July2003 "Golden Oldies'n eventat Rutland lohnWodhom's on July 16th. Accordingto statistics FishingReport the averageage ofreser- few bank anglersfishing the the bankhowever- Trevor voir trout fishermanap- dam.The strongwind off Ashby caughthis PB rain- pearsto be fifty years. the wall blew away someof bow weighing 8lb 2oz from So they shouldhave a the hotter surfacewater al- the bank in Carot Creek. lowing cooleawater to very good trfir out! De- 200Jwillgo The fis[ which was in June cometo the surface.This mint condition,gave tails iom the lodgeon downin historyas I phenomenonis known as a Trevor a fight to remembet. 01780686441 I thesecond hottest i/ Junein recorded thermoclinetilt. Interestingly,it showedal- weath€rhistory. But it was This occunedin Gra{llam mostno sign ofErgasilus. quite overcastat timesand in July 1976when almost It was takenon an olive RWtr'FJuniors with Iightwinds made for the entirestock ofthe lake bu.zer fiom the steepside - excellentfishing from the includingthe coarse fish ofthe bay. Evening Thurs- appsred bank but evenbetter fiom in thebowl oflhe For rnanys\perienced an- dam glen day July 31"t the boats.It wasalso in a strongnorth- this hasbeen one their This eventhas had to be thund€ry.It hasbeen said easterlywind. bestseasons at thelake. DaveDoherty rnade good The fish havemade postponedto a datein beforebut you n'.:sl put 'better much useof this fact year. late August and the for- your rod down as soonas lbr his nov- conditionfiis ices mat modified. You will thereis any hint ofthunder. out on th€ WatorAid This was almostcertainly day with his prot6geslosing prolonged be rctified of this as Carbonrorls are ideal if dueto the fuh and gettingplenty ratherexpensive lighting of buzzerhatch. This should soonas a dateand for- rises. conductors! This was in an e3st- standthem iD good steadto mat hasbeen agreed. We erly wind from the get "dog I know that it hasbeen well out thmughthe days". apologisefor any incon- buoysoffthe dam.Boats I.e.,the neJ(t six weeks. veniencethis may have documeniedbut tho top of the SouthArm haspro- havealso done well in Lets hopethe water does caused. Hideaway, get ducedarguably some ofthe Cattletrougb not overheated.Last andManton year b€stnymph fishing in the Bays andalong it was overcasthot and theBunds. historyofthe lake.Only Fishwere also still. Theseconditions are Rutland Water this week somelads from seentravelling oiiNew th€ dr*ded endfor the sen- Zealandpoint Northofthe borderhad a which ap- sitivehout whoseideal Bird Fair - Au- peared bonanzataking some186 to betravelling in feedingtemperature is be- that direction. gust 15th-17th fish in their stay.This is wllat do tween1l and13 DegC! these This is an exciting event just aboutas goodas it gets. fish know that we So,some nice cooling fresh don't? and As a rcsult ofthe hotter North or North-easterly the biggestof its The North pro- weather,the bank fishing Arm is still winrls shouldkeep the wa- kind in the EU andvery ducingbut yisit. hasil€vitably slowedup. orly occasion- ter temperaturedown and well worth a ally. This However,in the recent is bad luck for hopefullyprovide some All detailsofthe event bank good Easterlywind which lasted anglersas this is the DamWall andSykes andtickets arc available oneplace intothe Water Aid Friday- we can accessth€ Lane fishing. ftom the Bird Watching shallows beforetuming Westerly- at thehead ofthe This greatbuzzer fishing Centre,Egleton, Oak- Arm. Tim Appletonsand hasmostly been enjoyed by '17065l hugenumbers offish were b?r'non 075'12 . seenand caughtfiom boats CardiacHill aretho most th€ boaisin about8 to 10 likely good out fiom the damand by ihe areas.Some foot ofwater at the West fish havebeen from €nd ofthe SouthAJm. Cont. chaiimn: lohn MailliDd, 7 st Albabs Cloe, Orlhan LE 15 6EW 01572756650 T@rer: Prul wild, 35 Temyson Way. Shnford. pE9 2cz tel. 0 t ?80 7573s3 [email protected] Scdebry: Roy Kedse, 13 lvol€rley R@d, Hrig*onh, NN I ? 3AH tel. 0l s?2 74?431e o.it [email protected] [email protected] the history ofthe lak€, prior to the erosioi, *trich, in someplaces has moved the banksback by as much as 25M, fi€se buzzerfeeder; were in rangeofahe bank atrgler.Sq $e non-€rodeddeep banks like Canot Creek,Stockie Bay and Whit{,elt Creekhave prov€d produclive. This wassuggested in the last lett€r and confirmedby Trevor and others!Stockie Bay, Sykesanal the Seatopposite the Old Lodgehave fishedexc€ptionally well from th€ banks.This ateadoes not colou up in in_ coming winds Alothi goodbank areaat the moments€erns to be beh^,€enth€ Sailing Club and GibbettGorse. This is as closeas we bant an_ glers can get to Mrntod BaY! As l write, tle fish are still in stockie Bay and at the s9Gs End ofthe D6m and cominginto rdnge\tten a rippl€ comeson. H€re they seemto b€ on Daphniaard Tiny Olive Buzzers. Their diet recentlyhas been more varied .