THE INDIANAPOLIS JOUBNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1904, erally. But then the? discharge of the mine age Russia to send out the Baltic fleet, RAILROAD TIMn CARD. causal an explosion of her magazines and counting on finding a harbor of refuge in Spring Humors boilers." Port Arthur. Throngs Women Wait His Imperial "It is realized that the storming of the of for Come to most people anil cause many fortress will inevitably cost many lives, but (JVU UNIONfsUTlOir FIERCE COSSACKS it is said that the waters where the Jap- troubles, pimples, boiU and other " anese ships are forced to maneuver are be- to TEE BüRRö'JIEjSy DRIVE BACK ENEMY coming so dangerous because of floating Highness Prince Pu Lun Finish RoyalNap eruptions, besides loss of appetite, mines that heroic measures are impera- KM lll'M r'or l.earTSnJianpo2l4. tive. Under the?e --circumstances It is that tired feeling, fits of biliousness, 4 aa:r, Ma'.ttxn an.l St ll a m: .ipiii 20. Following lrr p m Jt 12.05 m. ST. FETEItSBURG. May 1 exercises, Ic! thought that lfe will be economized by (CONCLUDED FROM FIRST PAGE.) the light garments of the receiving women The prince took active part la the indigestion and headache. t I,'v.:Uand 'aytat!on 7. ra. on the heels of the news of the disaster to stormlr.g the stronghold and eliminating it who were guests. of the Local Council. A with the dark, rich robe3 of the Chinese j and from his hands were presented the Terr Haute. Maton ani Way. snopm. adjacent waters of certificates The sooner one gets Cht- - 4 so the Japanese fleet, the general staff received and the from the area general Invitation to the reception was ex- prince and his suite was an enective one. prizes annually awarded and the rid of them the Lafnvette, KaDkakeo und Ml a ta: 3.30 pm actual conflict." Eight members of Company D, under and diplomas "given to the graduates. Czo J ltiOara. official advices of the defeat of the Japa- special Daily News Che-Fo- o tended to all the members of the different Dy better, and the way to get rid of them Knkkec and aj 7 00 am. A to the from societies affiliated Local Coun Lieutenant Dawson, were detailed to keep The prizes which were presented nis IjifaTftt Station.... nese force "which was marching north from says: with the the stairways and hall clear for the prince Highness were with one exception volumes to and War Station .... ftispm. 1:5) cil. em and build up tho system that has 'lf;ix. LoiranTort and ?. ltand. ".( a m Jt 51 Feng-Wang-Chen- "At o'clock this morning a tremen- during to history of the Chinese g" for the purpose of ex- An unfortunate delay In the arrival of and to direct the moving procession relative the and 50am 1 dous explosion was heard in th direction the receiving hours, and the uniformed pire. The Founder's prizes, which is con- suffered from them is to take lVoria and War flationti rl........u ecuting a flank movement on Mukden. De- was impossible as- the guest of honor and his suite threatened 7.Mara. of Port Arthur. It to the success of the reception. The members guards added to the picturesque decoration sidered the most valuable of all, and award- Champaign amt War station... 4 15 p ni. rmb- - school work, V. tails of the dispatch will not be made certain the cause." of the clubs who had been invited to meet of the building. ed for all around excellency in AST BOlT.VP-r- or 6 One of the prettiest parts of tne reception, were awarded to Miss Gertrude Free and Uuffalo t 4.49 a ra; ?() a m; lie until it has been passed by the war the prince between the hours of 4 and con- Hood's Sarsaparilla Clv!anl. were compelled 6 which was witnessed only by the commit- Miss Madeleine Maus Fauvre. In this New York and Horton 2.S5 p m Jk p m. commission, but It has txen left to' the JAPANESE DID NOT to wait until almost tees, was presentation of Mrs. Moy Kee nection honorable mention was awarded Cleveland an.l Wi Mniiotn ....li.oi a m. o'clock before they were to the the 4 clear in admitted prince. Moy was accompanied 0 Miss Agnes Monks. The prize and Pills Union fiT and Way Station. p m. Associated Press to make it that reception room. given, to the Mrs. Leander Munel and N 7. 