»f» See Editorial, Read Qualifications, "Another Election" Then Vote! -MADISON COLLEGE- Vol. XXIII Madison ColIege^HarrisonburR, Virginia, Friday, February 28, 1947 No. 25 Sophomores Celebrate Class" Orchestra Concert Students To Elect Minor Day In Exercises Wednesday Fine Stage Setting Highlight Assembly Officers During Week Sophomore Class Presents Set in one of the elaborate stagings Alice- Mercer Jones and Jo Garber have been selected by the nom- Monologuist In Assembly for which Mr. Clifford T. Marshall is inating convention to run for vice-president of SGA in elections to be The sophomore class will present noted, the orchestra concert was pre- held next week. Other candidates for Student Government are: sented in Wednesday assembly. The Miss Dorothy Crawford as guest secretarey-treasurer, Cora Jean White and Margaret Hoggard; recorder orchestra chimes heralded the program artist in assembly Wednesday, in and "The Star Spangled Banner" play- of points, Nan Creel and Rose Marie Mitchell; and for editor of the conjunction with Sophomore class day. ed by the wrxhestra opened the con- handbook, B«ty Miller Cox and Ruth Thompson. ' Miss Crawford has scored a succession cert. YWCA nominees are Betty Wilkins and Mary Edwards for vice-presi- of triumphs all over America, in Can- The first number on the' program Registrar Sets dent; Mary Frances Shuler and Eliza- ada and England, and is universally was Wagner's "An Album Leaf," so beth Peak for secretary; and June acknowledged as one of our greatest called because it was written as if it Hardy and Gladys Farmer for treas- monologuists. , were part of an album. "Prelude," by Adjusting Date urer. She has appeared in a number of Jarnefelt, written as a round of seven Registration adjustments for the Candidates for AA are Annalee Mes- "one-woman" theaters, spanning the parts instead of the regular three, was Spring quarter, will take place on sick and Jane McMurran for vice- four corners of the earth—England, the orchestra's second selection. Saturday, March 8, from 1:30-3 p. m. president; Frances Hundley and Ber- India, Nazi-dominated France, Italy, Mendelssohn's "Capricio Brilliante," ,. All old students are expected to have tha Boswell for business manager; and Sweden, Mexico, and 'America. a piano concerto, was featured as a all their Spring program changes ap- Rose Marie Pace and Barbara Jam- The success of her programs is due special part of the program. The piano proved by their curriculum advisers at ison for treasurer. not only to her great talent but also solo was played by the guest soloist this time. Advisers and department Nominated for business manager of to the care with which she has trained Mary Elizabeth Hillman, a student of heads will be in their offices from 1:30 the Breeze were Frances Connock and herself. For years she has studied Howard Announces Miss Elizabeth Harris. until 3 p. m. Saturday.. The Regis- Lois Stine. Phyllis Epperson and Bet- the correct use of tempo, mood, voice, "Roses from the South," one of trar's office and the Dean's office will ty Coyne have been nominated to run gesture, make-up and costume. Class Committees Johann Strauss's gay waltzes, was be open on Saturday afternoon to as- for business manager of the School- Dorothy Crawford planned a career played by the full drchestra. "Student sist students and to accept the ad- ma'am. Committees for the sophomore class in music;.she "made-up" songs, both Prince," a musical show first presented justment cards. All students making Qualifications Cited day celebration next Wednesday have words and music as a child, first in in this country by Sigmund Romberg, changes on Saturday must bring their Alice-Mercer Jones, of Arlington, Portland, Oregon, where she was been announced by Marianna Howard, was another feature of the concert. cards to the registrar's office the same Virginia, is president of Senior Hall born, and later in San Francisco president. Sue Deaton, student vocal soloist with day. They are not to be held until the and a mem|ber of Standards Commit- the orchestra and a pupil of Miss where she grew up and still lives. At Class night program chairman is following week. tee. She is a Spanish major. five she began her musical training, Edythe Schneider, sang several selec- Alice Hunter with Taffy Savage as co- Examinations will close at noon on Jo Garber is a science student and and lajer went to New York to study tions from this show. Friday, March 14. Faculty members hails from Port Republic, Virginia. chairman. The director of the class with [ kubin Goldmark and Kurt Mr. Marshall's special orchestral and have been requested to send to the She is vice president of the junior class Schirf.A'er. Five of her own composi- night festivities is Jean,. Slaubhter. vocal arrangement of "Smoke Gets in Registrar by noon on Saturday, March and a member of the German club. tions were published during this time. Members of the committee are Barbara Your Eyes" concluded the program, IS, a list of failures, incompletes, and A native of Norfolk, Virginia, C. J. When she returned to San Francis- Pamplin, Evelyn Dickson, Jinx Miller, with Sue Deaton taking the solo part. conditions. The Registrar will notify White is junior representative to the Carrie Lee Moore, assisted b'y Mar- co, she opened her own studio, com- Frances Garfinkle, June Morrison, these students by Monday morning, Honor Council and sergeant-at-arms garet Brown, was in charge of the posing, teaching, singing, playing ac- Catherine Walters, Rebecca Rogers, March 17. Students who are on the of the junior class. She is a physical companiments and directing a young special lighting effects.^. failure and condition lists will be given education major. Bob Monohan, Alice Craig, Nancy people's orchestra. Her career in the an opportunity to see their advisers Also a native of Norfolk, Margaret Bradley, Maggie Kenny and Danny theater began when she joined an ex- GIBBONS ANNOUNCES and make any necessary changes. The Hoggard is treasured of the junior Broome. perimental theater group, first direct- MOVIE SCHEDULE Registrar's office will accept these ad- class, and is a business major. ing music. Later she began to play The chairman of the luncheon com- justment changes from Monday, March Hailing; from Chapel Hjll, N. C, roles, plan sets and even to direct mittee is Frances Sneed, while Jennie Mr. Gibbons, college business mana- 17, through Thursday, March 20. Nan Creel is a junior representative whole performances. She traveled for Snowden is her co-chairman. Betty ger has announced that the following New students will register on Fri- to the student council, and a member a year, and when she returned, she Miller and Ethelene Smith are assist- movies are to be shown on coming day, March 14. They will receive their of Kappa Delta Pi. set to work to build up her "one ing on the committee. weekends: registration forms from the office of Rose Marie Mitchell, from Lynch- woman show." Her debut was a great The banquet committee, headed by March 1, 'Blithe Spirit", 8:15 p.m.; the Registrar. Their new programs will burg, Va., is vice president of the As- success and performances followed all Mildred Ritchie and co-chairman Betty March 8, "Rebecca," 7:30 p. m.; March be made after consultation with fbe sociation of Childhood Education and up and down the Pacific coast. From Gray Scott, consists of Irene Rey- 22, "Caesar and Cleopatra," 7:30 p. m. Dean. a member of Kappa Delta Pi. there she went from coast to coast, nolds, Frances Hughes, Frances Bev- Broadway, Va., is the hometown of and on to Europe. ell and Jerry Neathery. "Kind Lady", Melodrama, To Be Given Ruth Thompson. Ruth is a member She is well-liked by Londoners as Gloria Flora is the chai/man of the of Kappa Delta Pi and the Glee Club. well as New Yorkers, and critics are decorations committee, assisted by By Stratford Dramatic Club On March 28 Hailing from Hampton, Va., Betty lavish in their praise. Each transcon- Gene Savage. Other members of the Cox is a three year business student. tinental tour is more successful than committee are Marilyn Lee, Shirley "Kind Lady," a three-act melo- ington; Peter Santard, Phyllis' fiance, Betty was reporter of last year's fresh^ its predecessor. Taylor, Lynn Mitchell, Betty Rinehart, drama by Edward Chodorov, adapted by Baylor Nichols. man class and a reporter of the 1945- Jean Mims, Frances Connock, Eve- from a story by Hugh Walpole, will Henry Abbot, the leader of the crooks '46 Breeze staff. Annalee Messick of Salisburg, Md., lyn Flannary, Mary Bay, Katre Hearst, be presented by the .Stratford drama- who worms his way into Miss Herries' Agnes Caudill, McClain Bowen, and confidence, will be played by Beryl transferred to Madison last year and "Y" NOTES tic club on Friday, March 28, at 8 Boqie Hawk. Snellings; Ada, his wife, by Bee Vee is majoring in physical education. She p.m. in Wilson Auditorium. The play is on the AA Council. Mrs. Moore Speaks The place cards and invitation com- Manuel; Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, hi6 Today in chapel Mrs. John Allen mittee is headed by Jean Shelley, will be under the direction of Miss comrades in crime, by Walter Eye Jane McMurran, of Norfolk, Va., is a physical education major and is a Moore, Baptist missionary to Yugo- chairman, Lou Goettling, co-chairman, Mary Latimer, professor of Speech and Anna Day with Helen Packett member of the AA Council. slavia, spoke of her work in Europe and Bettie Steele, Mary Donlevy, and and director of Stratford.
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