 The American Mathematical Monthly 1985 Mathematics Subject Classification 51 M 10 HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY ON A HYPERBOLOID William F. Reynolds Department of Mathematics, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155 E-mail: [email protected] 1. Introduction. Hardly anyone would maintain that it is better to begin to learn geography from flat maps than from a globe. But almost all introductions to hyperbolic non-Euclidean geometry, except [6], present plane models, such as the projective and conformal disk models, without even mentioning that there exists a model that has the same relation to plane models that a globe has to flat maps. This model, which is on one sheet of a hyperboloid of two sheets in Minkowski 3-space and which I shall call H2, is over a hundred years old; Killing and Poincar´eboth described it in the 1880's (see Section 14). It is used by differential geometers [29, p. 4] and physicists (see [21, pp. 724-725] and [23, p. 113]). Nevertheless it is not nearly so well known as it should be, probably because, like a globe, it requires three dimensions. The main advantages of this model are its naturalness and its symmetry. Being embeddable (distance function and all) in flat space-time, it is close to our picture of physical reality, and all its points are treated alike in this embedding. Once the strangeness of the Minkowski metric is accepted, it has the familiar geometry of a sphere in Euclidean 3-space E3 as a guide to definitions and arguments. For example, the lines of H2 are its non-empty intersections with the planes through the origin of the Minkowski space M 3. The length of a line segment of H2 is defined by analogy with arc length in 1 calculus; this leads naturally to the hyperbolic functions. As in the spherical case, every isometry of H2 can be extended to a linear transformation of M 3, so that straightforward calculations with matrices can be used to prove theorems and develop the trigonometry of H2. The circles, horocycles, and equidistant curves have a beautiful interpretation: they are precisely the nontrivial intersections of H2 with planes of M 3 that do not pass through the origin. An area function for H2 can be constructed from the volume function on M 3. The aim of this article is to show that H2 can be used to give an intro- duction to hyperbolic geometry to undergraduates who know a little about linear transformations and groups, a bit of special relativity being helpful for motivation. The mixing of rigor and intuition is similar to what is common in calculus courses. The treatment is not axiomatic, since there is no in- trinsic reason to stress axiomatics in hyperbolic geometry any more than in, say, spherical trigonometry. For historical and philosophical reasons, how- ever, many treatments are based on axioms; therefore I shall refer to Moise's axioms [22] at the points where they can be verified from my approach. (I have chosen these axioms since, incorporating real-valued functions for dis- tance and measure of angles, they are closer to my analytic approach than Hilbert's [6], [8]; the latter, being weaker, would be easier to verify.) I will treat them not as axioms, but just as properties of H2. I have included something about the hyperbolic analogues of map projections and about the history of the model. A special feature of my approach, which distinguishes it from Faber's [6, Chapter VII], is its extensive use of orthogonal transformations of M 3, the analogues of the rigid motions of E3 that fix the origin, to move subsets of H2 to convenient positions. 2 I want to thank Alan H. Durfee and Mark E. Kidwell for encouraging me to write up this article. It originated in an undergraduate course at Tufts, and I did some of the work while visiting at Harvard. 