THE DAILYEMPIRE "ALL THE NEWS A± THE TIME" I VOL. XXX., NO, 4568._ JUNEAU, ALASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1927. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE TEN CENTS I REDFERN ATTEMPTS** FLIGHT RECORD Prominent Canadians Indicted Seattle Grand Jury I 7 RESIDENTS DEVISES GLIDER TO CROSS OCEAN WET INTERESTS SEA MOUNTAINS AND JUNGLE GEORGIA FLIER OF VANCOUVER AFTER LYLE IS IMPERIL SOUTHERN AIR ROUTE REPORTED FAR OVER WHICH REDFERN FLYING ARE INDICTED MADE IN CHARGE ON HIS FLIGHT Seattle Grand Jury Claims Anti-Saloon League Man in Paul Redfern Is Sighted Men Involved Liquor Seattle Exposes Al- High in Air Near the Conspiracy leged Conspiracy British Bahamas 26. — SEATTLE, Aug. 26. — Seven SEATTLE, Aug. B. N. ST PETERSBURG, Fla.. Aeg. of the residents of Vancouver, B. C.. Hicks, Superintendent 26.—A radio message from Nas- Anti-Saloon that Rome of them prominent in liquor League, charges sau. picked up by the Finauc al interests are exporting and distilling concerns, "liquor executing a I Journal's 40-meter station, said and well Move- are under indictment here on deep organixed the plane Port of Brunswick was ment to oust as charges of conspiracy to violate Roy Lyle Pacific sighted 300 miles east of the Northwest Prohibition the prohibition law Adminis- British Bahamas by a steamer ir. This was revealed when Fed- trator and put his place rome which arrived at Nassau at 11:40 eral Neterer released a se- wet who will not enforce the o’clock last Judge Adrien new night. The steamer Remy, French inventor, and his hydro-glider, with law." cret Indictment returnd by the reported the plane at an cross flying which he hopes to the Atlantic in four days. In an grand jury on June 2 in con- interview, Hicks said: altitude of 2,000 feet headed in "I warn those who believe in nection with the seizure of the icet apart, joined ny a cross struc- a southerly directTon. and its liquor-laden Canadian m o t o ;• PARIS, Aug. 21).—A hydro-glider, ture which contains a seven-foot- prohibition enforcemeue, to cross not to be misled by this shrewd launch Zez. designed the Atlantic high cabin in which ten persons FOLLOWING COURSE which is Among the 24 defendants are ocean in four days, is being fash- can he accommodated. propaganda being BRUNSWICK, Ga Aug 26 — ioned spread the rii-'tvict. It Oakland Latnpman, Managing Di- by Adrien Remy, French Renty is building the craft from throughout The wireless report from a steam- is very that rector of the Joseph Kennedy inventor. a model, but he has not set ; significant just prior er reaching Nassau that the Red- to the trials of the Liquor Export House of Van- It is to travel on the water, bn* date for the launching, pending in- large prohibi fern plane Brunswick has been tion when men couver; Harry Reifel, Secretary it will have motor-turned propt I stallation of motors. His estimate conspiracy cases, sighted east of the British Ba- of political, social and financial fit file same company and mem- lers like an airplane and a shal- of a four-day Atlantic crossing Is hamas, indicated the Georgia influence, are either Indicted or ber of a millionaire family of low hull, so built upon two float- based on a reckoned speed of 40 navigator was holding to the Bear Indictment and Vancouver; George Reifel; Har- ers that it will “slip over the knots an hour for the finished exposure, course he expected to follow that an Investigation is launch- ry Lamond and N. Milne, ware- tops of the waves" instead of cut ] craft, which is tiO feet long anc when he hopped off yesterday. ed into the activities of the housemen for the Kennedy Com- ling them. The floalers are nine 24 feet wide. Pro- hibition Administrator’s office to pany, George Masie, and Louis VESSELS DO NOT SEE PLANE on some who Bemadina, liquor dealers A Can- get something agenl MIAMI, Fla, Aug. 28.—The Is a material witness in a case. adian customs official is unoffi- Hllaleah Station of the Tropical NEW ARMY That has been done in cially reported to be among three J TRAINING recently Radio Telegraph Company, re- tli is district and to m'ii mentioned in the indictment according ported during the night that as John Doe. None of the Can- PLANE press dispatches, Congressman ships east of the Bahamas and CUTS BROOKS Albert Johnson, of Har- adians have been arrested. Grays south of Porto Rico had so far bor, claims credit for it. fulled to sight the monoplane in FIELD FATALITIES "Is it not significant view Port of Brunswick. of the fact that the moon- king Radio officials said they had shiner and bootlegger, and politi- SUBSTANTIAL communicated with several ves- cal leader of Harbor Coun- &1 SAN ANTONIO, Aur. 36.