立法會 Legislative Council LC Paper No. PWSC284/17-18 (These minutes have been seen by the Administration) Ref : CB1/F/2/1(26)B Public Works Subcommittee of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council Minutes of the 27th meeting held in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex on Monday, 28 May 2018, at 2:30 pm Members present: Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok, SBS, MH, JP (Chairman) Hon Charles Peter MOK, JP (Deputy Chairman) Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-him, GBS, JP Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan, GBS, JP Hon Starry LEE Wai-king, SBS, JP Hon CHAN Hak-kan, BBS, JP Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-fun, SBS, JP Hon Paul TSE Wai-chun, JP Hon Claudia MO Hon Michael TIEN Puk-sun, BBS, JP Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming, SBS, JP Hon WU Chi-wai, MH Hon YIU Si-wing, BBS Hon MA Fung-kwok, SBS, JP Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Hon CHAN Han-pan, JP Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, BBS, JP Hon Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fung, SBS, JP Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung - 2 - Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wan Hon Alvin YEUNG Hon Andrew WAN Siu-kin Hon CHU Hoi-dick Dr Hon Junius HO Kwan-yiu, JP Hon HO Kai-ming Hon LAM Cheuk-ting Hon Holden CHOW Ho-ding Hon Wilson OR Chong-shing, MH Hon Tanya CHAN Hon CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP Hon HUI Chi-fung Hon LUK Chung-hung Hon LAU Kwok-fan, MH Dr Hon CHENG Chung-tai Hon KWONG Chun-yu Hon Jeremy TAM Man-ho Hon Gary FAN Kwok-wai Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, MH Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen, BBS Members absent: Hon LEUNG Che-cheung, SBS, MH, JP Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Hon AU Nok-hin Public officers attending: Mr Raistlin LAU Chun, JP Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury)3 Mr HON Chi-keung, JP Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) Ms Selene TSOI Sze-long, JP Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)3 - 3 - Mr Elvis AU Wai-kwong, JP Deputy Director of Environmental Protection (1) Ms Margaret HSIA Mai-chi Principal Assistant Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury) (Works) Dr Raymond SO Wai-man, Under Secretary for Transport and BBS, JP Housing Mr Tony LI Yeuk-yue Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)2 Mr TANG Wai-leung Deputy Commissioner (Planning and Technical Services) Transport Department Mr Wilson PANG Wai-shing Assistant Commissioner (Technical Services) Transport Department Mr Freeman WONG Chief Engineer (Traffic and Transport Wing-kwong Survey) (Acting) Transport Department Ms Shirley LEUNG Cheuk-lam Senior Engineer (Survey and Projects) Transport Department Mr Jack CHAN Jick-chi, JP Under Secretary for Home Affairs Ms Linda LAW Lai-tan Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (Recreation and Sport)2 Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai, Director of Architectural Services JP Mr Edward TSE Cheong-wo Project Director (3) Architectural Services Department Mr Raymond LAU Senior Project Manager 332 Architectural Services Department Ms Jane AU YEUNG Lai-sze Senior Project Manager 327 Architectural Services Department - 4 - Mr Gary WONG Shek-wah Senior Project Manager 325 Architectural Services Department Mr Anthony YOW Kin-fai Senior Project Manager 328 Architectural Services Department Mr Simon LIU Wai-shing Assistant Director of Leisure and Cultural Services (Leisure Services)3 Mrs Doris FOK LEE Assistant Director of Leisure and Cultural Sheung-ling Services (Leisure Services)1 Ms Linda CHEUNG Yuk-shan Chief Executive Officer (Planning)2 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr Michael CHIU Yat-on Chief Executive Officer (Planning)1 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Dr Christine CHOI Yuk-lin, JP Under Secretary for Education Mrs Elina CHAN Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Infrastructure and Research Support) Mrs Gloria LI HO Suk-wa Principal Inspector (Special Education Support )1 Education Bureau Mr Derek TSANG Senior Architect (School Improvement Works Section) Education Bureau Mr Patrick SO Building Services Engineer (School Improvement Works Section) Education Bureau Mr Stephen IP Shing-tak Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects) (Acting) Architectural Services Department Mr Jacky WU Kwok-yuen Principal Assistant Secretary for Development (Works)5 Mr Edwin TONG Ka-hung, JP Director of Drainage Services - 5 - Mr TAI Wai-man Chief Engineer (Project Management) Drainage Services Department Mr CHOI Chun-ming Chief Engineer (Consultants Management) Drainage Services Department Mr CHAU Sai-wai Deputy Director of Water Supplies (Acting) Mr Joseph CHUNG Siu-wing Chief Engineer (Development)2 Water Supplies Department Ms Eugenia CHUNG Nga-chi, Assistant Director of Home Affairs (2) JP Mr Steve TSE Ling-chun, JP District Officer (Kwun Tong) Home Affairs Department Mr Rick CHAN Tin-chu, JP District Officer (Wan Chai) Home Affairs Department Mr Martin KWAN