J PLAINFiEIi D EVENIN.— G NEWS . ESTABLISHED 1884. Established 884.i j FLA1NFIELDPLAINFIELD,, N. J., N. COLORADj., O OF“THE THE EAST,COLORADO" MONDAY , DECEMBEOF RTHE 9 1889EAST,”. MONDAY, DECEMBERPRICEPRICE TW OTWO CENTS9 . CENTS.1889. political parties, in order to a prvotiosl sopre- $1,001,0000 AWARDEAWARDEDD RIC E RICE. SUNDAYSUNDAY LEGISLATIONLEGISLATION.. DAMAGES FROM W. H. 5HOTWCLL HAVE YOU SEEN FOR WRONG DEALING. REV. DR. A. H. LEWIS REVIEWS THE QUESTION. OMem urft his grievance, so far es tbe • waa «*c*med,, to •r bad bone MWUT for Many t CHOICE! HOLIDAY GOODS! slander* against alt «poUlio», - Look in our Show Window TO-^IGHT aad you can get a peep at them. ' • Knsssd in rolod becuua of do doe to hie wth-i in beeW>. to EdsalTs,Edsall's, SO20 Wes Westt Fron tFront St. Eds-all's St, -Edeall’s. from htjwr by HUa^tio &, when tbe • TheDry Beatend P«o*n*cy •Goods. *^1cx>'tJnde,w«r.“BEAL H-Wrt. RAN fabric 111*" Ml Kidto “Perfect"Citoeee. Om(Joidt OBto ktode of Of MattoMl Saaday LagUlatloa. a Tbe whole novwntnt will pttt Protflrt- «ea and Tarcaraoa Oartajaa, W (adow tfar-lf. ate Carpets. Hade and Mid. Mr. Bhotwtll »MMd Mr. Janwe ifoQe. to Ok**;. Lae* sod Tnroemoa CtotoM, Window Carpet* M«k ud UtL There was a large atlendanoe, and his le- absm into tbe bands nf the Pspacy, to whom arbitrate for him. Mr. Ric« «o»l lawyer _ ,„ Shelly on a ware lletensd to with tba defpes* a Protestant to only a heratto, to bs reclaimed ™t booMskafpttiK with bi* wif. and child. H. B. F>yne of Kingstoo, Pa. Jlr. Sbotwe^ "^M, .itb assiult sad battery. Batnrday Ur. Lewis -ill y He wu wtltoaM to be worth from $4O,CO0 objected. Mr. Rios then nutedj Mr. Abram £&*.afMi • "Tbe Weakness ot Prot«et«iiu " In 7. TDey an wtorat wbo are warned in ttooe n before Jostioe Hardy • MCOOCaDdbttaKOBttM lookout for an Hwbitt, nr*#M*wt of tbebaokaiWIlkwbMn 1 - BsJL opening his lest'sermnn on Sunday Legislation aad on wfaoat tbe MOM of btotory ara not opportunity to bvrwt a portion otUxm wbo had known MMm all kw life. Mr. Bbot-ell Furniture, Bedding and Upholstery. d naDoct watt for DO I Dr. Lewis eaid; •fnbl'oirtortad. %od w I use tb* w, , AVOID IHa*pponTHK^IT«. WESTFlELD WHISPERS. toboy for tSO.OOO the _ Cathoilc, and Roman Citboltc, in tb* oroin- ~ r ttooewpud of az-Towaablp Collector . RwtwitU ought to >m>. I do not ose the IJuy your HoUday Presents in: Plainfield H. BhotweU, tba owner, wbo repre- allow him at least ooeoftU arbitrator.. Ha Bnt two in any dJinsneeUnl sana», w (b-y ana have tbem iMHvered O> Christmas Bve or wnanerer you want tbem. sented that ba wa* anzkm to retire. Mr was not parttcalar: any fsir-miorW man mettmee used, but nttar aa describing •*. »S and *T P.rk Av-noei. the vtaes to and U'tcful and Oraamnttal Praaniw a* . i however, retained Mr. BbotwelFe woald ant him. He then rwpeetively aaaKa 'astern, QentHe obaroh, as developed Mia Greoe Moffett, ot Westnakl to viall- tbe Parmtore Una. Large Aanmaent, BeliaWe Oood>, Low