—Fly- Grays sels whose positions were report- with other men of I ing has become almost as sa:». ty, together ed directly or near the cor Salmon political and financin' influence, TAX CUT IS Fishing as any other means of transporta- Redfern was to follow on the were arrested and are In II. ('. tion al Brooks Field here since recently way to Brazil. * Stopped now in the of the Fed- the pimxiil lype of primary train- custody eral Government on For One Week ing plane was adopted by the liquor FOR DISTANCE RECORD TO BE MADE This moonshiner U. S. Army. Records show only charges? king BRUNSWICK, (la Aug, 26 is to have collected j VANCOUVER, B. C.. Auk. iwo falai accidents have occurred alleged Paul Redfern, who hopped yes- Chairman Green Makes from law to be | 2fi. Major J. A. Motherwell In approximately (15,000 hours of money violators terday afternoon at 12:45 o'clock used In and Mis | Fisheries Inspector, has ad- \ flying with tills plane. This is political campaigns for Rio de Jaueiro, 4,600 nnlcs Prediction—Says for other vised llie Dominion Fisheries i ■ purposes.’1 Errs | equivalent of a trip of about 5,00l away, if successful, will estab- Treasury | office it has been definitely j 000 miles. lish a distance record. The first I decided to prohibit all salmon land on the route is Porto Rico. WASHING TON, Aug. 2G.— Before the present plane, known | fishing for one week in the ] .0 miles a'»ay. Chairman William It. Green, of as the PT-1, was adopted instruc- waters north of Howe Sound dy Jni, oncLuun Redfern said If he was forced j tors expected that they would lost* MAN TRAPPED the be able to withstand the the House Ways and Means Com- mana, after crossing Carlbean said to at least and (Associated Press Correspondent) down 111 the Amazon Valley he mittee. predicting a substantial one, usually more, of sea. On reaching land, he would torrid atmosphere prevailing in could live indefinitely with the tax reduction by Congress, said the members of each class through have to begin climbing to an al- the lowlands and even the small equipment he is taking. fatal accidents. more feet t > of half-wild In- he believed the Treasury officials UNDER EARTH 20. — titude of than 8,000 tribal vllluges the BRUNSWICK, Oa,, Aug. Redfern said: "Don't lose ho; l were too low In estimating that 7" A board of flying officers se- Paul A. avoid the jagged peaks which ri.e dians are few between, confined NOVA sWa Redfern, youthful aviator, if I fall to return for at least a surplus of only $150,00,000 lected the PT-1 as the most :1 >• from the range of the Cluiana high- to the banks of the Ama- in planning his non-stop flight to mostly six months or more.” would he available for the sirable in as sentinels zon and Its tributaries. pur- training plane Septem- Ninety Men Dig Through Rio do Janeiro, Brazil, proposes lands, standing grim pose. ber, 1925. The plane they selected over a only partially ex- of STORM to Reach Vic- what some persons believe to be territory After flying over the state Chairman Green has called the HIT, made three radical changes from Night the most perilous journey ever at- explored. Para and, perhaps, the northwest co nmittee, which has jurisdiction HALIFAX, Auk. 2G.—As the the former A forced in the type. tim in Deep Well tempted by a flyer. He left here lunding rugged corner of the state of Matto tiros IS RESCUED I over revenue legislation, to meet result of one of the worst storms fastness of ex In the first place almost all of yesterday afternoon. these highlands, so, Redfern would have completed October $1 anu lake up the writ- in the history of Nova Scotia, for a of .ome 500 the wood used in earlier planer WORCESTER, Mass,, Aug. 26 For an attempt to better the tending distance approximately three-fourths of his ing of a new tax bill. seven persons are reported dead, —Rescuers are or was discarded for steel tubing. endeavoring to continuous, long-distance flying miles more Into B itish Guiana journey when he crosses the bor- FROM CLIFF heavy daniaKe has been done to reach Fred the I This strengthened the plane and Lenneau, aged 37 record of Clarence Chamberlin, I would mean Instant death, In der line of Goyaz and again EQUATOR IN PORT shipping, over a dozen small at the same time did away with years, of Auburn, who has been Redfern laid out a tentative route opinion of airmen. strikes mountains. The Frank Sut- Equator, Capt. craft having been smashed to in a splinters, the cause of many in- trapped 40-foot well since which would take him over ap- From these mountains, Redfern herland.
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