2019 ORDERING PROCESS & DELIVERY SCHEDULE International Dairy Farms is an importer, manufacturer, distributor and exporter of specialty foods. We are delighted to present to you the International Dairy Farm 2019 Holiday Catalog. Our team travels delicacies we know your customers will love! To place an order please contact your sales representative. All orders must be received by October 7th, 2019 Your order will be delivered the week of November 4th 2019 Please Note: • Any orders placed after October 7th, are subject to product availability. • We accept payments by credit card. All orders paid in full by September will receive a 2.5% payment in advance rebate. TABLE OF CONTENTS MIMIMUM ORDER $350.00 ORDERING PROCESS & DELIVERY ORDERING Page 2 CONTACT US Page 3 CHEESE FROM SPAIN Page 4-6 CHEESE FROM HOLLAND Page 7-9 CHEESE FROM FRANCE Page 10-11 CHEESE FROM ENGLAND Page 12-14 CHEESE FROM ITALY Page 15-19 CHEESE FROM THE USA Page 20-27 FRENCH BRIOCHE Page 28 JELLIES, JAMS & HONEY Page 29 TAPENADE & CHUTNEY Page 30 MUSTARDS Page 31 BALSAMIC GLAZES Page 32 BREAD DIPPING OILS, OILS & VINEGARS Page 33 SPECIALTY FOODS CAVIAR Page 34-35 SALMON/TUNA Page 36-37 TRUFFLES Page 37 FOIE GRAS Page 38-39 CHARCUTERIE Page 40-42 PATES, RILLETES & CONFIT Page 43 GIFT BASKET ITEMS Page 44-48 2 2 JELLIES, JAMS & HONEY Perfect with Cheeses BLACK TRUFFLE HONEY Item #: 887010 Pack/Size: 12/4.93 oz. case WHITE TRUFFLE HONEY Item #: 887119 Pack/Size: 12/4.93 oz. case BURGUNDY WINE JELLY Item #: 79187 Pack/Size: 12/8.3 oz. case WHITE ZINFANDEL WINE JELLY Item #: 79177 Pack/Size: 12/8.2 oz. case Burgundy MULLED PORT WINE Wine Jelly Item #: 79391 Pack/Size: 12/7.9 oz. case STRAWBERRY SANGRIA SPIRITED JAM Item #: 79067 Pack/Size: 12/7.6 oz. case BOURBON BACON SAVORY JAM Item #: 79737 Pack/Size: 12/8.1 oz. case BLUEBERRY CHARDONNAY BALSAMIC Item #: 51051 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case CHERRY CHIANTI BALSAMIC Item #: 51061 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case RASPBERRY MERLOT BALSAMIC Item #:50071 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case STRAWBERRY ZINFANDEL BALSAMIC Item #: 51081 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case Savory preserves like pepper jelly are excellent, and naturally pairs with a variety of cheeses including a crumbly, English- style cheddar which provides a sur- prising sweet-savory contrast. 28 CONTACT US For more information, please contact us at: Toll-free phone: 1-888-271-5622 Fax: 1-305-768-7771 Email: [email protected] www.internationaldairyfarms.com FLORIDA EAST COAST & THE KEYS EXPORT Magbis Frometa Pierre De Agostini 786-262-1341 786-253-9567 [email protected] [email protected] FLORIDA HISPANIC MARKETS FLORIDA NORTH, CENTRAL & WEST COAST Augustin Montejo Sanchez Mirian Almagro 786-623-7981 305-938-0481 agustin@internationa ldairyfarms.com [email protected] 3 3 JELLIES, JAMS & HONEY Perfect with Cheeses BLACK TRUFFLE HONEY Item #: 887010 