DIRECTO ,, Y. J HAMPSHIRE. WEST END. 617 Hood Walter, wheelwright Lovibond John & Sons Ltd. brewers Pointsr Frank, farmer Hutchings William & Frank, black- Mead William, farmer Roberts Frank,Rockingham .Arms P.H smiths, Canada Moody George, farmer Shone Herbert H. shopkpr. Canada J"effrey Robert Rogers, farmer i .:\'Ioore Victor,carrier & fly proprietor, Smith Henry, shopkeeper, Canada Jewel! .Alfred, farmer I Canada West Wellow Reading Rooms (Rev. Jewel! !''rank, farmer Olden George Edmund, farmer S. M. "\'V atson, sec) Lamberth Waiter, farmer ; Parsons Ernest, farmer, Canada 1 WESTEND is a village, and in 1894 was constituted a SOUTH STONEH.AM RURAl. DISTRICT COUNCIL_ civil parish under the "Local Government .Act of I894 " Meet at the Workhouse, Westend, every alternate (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73); the parish coJTiprises portions of monday, at 2-30 p.m. Sbamblehurst and .Allington tithings: the village, on the road from Rornsey to Botley ami Fareham, is about ::2 Chairman, Albert Edgar Pfnney, Ramble, Hants miles !;outh-east from Swaythling station uf the London Clerl;, Edward T. We~tlakc, 20 Portland st. Southamptn and South WestNn railway, and 4 miles north-east from Medical Officer of Health, .Alfred Pern L.R. C. P.Lond., Southampton, it is in the Southern division of t11e F.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.B.Camh. BntlPy county, hundred of Mansbridge, South Stoneham union, District Road Surveyor, W. J. Putter, Glenruy, Old Southampton petty sessional division and county court Portswood, Southampton district, and in the rural deanery of Southampton and Sanit~t.ry Inspector & Building Surveyor, William F_ Watts, Bitterne archdeaconrv• and diocese of Winchester. The ecclesi- sstical parish was formed in rB4o- The church of St. Assistant Sanitary Inspector, W. J. Green, Malvern Jame~, originally erected in I838, at a cost of about villas, Church road, Sholing {,2,7oo, was rebuilt in r8go, at a cost of £8,ooo, and is an edifice of red Lrick and Weldon stone, in the Early Per­ pendicular style from dP,signs by the late Sir. A. Blomfield SOUTH STO.XEHAM UKION. !.R.A., F.S . .A. and consists of chancel with chapel, nave, The union comprises the following parishes, viz_:­ aisles, organ chamber, and vestry: the organ, the site of Bitterne, Botley, Bursledon, Ghilworth, East,leigh, the vicarage and other benefactions to the church were He~mble, Hedge End, Bound, Itchen, Millbrook, North given by the late Mrs. Hasefoot: the east window is a Sto11Pham, South Stoneham & W estcnd. The popula­ memorial to the late E . .Tones esq. of Harefield, whose tion of the nnion in rgu was 37,106; area, 23,003 widow, ~irs. Thomas, of lla.refield, also gave the pulpit: R~cres; rateable value, Lady Day, Igrr, £250,554 there are nine stained windows, one being a memorial to J3oard day, monuay, fortnightly, at the Workhouse at the Rt. Rev. Edward Harold BrowneD. D. bishop of Win­ Westend, near Southampton, at 12 noon chester, 1873-gr, who died and was buried in this parish: Chairman of the Board of Guardians, F. J. Bendy, High there are sittings for 480 persons. The register dates street, Eastleigh from the year r84o. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Clerk to the GuardiailS & .Assessment Committee, Edward value £2og, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Thompson Westlake, 20 Portland street, Southampton Winchester, and held s;n~P 19II by the Rev. Frederick Treasurer, R S_ Hankinson, I72 High st. Southampton Rowland D1-wson .:'II.A. of Corpus Christi CollPge, Cam­ Relieving Oilicers, No_ I district, E. G. Legg, I5 Ludlow bridge. There is a. United Methodist chapel, seating­ road, Itchen; No. 2 district, W. C. Weston, High about 200 pPrsmH, a Wes!Pyan chapP! at Moor Green, and street, West End; No. 3 district, J_ L. Campbell, Primitive .