Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-29-1997 The BG News January 29, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 29, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6116. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6116 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS OPINION 2 Natalie Miller offers her opinion on the Switchboard 372-2601 Women's Basketball Men's Basketball Classified Ads 372-6977 stereotypes of Greek organizations Display Ads 372-2605 at Ohio at home Editorial 372-6966 Cloudy Sports 372-2602 tonight 7 p.m. tonight 7 p.m. Entertainment 372-2603 STATE 3 Falcon women hope to BG's interior defense to and cold Story Idea? Give us a call halt two game skid with face test against impres- Medical College of Ohio appoints Dr. Frank weekdays from I pm.to 5 pm.,or win over Ohio sive Bobcat front line e-mail: "[email protected]" McCullough as new president, the fifth since opening High: 25 Low: 10 WEDNESDAY January 29,1997 Volume 83, Issue 86 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75 years" # VP punishment called "too severe tt trouble," he said of the initial in- level of involvement of the indi- Student Government this statement is echoed by other Weckesser reacts to vestigation. vidual. USG members, including cabinet Weckesser said he ultimately During Monday night's USG ment was more severe, but he member Matt Holmes. signed a paper taking responsi- general assembly meeting, noted that he had a prior infrac- "The whole reason he's being loss of USG position bility for his Weckesser alluded to other tion and Weckesser stood to lose penalized is because he's a Delt. actions, and ^~, members of campus organiza- more: his seat on USG. He got screwed. He had no By VINCE GUERRIERI and JOE from his position as Undergrad- was placed on tions on probation who were not As a member of the executive chance," Holmes said. BOYLE uate Student Government vice probation from ^fc»w_ removed from their positions. branch of USG, Weckesser was Holmes said the fact Weckes- The BC News president. now until Three other brothers of Delta forced from his seat because he ser was removed without the or- Weckesser and 13 other mem- December as a Tau Delta who are members of was placed on probation, in ac- ganization's consent is trouble- When Jimmy Weckesser took bers of the fraternity were cited result. USG were cited in the incident, cordance with terms of the USG some to some members. responsibility for his role in an for furnishing alcohol to a minor According to and were not removed from their Constitution. "They took It out of our hands. incident at the Delta Tau Delta in November 1996. Whipple, there seats - USG rules did not man- "What happened was what was He didn't do anything wrong," house, he didn't think a severe Initially, Weckesser said, the are no set-ln- date the dismissal of senators. supposed to happen," Carraher Holmes said. punishment was at hand. investigation involved being stone rules re- One of those cited was Joe Car- said. "I don't think it's necessar- The 14 men were cited with interviewed by student affairs garding what kiWeckesser raher, off-campus senator. Car- ily fair, but under the rules, it's furnishing alcohol to an However, despite assurances from Vice President for Student officials, and he didn't believe his punishments will be assessed for raher was also placed on proba- the only thing that could be underage person following a Affairs Ed Whipple that he would involvement would have the cir- violations of the Student Code. tion, and had to attend alcohol done." party at the fraternity's High not be harshly punished, Weck- cumstances it did. Most sanctions, Whipple said, are programs and perform commu- Weckesser said he believes he esser found himself removed "We didn't think we'd get in a judgment call, based on the nity service. Carraher's punish- is the victim of a witch hunt, and • See WECKESSER, page three. Affirmative Action Biker Boy Drums will start BG Panel heritage series discusses ByJOHNSTEBBINS quotas The BC News "He does more than With February being Black play. The stories he By ROCHELLE M. CONVERSE History Month, the University brings are an will be getting off to an early The BC News start Thursday with a one-night educational The myths and realities of af- showing of world-renowned opportunity for the firmative action were discussed drummer Babatunde Olatunji. whole Bowling Green Monday night in the Amani room He and his "Drums of Passion" on campus. will perform at the Lenhart community." Marshall Rose, University Di- Grand Ballroom Thursday night rector of Affirmative Action, at 7 p.m. with a workshop Friday said there is a common miscon- at the Bryan Recital Hall in the Scott Michaels ception that affirmative action Moore Musical Arts Center at Africana Committee member only benefits minorities. noon. Admission for both events "It's not just something for mi- is free to students and non- norities," Rose said. "It also in- students. healing message to help bring all cludes women, persons with dis- The appearance is coordinated people together." Olatunji, a abilities and veterans." by the Africana Heritage Series native of Nigeria, helped found Rose said white women are the Committee with support from the Planet Drum, a drum group, with largest group who benefit from University president, the Uni- former Grateful Dead drummer affirmative action due to their versity Activities Office, Under- Mickey Hart in 1991. He also has population size in comparison graduate Student Government, released albums and worked on with other groups. the Interfratemity Council and various film scores, including The conflict over whether af- other campus groups. Spike Lee's "She's Gotta Have firmative action is actually re- Committee chair and coor- It." In 1967, he opened the Ola- sponsible for racial tension and dinator Lillian Ashcroft-Eason, a tunji Center of African Culture in hostility is a flawed argument, professor of history, feels this is the Harlem area of New York according to Shirley Jackson, a an opportunity to see a good ex- City. University ethnic studies in- ample of African culture. Africana Committee member structor. "This is to anticipate a drum- Scott Michaels first heard of Ola- "If we look at the situation his- ming legend coming to our cam- tunji through the Planet Drum torically, prior to affirmative ac- pus to perform here - one of the project. He feels this is not only a tion, there was racial hostility," greatest contemporary drum- chance to listen to a concert, but Jackson said. mers of our time," Ashcroft- to listen to an Interesting view of Jackson said if the program Eason said. "There are people the civil rights movement. was eliminated, it would be coming in from Akron, Cleve- "He does more than play," Mi- wrong to assume that all racial land, Detroit and Indiana just to chaels said. "The stories he hostilities would suddenly dis- see him." brings are an educational oppor- appear. After his first album, "Drums tunity for the whole Bowling "Long before there was affir- of Passion," was released In 19S9, Green community." mative action, there was sex- he went on to add to his record- Following the performance ism," she said. "Long before ing career by actively supporting will be a reception at the Wank there was affirmative action and working with the late civil- leman Gallery in the School of there was racism and long before rights leader Martin Luther Art where an exhibition titled affirmative action we had King, Jr. Ashcroft-Eason said his "Textiles from Vanishing Cul- differential treatment of vet- group is the embodiment of tures: Flat Woven Textiles of the erans and the disabled." multiculturallsm'that crosses World" will be on display until Misunderstandings also exist gender and cultural lines. Feb. 7. regarding quotas, which have BG Ncwi Phoio by Hid, kl KatapaU "He carries a theme of broth- For further information, call become more of a "buzz word" Wefley Rupert, 4, takes a ride down East Merry Street. erhood and sisterhood," Ash- the Africana Heritage Series than a reality, Rose said. croft-Eason said. "He brings a Committee at 372-8120. Quotas are only mandatory in cases where a court order has been Issued to remedy acts of discrimination. "There is no affirmative action BG utility rates to remain the same statute or regulation that re- By DARLA WARNOCK quires quotas," he said. lowed the Board to keep the rates water, as well as to improve taste current standstill of public utili- "We dont have any choice - we Instead of issuing quotas, the The BC News constant for a number of years. and odor. ties, the tuition rates of students have to pay," Martin said. "The program aims for goals to allow He said the rates may see an They will also be taking part in does not decrease. He explained fact that we don't have utility in- equal access into areas of em- Utility rates for Bowling Green Increase in 1998 as a result of a a pilot test of nano-filtration the University has a mandatory creases now is that we dont have will not increase this year as a ployment.
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