f.m r, . TUBSDAT, APRIL 28,1942 Evnittm XnaQk \ - ..... Avdraf* DflUy Circvlatlea ’ 'IkeWdflilMr ffkr flto M o^ Mainh, 1M3 T EMCTgwicy Doeton *1 m tT o ira aa, U n . Ray Warren, leader; Mr*. Raid Classed Doubl^hoWer ' Buff Firedira J. Seymour Brown and Mr*. Wad I Dr. Robert Koonsy and pr. 7 ^ 1 1 Tbnll,^co-leader^ will' preaent ! A . B. Moran are the physlclana Party Is Held Wank Weaton Barber, M. A . of I of the Mancheeter M ^eal as- Member nfulur ttMtlor of Ander* Springfield, In an illuetrated lec­ Held Tonight Being Train ' aoclation who win respoad to V r.E.Wmis&Son, AJBtOiMTf S04d w ill bd ture thla evening at'eight o’clock < emergency calls tom or row Miss Loyola GalUgan, o f 14 Del- i ttid iM «t • 6’doek. All baem- at the church, entitled, “ Beauty ■' afternoon. ^ ' . \ wbo hav« tiok«U on the.Pe- Hunting.” There w ill aleo be ape- Serand Session of Mes­ mhnt street, entertained with a Auxiliary Members p i Boada BBuat Mtum their cial instrumental music. double personal shower at her .CONN.^ W E D N ^ D A Y ; APRH, 29.1942, (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBl sengers* School; More home last night in honor oT'M iss South End Departqitnt VBL.LXL.NO.179 1*) MAN( and money tonight aa the A farewell party was held In takaa place before Miss Joyce Straughan of East Gertrude Odermann of 43 Russell X CoOl, Lumber, honor of Joseph Bucskowxkl of Boys Are Needed, street end Miss Betty Fike of 67 Learning Job. e t ^ . Center street is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. Hasard avenue, Thompsonvllle, Middle ’Turnpike, East, prospec­ and Mrs.. Wesley Ward of South- Saturday evening at the home of The aecond aesston of the A ir tive brides. Auxiliary membeib o f the Taaelian^ the Bmaanel Lnth' field, Maas. Jerome J. Kaminski, 84 Durant Raid MesaengeTs’ School will be . ’The home was decorated In blue South Manchester .Are department M ien’s Supplies, ‘'M b d m rd w ill meet thia street More than 40 friends from held thia eve^ g at the Hollister and silver, -the ’39B class ctriore. are being instructed In the proper / Bom bers Start /" o'clock at the , •mnlag ats Mr. and Mrs. Charles W . Hitch­ Rockville, Somersville, Thompaon- street school commencing at 7 Tha honor guests were both grad­ methods o f hqn^lng hose both at ptirarch. vnie end Mancheeter were present. O’clock. Hereafter classes will be uates of that class from Manches­ ,%pimi -I — cock of # Village street celebrated hydrant prpture and when a Paini^Nand Fuel Oil thel'r 20th wedding anniversary He -WM presented with gifts of held each Tuesday and Friday in­ ter High school. pump is p use. ’Those who ar* with a turkey dinner and enter­ money' end penonal requisites stead of Monday, aa was previ­ ’The beautifully wfupped gifts attending ' the classes havs been tainment Saturday evening at the ne«led in armyU^^ ously announced. were attached to streamera of an going, tb Autumn street where At Knehukt... V. r . W, home. East Hartford. Up­ It was announced today that, umbrella which was suspended connections are made to. a hy- yAt Great Kiel Ba^e$ wards of 00 guests attended from Manchester Lodge o f Mesons regiatrationa w ill atUl be accepted from a center chandelier. On un­ drufit. Later they .are taken'to 2 M A IN ST. X VERMONT this town and other places in w ill hold its regular communicai- at tonlght’a session, but this is wrapping the gifts the two girls the brook at the bottom of the TEL. 512S Connecticut and Massachusetts. Uon this evening, opening at 7:30 poritlvely the last opportunity for found a choice collection of per-, P i l and showed how the pump le PROOUCTS A mock marriage was a feature of s{ the ‘Temple. There w ill be no. local boys to sign' up for the sonal things. used P taking water from tha the program. Miss Alice Stratton degree work. course. Any boy from 13 to 17 Friends from Hartford, AndpVsr brook to light Atm. Chicken SpeebHien In Glasn of South Windsor did a clever tap yearg of age is eligible to register and this town attended. A^ buffet and to become a qualified Air Raid The P re s ePaaee on Monday Pconi West Tbwnnhend, Yt. dance on a drum accompanied on Members of the Beethoven Glee luncheon was served by the host- were well attended and tonight the piano by Mrs. Ethel Johnson Messenger. ’There are now 165 QwIItT Gnaruteedl > cli^b are requested to meet to-' «"• y'l. ■ ' and tomorrow night Pe oPer of Worcester, Mass. nl<,'ht at 6:45 at Emanuel Lutheran boys taking the' course and Chief Miss Fike will be parried on THREE NEW ITEMS: Air Raid Warden ’Thoma.s Weir dBase* w ill he Inetructed. I Asgaulto Round Out FoHl church, from which point trans­ Hay 2 to Arthur Pohgratz, and ’There are over 100 now en­ > y y - CkMien Liven ... .Jar 45c Thirty tables were in play at hopes that many more will be at Former Official Comes portation will be provided fo r the the HollUter street school tonight Miss Odermann le,'''to be married rolled' in the auxiUeiy department Week of Large^Scaln' R^ole Chicken in Gfause the card party given by women of trip' to Meriden where the club on May 13 to Jobh Greene. Ta Defense of Com* March Price Limits St. Bridget’s church last night for at 7 o’clock. 