494 SCOTTER. LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY'B Carriers to:- Gainsborough-¥Villiarp & Isaac Green, from Susworth. Brigg William & Isaac Groon, from Susworth, thurs. ; tues. & sat.; Robert Har.sley, tue-s. & fri Rabert Harsley, thurs SCOTTER. Eminson Thos. Ben.Franklin M.R.C.S.1Slight John, d€puty registrar of PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Eng., L.S.A. surgeon, & medical births & deaths for Scotter rob- Blew Rev. John M.A. (rector), Rectry officer & public vaccinator, Scatter district, Gainsborough district Brown Rev. Stanley W. (Primitiv-e dist-rict, Gainsborough union & Smith Thomas, vermin killer Methodist) Messingham district, Glanford Smith William (Mrs.), butcher Butler Arthur J Brigg union Snowden Adam, coal deail.er Cook Mrs. T Eminl!on William, farmer Stutting John, shopkeeper Day Robert Emmerson William, farmer Tindall Johny thrashing machine pro- Eminson Thomas Benjamin Franklin Everatt Edward, ironmonger prietor Graharn Rev. John (Primitive Metho- Everatt John & George, thrashing Vickars Thomas, farmer ciist) machine owners Wakefield George E. farmer, Eau Hucknall · Rev. Joseph (Primitiv~ Faunthorpe William, farmer house & Messingham common Methodist) Guilliatt Thomas, farmer Warwick Grant, farmer, Scotterfield Powell James P HarL"~ley Robert, carrier Wright Christr.carpntr.& wheelwright Holland Mary (Mrs.), grocer Ranyell Mrs. Burton house COTEHOUSES. Roadley John, The Manor Hudson James, farmer Roadley Miss, The Manor King Ebenezer, insurance agent Barlow Thomas & Wilfred, farmer& Stothard William Ketteringham Henry, artificial teeth Marris Hunt, farmer maker; attends every 1st & 3rd Pycroft Henry, farmer COMMERCIAL. monday in month from Scunthorpe Ayre Roger, White Swan P.H Lidgett Charles & Son, bakers SCOTTER THORPE. Bell Charles, cowkeeper, Mill hill Loughton .Alfred, bricklayer Cook Harris, farmer Bird .Alfred, farmer, Holly House farm Marris Hunt, farmer Foster Lacey, farmer Brown Henry, wheelwright Moxham Francis, poor rate collector Kirkland rElizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Brumby Henry, tailor • Moxham Henry John, watch maker &c Osborne William Harrison, farmer Butler .Arthur J. potato grower Moxham Thomas, farmer, Common Proudley George, farmer Butler John, grocer & draper, fa1mer Nelson William, saddler • & potato & carrot grower Osborne Herbert, farmer, Moss farm SUS WORTH. Clark John, farmer Oxley Thomal!, jun. farmer, St. Clarke Grayson, photographer Helena farm, Kirton road COMMERCIAL, Clarke Mabel (Mrs.), draper Ra.ddish Richd. & John Richd.farmers krmstrong George Henry, farmer Clarvis Thomas, Sun & .Anchor P.H Richards Henry, cowkeeper Bell Thomas, White Horse P.H Clayton Edward, butcher Richards William, oowkooper Drewry Thomas & Alfred, farmers Cook Harris, grocer Rodgers Thomas, vermin killer Green Isaac, hawker Cottingham Georga Waiter, miller Scupholme Richard Sharpe, shopkeepr Green William, shopkeeper (windf Sizer William, wheelwright Gulliat George, ferryman Cottin,gham Wm.miller (wind & stm) Skinner Thomas, shoe makei- Jacklin George, hawker Day Robert James, farmer, Field fann Skinner Thomas, jun. farmer Morley William, farmer Day William, farmer, Church farm Skinner William, farmer Preston Nicholas, blacksmith Drayton J ames, boot maker Slight John & Edward, tailors Robinson George, farmer, South Ings Drewry Thos.& .Alfd.farmers,Grove ho Slight Edward, registrar of births & Robinson Robert, farmer Elwood Gerva5e, blacksmith deaths for the sub-district of Scat­ Ross George, wheelwright Eminson Richard & Son, farmers, ter, Gains-borough district & clerk Sandars & Co. maltsters Scotterwood . to the Parish Council of Scatter Scutt William, farmer SCOTTON is a parish, township and village on the slab displays the bust of a priest within a quatrefoil, river Eau, 2~ miles north from Northorpe station and 3 and one other, only fragmentary, has some Lombardic miles north-west from Kirton station on the main line let ten•: in the south aisle there is an hagioscope, and of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes section of the Great the chancel retains an aumbry, piscina a.nd