International Security Assistance Force Issue 54 June 2009 MIRROROFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF ISAF COMISAF Intent n full partnership with the growing in- es against the insurgents’ strategy and stitutions of the Islamic Republic of others who forcibly oppose the progress IAfghanistan, and within the means of this campaign. We will assist in demon- allocated by NATO and the many nations strating the growing capacity of ANSF to supporting the mission, ISAF demon- meet the GIRoA’s security challenges, and strates NATO’s commitment to the secu- will operate in such a way as to demon- rity, reconstruction and the extension of strate respect for the Afghan people and Waiting on governance in Afghanistan. Further, ISAF their culture in order to effect their direct demonstrates both the will and capacity to support of our endeavor. apply irresistible force by, through, and in photo support of Afghan National Security Forc- ISAF Mission onduct military operations in the assigned area of operations to assist the govern- ment of Afghanistan in the establishment and maintenance of a safe and secure Cenvironment with full engagement of Afghan National Security Forces, in order to extend government authority and influence, thereby facilitating Afghanistan’s reconstruc- tion and contributing to regional stability. General Stanley McChrystal Force Strength by Nation Commander, ISAF Editorial Staff: Royal Navy Captain U.S. Navy Lieutenant US Air Force Master Sergeant Mark Durkin Dave Hecht Chris Haylett Chief, Public Affairs Executive Editor Managing Editor; Layout and Design US Navy Lieutenant Comander US Air Force Senior Master Sergeant U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Mark Walton Brian Hawthorne Curtis L. Campbell Editor-in-Chief Senior Managing Editor Editor, Design and Production 2 ISAF MIRROR JUNE 2009l OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF ISAF MIRROR CONTENTS Pages 4-5 Regional Command Capital Pages 6-7 Regional Command South Pages 10-11 COVER STORY Afghanistan Taking the Lead Pages 12-13 Afghanistan Photo Collage Pages 14-15 Regional Command North Pages 16-19 Regional Command West Page 19 Poppy Eradication Page 22 From the Eyes of the Troops The ISAF Mirror is a Headquarters International Security Assistance Force Public Affairs product intended for the information and entertainment of ISAF and associ- ated personnel. Though articles have been edited, opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies of NATO, Joint Forces Command Headquarters, Brunssum or ISAF. The Mirror is published every quarter and distributed among the regional commands. View it on-line at www.nato.int/isaf. Submis- sions to ISAF Mirror should be related to ISAF operations; however, other articles may be run based on their appeal to an international military audience. Articles should be sent in Microsoft Word format and photos should be at least 4.5 cm at 300 dpi resolution. Include identifying information of authors and/or photographers. E-mail submissions to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is the 25th day of the month prior to publication. To contact the editor, call DSN 318 686 2466 or e-mail the PA in box at [email protected] WWW.NATO.INT/ISAF ISAF MIRROR JUNE 2009 3 REGIONAL commanD caPITAL/HEADQuarTERS Afghan Boy Receives Hospital’s First Adjustable Crutches he first adjustable instructors, offered their crutches are now in help to the Camp Holland Tuse at International hospital upon hearing about Security Assistance Force’s the problem relating to the (ISAF) Camp Holland med- non-adjustable crutches. The ical facility in Tarin Kowt. ATTS offers 8-week training ISAF military staff from courses for Afghans in car- the Australian Trade and pentry, plumbing, as well as Training School (ATTS) metal and steel work. A de- presented the crutches to sign for adjustable crutches the hospital Feb. 27. As a was prepared by an ATTS result of these new crutch- instructor and presented as es, physiotherapist Captain a project to a carpentry class. Egon, was able to help a The student producing the young Afghan patient with best product would offer his his first steps that same creation to the hospital. The day. winner of the project pre- “We are very happy with sented Captain Egon with these new crutches because twelve pairs of crutches sized the old ones were often for children and twelve for cause for frustration,” said adults. Captain Egon. “The old start faster. Sometimes, patients had to The Role 2 medical facility crutches didn’t fit well and sometimes we wait a day in the hospital because we didn’t has contracted the ATTS to deliver addi- had to cut them to make them useable.” have suitable crutches. As a result of these tional crutches over the next six months. In The new crutches features screws for new ones, that problem is solved,” Egon the future, the project