Pack/Size: 12/4.93 oz. case WHITE TRUFFLE HONEY Item #: 887119 Pack/Size: 12/4.93 oz. case BURGUNDY WINE JELLY Item #: 79187 Pack/Size: 12/8.3 oz. case WHITE ZINFANDEL WINE JELLY Item #: 79177 Pack/Size: 12/8.2 oz. case Burgundy MULLED PORT WINE Wine Jelly Item #: 79391 Pack/Size: 12/7.9 oz. case STRAWBERRY SANGRIA SPIRITED JAM Item #: 79067 Pack/Size: 12/7.6 oz. case BOURBON BACON SAVORY JAM Item #: 79737 Pack/Size: 12/8.1 oz. case BLUEBERRY CHARDONNAY BALSAMIC Item #: 51051 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case CHERRY CHIANTI BALSAMIC Item #: 51061 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case RASPBERRY MERLOT BALSAMIC Item #:50071 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case STRAWBERRY ZINFANDEL BALSAMIC Item #: 51081 Pack/Size: 12/10.55 oz. case Savory preserves like pepper jelly are excellent, and naturally pairs with a variety of cheeses including a crumbly, English- style cheddar which provides a sur- prising sweet-savory contrast. 28 EUROPEAN ARTISANAL CHEESES From Spain DOS CORONAS MATURE IBERICO Made from sheep, goat and cow milk and aged for 6 months. It is similar to Manchego cheese but with a milder taste. It is the most BELAI SMOKED IDIAZABAL D.O. consumed traditional cheese in Spain. Made only with raw sheep’s milk from the Item #:0 X1381Pack/Size: 2/6.6 lb. Baztanvalley. Matured in the mountains for 4 or 5 months and then smoked slowly. DOS CORONAS-SEMIMATURE Item #:0 X5830P ack/Size: 2/6.6 lb. Item #:0013 84 Pack/Size: 2/6.6 lb. DOS CORONAS-SEMIMATURE (Aged 3 months) SMOKED IDAIZABL D.O. Item #:0 X6000 Pack/Size :1 6/7.5 oz. Item #:0139 30 Pack/Size: 1 2 / 9.07 oz. MERCADAL MAHON SEMI MATURED D.O Mahóncheese originates from Menorca. It is made from either pasteurized or unpasteurized cow’s milk. The fresh cheese has a golden rind color which deep- ens with age as the curd, initially ivory-colored, dark- ens and hardens, developing small eye formations. Mahon cheese has a creamy texture with a sweet and 4 oral taste.Item #: 005400 Pack/Size: 2/7.25 lb. MAMAMANNNCCCHHHEEEGOGOGO LLLAAA FFFLLLOROROR DDDEEE MMMIII PUPUPUEEEBBBLLLOOO DDD...O.O.O. AAAgggeeeddd 6 66 m mmooonnnttthhhs-s-s-PPPrrrodododuuuccceeeddd u uusssiininnggg s sshhheeeeeeppp’’s’ss m mmiililklkk f ffrrromomom t tthhheee MMMaaanchnchncheeegogogo b bbrrreeeeeeddd,, , i ininn t tthhheee p pprrrooovvviininnccceeesss o oofff T TTooolleleedddooo.. I ItItt h hhaaasss a aa c ccooommm--- pppaaacccttt b bbooodddyyy,, , w wwiititthhh s ssmmmaaallll,l, , i irirrrrreeeggguuullalaarrrllylyy d ddiisisstttrrriibibbuuuttteeeddd e eeyyyeee f fformaormaormatttiioioonnnsss.. IItItt i isiss i ivivvooorrry-y-y-wwwhhhiititteee i ininn c ccooolloloorrr,, , w wwiititthhh a aa s sstttrrrooonnnggg,, , d ddiisisstttiininnccctttiiveiveve a aarrrooommmaaa a aannnddd tttaaasssttteee w wwhhhiicicchhh i ininnttteeennnsssiii eeesss t tthhheee l loloonnngggeeerrr i ititt a aagggeeesss... IItItteeemmm # ##:: : 0 00XXX111111999888 P PPaaaccckkk///SSSiizizzeee:: : 2/6. 