PREFACE ITEM APPLICATION NUMBER: P/03/1623 APPLICANT(S) NAME: Mr. A.R.Tiley PROPOSAL: Change the use of dwelling to mixed use as dwelling with office to operate airport travel service and two vehicles LOCATION: 8 Park View Bungalows, Penmaen, Blackwood. This application was reported to the Planning Committee on the 4th February, 2004; a copy of the original report is attached as an appendix. The Committee resolved to defer the matter to this meeting of the Committee to allow conditions to be considered to attach to a grant of planning permission. The following conditions with reasons are recommended in order to retain effective control over the development:- (1) The use hereby permitted shall be carried on only by Mr A R Tiley and members of his family residing with him. (2) This permission shall be for a limited period being the period of 12 months from the date of this permission, after which, the use hereby approved shall cease unless a further permission has been granted by the Local Planning Authority. The reasons for the Council’s decision are:- (1) Permission is granted on the basis of the personal circumstances of the applicant and it is not considered that a wider permission for this type of use in this location would be acceptable. (2) To enable the Local Planning Authority to assess at the end of this period whether the operation is causing detriment to the amenities of adjoining occupiers or to highway safety. PREFACE ITEM APPLICATION NUMBER: Rhondda Cynon Taf Reference 3/1829 APPLICANT(S) NAME: Mr. Hugh Haines, Pentwyn Farm, Caerphilly. PROPOSAL: Specialist fourwheel drive repair and maintenance workshop with associated landscaping works. LOCATION: Land adjoining Beech Farm to the South West of Penrhos Roundabout (A468) Caerphilly. This Council has been consulted by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (RCT) about a reserved matters application for a specialist four wheel drive repair and maintenance workshop on land at Penrhos, Caerphilly. The site has an area of 0.2 ha with a 42m wide frontage onto the Caerphilly Southern By-Pass, to the north of and adjoining Beech Farm. The floor area of the building would be 804 square metres, and it would accommodate the applicant’s business for the repair of agricultural vehicles, which has recently tended to specialise in Land Rover vehicles. At present the business is located at Pentwyn Farm at Energlyn, a housing area, and it is considered by the applicant that the proposed site would be less harmful to residential amenity, that the development is an example of farm diversification, and in the interests of visual amenity, existing hedges would be retained and strengthened. The building would measure 30m x 21m x 5.6m high would be industrial in appearance and finished in profiled metal cladding, apart from the front elevation which would be finished in a mixture timber cladding and stonework. A parking area for 13 cars would be provided at the front of the site, with a service yard on the north-western side of the site. The outline application was reported to Planning Committee in August, 2002 at which it was resolved to object to the scheme for the following reasons:- 1. It would introduce a commercial vehicle access on to a strategic route close to a major roundabout to the detriment of the free flow of traffic and highway safety. 2. Noise generated by the proposed use would be detrimental to the residential amenities of the occupants of the nearby housing, especially late in the evening and at weekends. 3. A vehicle repair development at this site would consolidate the existing sporadic commercial uses in the locality, and would in itself be an inappropriate use in this rural area, to the detriment of the character and appearance of the locality. However, if Rhondda Cynon Taf were minded to grant permission it was requested that conditions addressing the following matters should be imposed: hours of operation, no external working, no external storage, design and external appearance of the building, landscaping and access details. Cont…. Continued Outline permission was subsequently granted subject to conditions in respect of the details of the scheme, landscaping, the limitation of the gross floor area of the building to 600 square metres, samples of materials, hours of working during construction being limited to 0800 hours to 1800 hours Monday to Friday and 0800 hours to 1300 hours on Saturday with none on Sunday and Bank Holidays, storage of fuels, oils and chemicals, and sewerage. The principle of the development has now been accepted by RCT as the Local Planning Authority, and although this Council originally objected to the proposal, the submission is generally satisfactory bearing in mind the nature of the development. The front elevation facing the Caerphilly Southern By-Pass uses a mixture of timber and stonework to relieve the building’s industrial appearance, and the