Price*. • aad Mr. SbotwaU blnjatlf in bis Mayor Cooler, editor Carroll, aad Mr. James fi on Borne; as Romanised, in contrast with. tnj (rind* in ML Holly. Buckle, Mr. HbotweU objecting to each. Mr. ploy. These clerk* wwre Smith Qunaos. tbe'KMtrrn or Jewiih church, whicb Is bow Ths WestfHld fire daMrtmeat. will hqld wbotaand wasst that Una Mr. Sbotwalft Mctiaa hearint; of tbea* objwtlcn-,. It h) STORE OPENOPEN EVENINGS'. EVENINGS. by the Greek church Kailber their annual election on tbe 16th, inst |i»«to.tMoied bed en enjoyable ton*. said r.bufadMr.Sbotitell.aodmid beeoald do 1 UM the word "Catholic, ss meaning that Mrs. 1. R. MiHer, of Onto, Is VIMUDR ID AfUr a fur montha' niwrieooa, Mr. Blc* aut understand bow ie could object to tbe " tomtoh church fa tbe only Oocde Selected Sow wul be held ia Baaarra and DaUrered wben Wanted. «*. Ho. 10 LaOraoda mtn named by^lr. Rka, atpMtaOy u trey festfield. Sbs will «tng in tbe Presbyterian sil honorable men, and that Mr. Bios h. It at far from befog so. Ia this dis- GARRET Q. PACKER, ^ mu evromK, may be purchased a •o of tbe dfnVrenoe t«twca) BomannM A cantata and tabtoana will be gtven by GABBEt Q. PACKER, k The object i« a worthy one at ' •hapathattoooaUaMkaawoftt. Birndd Protstaista 1 destia to keep wholly to that course Mr. MoQea tin Toamj Peopte's BooMty of tbe Waameld a aill be • dellRbtf QJ one ID every re gladlj b«T« made a wcriQce to unload a(ta from parthan faaHmr, and from fac- Park Avenue Cornet of Second Stteet. o hie *a,tkfaotloa the bad faith tbere waa< somrthine; aroiia. tional strife. Tbe iBtareats at stake- Park Avenue Cornet of Secottfl Street. avjokeryeKerday pat a notice Oft. tbe In eqmtj xbonM b»»e treated bin: aarve, Mr. BbotweU waa than by Mr. Rice [ > Psrk aTeaoe sboemaker* stor* to differently. Tinu ha wlfe>i health grew given his choice of two filler men—Mr, old SUtt bonoaatead in WestOeid found DON’T OVERLOOK US Kttbatbu fontrsl weald taka place wore*, notwiibtfejndina; ibat the was betng ~ »miah MaoniDg or Mr. Lnac Paagbon, marked 178a It WM In that bones tbat DON'T OVEBLOOK US a gununc at half-peat two o'clock tbe abhat of Saw York »[«=ia lirta. prominent bolloars.tbs Utter building It a In your shopping tourr. You wm at toast be amused wtth oor Cbrirtmas Dieplay. is looking for tbe y. ker with By advfca of • loeal pbyiieian ha plao«d bei new Presbyterian cburrb in whlrh Mr, Bbot- At tbe Metaootot Episocpsl church in West- in Mayor Coohj't •aniWriura, broke np • •m (Md, yesterday morning, the Hev. Joseph A. d went with hit Utah Fantbora. 