Wai-cheong Chief Engineer (Works) Home Affairs Department Mrs Alice CHING WOO Chief Project Manager 303 Wai-ling Architectural Services Department Mr Chris LIU Chi-ho Chief Project Manager 302 Architectural Services Department Ms LAI Mei-ling Chief Leisure Manager (Kowloon) Leisure and Cultural Services Department Ms Becky LEE Pui-ling Chief Leisure Manager (Hong Kong East) (Acting) Leisure and Cultural Services Department Attendance by invitation: Mr Stephen NG Kam-chun, Chairman BBS, MH, JP Wan Chai District Council - 6 - Clerk in attendance: Ms Doris LO Chief Council Secretary (1)2 Staff in attendance: Mr Raymond CHOW Senior Council Secretary (1)6 Ms Anki NG Council Secretary (1)6 Ms Alice CHEUNG Senior Legislative Assistant (1)1 Miss Queenie LAM Senior Legislative Assistant (1)2 Ms Christina SHIU Legislative Assistant (1)2 Ms Christy YAU Legislative Assistant (1)7 Ms Clara LO Legislative Assistant (1)8 ______________________________________________________________ Action The Chairman advised that there were five funding proposals on the agenda for the meeting, all of which were items carried over from the previous meeting of the Subcommittee. He reminded members that in accordance with Rule 83A of the Rules of Procedure ("RoP") of the Legislative Council ("LegCo"), they should disclose the nature of any direct or indirect pecuniary interests relating to the funding proposals under discussion at the meeting before they spoke on the proposals. He also drew members' attention to Rule 84 of RoP on voting in case of direct pecuniary interest. Head 706 – Highways PWSC(2018-19)18 29TC Installation of Additional Traffic Detectors, Speed Map Panel and Journey Time Indication Systems 2. The Chairman advised that the proposal, i.e. PWSC(2018-19)18, sought to upgrade 29TC to Category A at an estimated cost of $262.7 million in money-of-the-day ("MOD") prices for installation of some 600 sets of traffic detectors on strategic routes (including 410 sets of video detectors, 20 sets of automatic licence plate recognition detectors and 170 sets of bluetooth detectors); provision of 16 new sets of Journey Time Indication Systems ("JTISs"); and enhancement of an existing Speed Map Panel. The Administration had consulted the Panel on Transport on the proposed works on 27 April 2018. Panel members supported the submission of the relevant funding proposal to the Subcommittee for consideration. A report on the gist of the Panel's discussion was tabled at the meeting. Action - 7 - Scope of the proposed project 3. The Deputy Chairman said that he supported the proposed works in principle. He enquired whether the proposed works were aimed at bringing the traffic detector coverage of strategic routes in Hong Kong from 80% to 100%. Deputy Commissioner (Planning and Technical Services), Transport Department ("DC(PTS)/TD"), replied in the affirmative. 4. Mr CHAN Chi-chuen noticed that during its consultation with the Panel on Transport on the proposed works in April 2018, the Administration had stated in its discussion paper that some 520 sets of traffic detectors would be installed, a number different from the some 600 sets that were currently proposed. He enquired about the reason for deciding to install and the types of the 80 additional sets of traffic detectors. 5. Assistant Commissioner (Technical Services), Transport Department ("AC(TS)/TD"), replied that the Transport Department ("TD") had also consulted the views of District Councils ("DCs") on the proposed works alongside its consultation with the Panel on Transport. In view of the request for additional JTISs received during the consultation, TD decided to step up the provision of JTISs after consideration. To that end, about 80 additional sets of bluetooth detectors would be installed for computation of the average journey time on the road sections concerned for display on JTISs. Operation of the traffic detectors and Journey Time Indication Systems 6. Mr WU Chi-wai enquired how the proposed bluetooth detectors could obtain sufficient data to work out the average vehicular speed and journey time, given that not all vehicles on the road were equipped with bluetooth devices or had them activated. Mr CHAN Chi-chuen also enquired about the operation of the bluetooth detectors and JTISs, and whether the journey time referred to the time required for a vehicle to travel from a point to another on a given road section. 7. AC(TS)/TD explained that overseas experience showed that bluetooth detectors and the associated systems could compute the average vehicular speed and journey time (i.e. the time required for a vehicle to travel from a point to another) on a particular road section as long as a certain proportion of vehicles had their bluetooth devices activated. The journey time would be displayed on JTISs. 8. Mr MA Fung-kwok enquired whether the proposed traffic detectors were akin to some road monitoring systems in the Mainland, which could Action - 8 - detect conditions on the road as well as the horn sounding of vehicles. DC(PTS)/TD said that the detectors could not detect the horn sounding of vehicles on the road.
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