MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT MALAYSIA THE STUDY ON NATIONAL WASTE MINIMISATION IN MALAYSIA FINAL REPORT Supporting Report – 2 Local Action Plan JULY 2006 JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY YACHIYO ENGINEERING CO., LTD. EX CORPORATION EXCHANGE RATE US$1.00 = RM 3.629 (May 2006) US$1.00 = Yen 114.58 (May 2006) The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report FINAL REPORT COMPOSITION The Final Report is composed of the following: 1. Summary 2. Volume I – Main Report 3. Volume II – Guidelines 4. Volume III – Pilot Projects 5. Supporting Report – 1 Additional Information 6. Supporting Report – 2 Local Action Plan This Report is “Supporting Report-2 Local Action Plan”. The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents Abbreviations Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Issues and Measures for the preparation of Local Action Plan (LAP) Part 3 Local Action Plan in MB Miri Part 4 Local Action Plan in MP Pulau Pinang Part 5 Local Action Plan in MD Kinta Selatan Part 6 Local Action Plan in MP Subang Jaya i The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 Abbreviations AFSB Alam Flora Sdn Bhd A/P Action Plan CBO Community Based Organisation C/P Counterpart DB Dewan Bandaraya (City Hall) DBKL Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur City Hall) DBKU Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (Kuching North City Hall) DSWM Division of Solid Waste Management EPU Economic Planning Unit GOM Government of Malaysia G3RS Guidelines for Enhancement of 3Rs Activities in School IEC Information, Education and Communication IMS Information Management System JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LA Local Authority LAP-WM Local Action Plan on Waste Minimisation LGD Local Government Department MB Majlis Bandaraya (City Council) MBJB Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (Johor Bahru City Council) MBKS Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan (Kuching South City Council) MBM Majlis Bandaraya Miri (Miri City Council) MBMB Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah (Melaka City Council) MD Majlis Daerah (District Council) MDK Majlis Daerah Kerian MDKS Majlis Daerah Kinta Selatan (South Kinta District Council) MHLG Ministry of Housing and Local Government MIDA Malaysian Industrial Development Authority MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry MOE Ministry of Education MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MP Majlis Pernadaran (Municipal Council) M/P Master Plan MPK Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan (Kuantan Municipal Council) MPPP Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (Penang Island Municipal Council) MPPJ Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya (Petaling Jaya Municipal Council) MPSJ Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (Subang Jaya Municipal Council) MRF Material Recovery Facility MSW Municipal Solid Waste NCP3R National Children’s Programme on 3Rs NGO Non Governmental Organisation NRD National Recycling Day NREB National Resources and Environment Board NRP National Recycling Programme NSP National Strategic Plan on Solid Waste Management OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OPP3 Third Outline Perspective Plan PDM Project Design Matrix PP Pilot Project PR Public Relations PWD Public Works Department RA Residents Association ii The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 R&D Research and Development RIC Recycling Information Centre RM-8 Eighth Malaysian Plan RM-9 Ninth Malaysian Plan RNU Recycling Networking Unit SND Stakeholders’ Networking Database SS Source Separation SW Solid Waste SWM Solid Waste Management SWM Act Solid Waste Management Act SWMD Solid Waste Management Department SWMSB Southern Waste Management Sdn Bhd TWG Technical Working Group WM Waste Minimisation WMU Waste Minimisation Unit WM-M/P Waste Minimisation Master Plan 3RAG 3Rs Action Guide iii PART 1 INTRODUCTION The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 Part 1 INTRODUCTION A Local Action Plan on Waste Minimisation (LAP-WM) is required by each Local Authority (LA) to provide the road map for the Local Authority to achieve waste minimisation and recycling targets that are tailored to suit its own local conditions. Along with the achievements of targets set in the LAPs, ultimately the LAP helps the LAs to contribute towards the national goals of realising a “Material Cycle Society” (vision of the Waste Minimisation Master Plan) and achieving the national recycling target of 22% in the year 2020 set by the National Strategic Plan for Solid waste Management. The steps involved in formulation of LAPs are explained in detail in the “Guideline for Preparation of Local Action Plan on Waste Minimisation”, Volume 2 of this Report. In general, there are seven steps for the formulation of LAP as summarised below: 1) Establishment of Institutional Framework 2) Identification of Current Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Recycling Scenarios 3) Determination of Scope of LAP-WM 4) Projection of Future Waste Streams 5) Setting Targets of Waste Minimisation. 