1046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 30 By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: 1754. By Mr. POLK: Petition of Rev. W. the world's store cf good will, and may H. R. 7025. A bill allowing a credit against Eudell Milby, pastor, Bethel Church of the their words be for the healing of the the additional estate tax for inheritance, Nazarene, Clermont County, Ohio, and resi­ nations. We ask it in the dear Redeem­ estate, legacy, or succession taxes paid to any dents of Bethel, for the enactment of legis­ State;· to the Committee on Ways and Means. lation to prohibit the transportation of al­ er's name. Amen. By Mr. WHEELER: coholic-beverage advertising in interstate ATTENDANCE OF A SENATOR H. R. 7026. A bill to provide for the collec­ commerce and the broadcasting of alcoholic­ tion and publicatlon ·or statistics . on and beverage advertising over the radio; to the DENNIS CHAVEZ, a Senator from the establishing standards, grades, and classifi­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ State of New Mexico, appeared in his cations o! naval stores and an inspection merce. seat today. service therefor, preventing deception in · 1755. Also, petition of Mrs. Lucy Meranda, THE JOURNAL transactions in naval stores •. regulating traf­ president of Bethel Woman's Christian Tem­ fic. therein, and for other purposes; to the. perance Union, and many residents of Brown On request of Mr. LlJCAS, and by unani­ Committee on Agriculture. and Clermont Counties, Ohio, for the enact­ mous consent, the reading of the Journal By Mr. DAVIS of Georgia: ment of legislation to prohibit the transpor­ of the proceedings of Thursday, January H. R. 7027. A bill to amend section 16 of tation of alcoholic-beverage advertising in 26, 1959, was dispensed with. the act entitled "An act· to reclassify the interstate commerce and the broadcasting of salaries of postmasters, officers, and employees alcoholic-beverage advertising over the radio; MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT of the postal service; to establish uniform to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Messages in writing from the President procedures for computing compensation; and Commerce. of the United States submitting nomina· for other purposes," approved July 6, 1945; 1756. Also, petition of Mrs. Ethel Seaman, to the Committee on Post Office and Civil president, Woman's Christian Temperance tions were ccmmunicated to the Senate Service. Union, and members, of Peebles, Adams by· Mr. Miller~ one of bis secretaries. By Mr. EATON: County, Ohio, for the enactment of legisla­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE H. R . 7028. A bill to enable the Presldent tion to prohibit the transportation of alco­ to obligate funds heretofore appropriated for holic-beverage advertising in interstate com­ A message from the House of Repre· assistance 1n ceTtain areas in China until merce and the broadcasting of alcoholic-bev­ sentatives by Mr. Swanson, one of its June 30, 1950; to the Committee on Foreign erage advertising over the radio; to the"Com­ reading clerks, announced that the Affairs. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. House had agreed to the amendment By Mr. BREHM: 1757. Also, petition of Mrs. 0. G. Bond, H. R. 7029. A bill to terminate the war tax of the Senate to the joint resolution president, Scioto County Woman's Christian <H. J. Res. 184) authorizing the Presi· rate on admissions; to the Committee on Temperance Union, Ohio, and its members, Ways and Means. for the enactment of legislation to prohibit dent of the United States of America to By Mr. FERNANDEZ: the transportation of alcoholic-beverage ad­ proclaim February 6, 1950, as National H. R. 7030. A bill to amend the War Claims vertising in interstate commerce and the Children's Dental Health Day. Act of 1948, as amended; to the Committee broadcasting of alcoholic-beverage advertis­ The message also announced that the_ on Inte:rstate and Foreign Commerce. ing over the radio; to the Committee on House had passed a. joint resolution By Mr. PATTEN: Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H.J. Res. 405. Joint resolution to establish (H. J. Res. 3'Z1J to cor:rect the formula· 1758. Also, petition of Rev. W'. James Gil­ & used in computing the income taxes of National Children's Day; to the Committee son, pastor, Bethel Baptist Church, Clermont on the Judiciary. County, Ohio, and residents of Bethel, for life-insurance companies fbr 1947, 1948, By Mr. LODGE: the enactment of legislation to prohibit the and 1949, in which it requested the con­ H. Res. 452. Resolution requesting the State transportation of alcoholic-beverage adver­ currence of the Senate. Department to furnish full and complete tising in interstate commerce and the broad­ answers to certain questions relating to the ENROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED foreign policy, of the United States in the casting of alcoholic-beverage advertising over the radio; to the Committee on Inter­ The message further