2. Minkowski 3-space. By Minkowski 3-space M 3 I mean a 3- dimensional real vector space together with a real-valued function q on it such that X2 − 2 2 2 q( xi Ui) = x0 + x1 + x2 (2:1) i=0 for some basis U = (U0;U1;U2) of the space. More briefly, X X 2 q( xi Ui) = ei xi (2:2) where e0 = −1; e1 = e2 = 1; then q(Ui) = ei. We can define Minkowski n-space M n similarly for any n ≥ 2 (with one minus sign). To relate the 2 3 cases n = 2 and 3, take M to be the subspace of M with basis (U0;U1) together with the restriction of q. If we replace (2.2) by X X 2 qE( xi Ui) = xi ; (2:3) 3 we get ordinary Euclidean 3-space E , with qE giving the square of length. I shall constantly use analogies from E3 to study M 3; watch for such analogies when they are not mentioned. P P 3 For X = xi Ui and Y = yi Ui in M , define 1 p(X; Y ) = [q(X + Y ) − q(X) − q(Y )]: (2:4) 2 (This is the bilinear form or pairing corresponding to the quadratic form q.) Then q(X) = p(X; X) (2:5) 3 and X p(X; Y ) = ei xi yi = −x0 y0 + x1 y1 + x2 y2; (2:6) in particular p(Ui;Uj) equals ei if i = j and 0 otherwise. Observe that p is 3 analogous to the ordinary dot product on E given by pE(X; Y ) = X · Y = P xi yi and U to an orthonormal basis. 3. The hyperboloidal model. In M 3, let H2 be the set of all vectors P X = xi Ui for which q(X) = −1; (3:1) x0 > 0: (3:2) These two conditions can be expressed by the equation q 2 2 x0 = 1 + x1 + x2: (3:3) (3.1) describes a hyperboloid of two sheets and (3.2) picks out one sheet. We can define Hn ⊂ M n+1 similarly for arbitrary n ; for n = 1; take H1 = H2 \ M 2 with M 2 as in the previous section. Fig. 1 may help in thinking about H2. In flat space-time, identified with M 4, H2 appears to each observer as a circle whose radius is increasing at slightly greater (!) than the speed of light. We now begin to construct a model of hyperbolic geometry whose points, or H-points, are the elements of H2. We think of them as either points or vectors when considered in M 3, and as points when considered in H2. The lines or H-lines of the model are defined to be all the nonempty intersections of H2 with 2-dimensional subspaces of M 3; for example, H1 is an H-line. (The prefix \H-" will always be optional.) Incidence of H-points and H-lines and betweenness for points of an H- line are defined in the natural way. Each pair of distinct H-points A and B 4 ! lies on a unique H-line AB; namely the intersection of H2 with the plane OAB of M 3, O being the origin of M 3. The definitions of the H-segment −−! AB and the H-ray AB are straightforward. We can now check the plane incidence axioms of [22, pp. 37-38]. It should be clear that the complement in H2 of each H-line consists of two H-half planes, called its sides. This statement can be made precise as the plane-separation axiom or Pasch's axiom [22, p. 62]. Two distinct H-lines have one or zero H-points in common according as the line of intersection of the planes of M 3 in which they lie intersects H2 or not; this gives the hyperbolic parallel axiom [22, p. 114]. The Archimedean axiom and the axiom of completeness (or continuity) [22, pp. 256 and 265] are also clear. 3 In the analogous situation in E , the equation qE(X) = 1 (cf. (2.3)) defines a sphere S2; this leads to a model of spherical (or double elliptic) geometry whose lines or S-lines are the great circles of S2. 4. Distance. For distinct H-points A and B we want to define the H- distance d(A; B), also called the H-length of AB. The natural way to adapt the usual definition of arc length is to partition AB, as a curve in M 3, by suitable points P0 = A; P1; ··· ;Pm = B and to define Xm q d(A; B) = lim q(Pj − Pj−1); (4:1) m!1 j=1 but first we must check that q(Pj − Pj−1), analogous to a squared length, is positive. The equation q(X) = 0 describes a cone in M 3 and the vectors with q(X) > 0 are the points outside this cone (cf. the spacelike vectors of special relativity). By the mean value theorem there is a point of Pj−1Pj at which 3 the tangent vectors in M to this H-segment are parallel to Pj − Pj−1, so it 5 suffices to show that all vectors V =6 O tangent to H2 have q(V ) > 0. We can show this by turning to advantage a limitation of our intuition. (For a different approach, see Section 7.) Since we are used to Euclidean space, any attempt to visualize M 3 pictorially as in Fig. 1 identifies it with E3, i.e. imposes a Euclidean quadratic form on it.
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