Weather DISTRIBUTION Umpenimst M- Cttt> MdendU* cloodloe*! today, TODAY ctanee of ihowers, high M. dear- RED BANK Ing tonight, low in the 5*. To- 23,925 morrow, fair, high about 7*. Sat- 1 Independent Daily f urday, fair and milder. See weath- ( HOHDAYTHtOVCHniBAr-tST.m J er, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 Issued dally, Monday through Friday. Second Clan Posun VOL. 86, NO. 227 Paid at Red Bink aad at Additional Malimr OUICCL RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Teen Drivers Aim of Crackdown Limit Marine Park Traffic By WILLIAM HAGEMAN RED BANK — The police department has put its foot down in Marine Park. In an effort to curb rowdyism, officers were directed to limit vehicular traffic entering the waterfront recreation area to exclude the stream of youthful drivers who show up during the first warm days of each year like clockwork. There were indications yesterday that the five-day-old policy is working and giving pleasing results. Among the pleased was Police Chief George H. Clayton who ordered a police check of cars entering the park Thurs- day night. Of 100 vehicles checked, 95 were from out of town and many were from as far away as Essex, Middlesex and Ocean counties and distant parts of this county, the chief said. The following night Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia and Council- man John Warren, Jr., police committee chairman ordered a barrier at the entrance to the park on Wharf Ave. from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The officers at the barrier were instructed to \ admit all pedestrians and drivers with good reason to be in Marine Park — and that. Chief Clayton said yesterday, in- cludes respectable persons who want to enjoy the river breezes. (See TRAFFIC, Page 2) Police Chief G. H. Clayton John D. BoMoc Councilman John Warns, Jr. Financing Plan Under Attack •SUCCESS STORY — Red Bank Patrolman Raymond Patterson had the task of clos- ing tha entrance to Marine Park at 7 o'clock last night in accordance with an ex- ecutive order from Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia and Police Commissioner John War- Blast Dwight Rd. ren, Jr. Tha nightly ban on most vehicular traffic is aimed at eliminating hot rod- By RUSSELL P. RAUCH has pledged another $25,000 leaving the community Residents claim that traffic going.to the inter- ding and disorderly congregations of youths, but does not affect pedestrians or mo- with a net cost of approximately $55,000. MIDDLETOWN — The Township Committee, by i3 change and to Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, now go torists with obviously good intentions. The new policy has been called a success. a 3-2 vote last night, introduced an ordinance The reason for appropriating the funds out of through the Oak Hill area. This traffic would be di- authorizing construction of the controversial Dwight the capital budget account is to insure that the verted over the extension once it is built. Rd. extension to the Garden State Parkway's Red project is actually built. Both Mr. Lawlor and Mr. Roth maintained that Hill Rd., interchange. If the committee were to bond the cost of the there was no reason for the taxpayers to pay the The action came after a lengthy debate in- work, four affirmative votes would be required. cost of the project when the road could be built by Greece, Turkey Agree volving members of the committee and residents With only three votes available, those committee- developers .as land in that area is subdivided for of two housing developments over the relative men favoring the project are being forced to use housing projects. merits of the project. the capital account for the funds. They also argued that the extension not' only Commltteemen Edward J. Roth and Martin Plans call for construction of a 30-foot paved was not needed now bufc would only serve to V. Lawlor voted against introduction of the or- surface with a 60-foot right of way from the exist- hasten residential construction in that, area—some- To Cyprus Mediation dinance and charged the remainder of the govern- ing portion of Dwight Rd., to the interchange. thing the township does not need now. ing body with playing "financial Russian roulette" Besides receiving parkway and county aid, the Both" men received support from residents of with the municipal budget in order to finance the developers of the Hiljfield housing project on Dwight the Middletown Green Housing.project, near Dwight THE HAGUE (AP) — Greece a December, 1956, resolution complishment of the spring meet- township's share of the $130,000 project. covering the alliance's internal Rd. will be required to construct approximately Rd. .,..,. '.