Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Missouri S&T Magazine Special Collections Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1979 Miner Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine Recommended Citation Miner Alumni Association, "Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1979" (1979). Missouri S&T Magazine. 320. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine/320 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri S&T Magazine by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Alumnus University of Missouri - Rolla June J979 50 Year Reunion MSM-UMR Alumni Association [jj][jj] Telepho ne (3 14) 341-4 171 ; (3 14) 341-4172 OFFICE RS Term Expires President . · . Joseph W. Mooney '39 ................ 7383 Westm oreland . .. 1980 Universi ty City. MO 63 I 30 President ElecL .... Robert D. Bay '49 .. .222 Magn a Carta Lane . ..... 1980 51. Louis. MO 63 14 I Vice PresIdent . Frank C. Appleyard '37 . ..... 808 Solar . .. 1980 Glenview. I L 60025 Vice President . · . Arth ur G. Bacblcr '55 . 20 Fox Meadows . .. 1980 MSM-UMR Alumni Associat ion Sunset Hi lis. MO 63127 University of Missouri-Ro ll a Vice President · . Alfred J. Bu esc her '64 . 2640 Quail Lane .. .. ..... 1980 Rolla , Missouri Northbrook. IL 60062 Vice President . · . James B. McGrath '49 . .. Fru ·Con . 1980 1706 Olive St .. 51. Louis. MO 63 103 Secretar y ... Robert V. Wolf '51 . .......... Depl. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr .......... 1980 UM R. Rolla. MO 65 40 I Volume 53 Treasurer . Vernon T. Locsing '42 . Depl. of Civil Engr .. ... 1980 Number 3 UM R. Rolla. M0 65 401 DIRECTORS AT LA RGE Term Expires June 1979 Allan H. LaPlante '63 . Continental Oil Co .. P.O. Box 2197. Houston. TX 77001 . .. .. 1980 Be lding H. McCurdy '38 . .7400 Sun Island Dr.. Sou th . Su ite 711. South Pasadena. FL 33707 . 1981 E. L. "Roy" Perr y '40 . ... 8150 Leesburg Pike. Suitc 600: Vienna. VA 22180 . ............. .. 1980 Row I. Ie Wall er C. Mulyca '65 . .203 Hillcrest. Marshall. TX 75670 . 1981 Lawrence A. Spa nier 'SO . .5 Pell it Dr .. Dix Hill s. NY 11 746 . .. 1979 10 right ( John O. Wilms '43 . · t7700 South A valon. Space 59 . Carson. C A 907 45 . 1979 John Har On The Cover. .. Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00·14 Raymond T. Rucnheck 'SO . .7 MOnlcview. Chelmsford. MA 01824 . · 1980 15-2 1 J. D. Pallerson'6 1 1660 Ashlawn Dr .. Pittsburgh. PA 152 41 . .. ........... 1980 22 -33 Bill L. Atchley '57 .............. 1266 Crestwood . Morgantown. IVV 265 05. 1979 "5w; 3545 William D. Busc h. '4 2. .. 20001 Idlewood Trail. Cleveland. OH 44 136 .. 1980 46 ·59 George Bau mgartner '56 ......... 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn. M1 48127 . .. 1981 60·61 Allen G. Behring '66 . .447 S. Euclid. Villa Park . IL 60181 . 1979 62·62 Ernst Wcinel·44 . 1502 West 50. O·Fallon. IL 62629 . 1981 63-65 Malleo A. COCO '66 . .7115 Aliceton Ave .. 51. Louis. MO 63 123 . 1981 63·65 Martha Gerig '69. .. 80 I Fairground Road. Rolla. MO 6540 I . · 1981 1980 63-65 Leonard C. Kirberg '66 .......... 331 Ca rmel Wood Dr .. Ellisville. MO 630 I I . I 63-65 Robert W. Klorer '44 ............ 7500 Natural Bridge Rd .. 51. Louis. MO 63123 . .. 1980 It was 63·65 Harold A. Krueger '42 . Oza rk Lead Co .. Rural Branch. Sweetwater. MO 63680 .. · 1979 the Class 63-65 J. Robert Pallerson '54 . ..... Show-Me. Inc .: P.O. Box 573. Sikeston. MO 63801 . .. 1981 63-65 George R. Schilli ngcr '63 ......... 7598 John Ave .. Oakville. MO 63 129 . · 1980 Missou ri 63·65 Paul R. Munger '58 . Director. Institute of River Studies. UMR . Rolla . MO 65 401. .. 1981 63 -65 C. M. Watt enbarger '4 1 .... 205 IV . First 51. Terrace. l.ama r. MO 64759 . · 1981 were gree 63·6 5 Edwin J. Werner '49 . 102 N. 12th St .. Bl ue Springs. MO 6401 5. · 1979 66·74 Herman Fritschen '51 ........... 52 49 S. 68th East Place. Tulsa. OK 74145 . · 1979 prepared 75· 79 Rex Alford '40 . .... 57 43 Jason. Houston. TX 77035 . .. 1979 80·89 & Victor J. Hoffma nn '60 . .... 31 057 E. Lake Morton Dr .. SE . Kent. WA 9803 1. · 1980 ing them Row 1, left to right: Hank Mo nsch, 96·99 was ever; 90-95 E. Murray Schmid t '49 .. ... cio E.F. Fahey. 220 Mar Vista Drive 0. 91. Ap tos. CA 95003 .. .. 1979 Tom Engli sh, Charles Dresbach, Bill has long s Drake, Jeff Crum , Ben Co il , Art hur COMM ITTEE CHAIRME N DIRECTORS H. W. Flood '43 . 183 Main St .. Acton. MA 01720 different Bradford. Row 2, left to right: Carl Joel F. Lover idge '39 . ........ 