may be able to offer easy adjustment. “Now we can make them continued. crutches to the Tarin Kowt Hospital as well fit immediately so the rehabilitation can The ATTS, staffed by Australian military as area aid stations. what he had said earlier in the day at a NATO Secretary joint press conference with Afghan Presi- dent Hamid Karzai in that NATO takes General Holds Media great concern over the loss of life for in- nocent Afghans who are caught in the Roundtable at ISAF crossfire of insurgent attacks. “One civilian casualty is one too many,” Headquarters he explained. “We will be as prudent and careful as we can to prevent civilian cas- U.S. Air Force Technical Sergeant Brenda Nipper ualties, but we cannot forget that a ma- ISAF HQ Public Affairs jority of those who are killed are caused by enemy forces. Any case where NATO ATO will support the forthcom- forces are at fault will be investigated ing Afghanistan presidential elec- thoroughly.” Ntions. That was one of the mes- Scheffer is currently concluding an sages conveyed in a media roundtable assessment tour of NATO operations session by NATO Secretary General Jaap around Afghanistan. He and visiting am- de Hoop Scheffer in the main conference bassadors of the North Atlantic Council room at ISAF Headquarters. visited various Forward Operating Bases Taking questions from members of the throughout the country to assess that sta- local Afghan media as well as the Associ- tus of forces. ated Press, Scheffer offered that Afghani- “Overall, the delegation felt it was a stan’s presidential elections will be “free, good visit,” he said. “I cannot agree with clear and credible with ISAF and NATO the conclusion that the Taliban is winning forces standing by to support Afghan in Afghanistan. We have made significant forces in the security of the election.” progress over the last eight years and Scheffer also noted that the expansion while there are still challenges, particu- of troops will play vital role in ISAF’s mis- larly in the south, we cannot assess that operation of NATO and Afghan military sion of supporting the country’s presiden- we are losing.” forces as well as promoting the relation- tial election. According to Scheffer, success in Af- ship the country has at the borders with The Secretary General also reaffirmed ghanistan will require the continued co- Pakistan. 4 ISAF MIRROR JUNE 2009l tate and support the arrangements that The Election Task Force is working in need to be in place to allow that to oc- a supporting role but officials want it to Securing the Vote cur”. be noted that their counterparts in the U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Terry Matlock As with many events in Afghanistan, Afghanistan government are doing their ISAF HQ Public Affairs there are many challenges that have to part as well. be dealt with to ensure that the people “It is important to realize that when here are many things on the plates of Afghanistan can move freely to cast viewed over all, the organizations that of those coordinating and running their votes in a safe society. are responsible for the security, in the Tthe Afghanistan security effort at “The ongoing concerns with active, first instance are the Afghan National the International Security Assistance and very worrisome with some respects, Security Forces (ANSF). The Afghani- Force (ISAF) Headquarters in Kabul insurgency needs to be at the forefront stan National Army (ANA) the Afghan Afghanistan, but the Afghanistan presi- of our security considerations when we National Police (ANP), are working very dential election is one that continually work to plan our support in their elec- hard to insure that the best possible se- ranks higher and higher as time moves tion activities, “said Cantwell. “Of course curity arrangements are in place to allow forward. some other areas are that we have a the elections to occur,” says Cantwell, For one person in particular, election changing democratic process for the “of course ISAF is in a position to pro- security is the only plate that exists. government and the people of Afghani- vide support to those indigenous and in- Australian General Damian Cantwell stan to work through, but I am sure we tegral ANSF and other organizations.” is chief of the Election Task Force at will be able to provide support where it There are many moving parts when ISAF Headquarters and is in charge of is appropriate to allow that to occur.” one takes into account all the troops in- coordinating all security activities be- “I would categorize the risk as many volved in a support operation this big. tween ISAF and the various organiza- and varied” Cantwell replied when It could be a daunting task but Cantwell tion that will provide security for the asked about threats associated with stated that the Election Task Force has upcoming elections.
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