announced that Far East; to t~e Committee on Foreign Af­ state and Foreign Commerce. fairs. the Speaker had affixed his signature to 1759. Also, petition of Rev. Edward H. the enrolled joint resolution <H. J. Res. Jones, pastor, Bethel Methodist Church, Cler­ 184) authorizing the President of the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS mont County, Ohio, and residents of Bethel, United States of America to proclaim for the enactment of legislation to prohibit Under clause 1 of rule XXIl, private the transportation of alcoholic-beverage ad­ February 6, 1950, as National Children's bills and resolutions were introduced and vertising in interstate commerce and the Dental Health Day, and it was signed by severally referred as follows: broadcasting of alcoholic-beverage advertis­ the Vice President. By. Mr. DENTON: ing over the radio; to the Committee on LEAVES OF ABSENCE H. R. 7031. A bill for the relief of Oscar L. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mc Callen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by By. Mr. FEIGHAN: unanimous consent, Mr. HICKENLOOPER H. R. 7032. A bill for the relief of Heronie was excused from attendance on theses­ Filmer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. SENATE sions of the Senate for a period of 10 By Mr. HOEVEN: days, and Mr. FLANDERS was excused from H. R. 7033. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Mary Vercauteren: to the Committee on the Judi· MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1950 attendance on the sessions of the Senate ciary. · today and tomorrow. By Mr. McSWEENEY: (Legislative day of Wednesd!iy, January On his own request, and by unanimous H. R. 7034. A bill for the relief of Nicholas. 4, 1950) consent, Mr. SPARKMAN was excused from Melanofl; to the Committee on the Judiciary. attendance at the session of the Senat~ By Mr. MICHENER: The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, tomorrow. H. R. 7035. A bilI for the relief of Hisako on the expiration of the recess. Sakata Ikezawa: to the Committee on the. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES DURING Judiciary. Har.ris, D. D., offered the foliowing SENATE SESSION By Mr. RAINS: prayer: H. R. 7036. A bill for the relief of A. H. On request of Mr. MCKELLAR, and by Clement; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Lord of all life, in the white light. of unanimous consent, the Committee _on By Mr. THOMAS of Texas: Thy searching we would pause at the Appropriations and all subcommittees H. R. 7037. A bill for the relief of Reginald day's threshold to examine our inner de­ thereof were authorized to meet during Wynne Davis; to .the Committee on the Judi­ sires and motives; that in th:ts temple the sessions of the Senate for the re­ ciary. of democracy we may stand. with pure mainder of the session. hearts and ckan hands. May we be On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unani­ PETITIONS, ETC. saved from the dangers that lurk in mous consent, the Committee on Armed Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions warped judgments and in narrow loyal­ Services and the Committee on Finance and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ties. were authorized. to meet this afternoon and referred as fallows: Inspire and guide with the spirit of during the session of the Senate. understanding these Thy servants, the· 1753. By Mr. KE.ARNEY: Petition of 19 few among the many lifted by their fel­ CALL OF THE ROLL residents of Schenevus, N. Y., advocating Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of passage of legislation to prohibit advertising lows to high pedestals of power and in­ of alcoholic beverages over the radio and in fluence in a great and crucial day. May a quorum. interstate commerce; to the Committee on their counsels so laden with possibilities The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ Interstate aud Foreign Commerce. to affect this stricken generation add to tary will call the roll. 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1047, The roll was called, and the following tions and organizations, all nonprofit and iary, the Daughters of Messinia, of New York, Senators answered to their names: eligible, which have requested donations N. Y., relating to the return to Greece of from the Navy Department; to the Commit­ certain abducted children; to the Committee Aiken Hendrickson Maybank Millikin tee on Armed Services. on Foreign Relations. Anderson Hill A resolution adopted by the South Caro­ Benton Holland Morse CLAIM OF HANOVER WOOLEN MILLS Co. Briclrnr Hunt Mundt lina Chapter of the National Academy Asso­ Bridges Ives Murray A letter from the Secretary of the Army, ciates, of Columbia, S. C., relating to the Butler Jenner Neely transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on activities of the Federal Bureau of Inves­ Byrd Johnson, Colo. O'Conor the claim of the Hanover Woolen Mills Co., tigation; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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