739 Co untr y Man or Lane. Creve Coc ur . MO 63 141 Han s E. Sc hmoldt '44 . · Sc hmold t Engineering Se rvices Co .. Inc .. 526 S. Seminole, Bartlesv ille, OK received ( Sa lley , Jack Potter, Luther Mu rray , 74003 the fift y Goose Morris, Frank McCurd y, Emmet EXECU TI VE CO MMITTE E Term Expires graduatic Kirn , Ric hard I-I. Bauer '52 . · .... Missou ri Elec trochcm, Inc .. 1526 Fcnpark . ....... 1984 Charley Johnson , Fred Hoertel, Fcnt on. MO 63026 members John Hah n, and Van Va nSciver. Robe rt M. Brackbill '42 . · Texas Pacific Oil Co .. .. 1982 1700 One Main Place. Dallas. TX 75250 Florida. t Pete r F. Mattei '37 . .9954 Holliston Court . · 1980 51. Louis. MO 63 124 between. Friday e EX ·OFFICIO DIRECTORS Pau l T. Dowling '40 . 10144 lVinding Ridge Rd .. 51. Lou is. MO 63124 were gree R.O. Kaste n '43. ......... 90 I West tl4th Terrace. Kansas Ci ty. MO 64114 James J. Mu rphy ·35 ............ Murphy Company. 1340 North Price Rd .. SI. Louis. M0 63132 Gabe and Mel vin E. Nickel' 38 . .... 10601 Sout h Hamilton Ave .. Chicago. IL 60643 F.e. Schneebe rger '25 . One Briar Oak. 51. Louis. MO 63 132 to Twidgl James IV . Stephens '47 . .... Missou ri Pu blic Se rvice Co .. 10700 E. Highwa y 50 MSM ALUMNUS Kansas City. MO 641 38 lovely wil tiful boart (USPS-323-500) STAFF Fra nk H. Mac kaman . ............. Executive Vice· President. MSM ·UMR Alumni Association and the welco Issued bi -monthly in the interes t of the Director. Office of Alumni ·De velopment. University of Missouri ·Rolla Joh n Thcilmann . · .... Assistant Di rec tor. Alumni De velopment The early graduates and former students of the Missouri Uni ve rsity of Missou ri·Rolla School of Mines and Me tall u rgy a nd the Barbara Pet rovic . · .... Staff Assistant , MSM ·UMR Alumni Associa tion and Senior Secretary, COuntry r Alumni Development, Un ive rsit y of Missouri·Rolla Universit y of Missouri-Ro lla . Entered as second Kr is Cunin . ........... Records Coordinator. MSM ·UMR Alumni Association & Co mput er reneWi ng cla ss mailer October 27, 1926_ a t Post Office at Termina l Operator, Alumni Developmen t. Uni vers it y of Mi ssouri ·Rolla years. SOl Rolla , Missouri 6540 I, u nder the Act of Ma rc h 3, MSM·UMR Al umni Association. Harris Hall . UMR. Rolla . MO 65401 bored COn 1897. sPOuses tt Tennb Piltl 1980 1980 19,0 19S0 19 19" 19S0 19SO Tenn Ell'<" 19 19i1 !Q~ lOS; Row I. left to right: Hank Monsch, Tom English, Charles Dresbach, Bill Drake. Jeff Crum, Ben Coil. A rthur Bradford. Row 2, left In to right: Carl Salley. Jack Potter. Luther Murray. Goose Morris. Frank McCurdy. Emmet Kirn, Charley Johnson, Fred Hoertel, 19", John Hahn, and Van VanSciver. Termb".. Iqi: 19!0 In "Swine of '29" I9!iI 19S1 In IqSI I'il Return After 50 Years 19i1 liie I t was the fall of 1925 when most of Several had never been exposed to a who we re there when you were_ I" Iq19 the Class came to the ca mpus of the gathering of Miners amongst the Wonderful memory, for now all the Ilil 19i[ Missouri School of Mines. There they bea uties of th e Missouri co untrys ide. rough places are made smooth. 19i1 Iq were greeted by an inflamatory poster But apprehensions were allayed and it Following libations and lunch and a II"' prepared by the lordly so phs proclaim· wa s soon evident this was going to be a heartily applauded decision to ha ve a In In ing them as the "Swine of '29". If there weekend to remember. The Thomas par­ non-program. those interested toured llSi! was ever any "swinishness" exhibited. it ty was a spec tacular success. although the Auto Muse um-of special interest has long since disappeared. And it was a the host and hos tess we re somewhat to Bill Drake of Memphis who has a different sort of welcome the Class disma yed that gues ts stayed but all hour 1927 Franklin of his own-and then rece ived as they came to reunion and or two pa st the stated time . Well, there took a walking tour of the ca mpus. ,.OK th e fifty-year ann ive rsary of their may have bee n one exception who graduation from MSM . Eighteen sucumbed to th eir urging to sta y. members made the trek from Maryland. Late arrivals were all in town for the Florida, Ca lifornia. T exas and points first official eve nt. which was the Class 19 between. Unofficial fes tivities started on of 1929 Reunion Luncheon held at the Frida y evening as returning al umni Pub Mobile on Saturday The were greeted by their host and hos tess.
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