•••... and Turkey agreed today to ac- ing revealed thus far. On other 1,300 feet of the roadway and donate, another 2,600 cept mediation by the NATO secre- affairs. major political. problems facing The committee plans to appropriate $130,009 out These residents argued that construction of' the of capital improvement category of the budget to feet of right of way. • tary-general of their bitter dis- Rusk warned the two nations the 15 allied powers in Europe, extension would only shift Oak Hill's problems to pute over Cyprus, a source at America and Asia, the foreign finance the work. The ' committeemen favoring the project re- Middletown Greens. •••_.• an armed conflict between them The township will initially raise the entire proj- ceived strong support from residents of the Oak the North Atlantic Alliance's over Cyprus must not be<|IIowed ministers succeeded only in de- Hill development. , They pointed out mat the extension would dump •pring meeting of foreign minis- fining their differences. ect cost, and then be reimbursed for $75,000 of it. traffic out into an area where one school is sow to hapjien. • ' ' They argued that completion of the extension ters reported today. The members of the North At- The New Jersey Highway Authority, which built and another planned. The Greek-Turkish agreement operates the Garden State Parkway, will give the would serve to relieve the development of a bad Greek Foreign Minister Stavors provided the only major ac- (See AGREE, Page 2) township $50,000 toward the work and the county traffic condition. (See PROJECT, Page 2) Kostopoulos agreed to mediation on condition that it would not be confined-to the Cyprus dispute but would cover.all phases of Greek-Turkish relations. Greece Holmdel to Join Regional Is upset by reeeut 'Turkish seiz- ure of the property of r Greek nationals living in Turkey and HOLMDEL — The Board of Mr. Landers admitted that,'If Member ,Harry K, Lubkert a Petitioners argued that the Hill- expulsion of a number of them Education last night voted to en- the other three municipalities delegate to the regionalization crest School has sufficient space Turkish Foreign Minister ter into a regionalization study should approve the regionalize study group, and John F. An- for library purposes and can be Feridun Cemal Erkin had ac- with'the Red Bank, Little Silver tion plan but Holmdel should turn derson as his alternate. utilized at no added cost; that i cepted a mediation role for the and Shrewsbury school districts. it down, the new regional school Reserve Decision is ideally located; and that it i north Atlantic Treaty Organiza- The study will determine the board could refuse to admit In other action, the board «• adjacent to a population cluster, tion yesterday. But Kostopoulos ultimate feasibility of sending stu- Holmdel students on a tuition served action on the transferral The Holmdel Village school, until today had argued that the dents from the above municipal! basis. of Holmdel Village School to the stated petitioners, lacked all of Cyprus dispute was not a NATO ties to a common regional high The township presently sends township for its hoped-for utiliza- the advantages. Mrs. Mark Ugle- matter, the position held by school. Holmdel is the last of the its students to Red Bank High tion as a municipal library. sich, 53 Chestnut Ridge Rd. President Makarios of Cyprus. four to enter the study. School on a tuition basis. A to- Deferral was taken after the speaking for the petitioners, The agreement avoided a Regionalization would be at high tal of 178 presently attend, ac- board received a petition with charged that Mr. -Landers had major crisis in the alliance. The school level only. cording to Richard M. Ford, 491 signatures, including that of once told her the Holmdel Vil- festering quarrel between Board President John J. Lan- school superintendent. Mayor Alfred C. Poole, advocat- lage School was a "dump." ing the donation of the Hillcrest NATO's easternmost members ders told the board that the study If, on the other hand, Holmdel Rutgers Study threatened to. undermine the al itself was not binding, and that should enter into the regionaliza- School for use as a library. The board's intent had been to Mr. Landers denied the charge liance's whole southeastern Holmdel's delegate could drop tion plan, it could not withdraw out when he wished. Mr. Lan- in any normal fashion, Mr. Lan- use the Hillcrest School for, its and said that the use of the Hill flank. proposed administrative offices. crest School for administrative Issues Warning ders added that'the decision to ders said. The township might enter into the regionalization then lose the advantages of its A third school no longer in use, purposes had been recommended The agreement was reached program would have to be made own high school system. the Centerville School, is to be in a study by Rutgers. Mr. Lan- after several ministers, including by township voters.
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