UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2012 A slew of students conserve the Slough –– Page 14 UNF softball looks to continue road success –– Page 22 INSIDE HODGEPODGE 2 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 SPInnaKER // unfspInnaKER.COM SPInnaKER // unfspInnaKER.COM Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3 “ contacted UPD in reference to a vehicle 9 that needed a parking boot removed. news expressions 14 sports 20 The contacted officer told the faculty POLICE member the vehicle was booted be- cause it had a stolen parking decal on “ the front windshield, according to the police report. The officer met with the BEAT owner of the vehicle, who said another student with whom she rides to class gave her the parking decal. The owner of the vehicle paid the parking fine, and Check out more Police Beats online the vehicle was released to her. Another at unfspinnaker.com officer continued the investigation and was given the decal. A Parking Services Feb. 14 Physical Altercation (Lot faculty member told the officer the de- 11) - An officer was flagged down cal had not been assigned to anyone by Complainant No. 1 who said and therefore must have been stolen Complainant No. 2 was riding his skate- from Parking Services. The faculty mem- board on the bridge between Osprey ber could not give a time frame for the Cove and Osprey Landing when the sus- theft, and he had no suspects. The of- pects approached him. Complainant No. ficer then contacted the student who 2 said he was forced off his skateboard, had given the decal to the owner of the and one of the suspects grabbed it and vehicle. The student said he obtained threw it to the ground. He then went the decal from Parking Services several to Complainant No. 1’s dorm room to months ago with his Veterans Affairs report the incident. Complainant No. 2 paper work and did not have to pay for and Complainant No. 4 went to find the the decal. He said VA paid for it, and he suspects, and the three said they found did give the decal to the owner of the the two suspects still on the bridge and vehicle, as they ride together to classes made contact with them. Complainant on campus. Decal evidence was placed No. 1 said he got into a verbal alterca- in the JSO property room, and the park- tion with one of the suspects, which ing services faculty member will contact turned to a physical altercation, dur- UPD if any new information is obtained. ing which he was bitten on the left 10 14 pinky finger by one of the suspects. Feb. 18 Person Down (Lazarra Theater) 20 Complainant No. 1 then went to flag - An officer met with the complainant down the police, while Complainants who said his friend fell on the con- No. 3 and No. 4 followed the suspects // MAGIC KEY // TRIUMPHS IN THE NEST crete and struck his head. The officer // CLUB, RESTARTED who had fled to the Osprey Landing. observed the subject lying on his back Due to faulty keys, students A slew of students, advisor join The Ospreys finish their last By the time the officer made it to the in the grass. The subject was complain- and faculty express distrust in together to bring UNF’s oldest regular-season home game while Landing, the suspects had left. However, ing of left knee pain and pain in his they were spotted in the Cove, and an- head. The officer noticed blood on his INTELLIKEY’s ability to keep doors club, the Sawmill Slough breaking records. other officer finally made contact with locked to fellow keyholders. left temple area and face. Jacksonville Conservation Club, out of hiatus. them and ordered them to get on the Fire and Rescue treated the subject at ground. They refused initially, but com- the scene and transported him to the plied when the officer presented her Mayo Clinic. Taser. Both suspects had a very strong odor of alcohol emanating from them. They admitted to the physical alterca- Feb. 19 Sick Person (The Landing) - An tion but said it was an act of self-de- officer met with the subject who was fense because Complainant No. 1 had suffering from swelling and burn- attacked them. Both suspects were ar- ing lips. The resident said she used rested for disorderly intoxication and ChapStick, but that caused them to for resisting without violence and were blister. The on-campus clinic could not booked into the Duval County Jail. The treat the resident because she is an FSCJ officer referred all individuals involved student. Jacksonville Fire and Rescue to student conduct. was reluctant to transport her to the hospital because they did not consider her condition an emergency, accord- Feb. 17 Vehicle Burglaries/Damaged ing to the police report. The officer ul- Vehicle (Lot 16) - An officer met with timately transported her to the Mayo the complainant who said she discov- Clinic Emergency Room. 12 21 ered the passenger mirror broken on 15 her car, which was parked in Lot 16 in a housing space. Earlier that morning, Feb. 19 Smoke Detector Alarm (The the Jacksonville’s Sheriff’s Office had Village) - An officer met with an RA who // CLAwiNG FOR VICTORY investigated a series of vehicle burglar- said he responded to a fire alarm that he // HERE’S WHAT’S COMING UP // REIGNING KiNG could hear going off in a room, but no UNF rugby fights for perfection in ies on campus. The suspect, who was ar- Construction on campus is leading Last year’s Red Bull King of rested, admitted to breaking into three one would answer the door. He and the the way to new buildings and Campus skater triumphs again its first season of Division III play. vehicles, and all stolen property was officer returned to the apartment. After at the 2012 event and keeps recovered. One of the vehicles burglar- knocking without any response and an- shuttle routes. Check out all the nouncing their intent to do so, the of- his throne. ized was almost directly across from upcoming changes to campus in the complainant’s car, according to the ficer opened the room. Upon entering this article. police report. The officer contacted the the room, the RA and the officer could officer that had arrested the suspect smell a faint odor of marijuana, and the but said the suspect was specific about officer noticed a plastic bag wrapped which vehicles he entered and had said around the smoke detector. The officer Construction workers place the Martin Luther King Jr. statue on its cement ped- he did not damage any vehicles. The also noticed plant-like stems laying in plain sight, as well as in the garbage. estal during the morning hours of Feb. 20. Indian artist Jasu Shilpi, who created complainant’s vehicle was not processed for prints due to rain. Patrol efforts There was a red Solo cup with a hole the Ghandi statue in Peace Plaza, also created this bronze statue. This is the first are suspended. burned through the bottom, and a two- WEB EXCLUSIVE IN EACH ISSUE COVER MLK statue to be placed on a Florida campus. The Center for Intercultural PEACE liter soda bottle cut in half. There was 09 NEWS GRECIA VALENZUELA will unveil the statue Feb. 28 at 10:30 a.m. The event will be free and open to also a large plastic jug with a significant NEED MORE VISUALS WIth YOUR 02 INDEX Feb. 17 Parking Boot Removal/Possible amount of ash on the inner sides and NEWS? CHECK OUT OSPREY TV'S 03 HODGEPODGE 14 EXPRESSIONS INDEX PHOTOS the public. Stolen Parking Decal (Lot 2) - A UNF bottom of the container. None of the Parking Services faculty member items smelled of marijuana. NEWSCAST AT UNFSPINNAKER.COM 04 OPINIONS 20 SPORTS ANDREW NOBLE, SEAN MURPHY, BRETT OAKES, TYLER NEIMEYER COMPILED BY SEAN MURPHY AND JOSEPH BASCO Source: University Police Department Compiled by Maggie Seppi DISCOURSE DISCOURSE 4 Wednesday, February 22, 2012 SPInnaKER // unfspInnaKER.COM SPInnaKER // unfspInnaKER.COM Wednesday, February 22, 2012 5 4 discourse SPInnaKER // unfspInnaKER.COM Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Editorial SEX & RELATIONSHIPS How to distract yourself from heartache Anti-abortion activists birth gruesome shock in students Awarded the 2010 Pacemaker Award by the Associated Collegiate Press. UNF is a place of higher educa- is what is tearing BY ELLIE M. — pictures, trinkets he gave you, his I’m-getting-over-you catharsis will work. Awarded second place for Best College Newspaper in tion and collegiate comraderie. It is these fetuses apart. SEX & RELATIONSHIP COLUMNIST clothing — is key. Even if you’re only on a break, regaining 2007 Better College Newspaper Contest a place where ideas can be present- In a miscarriage, the If you can’t bring yourself to throw some sense of independence will fortify by the Florida College Press Assocation. ed openly, feelings can be expressed, unintentional and First, I recommend chocolate. away the gifts from your ex-girlfriend, you for the work your relationship needs Spinnaker Staff and agendas, even, can be pushed. unfortunate death of LOL JK, it’s almost bikini season. at least shove them into a box and stow or the aftermath of an eventual breakup. Editor in Chief Greg Parlier In no way should this be squelched. an unborn child, the Even if you’re more the type to finish it somewhere dark and difficult to Lean on your friends and family a lit- Here, speech is free, and it is vital result is very similar. off a half-pound of baby carrots in one reach.
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