-- . 12 1 . u re " E0VE1I0H DECLABES smelter mm mi "EASY MSHEI" FOfi MUSICAL FESTIVAL DiSLIKE OF CHEF CAUSE tfllL 15 111 DM MISTS FHEOj SPLENDID SUCCESS DF A STRIKE AT WISH RllijJ LANDS Proclamation Making j Issues Decision Probably Will Be Re- First Two Concerts of Chicago Hole! Is Forced (o Abandon MeComick Says It Holiday .'President Legal for Tree turned by Jude Marshall Sensational Admission by John Symphony Orchestra at Tab- Serving of Afternoon Wife of Present Head of .' Will Investigate Utah Planting. Saturday. Sehinness in Coal Land ernacle Largely Attended. Lunch. nious Family Seeks a LegalflJ - ' National. Hearing. Separation. w Governor issued a Cutler Wednesday P.olh sides in the smelter smoke caso A wonderfully hoautlful rendition of A little strike over a chef of the Wil- proclamation setting aside April lo to i ATTORNEY BOOTH now in the Federal court, in which the the music of the '"U'eriillns: Feast" from son hotel occurred Wednesday noon, fl DISTRICT j XATURE be observed as Arbor day in Lftah. The United EMPLOYEE OF PLEASANT the song- of "Hiawatha. ' by S. Colcrhlst;-Taylo- r, Twenty colored waiters, who felt that OP ALLEGATIONS - States Smelting and Refining RETICENT ON THE SUBJECT- proclamation follows: by the festival chorus of Salt the chef was entirely too much of the CLOSE-GUARDE- company is asking for a mo'diflcation of VALLEY COAL COMPANY D SECrI Whereas, The of of Lake, tho Chicago Symphony boss authority behind him. statutes the Stale Ihe decroo granted in tho case of God- orchestra his without Utah designate April 15 a legal holi- of fifty pieces and John 13. Millar, tenor, Informed A. Fred Wey, proprietor of the as frey ct al. against tho closed day, under tho name of Arbor day; and smoltcrs, closed ihe first duy of the second grand hotel, that they desired the removal of Is Also Non- - Whereas, Under the law It is tho duty their arguments Wednesday afternoon. dis- Detective Londoner Received $250 After Locating musical festival Wednesday night at the this man because of hid overbearing Left Husband and Went of the governor to Issue a proclamation The caso was taken under advisement Salt L,uke tabernacle. It had been a day position. Mr. Vey could not Interpret Ml Committal in Regard to calling upon the people to observe this by Judge Marshall until Saturday morn- tilled in man- day; Lands: Wanted Piece with music, rendered by some of the complaint exactly the same Home of Brother Only ing. tho ner. He felt was working-I- ! Jury Investigation. Now, therefore, I, John C. Cutler, gov- best talent that could be secured. that the chef ilia Week Ago. ;'. ernor of the State of Utah, do hereby Each side was limited to three hours ofTie." The Chicago Symphony orcheatra, under Interests and ho fell further that i urge j the general observance of Wednes- in which to close. The smelting com- the conductorship of Adolph Kosonbecker, ho knew Uiofc persons whom he desired day, April 15, 190S. as Arbor day, through pany was represented bv W. IT. Dick the festival chorus, charge to employ better than any one else. " ' out me treat under the Hence he told the twenty colored walt-- ! Sj. McCornick, president of the state son and Andrew TLowatt. who addressed ot btephens. the juvenile choir and Wt The Importance of this day can not be . E. ers to leave by the back door, which in .NEW YORK. April 2. National bunk, was naked r.he courl. J. L. Rawlins snokc in John Sehinness livened matters a a Ions array of cminonL soloists, includ- plain TTnitcd Within an hoW overestimated ing Rose LutlRcr Gannon, contralto; Ar- States, meant' their services he had whether the United States Since day in the interests of the farmers. lis col- little at tho Federal building, Wednes- were no longer needed. The waiters took after sailed for Buropo yesierdl' Arbor started Nebraska. thur Middleton, basso; .lohn J3. Miller, Alfred Gwynnc jury would be requested to 36, years ago. its observance has spread league, W. II. King, was present, but day afternoon, when he made the tenor, pro- tho hint and hiked, but some dropped Vanderbllt was made tHEr and Franz Warner, 'cellist, In- -j in January, of all over tho United States The tangible did not argue. around later In tho day. Mr. Wey defendant in a filed wjth sTiE-prem- the theft, before Master in Chancery vided a treat for music lovers that has they might suit tho from the reserve chest of the result in this country has been the plant- Tho arguments of tho attorneys for probably never heen surpassod In this formed them lhat return to court by his wife, ing, over 600.000,000 trees, for the most Lewis, who is hearing evidence in tho city. work If thoy would make up the profit Ellen FrcneF,'. He replied: pan by the smelting