1917. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD---SENATR· 92r Mr. STO~"'E. What is the matter with men from 45 to '70 Jnne 30, 1917, ·and for -ot;her purposes,'~ relative to the Fleet . that l4ey .can not get in? . _ Naval Reserve; Mr. FLETCHER. The general experience is, I think, that H. R. 2008. An act to provide fo:r .the extension of minority men from 45 to 70 would not compose · very efficient men for enlistmen'ts in the ·naval. service; soldiers in the trenches. The1·e may be ;other ·opportunities for H. R. 2338. An act to authorize the detail of additional officexs gentlemen of that age in' other work and in' other service, and to the Hydrographic Office ; undoubtedly there will be opportunities ;offered them. But the H. R. 2339. An act to increase the number of midshipmen at poin't I am ·coming-to is what 1\1r. ·Bennett, the director ·of this the Naval Academy until September 1, 1918; and · national service board in Canada, says;· . H. R. 2340. An ·act to mcrease ·the age limit for persons ap­ The board bas p{)wer to prevent :men from enlisting who are ·needed pointed as officers in the Naval Reserve. in occupations where they have skill-'-fo1: example, send 'them back to the farm. England bad to return four divisions Qf shipbuilders and PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. cQal miners who enlisted in the first wasteful period of Tecrulting. A nation should not .let ·the wild cry for soldi€rs from a thousand sources • The PRESIDENT pro tempore· presented a joint memorial stampede irreplaceable men needed at 'home to make those soldiers of the Legislature 'Of the Territory of Alaska, which was re­ effective. It takes six rn.Qlltbs to make a soldier ; it takes .slx years to make a tool setter, two years to make a coal cutter, long apprentice· ferred to the 'Committee on Territories and ordered to 'be printed sbtp .and tratning to make an engineer or machinist. Nothing is more in the RECORD, as follows : ruinous than the cry for wholesale indiscriminate 'Volunteering. House joillt memorial 2. (By Mr. Coombs.) That is a statement of this .gentleman after the ·experience To the President, to the Senate and House of Representatives in Oon­ tlley had 'in Canada. !.l'ess assembled., and to the Secretary of ·the Interior: We, your memorialists, the Legislature of the Territory 'Of Alaska., \VASHI "'GTON 'R.AI!,WAY & ELECTRIC CO. duly asseml>led in its third session, respectfully and earnestly repre­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. By direction of the Vice Presi­ sent that- Whereas in the Government service in the Territory of Alaska, and dent the Chair announces the following Senators to serve upon ,particularly in the service of the Alaska Engineering Uommission, the committee to .investigate the street railway strike: The there are employed in cler-ical :positions numerous aliens and pei'SQns Senator from Washington [Mr. JoNES] and the Senator from who are not naturalized dtizeris of the United States: Now, there- Californ-ia [Mr. -JoHNSON]. fore, · We, your memoriall:sts, respectfully ask fhat legislation 'be enacted ADJOURNMENT. by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 'States, and regulations be adopted by the various departments of the Governm{>nt, Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I move that the Senate adjourn. prescribing ~ a neeessary qualificatWn for the holding Qf clertcal The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 5 minutes positions in "the Government senice in the Territory of Alaska that the employees be citizens of the United States: B<> it ' · p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, April 23, 1917, at '12 Resolved, That a copy of fhis memorial be sent to the President. ·to o'cleck merldian. the Senate ·and House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to the Delegate from Alasl{a, to the Secretary of the Interior, and -to rthe Alaska Engineering Commission. And y<mr memorialists will ever pray. SENATE. Passed ·by the bouse March 29, 1917. L'UTB'»R ·C. HESS, !foNDAY, April ~3, 1917. Speakm· of 'the House. Attest: The Chaplain,-Rev. Forrest J. P1·ettyman, D. D., offered the A. H. ZrEGLlilR, following ·prayer : Ohiet Oler'k of the Hause. Almighty God, Father of all mercies, Thy servants this day Passed the senate April 5, 1917. FRANK A. ALDRlCH, are called upon to face the olemn responsibility of making ·Pre&ident pro tempore of the Senate. preparation fOl' the defense of -&ur national honor and ·peace. Attest: We pray that Thou wilt lend them T.hy blessing and Thy W. M. EDDY, Secretary of the Senate. guidance. We thank Thee for the unity of spirit which per­ UNITED STATES Ob' AMERICA, vaoes our national life. The ideals -committed to us by the toil Tm~rttory of Alaska, ss: and sacl'ifice of our fathers, which are so infinitely dear to us I, Charles E. Davidson, secretary of Alaska, do bereby certify that the above -is a full, true, and correct copy of bouse Joint memorial to-day, will be defended with our fortune and life. Only ,Jet us No. 2, of the A_laska Territorial Legislatu e, pass_ed at the third ses­ see clearly that Thou art guiding us in the way. For Christ's sion thereof. sake. Amen. Witness my band and th-e seal of the Territory of Alaska, afib::ed at The Vice President being absent, the President pro tempore Juneau, the capital, this 12th day of April, A. D. 1917. [SEAL.] CH:AR'LES E. DAVIDSON, (WILLARD SAULSBURY, a 'Senator ·fr.om the State of Delaware] Secretary ot Alaska. assumed the chair. