Plan CDN/ID S4000AD719712 Environment Plan Otway Development Pre-Drilling Anchoring Program Revision Date Reason for issue Reviewer/s Author Approver 0a 09/03/2020 For NOPSEMA assessment PW GP PW 0 02/03/2020 For NOPSEMA completeness check GP PS PW A 26/02/2020 Draft for Beach review GP PS PW Review due Review frequency THE THREE WHATS Not applicable – single activity only What can go wrong? For internal use and distribution only. Subject to employee confidentiality What could cause it to go wrong? obligations. Once printed, this is an uncontrolled document unless issued What can I do to prevent it? and stamped Controlled Copy or issued under a transmittal. Environment Plan CDN/ID S4000AD719712 Document Information and History Document custodian group Title Name Principal Environment Advisor Philip Wemyss Lead Drilling Engineer Mika Porter Document autHors Position Name Principal HSE & Risk Consultant, Aventus Consulting Pepper ShepHerd Principal Environmental Consultant, Aventus Consulting Giulio Pinzone Environmental Consultant, Aventus Consulting LacHlan McLennan Document History Rev Date Changes made in first document Reviewer/s Consolidator Approver 0a 09/03/2020 Issued to NOPSSEMA for assessment NOPSEMA Aventus Consulting P. Wemyss after completeness cHeck 0 02/03/2020 Issued to NOPSEMA for assessment NOPSEMA Aventus Consulting P. Wemyss A 25/02/2020 Draft for internal review P. Wemyss, Aventus Consulting N/A M. Porter, W. RalpH Released on 09/03/2020 - Revision 0a - Issued to NOPSEMA for assessment Document Custodian is Drilling and Well Services Beach Energy Limited: ABN 20 007 617 969 Once printed, this is an uncontrolled document unless issued and stamped Controlled Copy or issued under a transmittal. Based on template: AUS 1000 IMT TMP 14376462_Revision 3_Issued for Use _06/03/2019_LE-SystemsInfo-Information Mgt. 1 Environment Plan CDN/ID S4000AD719712 Table of Contents 1 Overview of tHe Activity 7 1.1 Environment Plan Summary 7 2 Introduction 8 2.1 Background 9 2.2 TitleHolder and liaison person details 9 3 Applicable Requirements 11 3.1 EPBC Act Primary Approval 11 3.2 EPBC Act Requirements 11 3.3 Victorian Legislation 11 3.4 Tasmanian Legislation 11 3.5 Government Management Plans 12 3.6 Commonwealth guidance material 26 3.7 Industry codes of practice and guideline material 26 4 Description of tHe Activity 28 4.1 Activity location 28 4.2 Operational area 28 4.3 Activity timing 28 4.4 The Vessel 28 4.5 Anchoring Program 30 5 Description of tHe Environment 34 5.1 Environment tHat may be affected 34 5.2 Regulatory context 36 5.3 Regional Environmental Setting 36 5.4 Summary of Environmental Receptors witHin tHe EMBA 37 5.5 Conservation values and sensitivities 44 5.6 Physical Environment 69 5.7 Ecological environment 85 5.8 Socio-economic environment 149 5.9 Cultural environment 170 6 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment MetHodology 172 6.1 Overview 172 6.2 Communicate and consult 173 6.3 EstablisH tHe context 174 6.4 Identify tHe potential impacts and risks 174 6.5 Analyse the potential impacts and risks 174 6.6 Evaluate and treat tHe potential impacts and risks 174 6.7 Demonstration of ALARP 176 6.8 Demonstration of acceptability 179 6.9 Monitoring and review 181 7 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment 182 7.1 IMPACT: LigHt emissions 183 7.2 IMPACT: AtmospHeric emissions 187 7.3 IMPACT: Underwater noise emissions 190 7.4 IMPACT: PHysical presence of vessel 199 7.5 IMPACT: Seabed disturbance 203 7.6 IMPACT: Planned marine discHarges – waste waters and putrescible waste 206 7.7 RISK: Establishment of Invasive Marine Species 213 7.8 RISK: Collision with Marine Fauna 219 7.9 RISK: Overboard Release of Waste 224 Released on 09/03/2020 - Revision 0a - Issued to NOPSEMA for assessment Document Custodian is Drilling and Well Services Beach Energy Limited: ABN 20 007 617 969 Once printed, this is an uncontrolled document unless issued and stamped Controlled Copy or issued under a transmittal. Based on template: AUS 1000 IMT TMP 14376462_Revision 3_Issued for Use _06/03/2019_LE-SystemsInfo-Information Mgt. 2 Environment Plan CDN/ID S4000AD719712 7.10 RISK: Loss of Containment – Marine Diesel Oil 230 7.11 RISK: Oil Spill Responses 256 8 Implementation Strategy 263 8.1 HealtH, Safety, Environmental Management System 263 8.2 LeadersHip and Commitment (HSEMS Standard 1) 264 8.3 Organisation, Accountability, Responsibility and AutHority (HSEMS Standard 2) 266 8.4 Planning, Objectives and Targets (HSEMS Standard 3) 267 8.5 Legal Requirements, Document Control and Information Management (HSEMS Standard 4) 267 8.6 Personnel, Competence, Training and Behaviours (HSEMS Standard 5) 267 8.7 Communication, Consultation and Community Involvement (HSEMS Standard 6) 268 8.8 Hazard and Risk Management (HSEMS Standard 7) 268 8.9 Incident Management (HSEMS Standard 8) 268 8.10 Performance Measurement and Reporting (HSEMS Standard 9) 271 8.11 Operational Control (HSEMS Standard 10) 272 8.12 Management of CHange (HSEMS Standard 11) 272 8.13 Facilities Design, Construction, Commissioning and Decommissioning (HSEMS Standard 12) 272 8.14 Contractors, Suppliers, Partners and Visitors (HSEMS Standard 13) 273 8.15 Crisis and Emergency Management (HSEMS Standard 14) 273 8.16 Plant and Equipment (HSEMS Standard 15) 277 8.17 Monitoring tHe Work Environment (HSEMS Standard 16) 277 8.18 HealtH and Fitness for Work (HSEMS Standard 17) 277 8.19 Environment Effects and Management (HSEMS Standard 18) 277 8.20 Product StewardsHip, Conservation and Waste Management (HSEMS Standard 19) 279 8.21 Audits, Assessments and Review (HSEMS Standard 20) 279 9 StakeHolder Consultation 281 9.1 Regulatory Requirements 281 9.2 StakeHolder consultation objectives 281 9.3 Consultation approacH 282 9.4 StakeHolder Identification 284 9.5 Provision of Information 284 9.6 Summary of StakeHolder Consultation 285 9.7 Ongoing StakeHolder Consultation 287 10 References 314 Appendix A EPBC Act Protected Matters SearcH Reports 340 Appendix B Commercial Fisher Operating Protocol 342 Released on 09/03/2020 - Revision 0a - Issued to NOPSEMA for assessment Document Custodian is Drilling and Well Services Beach Energy Limited: ABN 20 007 617 969 Once printed, this is an uncontrolled document unless issued and stamped Controlled Copy or issued under a transmittal. Based on template: AUS 1000 IMT TMP 14376462_Revision 3_Issued for Use _06/03/2019_LE-SystemsInfo-Information Mgt. 3 Environment Plan CDN/ID S4000AD719712 Acronyms Acronym Definition AFMA Australian Fisheries Management Authority AFZ Australian Fishing Zone AHO Australian Hydrographic Office AHTS Anchor Handling and Tug Supply ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practicable AMOSC Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre AMP Australian Marine Park AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority APPEA Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association ASAP As Soon As Practicable Bbl Barrel Beach Beach Energy Limited BIA Biologically Important Area BOM Bureau of Meteorology BWMC Ballast Water Management Certificate BWMP Ballast Water Management Plan BWTS Ballast Water Treatment System CMT Crisis Management Team COLREG Convention on The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea CFSR Climate Forecast System Reanalysis CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DELWP Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning DPIPWE Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment DJPR Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions DNP Commonwealth Director of National Parks DAWE Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (formerly DoEE) DoEE Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy DP Dynamic Positioning DSEWPaC Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMBA Environment That May Be Affected EMPCA Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 EMT Emergency Management Team EP Environment Plan Released on 09/03/2020 - Revision 0a - Issued to NOPSEMA for assessment Document Custodian is Drilling and Well Services Beach Energy Limited: ABN 20 007 617 969 Once printed, this is an uncontrolled document unless issued and stamped Controlled Copy or issued under a transmittal. Based on template: AUS 1000 IMT TMP 14376462_Revision 3_Issued for Use _06/03/2019_LE-SystemsInfo-Information Mgt. 4 Environment Plan CDN/ID S4000AD719712 EPA Environmental Protection Authority EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 EPO Environment Performance Outcome EPS Environment Performance Standard ERT Emergency Response Team ESD Ecologically Sustainable Development ETBF Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery HFO Heavy Fuel Oil HLV Heavy Lift Vessel HSE Health, Safety and Environment HSEMS Health, Safety and Environment Management System Hz Hertz IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention IBRA Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia IC Incident Commander IMCRA Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia IMO International Maritime Organisation IMS Invasive Marine Species IOGP International Association of Oil and Gas Producers IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JRCC Joint Rescue Coordination Centre KEF Key Ecological Feature Lattice Lattice Energy Limited (100% owned by Beach) LOC Loss of Containment MAE Major Accident Event MARPOL International Convention for The Prevention of Pollution from Ships MC Measurement Criteria MDO Marine Diesel Oil MDRT Measure Depth Rotary
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