company followed closely he lost by missing the opportunity to Vanderbllt. The nature of the actio'" Attorney Individual school children, besides along the line laid but in testi- coal land cases, that he had filed on Wide Range of Music. have asked district the interest, aroused in animate and in- their serve the regular luncheon. Tuvitiently wa not immediately disclosed, and council through n representative, to Ire- mony. They argued that tho efficiency none of the lo accept animate nature and in forestry In certain lands because ''it was a At both of the performances Wednes- waiters cared the hcI for the plaintiff refused tonight has of the bughouse had - proposition. positions wore filled up the matter, and he land a similar movement Is now fairly alroadv been chance to get sonic oasy. money. He day the auditorium of the- taber- Their say f his willingness to do overvlhing launched, and Is rapidly spreading proven and that the final solution of the nacle was well filled with people, who before the evening meal and tho affairs whether Mrs. Vanderbllt Ectlia a dlf throughout It Is smoke further admitted ho had signed of tho dining room glided on as sweetly vorco or legal separation from her hiiiP'' power to clear i lie mystery of the country interesting problem was now a matter of that liatened with the closest attention to tho band. O'Gorman, ' ' to know that an American importation, l'uc.t. papers, among which was an affidavit, numbers of varied programmes. Most of as ever, for twenty white wallers passed Justice before whorf? Arbor day, Is being use (In Ire- to and fro between the tables, tho proceedings were Instituted, appoint Attorney Booth to made of Mr. Rawlins ovidenco the evening concert was devoted to "McCMure. declined land) In furthering the ends of forestry. attacked the without knowing the contents of those selections. These selections per- - No afternoon luncheon was served at David a local attornev, as rofF ' The matter when questioned. I recommend that as in the past, tho presented by the smelting company, papors. mltted a display of the technical ability the hotel, though the music continued eree to hear testimony and to renofliOl deliberations of a grand ,iuvy day be universally observed throughout saying that the experimeiitor employed of performers throughout the entire period. findings and recommendations to thwTy 41 Ihe ranging from the court. ho said, and t cannot the State In the planting of trees and by the compnnv was not an oxpert in Sehinness has been an employee in dainty witchery of tho "Dance nf the aSflfi and flowers lawns, the clean- this problem. was Sylphs," ma- Had Kccrony for tho lime been wlBheC' say anything concerning shrubs and It also said that no the oflices of tho Pleasant Valley Coal by Hector Berlioz.' lo the tho action of counsel could matter. At rate, what; the ing and renovating of premises, the beau- oxpert. would risk his reputation on tho jestic harmonies of the excerpt from BETTERMENT HOME IS not have 6eMi, I.'W. .mj' public, company for some lime at Scoficld. He better timed The offices of the tifying grounds, and in Wagner's con- may is not. and private baghouse, as tho coni-paii- Nlbelungcn Iting Cycle. The Couri, jury do a United States NOW BOARDING-HOUS- E Clerk are closed at t o'clock in the only my other work suitable to the day. In no was testified that he had seen and heard cert oponod with the "1S12" overture by afte! business. I know dutv way can beauty and utility be better com- expecting their man to do. Tschalkowsky, and the conflict between noon. Only a few moments before tlilw' The Tribune, or any other, ealfs bined. In answer to this charge, Mr. Ifowatt of other people making some easy the opposing hour the comparing clerk received tHisr French and Rnslan forces n papers. By t)ie tliroiirf,&S to evidence which tends To the school officers and teachers and declared Hint favoritism was being money, and that he had invited an at- in the historic Napoleonic winter cam- After checkered rarcer tilled with ups timo he was any ono in this pupils this observance Is especially com- shown to the American Smelting and paign was wonderfully dcplctedt This and downs, and overshadowed for a llmo with them It was too late for the papolK.i It will con- torney, named Burt, to permit him to by threatened lack of support, tho Now-- I to be officially recorded todav Th", shall see io it that it comes mended, both for the benefits Refining company when that compauv number was followed by the dainty Ru- B fer Officers gather i.u houso Boys' Betterment homo passes out were placed In a safe and will bo forntf the grand jury." When and the lessons it will loach.
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