INSIDE:• President Viktor Yushchenko to receive the Liberty Medal — page 5. • County prosecutor discusses issue of human trafficking — page 9. • Ukrainian American Youth Association resort marks 50th anniversary — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIII HE KRAINIANNo. 27 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine T U Presidents Wof Ukraine and Poland Lviv court returns guilty verdicts unveil memorials at Lviv cemetery in caseby Zenon of Zawada 2002 Sknyliving maneuver air and walked disaster away from the Kyiv Press Bureau carnage physically unscathed. They left in their wake not only the dead, LVIV – Though it is expected in Ukraine among them 28 children, but also 292 that a man will refrain from crying in public, injured victims in what became the worst air Bohdan Onyschak, 50, couldn’t contain his show catastrophe in history. (Unofficial esti- tears in a Lviv courtroom on June 23. mates of the injured reached as high as 500.) A judge had been reading the 77 On June 24 a three-judge panel led by names of those who died in the Sknyliv Vitalii Zahoruyka laid blame for the catas- airfield catastrophe in 2002, and had trophe upon the pilots and their command- reached those of Mr. Onyschak’s daugh- ers, determining that they were careless in ter-in-law, two sons and granddaughter. handling their military responsibilities. “Onyschak, Iryna Volodymyrivna, born The court found four defendants guilty 1979, reason for death was severe and fatal of failing to execute orders, negligence trauma to head and internal organs; and violating flight rules. Onyschak, Oleh Bohdanovych, born 1977, Mr.Toponar received a 14-year prison reason for death was decapitation; sentence and his co-pilot, Mr. Yegorov, Onyschak, Yurii Bohdanovych, born 1979, received an eight-year sentence. reason for death was cranial-cerebral trau- Prosecutors had asked for 15 years’ ma; Onyschak, Iryna Olehivna, born 2001, imprisonment for Mr. Toponar. reason for death was a crushed head and The judges also sentenced the head of complete brain destruction.” flight operations that day, Gen. Anatolii In his failure to suppress his crying, Tretiakov, to six years’ imprisonment and Mr. Onyschak’s shoulders shook up and his deputy head of flight operations, Yurii down as he bowed his head and glared at Yatsiuk, to five years. Safety director AP/Efrem Lukatsky the ground, where his tears landed and Anatolii Lukynykh received a suspended ultimately evaporated. four-year sentence. Presidents Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine and Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland Beside him, his wife dabbed her tears Determining that technical problems did during the ceremony opening the Polish Orliata military cemetery in Lviv. with tissues, as did more than 100 relatives not cause the catastrophe, the court acquit- of the dead and injured who filled the Lviv ted Anatolii Dziubetskyi, commander of by Zenon Zawada The UHA ceremony lasted about 45 Appellate Courthouse on Ivan Franko Street the military division responsible for the Kyiv Press Bureau minutes, consisting of an ecumenical serv- to hear the verdict in the seven-month trial ice, brief speeches by political and reli- SU-27’s condition, citing an “absence of LVIV – Ukrainian President Viktor of six air force officers and pilots accused in actions in the crime’s make-up.” gious leaders, including Cardinal Lubomyr the Sknyliv catastrophe of July 22, 2002. Yushchenko and Polish President Husar, a firearms salute, singing of the That ruling was among several that Aleksander Kwasniewski officially Among them were the co-pilots of the surprised the courtroom audience. national anthem and laying of wreaths. doomed Sukhoi-27 aircraft, lead pilot unveiled two grand memorials at The subsequent Orliata ceremony last- Another was the damages awarded on Lychakiv Cemetery honoring Polish and Volodymyr Toponar and Yurii Yegorov. behalf of each dead and injured victim. ed more than three hours and consisted of Miraculously, they ejected from the plane Ukrainian soldiers who died fighting a complete Roman Catholic mass, patri- after failing to pull out of a difficult div- (Continued on page 10) each other in the first world war. otic songs, political speeches, military Both leaders declared the June 24 cer- poems, the laying of wreaths and also a emony a historic moment for Polish- firearms salute. Ukrainian reconciliation, solidifying a While Poles beamed with pride for Congressional committee hears the case new relationship that began during the their memorial, Lviv residents were not Orange Revolution in which citizens of as enthusiastic, with no more than 1,000 both nations may begin to regard each spectators showing up for the UHA cere- for a Famine-Genocide memorial in D.C. other as allies rather than rivals. mony. Only a few hundred Ukrainians Ukrainian National Information Service the Famine’s significance and magnitude. “Without a free Ukraine, there is no stuck around for the Polish ceremony. Rep. Levin’s testimony appears to have free Poland,” Mr. Yushchenko declared. WASHINGTON – The Congressional Two men held a large