hedge on the front boundary will be retained and supplemented. This Council’s Highway Engineer has already discussed the scheme with RCT’s engineers and conditions addressing the following matters are suggested: means of access to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority, parking facilities, turning and servicing areas, details of gates and the closure of the existing access. The Council’s Chief Environmental Health Officer considers that noise emanating from the site should be controlled, hours of operation should be limited, the use of the roller shutter doors should be discouraged unless the hours of operation are limited to normal working hours, no operation should take place outside the building, and details of ventilation and odour filtration should be agreed. Details of the scheme have been passed to the occupants of the housing on the opposite side of the road, and they have been asked to contact Rhondda Cynon Taf directly about their concerns. Any such comments received by this Council will be reported to members at Planning Committee. The gross floor space of the building appears to exceed that specified in the outline planning permission by 200 square metres, so any comments passed to Rhondda Cynon Taf should be prefaced by drawing attention to that limitation. In view of this Council’s previous objection to the scheme, the recommendation below is that any development should comply with that condition, and the requirements of the various consultees. RECOMMENDATION that the floorspace of the building should comply with the condition on the outline, and that the comments of the various officers should be recommended to Rhondda Cynon Taf for inclusion as either conditions should the development be approved, or as the basis for seeking amendments to the proposal. Code No. and Name and Address of Applicant Description and location of date received proposed development P/04/0023 Mr. T.E. Humphrey, Change the use to single residential 12/01/04 76 Court Street, house at Penywaun Inn, Upper Tonypandy. High Street, Rhymney. APPLICATION TYPE: FULL APPLICATION SITE AND DEVELOPMENT This application relates to the conversion of a vacant public house to a single dwelling. The building, which is situated at the northern end of upper Church Street has been unoccupied for almost 2 years and has its windows and doors currently covered with security shutters. The building is a large three-storey premises, and the application proposes to turn it into a seven bedroomed dwelling, with minimal change in terms of the layout of the building. To the rear of the building is a yard/ beer garden area that has vehicular access from the adjacent street. PLANNING HISTORY There is no recent planning history. POLICY The site lies with the settlement boundary for Rhymney identified in the Deposit Caerphilly County Borough Unitary Development Plan. Policy R10 of the Deposit Plan states: “The conversion of the ground floor of shops or the redevelopment of sites to residential uses will only be permitted where a residential frontage is included in the design.” Policy DC1 (standard development control criteria) is also relevant. CONSULTATION Chief Engineer (Highways) has no objection to the proposal. Chief Environmental Health Officer has no objections to the proposal. ADVERTISEMENT There has been no response to date to publicity carried out. ANALYSIS The proposal will bring back into use a large prominent building. The building is detached from other properties in the vicinity, and the use is considered compatible given that the site is in the middle of a residential area. Cont…. Application No. P/04/0023 Continued No external changes are proposed to the building’s frontage and notwithstanding Policy R10, the frontage is considered acceptable in its present form to accommodate the proposed use. In view of the size of the site and its relationship with neighbouring properties, there is no need to restrict permitted development rights. RECOMMENDATION that Permission be GRANTED This permission is subject to the following condition:- The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. The reason for the Council’s decision is:- To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Code No. and Name and Address of Applicant Description and location of date received proposed development P/04/0084 Silent Valley Waste Services, Amend hours of opening of waste 21/01/04 Beechwood House, transfer hall to 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 Cwm, p.m. seven days a week at Full Ebbw Vale. Moon Civic Amenity Site, Waste Transfer Station, Wattsville. APPLICATION TYPE: NON COMPLIANCE WITH COND SITE AND DEVELOPMENT This planning application seeks to vary Condition (12) attached to consent 2/11295, granted for a waste transfer station, and civic amenity site at Full Moon Industrial Site at Wattsville.
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