2/6.2/6.666 l lb.lb.b. MMMAAANNNCCCHHHEGOEGOEGO LLLAAA FFFLLLOOORRR DDDEEE MMMIII PPPUUUEEEBLBLBLOOO DDD...OOO... AAAgggeeeddd 3 33 mo momonnnttthshshs IItItteeemmm # ##:: : 0 00xxx111111999 7 7 7 P PPaaaccckkk///SSSiizizzeee:: : 2/6. 2/6.2/6.666 l lb.lb.b. MAMANNCCHHEEGOGO DD..O.O. IItteemm ##:: 044010440100 P PPaaaccckkk///SSSiizizzeee:: : 1 11666///777..7.77555 o oozzz... CCCAAABBBRARARALLLEEESSS BBBLLLUUUEEE DDD...O.O.O. CCCaaabbbrrraaalleleesssccchhheeeeeessseee r rriipippeeennnsss i ininn n nnaaattturururaaall l l lilimimmeeessstttonononeee c ccaaavvveeesss f ffooorrr a aa p ppeeerrriiodiodod o oofff t ttwwwooo t ttooo f ffooouuurrr mmmooonnnttthhhsss.. T TThhheee r rriininnddd i isiss p ppuuunnnccchhheeeddd w wwiititthhh r rrooodddsss t ttooo e eennncccooouuurrraaagggeee t tthhheee d ddeeevevevelloloopppmmmeeennnttt o oofff b bblluluueee mmmooolldldd,, , n nnaaatttuuurrraaallllylyy p pprrreeessseeennnttt i ininn t tthhheee c ccaaavevevesss.. I ItItt h hhaaasss a aa ve veverrryyy c ccooommmppplleleexxx t tteeexxxtttuuurrreee:: : s ssooofffttt a aannnddd cccrrreeeaaammmyyy,, , b bbuuuttt g ggrrraaannnuuullalaattteeeddd a aannnddd a aallmlmmooosssttt c ccrrruuummmbbbllylyy.. I ItItt h hhaaasss a aannn i ininnttteeennnssseee a aarrrooommmaaa s ssuguguggggeeesssttt--- iininnggg f ffeeerrrmmmeeennnttteeeddd f ffrrruuuiititt,, , m mmooolldldd a aannnddd y yyeeeaaasssttt t ttooogggeeettthhheeerrr w wwiititthhh a aa s sstttrrrooonnnggg,, , s sspppiiciccyyy a aafffttteeerrrtttaaasssttteee... IItItteeemmm # ##:: : 00532 0053200532000 P PPaaaccckkk///SSSiizizzeee:: : 1/4. 1/4.1/4.888555 l lb.lb.b. CCCAAABBBRRRAAALLLESESES BLUEBLUEBLUE DDD...OOO... 111///222 WWWhhheeeeeelll IItItteeemmm # ##:: : 00532 005320053277 7 P P Paaaccckkk///SSSiizizzeee:: : 1/2. 1/2.1/2.666444 l lb.lb.b. CCCAAABBBRRRAAALLLESESES BLUEBLUEBLUE DDD...OOO... DDDOOONNN TTTEOEOEO MURCMURCMURCIIIAAA AAALLL VVVIIINNNOOO DDD...OOO... IItItteeemmm # ##:: : 01957 019570195755 5 P PPaaaccckkk///SSSiizizzeee:: : 8/3. 8/3.8/3.555222 o oozzz... MMMMaaadeadeaadedddeee f f frrfromromomom p ppas pasppasaaasssttteteeueueeuurururrririizizizzeeededeedddd go go gogoaaaatttt’t’’s’ss’s m mmilk milkmmilkiililklkk o oof ofooffff t tthe theththehheee MurMurMMMurMrrrcianacianacianaccciiaiaananana b b b br brrbrrreeeeeeeeeeeddeddd..d . T. T. T. T heTheThehhhe e cue cucu c ccurdrurdrurdrddd is isis i i sisr rsr epe eper repereeepppeaeaeaatatatedlyedlyttedlyteeedddlly ly y i immimmmmeeerrrssseeeddd i ininn a aa v vvaaattt ooimmersedimmersedoimmersedfff l loloocccaaall l r rreeeddd in in inw ww ha haha i iv vcicvcahahahtt tg gof gofofiiviv v locale localelocalesss t tthhh e er rered ed edr rriinin n which whichddwhichd i itittsss c cch h hg ggaaaiirvirvrvaaesaesesccctt tethe etheetherrriisiss t t tiicicc d ddeeeeeep-p-p-rrreeeddd ccrrcroindoindoindlloloor r rits .its.its . 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