6) Determination of Actions to Achieve Targets 7) Monitoring and Evaluation In the context of the LAP-WM, the LA is expected to play an important role to facilitate and coordinate plans, programme s and activities to encourage more widespread adoption of waste reducing, reusing and recycling initiatives. In particular the LA is expected to assume the following responsibilities: 1) To be the lead agency or focal point in the implementation of the LAP-WM 2) To facilitate networking and partnership among the stakeholders in recycling and waste minimisation 3) To monitor and report performance of recycling and waste minimisation programme s 4) To be the focal point for data and information related to recycling and waste minimisation 5) To be the link between the Federal Government and the State Government 6) To be the model for recycling and waste minimisation to other organisations (“Leadership by Example”) This Supporting Report - 2 details the LAPs-WM which were formulated by four (4) Model LAs, namely Majlis Daerah Kinta Selatan (MDKS), Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ), Majlis Bandaraya Miri (MBM) and Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) during the Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia (2004 - 2006). These LAPs-WM were formulated under the joint planning works between the local taskforce, which was organised by the LAs, and JICA Study Team as shown in Figure 1-1. 1-1 The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 Local Local Taskforce Authorities Members Majlis Perbandaran Concessionaires Subang Jaya (MPSJ) Other relevant governmental Majlis Perbandaran Pulau agencies (such as NREB) Pinang (MPPP) A/P Formulation Recycling players (industries, Majlis Daerah Kinta collectors, traders etc.) Selatan (MDKS) NGOs, CBOs etc. Majlis Bandaraya Miri Some private entities (MBM) JICA Study Team Figure 1-1 Organisation Framework for the A/P Formulations Based on the experiences gained from preparing the LAPs-WM, a “Guideline for Preparation of Local Action Plan on Waste Minimisation” was prepared and is explained in detail in Part 3, Volume 2 of the Draft Final Report (2nd Edition). On the other hand, the complete documents of LAPs-WM formulated by the Model LAs are attached in Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Supporting Report-2. The contents of the LAPs- WM formulated were based on the following outline: Chapter 1 (Introduction) This chapter describes the background, objectives and scope of the action plans, including the organisation framework for the action plan formulation, as well as the role of all relevant stakeholders in the LA. Chapter 2 (State of Waste Management and Recycling in the LAs) This chapter describes the background information and available data on existing solid waste management and recycling system in the LA. The information on SMW includes the institutional frameworks, service areas, waste generation rate and compositions, waste storage, collection, treatment and disposal systems etc. On the other hand, information on recycling includes some history and background of recycling practices in the LA, types of recycling players involved, types and amount of recyclable materials collected, performance of recycling in the LA, issues and problems faced with some proposed countermeasures etc. 1-2 The Study on National Waste Minimisation in Malaysia Final Report Supporting Report - 2 Chapter 3 (Targets of Waste Minimisation and Recycling) This chapter describes the potential and targets of waste minimisation and recycling in the LA, including some projections of future waste generation, composition and recyclable materials production within the LA areas in the coming five (5) years. This chapter also proposes the target recycling rates to be achieved by the LAs based on the recycling potential and local conditions. Chapter 4 (Actions to Achieve the Targets) This chapter describes some proposed key actions to be carried out by the LA in order to achieve the recycling targets. This includes some legislative instruments, economic instruments, information and awareness campaigns, strengthening of recycling players etc. It also summarises some proposed actions to be taken by specific generation sources such as households, commercial entities, restaurants, hotels, offices and manufacturers. In addition, cost implications of implementing the key actions are also presented. Chapter 5 (Monitoring
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