―And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you TheThe TestimonyTestimony of God, for I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.‖ I Cor. 2:1-2 Verse Of The Month “Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.” Matthew 27:22 Vol. V April, 2014 No. 4 Crowned Or Crucified? I stood alone at the bar of God In the hush of the twilight dim, And faced the question that pierced my heart: “What will you do with Him? “Crowned of Crucified? Which shall it be?” No other choice was offered to me. I looked on the face so marred with tears That were shed in His agony; The look in His kind eyes broke my heart, ’Twas so full of love for me. “The Crown or the Cross,” it seemed to say; “For or against Me choose thou today! He held out His loving hands to me, While He pleadingly said, “Obey! Make me thy choice, for I love thee so,” And I could not say Him nay. Crowned, not crucified; this must it be! No other way was open to me. I knelt in tears at the feet of Christ, In the hush of the twilight dim, And all that I was or hoped or sought, I surrendered unto Him. Crowned, not crucified! My heart shall know No king but Christ, who loveth me so! Author Unknown The Testimony ................................ .................. ........................................................ .......... .................................... ....................................................... .......................... ............................ ............................ ............ ........................... ........... Teach Me Lord… In countless shattered pieces, My blasted heart does lie, Seeking thru the farthest reaches, For comfort sweet, beneath the sky. Teach me Lord, to watch and wait, And prove your promises so sure, Eagles wings, toward heaven’s gate, Gifts from thee, a sweet overture. Teach me Lord, to ride above, The choking pain, the crushing grief, Teach me Lord, to trust your love, To trust your Word, promised relief! Teach me Lord, when darkness rolls in, When joy has fled, despair with life, That Jesus, is shelter within, A strong tower, refuge in strife! Teach me Lord, along this path, To simply trust, who you are! Knowing, we are not made for wrath, But for joy, coming to thy bar! Galen Mohler HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING? 3 Editorial “HOW CAN I KEEP FROM is redeeming Grace for this fallen SINGING?” race. Sometime this old earth will We often hear said that this old be rolled together as a scroll— world is winding down. One said, closed like a book, we might say. ―I’ve never seen it this bad before.‖ Then shall follow a Resurrection of He was only in his thirties. ―It is the just and the unjust, each to his about as bad as it can get.‖ If we own reward. pause to reflect, it could become Robert Lowry (1826–1899) was much worse. We must agree that a preacher, a hymn writer, and a this old earth seems to be shaken. composer of tunes. Lowry’s hymns The rulers of the nations of the were positive and with great feel- earth seem perplexed. The age-old ing. So when despondent try, sing- manner of settling disputes by war ing “I Need Thee Every Hour.” is not working. It never did. When repentant, sing ―The Mis- Weather conditions are in tur- takes Of My Life Have Been moil—undoubtedly cycles set in motion at creation. The economic Many.” When anticipating systems are shaken. Few now re- Heaven, sing, “Shall We Gather At member ―The Great Depression.‖ The River?‖ or “We’re Marching to The family structure is attacked Zion.” When jubilant, sing “How on every side. Probably man has Can I Keep From Singing?” not invented any new sin. Profess- Look up. God will soon come to ing Christians wonder about as claim His own. sheep having no Shepherd—the My life flows on in endless song, natural inclination of man. Above earth’s lamentation; Some say Satan is gaining the I hear a sweet, though far-off hymn supremacy. But there is another That hails a NEW CREATION. possibility held by those who still Through all the tumult and the strife believe in ―the high and lofty One I hear the music ringing. that inhabiteth eternity, whose It finds an echo in my soul; name is Holy…‖ (Isaiah 57:15) How can I keep from singing? There is the possibility that God is allowing the earth and the human race to run their natural courses What though my joys and comforts die? until they reach the point when The Lord my Savior liveth. only God Himself can reign su- What though the darkness gather round! preme. One time, in God’s time, Songs in the night He giveth. the earth and humanity had be- No storm can shake my inmost calm come as bad as they could get. God While to that refuge clinging; sent His Son to bring a New and Since Christ is Lord of Heav’n and earth, Living Way—a Gospel of Salvation How can I keep from singing? to a lost and ruined world. Hu- manity is still lost, but now there Marcus Miller 4 The Testimony April, 2014 General THE BLOOD saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our From time to time the local works, but according to His own blood bank calls our home and purpose and grace, which was asks if my wife can contribute given us in Christ Jesus before the blood. She has a rare type that is world began.‖ used quite often, so a continual We read in Hebrews 9:22, ―…and need exists for that particular type without shedding of blood is no to be replenished. In Leviticus remission.‖ Throughout the annals 17:11 we read, ―For the life of the of history blood sacrifices have flesh is in the blood: and I have been made by various people. The given it to you upon the altar to Aztec Indians used to sacrifice make an atonement for your souls: thousands of lives yearly in an for it is the blood that maketh an attempt to appease their false atonement for the soul.‖ The key gods. They felt it ridded them of to the blood, then, is that it has guilt. On a high hill overlooking life in it. Unless many people re- Petra, Jordan, is a sacrificial altar ceive new blood, they will die. The universe in space is never- that was used centuries ago. It ending. Within this universe are contains a circular trough in the stars and planets. One of these which blood would blow downhill. planets is the earth. North Amer- And when we read Jewish history, ica is a continent on the earth. we learn that many blood sacri- Within that continent is the fices were made in Old Testament Unites States, and one of these is times. In the New Testament we the state of California. A county in find that blood is mentioned at California is called Stanislaus. In least 255 times. In many false re- the northern part of this county is ligions of the world the shedding Ladd Road, and I find myself liv- of blood has been an important ing in one of the houses on this factor in their ways of worship. road. We humans are inclined to One nation defeats another in war think of ourselves as important. through the shedding of blood. It But really, how important are we? has been said that the red star of If five quarts of blood were Moscow points to the five conti- drained from my body, I would die. nents, and it will take the shed- Apparently God thinks we are im- ding of blood to conquer the world. portant. He loved us so much that A terrible accident on the highway before the foundation of the world sometimes results in the shedding He was willing for His Son Jesus of blood. It incurs suffering, pain, Christ to shed His precious, life- and heartache. giving blood that we might live. II The blood, we read about in Timothy 1:9 reads, ―Who hath Leviticus 17, stands for life. Life THE BLOOD 5 has to be given as an atone- sin, and we will all eventually die ment for sin. This is God- physically. (Read Romans 1 and 2.) mandated. Science has never Ephesians 2:1–3 says, ―And you been able to manufacture life and hath he quickened, who were dead inject it into anything. Our blood in trespasses and sins; wherein in circulates approximately every time past ye walked according to minute throughout our body. It the course of this world, according supplies life and cleanses at the to the prince of the power of the same time. Do we not find the way air, the spirit that now worketh in God has made us to be marvelous? the children of disobedience: A study of the blood should make among whom also we all had our an intelligent person realize that conversation in times past in the there has to be a Divine Creator. lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the de- Even though we are not so intelli- sires of the flesh and of the mind; gent, we absolutely believe in the and were by nature the children of creation by God. We cannot live wrath, even as others.‖ After read- without blood. The life is in it.
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