$,ithRed WaterMiteq Ostracods- thos€fie€ swimning tiny musselsabout lhe sizeof daphniabut wift ; hard out€f shell - caddisand morerec€ntly pin fi'v. GRHE & Diawlbachare still taking fish here' Ttie tiny olive buzzerat presentfeatuing in their diet seeinsto hatch over d€€p$ater andthis is what may be keepinga lot of the fish out in the middle ofthe lake. ln thesear€as and top ofthe Southamr &ies haveproduced well even*ten they haveonly beenshowing spasmodically. Also efrectivehave b€e a varietyoflures. - Oneminute no siCt ofa fish then someonesomerrtrge blows a ldristle and up they come.This happ€dedcn Satuxday.Nothing thenapullatfuow! The sedgehafch is in frrll swingtut as alwaysth€ fish seemunintd€sted in them.You cancatdr then on dry s€dgepattems but their stomachsalmost invariably containa tiny gr€td buzz€r,*'tricll haldles simultaneously. Most effective geneialpattef,ns at the momentappear to be the ubiquitousDiawlbach, olive buzz€rsand atr)thing omnge! Letters fiom jmiors -CharlesBowers - \)tfio novr works in the Rutlard shop- giv€sus his fidling lif€ hislcry-so far! We would be vel'y pl€asedto he€r ftom any otherjuDi6 merBb€rwfio wantsto pln his life on the line. We havevery many othei highty skilledjrmiors wit! enviabler€cords. You may trow bejust over thar agebut we would be pleas€dto hear from you none- dr;le;s. Assur;ing w€ r€ceivesome more ofyour life bistories,we will attemptto publishmonthly. So comeor\ don't be shy w€ are all earsmd not to proudto lealn Fom you! A YoungFisherman's Personal View grardla to a small private lake My-Tallington nane is Chartes Bow€rs and I srarredfly-fishing wher I *as about7 y€arsold My took me at wtrerehe taughtn€ the basicsofcasting: but, at that agg it wasmor€ a cas€ofhin nnming W the bank to castfor me andtien going backto;ast for himself Fron that momenton I washooked and would go most weekendsand holidays tom schoolwith my castingimproving eadl tine I went- crandpa startedme off with someof his old tackle 'illidr c.mprised an old fibre glassro4 ?nd ar old rinfly reel holding one of his cmckedup fly lin€s.It was a struggleto cast.I only had a small selectionofflies but still managedto catdl as many fish as iny ganddad. So,tllat mead that I musthave had a goodteach€r. He alsomad€ me takegood car€ of my fishing kit: making sule that it was cleanand tidy reary for fte nexl outing. It vas atl going fine lmtil April 1999wh€n nly grandpaard I went for a dals fishing at RutlandWater. Everlthing uas OK tntil we got horne.We wereunloading th€ cs asnonnal whar he collapsed.I larer found out that my grandpahad died' After rha! a[ ofus, includingmy mum and dadthought that I wasgoing to give up my fisbing. Evm I d;d at times- I tried for the EnSlandt€am. Therl son€oneelse who was a memb€rat tle Tallington lake fishdy, 'r,her€I had startedny fishing car€€r, helped-meas my grandpadid. His nane wasMalcolm Paxton.Everytiing wasgoing *ell againlntil Decsnber I 999 when trlalcoln p.""ed awayve.v suddenly:tut this time I was d€t€rmidedto go fort€rd d lhe following year I tried againfor the EnglandYouth teamand qualified laking fft! plac€wilh 4 fish. That is wheremy competitionfishing cireer $ated: but, it w?snot mtil the noxt year lhat I had s.tmemfre success-That was m the Trout FistrennanEuropean Open-where, in tle Rutlandheat,I caughtth€ bigg€stfish and qualified to go on to the final ttrai year at B€wl Water in KenL Also, that year, I wasrumer up in the RWFF prdmn competiticxl In the youlh intdraticnal that washeld in Wales,dle Englandtearn came third and I i{as s€condrod in this team tn 2002 my dreamscame true when t got ajob in the RutlaDdWater tackle $op. I thei weirt in for the Anglian Wat€r anploy- ees,match held at Pirsfordand won. Also. at Pitsford,I camefourth nanowly missing oui on a placein the TFEO final. I quali- fied for tle EnglandYoulh tearnand wasmade Vic€-captain ofthe t€arnfc'r the home int€tnationalon RutlandWater wh€re Englandtook the gold medal. My local pap€r€rter€d me for a sportsaward whete I camerurm€r up out of20 peoplein my category Anglian Wat€r and the Lincolnshirecouncil alsosponsor me. Now. h€re we are in 2003,and in anothernew fishing season.For this seascn,Ihavebe€n elected captain oflhe Englandteaol for lhe Intemationaljn Scotlandin August. Finaly, if anyonewould like a day fishing or ne€is a boat parlnerc'n Rutlmrdor Graoram,please give m€ a ring on 0l?75 724214 A DIFFERENT ANGLE ftomcaryLegge N fter Gulfwar l, a SquadronLeader was quoted as sayingthat life in the forces is a party,but every l-\,now andthen someone has to do rheclearing up.
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