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS. boardta* selected as tha third srbltrator Mr. IWLUnnT•be LARGEST A SSORTilBNASBOSTIUHTT in Plai k>n field,FbtaMd. and almos madt CUVB mlaomt* 4WAT UITI1. i! Befo m IWAV. Brfora , (tea ordinary batcher's DMt The place. I know that tber* ere liberal- mi tided took tor hie text- "A celestial dock and what Mr, Shotwoll w cootinually complaining C. Martin of West Bevmi purchsslmt thsee joit look at our -lock. It will pay yon. •t • t,i-b Iwun- nort*n ara mid to deriva Catholics who would Amerkaniae their ; rbows." Mr. Owen gsira an aoooaot of tbe Mr. Rice that he had oM aold him hi*trade duty sworn In, and were' as favorable | di.t of tub should therefore church it tbey oiald. Bu before this can be •onderful Mtronomieal discovery In tbe Vasts, 50 Different Kinds from 5c to $1 50 onlj tbe atock of grooarlea and houar, throughout as they could be consistent with dooa tba power of oentorie«niu»t beoverc nropbasy of Daniel and dctnooatreaed the Vases, 50 Different Kinds from 5c to $1 50 lalkad of lUrting again nearby an bii their oaths to Mr. Saotwall, mod refused eaty All na be Pto*dh tbwithe aanrtman Ibe —'rimer,t end yon oocfat endt to asyou* tbem oo»b». DOLLS to aw, es lasChew.t year , aad DOLLS, a. last tw.m! ottos Bah. and Ike church must be nn-Bomanlaed. I' dMae tcaptoaUon of Daniel's prophesy by A 9oa asaartmeot and very cneap, Yoo m«ke a muiukt if roa keeonnt. Mr. BIM IU CM* eboold be a nteeguarantee.. A 9o a asaartmeo▲ Anat an d verMurtatoty cneap, Yoando m«keerye aoftean, muiuk t if roa You make a a Make if ram will cot be tb« fanlt of #uch men if Catbolic- uodenlabl* facts of a*:roaooiy. .loot e-e ibr-. oR?rRa?rCHILDREN*SS CfftlTA TB CBIXA BKTBKTS SA . f^fr^TEAm V %SRTrf. »L»L«« . fr-mLLo!kk aVC tftfaca a tos bfbefbitt.40.b . Lo* .t the** b*oea bere, and, if Mr. BhotwaU ttartsd. ba Btea, watal oatk, wa« in tbe Uatbtd Statrs to not AnMrkaatoad. n and Saaoeta to salt all, from Sc to 75c CbrUiinM 1 oyCs and Books MBitt.-cbiircoea. They u» .kept aad fo miikMtf Cbbnre anCopd ten cenandt oounterHaurvras ar toe jus wiltt loade all,d witfromh them So. toAl l 75c.kind s of Chrbtmaa loje and Books would tand to depreoiaM »ellhsd been swiDdlioghH cost bat retber the fault of a sjsum which b un- : NEW JERSEY NUGGETS. Stand Hall, andand Bannin ourXeg Lamps wad, suitabl tene focentr ([ifw counter,. Don! fontserat the pUoetort , beloloadedw Must o HaDwith. them. AU kind, otf ^ iieautborit.« on purpose to eat tbe mica by falsa wetghtaland pasalns couu American in politics, and whtoa mast " HUad,Uail, and Uan*ln* Lampe, auNabte for Rifle. Iwu*t fontet ibe ptooe, below Mnue HalL *ka'Safest all old buildings there. Tba aad then bavinj tbe property ba bad par- Mr. Bios bad tba roa ProtesUnU at heretic* to be condemned, if eak n»y often be seen walking abou " sd in good f*itb depreciated on bis bands and Other proof*, and in this instance alone JOSEPJOSEPHH C C.ALLEN ALLEN,, 44 W; Fron44 t StVV. Front St. mm f>« moRregslion or sitting grkvel Mea wbo ought to have stood by him showed tbat SO quarto had baaa aold for 100 Tbelaas aongress was bald in ofcedience to H«* *e siter during time of maaa. 1 Mr. Bioe asid to Mr. BhotweU that be sup-quarto. Tats is a sample of the aharg*e made, d from the Pope of Roma.
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