'The classes will end but .pere are still a few places CUtAen......... .99c will give a concert at the Luth­ at 9 o’clock,-and the course.will P e t can be filled. Chief Foy la ; EUimbingfl o f Gernuni" providing little\ gifts for the ser­ eran church. missioner at Hearing Whole Chicken....... $1.89 vice men now at the local armory. run for six weeks. Miss LlUiaii Van de Vere, wiD anxious P a t Pose wishing to en­ I Continental Poflidonut Supervisors* Exams resume Ip r First Aid course roll do so at once to P e y may get In Mediterranean; PURE CHICKEN BROTH Mrs. Thornes Conran won the Today; .Recommended To Go into Effect; prise in bridge, J. E. Comina won The Women’s League o f the Local men who have been taking Thursday evening e t 7:30 at the the benefit of P e preaent Inetruc- -nrrefv RTV* -I H C* * I Attacks Also Directed' (Doable Strength) first in setback and Miss Gladys Second Congregational church vill the Messenger Supervisors’ course State .Trade school. Uona. Reappointnient to Lnrte jair...... 2Sc Ridolfi, second. UeutenSnt Nellie meet for all-day sewing tomorrow at the West Middle school in Hart­ It I// F iSd^UrCS ' Against Airdromes in. for the Red Cross. ford will meet tonight at 7 o’clock ''sBaldwin; Consulted Curb Put on Rents BONELESS CHICKEN Walckowaki, who is home on a _______ __ i Low Countries and furlough from Camp Shelby, Miss., for their final examinations. Those >: / ' ' Tide Professors ~ on 5 oa« Jar • «.• «• • • • ....48c won in whist The following won Robert N. Slocomb, am ot Mr. unable to be present tonight may. 9 on. Jar .• * •• .• •• ..>^T9c Make your garden really count Roo*evelt Di*clo*e* American Troop* Have Tahen Ghent Pow er Stationu door prises; Bushels of potatoes, and Mrs. A. Leroy Slocomb, 18 take their exams on ’Thursday eve­ Qualifications for Post Gotfernment Padlock to Be Placed May 18 Wellington Road, baa been pledged ALL WHITE n e a t Mrs. George H. Williams and John ning at tha Hartford school. British‘American Club this Spring and Summer. J. Quiah, two-pound box, candy, to Alpha Tau Omega, national Upon successfully passing' the Virtwdly Every ^ Article That. Appears Station* in Near Ea*t and Middle Ea*t; United London, April 29.—v> 9 as. ilaae...... .83c Hartford," prU 29. John Jamroga; box of Jellies, Her­ social fraternity at Oolgata Uni­ examination, the men will be certi­ Nation* -WUl Not He*itate to Act to Prevent The R.A.F. set fire to foe- \ TONGUE m GLASS . Plant with good seed amd naa America?* Shopping List; Area* Hou*ing bert Wylie; automobile greissing, versity. Slocomb was one at 23 fied by the State Defense Council Former Gov. IQlbur L. Croea ^est Nazi Naval base Kid \ 89c and <1.69 each. ^ Mrs. Bernard Ktdkoeki. After the freshmen pledged by the. fraterni­ as Supervisors of Me^'ngers, and proper fertilixers to produce came to the de le of High- More Than Htdf of Papulation Affected. A»»i*tance to Axi* Nation** Armed Force*. in a heavy attack laat night, games home made cake and cof- ty this year. Alpha Tau Omega, Immediately thereafter. Messen­ DART LEAGUE peay Gommisaioner^'William J. PD^EHURST MEATS. fea were served. which has 98 chapters and 33,800 ger Schools w ill bq^ opened all over maximum results. , while another force a tta ^ e d ; members, was founded nationally the State to tra^'the boys to work Cox at hearings on hia remov­ Washington, April 29.— (/P)— The ^ n s of . American war­ the German warahip haven at Wedneadfy Morning . Wa^ington, April 29.— (ff)— A government padlock forged Royal Australian A ir Force bombera Denton penlneula, ^Tl.lT.T.13EriX in 1865. ’The Colgate chapter was In an amtrgmviy. al today at the State Ctipitol Buperiority. haa been ships confronted Hitler and Mussolini in the Mediterranean Trondheim, Norway, for the Pleaae rentember Wednee* Details of .the examination and in Match will be placed Bfay 18 on the price of virtually every the island-contlnent’a.
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