banner that said found support among the committee “Without a free Poland, there is no free in Ukrainian, “Let live Ukrainian-Polish Resources Committee, Subcommittee on members, who stated that the magnitude, Ukraine.” National Parks, met on June 9 to consider Friendship.” significance and “inhumane malice” of the More than 3,000 Poles crossed the bor- Conflicts over the historical representa- the case for a Ukrainian Famine-Genocide Ukrainian Famine-Genocide should be der to witness the unveiling of the renovat- memorial in the nation’s capital. tion of the monuments delayed the unveil- memorialized and not encompassed with- ed Orliata (Eaglets) Memorial, which con- ing of the memorials for at least three years. House Resolution 562 “to authorize the in the Victims of Communism Memorial. sists of a cemetery for 2,500 fallen Polish government of Ukraine to establish a Last week’s ceremonies were attributed by Rep. Levin also noted that the soldiers and is considerably larger com- Mr. Kwasniewski to the nations’ new soli- memorial on federal land in the District of “Ukrainian government will donate the pared to the separate, neighboring memori- darity born of the Orange Revolution. Columbia to honor the victims of the man- memorial” at “no cost to the taxpayers ... al for the Ukrainian Galician Army Still, conflict persisted until the very made Famine” would memorialize the 7 just the land needs to be dedicated.” (Ukrainska Halytska Armia, or UHA). last minute as Verkhovna Rada deputies million to 10 million people who died in the Testimony given by Michael Sawkiw Though two ceremonies were held, the attempted to block the ceremony the day 1932-1933 Ukrainian Famine-Genocide. Jr., president of the Ukrainian Congress day’s events clearly focused on honoring before, insisting that officials change any Although the resolution has received Committee of America and director of Polish soldiers and appeasing Polish his- Polish inscriptions to Ukrainian. support from various quarters, some say the Ukrainian National Information torical concerns as Mr. Yushchenko Mr. Yushchenko was intent on not letting the planned Victims of Communism Service, the UCCA’s Washington office, explicitly sought to demonstrate that anything derail the ceremony, which he had Memorial should incorporate the Famine- further demonstrated the need and signif- Ukraine is a progressive society able to previously deemed as “a matter of honor,” Genocide in Ukraine among its many his- icance of a Ukrainian Famine-Genocide integrate into a European Union that has and efforts in the Rada quickly failed after torical references. However, many mem- memorial. His testimony provided the largely set aside rivalries. his office applied pressure and criticism. bers of Congress, including Rep. Sander historical background of the Famine- “The reconciliation of Ukraine and Many Ukrainians, including Soviet-era Levin (D-Mich.), who introduced the res- Genocide, its cover-up by Soviet authori- Poland is the last brick in the building of dissidents and political prisoners, criticized olution on February 2, feel that this peace and harmony in Europe,” Mr. memorial should be separate because of (Continued on page 27) Yushchenko said. (Continued on page 8) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2005 No. 27 ANALYSIS Ukrainian authorities file NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS PM offers oligarchs settlement directly linked to the presidential elec- tion. (RFE/RL Newsline) criminal charges of separatism KYIV – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said in an interview with Bubka elected to head NOC Ukraine by Taras Kuzio suspect that President Kuchma himself Interfax on June 28 that the government Eurasia Daily Monitor may have given a nod to the separatist wants to give those Ukrainian oligarchs KYIV – Former Olympic pole vault congress, as it was held on November 28, who might have made their fortunes champion Sergei Bubka was elected on On June 22-23 the Ukrainian the same day that Internal Affairs under questionable circumstances in the June 23 as president of the National Procurator General’s Office finally intro- Ministry troops were dispatched to Kyiv past a chance to live honest lives under Olympic Committee of Ukraine. Mr. duced the first criminal charges of sepa- to quash the Orange Revolution. the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko. Bubka defeated former Prime Minister ratism against two eastern Ukrainian lead- Both events could have been part of a “Today we are ready to discuss the condi- Viktor Yanukovych, the loser of last ers: Viktor Tykhonov, head of the two-pronged effort by President Kuchma tions for revaluation of [privatized] strate- year’s presidential election, receiving 80 Luhansk Oblast Council, and Yevhen to pressure Mr. Yushchenko in the round- gic enterprises,” Ms. Tymoshenko said. out of a possible 110 votes. Mr. Bubka, Kushnariov, the former chairman of table negotiations then being brokered by “If you want to legalize your properties, 41, won the gold medal at the 1988 Seoul Kharkiv Oblast.
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