00 6.23 p ra CARE TO RISK BATTLE The explanation by her husband, who, though he had not for the one being the most punctual In at- Fort arne ami order to save themselves from destruction that the prince was exceedingly fatigued reception, an given to Forming in combination tho Spring fort Warm. nidT 8 0 a m. to and was taking a nap, from which no mem- received an Invitation to the tendance to her recitations was Benton Harbor and War M... 7 00a rn Jt 1130a ra. the Japanese were compelled retreat. accompanying her. Miss Winona Allen Harpold. Residence Elkhart and Way 43 p rn. NIEU-CHWAX- G. May 20. 7 a. m. The disturb nounced his Intention of Medicino par excellence, of unequalled Stations Since General Kurokl sent a column north- ber of his suite would venture to because Chinese women are not accustomed prizes were given to Margaret Marie Gar- - Feng-Wang-Che- ng was and Cincinnati.. J g ward to gain the road leading directly weit reports of the Japanese retreat to him. graciously received. to go out unattended, and Mrs. Moy would rltson. Marie Bourland. Luclle May strength in purifying tho blood as Ore.n.burs At the arrival of Pu Lun with Julia 4 2.VS from Mukden, General Kuropatkln has kept are officially confirmed. The Prince be at a loss what to do if lert alone. Mrs. Franke and Winona Allen Harpold. One ' oukrili and Ncrth Vernon. ..3 ltSf.a m A p ra. Mrs. May Wright conducted Cincinnati 7.15 a m Jt 4.no p awaiting Sewall he was Moy of flowers five placed disposition 6kown by unequalled, radical and per- ard war m. it under the closest surveillance Japanese, numbering 20,000 men, came up to the dais, where Mrs. John W. Kern, act- brought an Immense bouauet of the medals at the Washinrton. I. .:. 7 4S a m A 6 30 P the moment when It should be so distant to present to Prince Pu and the en- of the Indianapolis branch of the Alliance Sprtnarfild and Oolumho, 00 a m Jt 00 p m. pre- with 22,000 Russians In a strong position on ing president of the Local Council of manent cures of 0...t from the main Japanese army as to Women stood. Aflrr his presentation to trance of the aualntlv attired Chinese man Francaise has been given by it to the Girls' Lynn and ar St M torn 6.13 P m. Feng-Wang-Chen- g. Daily vent its easy reinforcement. In observing Monday sixty miles west of Mrs. Kern he and Mrs. Sewall took their and woman, carrying the cluster of bright Classical School and this prize was last Ccrcfula Gait Rheum Indicates this plan the Russians withdrew and the It being unwise to risk a battle, places beside her, and the presentation of blossoms, was very effective ana created night awarded to Miss Agnes Leander Japanese, not rinding a strong force of the committees to the prince took place. much interest. At the entrance of the Monks. The prize for the girl that had Scald Head Dolls, Pimples CITY TICKET OFFICE, the enemy before them, continued to ad- the Japanese retreated in good order and prince and his suite Mrs. Moy unfurled shown the greatest improvement since she The prince adapted the American custom All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis 8 vance. When the time for action came with great rapidity. of handshaking, and, though it was not In- her gorgeous fan. keeping her face had been a member of the school went to North Illinois St. General Kuropatkln let General Itennen-kamp- ff An unofficial Rdssian authority says a tended that he should shake the hands of entirely hidden behind Its folds. She walked Miss Ruth Maxam. and Miss Gertrude Free Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Kennen-kamp- ff room, guided by her husband, received the prize for the best English stu- Claypool Hotel. lose from leash. General pitched battle was not fought, but rumor the assemblage of guests who were pre- around the had under his command only a committees, he adhered to to the dais where the prince stood, and so dent. Catarrh Dyspepsia, Etc Indianapolis. sented after the s o--i few regiments, but they were the flower of says there was considerable loss on both soon as she reached it she began an elab The music for the commencement was ) a m the custom, and there are few of the s, Accept no substitute, but be sure to Cincinnati Expre&a i On May he on orate bows kow-tow- to which by the girls from the school and a ra j 00 p m the Cossack cavalry. is fell sides during the clashes with the Cossacks, women who were guests of the Local Coun- series of and urnlshed 5.00 p ra 7 W pro the enemy, whose number has not yet been cil yesterday who have not the proud tho nrlnce reDlied with other bows and the address made to the graduating class get Hood's, and get it today, harassing the flanks of the Japanese.
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