credence: Central railway, 9 north-east from Gainsborough and 162 in the south aisle is the recumbent effigy of a knight in from London. and in the West Lindsey division of the mail armour with crossed legs, probably of the reign county, part~ of Lindsey, wapentake of Corringham, of Edward n. and also a female effigy; a slab with Gainsborough petty sessional division, union and county fioria ted cross bears a mutilated inscription to Richard court district, rural deanery of Corringham, archdeaconry Sallenby, 1400: there are one or two shields on the roof of Stow and diocese of Lincoln, The church of St. of the chancel, which was restored in 1866; the fine Genewys ;is a spacious edifice of stone, in the Norman, oost window is a memorial to the late Rev. Edward Early English and Later styles, consisting of chancel, Frederick St. Leg er M . .A. rector, who died in t882 ~ nave of three bays, aisles, south porch and an em­ there are sittings for 300 persons. 'l'he register, includ­ battled western tower containing a clock and 3 belli!, ing East Ferry, dates from the year 156o. The living one of which is inscribed to St. John: the church, is a rectory, ne-t yearly value £395, with 97 acre!! of originally a fine structure, was beautified by several of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, the Nevill family, who were lords of the manor till and held since 1907 by the Rev. John Powis Hoult L.Th. x384-5 : it suffered much at the time of the Reforma­ of Durham University. Here are Primitive and Wes­ tion, and again in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, .A.D. leyan Met·hodist chapels. Th~re is a reading r(){)m in the r 566, when five of its altar stones were broken up and village, containing the morning papers and periodicals. used as paving stones: in 1820, by the direction of Arch­ This place waR succeRsively a seat of the Nevills, the deacon Eayley, the portions of the aisles which over­ Busseys, and s branch of the baronial house of Sheffield lapped the. ~ower were pulled down, a fine rood~screen of Butterwick. .John Oxley Fish esq. is the principal destroyed, and forty-one shields of arms of the Nevills, landowner. The soil is loam and sand; subsoil, clay. which, with other glass, had up to that adorned the The chief crops are carrots, potatoes, barley, turnips and windows, were carried off and inserted in the windows pasture. The area of the township is r,849 acres; rate­ of Messingham church, of which Dr. :Bayley was then able value, £2,584; the population in 1901 wa!f 216, and rector; the materials of the de~Stroyed rood-loft are lr.lid of the ecclesiastical parish, 230. to have been used to make a bridge; one doorway and In the census returns for 1901, 2,160 acres of lanq i~ the tower aroh are Norman, and there is a beautiful given as being common to the townships of Scotton an~ Early English doorway in the north aisle ; the principal East Ferry. · part of tbe tower is Early Decorated, the upper stage By Local Government Board Order, 17,145, March 25! being Perpendicular: the font, of Caen stone and marble, r885, a detached part of the parish was annexed tu and designed by the late G. E. Street esq. R...A.. was Scatter, presented by the late Rev. E. F. St. Leger M . .!.. rector Parish Sexton, John Betmett. 1863-82, who also erected a memoi'ial window to his Post Office. John Bennet.t. ilub-postmasteT. teUers son Richard, d. 1879: the communion plate, which is 'through Lincoln arrive at 7-45 a.m. ; dispatched y.2a partly of pre-Reformation date, waw giv·en by ihe Rev. ;p.m. ; no delivery on snnday. Scot.tRr, ;r) miles disr William Morley, rector 1721-31 : in the north ail'!le, tant, is the nearest money order &. telegraph offic_e beneath an arch, is a Repnlchral alab, -witli B legend in Norman French, td John de Thevelby:' another !llab r EAST FERRY, or East Kinna'rd'll Ferry; is 11. 'stnlrlJ bears the shield of Nevill, and s defaced in~ription to a village pleasantly seated on the east bank of 'the river member of that family, lord of Scotton in 1382; a third Trent, 5 miles west from Scotton, and on the opposite .
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