\Iethodist. Evangelical missicn and Church Southampton road, Eastleigh Army halls. In the parish is a reading room. Barefield, Vaccination Oflicers, The Registrars of Births, Deaths the property and residence of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas, is & .Marria.ges pleasantly situated in a p3rk and grounds of 240 acres, Collectors of Ra:tes, Bitterne, Botley, Eastleigh, Hedge the greater part of which is in Westend, the remainder End, South Stoneham & Westend. Frederick W_ being in Bitterne parish_ Hatch Grange is the property Tinker, 101 Leigh road, Eastleigh; Chilworth, Mill­ and residence of R. Warneford Fletcher esq. Thornhill brook & North Stoneham, 'V. J_ Cox, Ruse vale, Win­ Park, the pr,Jperty and residence of John N 01 man chester road, Bassett, Southampton; Bursledon, Campbell esq. is pleasantly situated in a park and Ham ble, Hound & Itchen, William Fowler, W oolston grounds. The principal landowners are R. "\Yarneford Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Fletcher esq. Col. Frank Willan D.L., J.P. Mrs. Thomas, Owen Taunton Stephenson B . .A.Oxon., M.R.C.S.Eng., of H~refield, .Tohn Gater and W. H. Gater esqrs. and L.R.C.P.L:md. Saxonhnrst, Woolston; No. 2 district, the trustees of Caleb W. Gater esq. and Queen's Col­ Edmund Str;kes Hall M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., lege, Oxford. The area is 2,983 acres of land and I of water; rateable valne, £10,033; the population in rgor L.R.C.P.Lond. Bath lodge, Bitterne; No. 3 district, w2s 1,75t, and inr'ludes 13 officers and 237 inmates of Alfred Pern L.R.C.P.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H_ the South Stoneham union workhouse. Cam b. Rotley; No. 4 district, Ed-ward Alan Rnstat South Stonrham Union house, in SB.AMBLE- Covey L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Linden grove, Shirley; No_ HL'RST tithing in this parish, erected in 1848, at a 5 district, Lancelot Moyle Breton M.R.C.S.Epg., L.R C.P.Lond. 2'iO Portswood road, Southampton; No. cost of about £7,ooo, and enhrged in r887, is a ~ structure of red 1Jriek, in the Elizabethan style, and 6 distrirt, Raymond Reynolds Gr~rrrtt M.R.C.S.Eng., will hold 350 inmates : further enlarged in r 895 by the L.R.C.P.Lond. The Cottage, Eastleigh addition of new quarters for nnrsPs, and in 18gB a new Workhouse, Westend, Sonth StonehHm, to hold 350 in­ boiler house and hoil~rs were adrled; attached to the mates; Rev. George Edward Caulfield Os borne M.A._ house ar" 22 acres of land for cultivation bv. the chaplain; .Alfred Peru L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; paupers; and in r8g4 the Rural Sanitary .Authority GeoTge Alfred Wood, master; Mrs. Ethel Clara Wood, pnrcba<ed about 8 aerea of land and wood adjoining the matron workhouse grJlmds and erPcted a hospitnl for infeetions Superintendent Registrar, Middleton Forbes Curtis, Bel­ cases for the whole of the union, in accordance with the mont road, Portswood; deputy, Robert .Adamson, 8g provisions of the "Pnhlie Health Act." ·.Adelaide road, St. Denys', Southampton Parish Clerk, John Lyon. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Millbrook sub-district, Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office.-Wilfred Lang­ H. P. Young-, Shirley Park road, Shirley; St. Mary ford, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from South­ Extra sub-district, A. E. Chandler, 39 Portsmouth ampton at 6.2.5 a.m. & 1.25 & 6 p.m. & are dispatched road. Woolston; deputy, P. Warner, Bridge road, at g.2o a.m. & 4-45 & 8.5 p.m.; sundays, ro.3o a.m W(){)lston; Snuth Stoneham sub-district, .A._ C. Post Office, ~roar Green.-Charles William Pearce, sub­ Miller, .Adelaide road, St_ Denys', Southampton · postmaster. Box deared, 8.45 a.m. & 3.15 & 7·35 Registrars of Marriages, .A. E. Chandler, 39 Portsmouth p.m.; sundays, ro.5 a.m. Westend, r mile distant, road, Woolston; dflputy, P. Warner, Bridge road, is the nearest money order & telegraph office Woolston ; & H. P. Young, Shirley Park rd. Shirley Wall Letter Boxes.-Near church, cleared at 9 20 a. m. & !·5o & 8.10 p.m.; sundays, ro.3o a.m.; coTner of SCHOOLS. '::lnakemore lane, cleared at 7·45 a. m. & 12.30 & 6.15 Elementary (mixed & infants), built in 1903 by public p.m. ; sundays, 7-45 a.m. ; near the Union, cleared at subscription, . for z5o children; average attendance, 8.)o a.m. & 3.20 & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, ro.ro a.m. & 245 ; George H. Elliott, master; Mrs. E. BlackmoTe, Allington Lane, cleared at 7 a.m. & 7·I5 p.m.; sun­ infants' mistress days, 7 a.m.; Chalk Hill, cleared at 9.15 a.m. & 3.30 & 7·55 p.m.; sundays, 10.20 a.m. ; Moor hill, cleared Carrier. William Moody, from Horton Heath to South~ at 7.40 a.m. & 2.15 & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, at 7.40 a.m ampton, via Westend, tues_ thurs. & sat PRIVATR RESIDENTS. A.nderson Mrs. Rosehill Badham Miss, Rose cottage !cton Waltt>r, The Glen A.ylmer Sir .A.rthur Percy FitzGerald Baker J. R. St. Barbe, The Firs Allep Miss, Roselands bart. Donadea. lodge Blakiston John R. 'Ihe Wilderness .
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