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a joint memorial of JoHN H. BANKHEAD, a Senator from the State of Alabama, the Legislature of the Territory of Alaska, which was referred and HENRY F. HoLLIS, a Senator from the State of New Hamp­ to the Cemmittee on Territories and ordered to be printed in shire, appeared in their seats to-day. the RECORD, as follo-ws : The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ ings of Saturday last, when, on request of Mr. SMOOT and by House joint memorial 4. (By Mr. Snow (by request).) unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and To 'the President of the United States, the United States Senate and the Journal was approved. t1te United States House of Representatives: · , Your ·memorialists, the Senate and House.- ()f 'Representatives of th-e CROW INDIA.N RESERVATION, MONT. (S. DOC. NO. '12). Territory of Alaska, mest respectfuUy represent that- Whereas the Government of the United States ls now engaged in the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid ·before the Senate a com­ construction of a railroad from Seward to Fairbanks, Alaska for the munication frotn the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting, in purpose .of Eleveloping the resources of the territory tributary to said response to a .resolution of the 12th instant, certain information railroad; . · relative to what land within the ·crow Indian Reservation, in W~ei\~:e;r~ido~fr::J~ been and will .hereafter be established .along the State of 1\lontana, is susceptible of cultivation to cereal Whereas the act of March i2, 1914, authorizing the construction of ·said railroad empowers the President "to withdraw and dispose of land~ crops without irrigation, etc., which was referred to the Com­ belonging to the United States for town-site purposes, ana the said mittee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. act further provides that all funds received from the sale or othe1: disposition of town-site lands be pald into the Treasury of the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. United States as other miscella:neous receipts are paid ; Whereas most, if not al1. of thesr new towns are ·established and A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, located upon undeveloped land, which requires large expenditures of its Chief Clerk. announced that the House agr,ees to the report money to make it suitable for habitation ; water supply must be · 'furnished. streets and ~idewalks constructed, as well as school­ of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the houses, municipal buildings., and other public improvements 6f that nvo Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. •nature · -- 2762) to authorize the issue of bonds to meet expenditures for Whereas· 'congress bas .on many occasions, by law applicable to the disposi'tion of town sites in other portions of the United - States, the national ecurity and defense, and to extend credit to for­ provided that a certain portion of the funds received. from the sale eign governments, and for other purposes. of town sites sba11 be devoted to making improvements within such towns: Now, therefore, . ENROUED BU,LS SIGNED. We respectfully urge that suitable legislation be passed requiring The message also announced that the Speaker of the H~mse that at least 50 per cent of the funds received from the sale of town sites sold under the provisions of the said railroad act be devoted to had signed the following enrolled bills, nnd they were there­ making improvements within the respective towns ; be it further -upon signed by the Pre ident pro tempore: Resolved., That a copy hereof be sent to tbe President of the United States. the President of. the United States Senate, the $-peaker of 1;he H. R. 1771. An act to amend. an act entitled "An· act·making United· States ·House of Revresentatives, the chairmen of the Committees appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending on Territories and Public Lands of the United States Senate, arid the 'I • 922 CONGRESSIONAL .
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