1935 BEECH GROVE, IND. CITY DIRECTORY -AND- TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Volume 5 ,,, ,.,Beech Grove FIRE DEPARTMENT_;_Call DRexel 4040 Citizens State :Bank W.. S. NEWCOMER, President W. R. WHEA,T, Vice President EVERETT R. RYAN, Cashier E. E. MENDENHALL, Assistant Cashier G. E. KEMPER, Director CARL W. ROSS, Director .. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES WE WRITE FIRE AND WINDSTORM INSURANCE , ~ Deposits Insured by The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, D. C. Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor $5,000.00 BEECH GROVE, INDIANA 'I' Corner Seventh and Main DRexel 1105 18 BEECH GROVE DIRECTORY BEECH GROVE DIRECTORY 19 McDonough, Margaret, 222 S.:4th Ave. _________ DRexel 3823 Roach, Charles E., 1426 Main St. _____________ _. DRexel 1962 Mcintire, Frank E., 187 Royal Road _________ DRexle 3507-W Roberts, W. F., 1526 Main St, _______________ DRexel 1181-M McMillin, Sarah B., Acton, Ind. ______________ DRexel 7980-2 Rode, Mrs. Sophia, Five Points _________ ,_____ DRexel 7844-2 Meyer, Fred, Churchman Ave, _______________ DRexel 7794-3 Rodebaugh, C. A., Acton, Ind. ________________ DRexel 7930-3 Mid-State Auto Co., Acton, Ind. ______________ DRexel 7646-3 Rowbottom, Jesse, Grocery, 148 S. 1st Ave. _____ DRexel 1892 Miller, Jay S., 301 N. 20th Ave. ______________ DRexel 1282-R Rushton, Getrrude, 132 N. 17th Ave._._ ________ Drexel 1385-R Milli, Leo J, ____ :._ __ 1-------------------·------DRexel 7817-4 Rutledge, Guy, 80 N. 7th Ave, _______________ DRexel 1459-M Mitchell, Bruce H., 202 S. 9th Ave. _____________ DRexel 1606 Ryan, Everett R., 55 S. 9th Ave, ______________ DRexle 1181-J Monninger, · W. H, __________________________ DRexel 7802-1 Moore, Mrs. D. L., 519 Main St. ________________ DRexel 2021 s Morton, Mrs. Ona, 81 N. 7th Ave. ____________ DRexel 1387-J Saffel, W. A., 225 N. 18th Ave. ______________ DRexel 1385-W St. Francis Hospital, 17th and Albany St. ______ DRexel 4344 N Sarah Shank Golf Course, 2402 Troy Ave. ______ DRexel.A500 Newcomber Lumber Co., 201 Bethel Ave......... DRexel.2111 Schaefell', M. P., 1406 Albany SL ___________ DRexel 14.71-M Newcomer, W. S., Residence, 901 Main St. ______ DRexel 1764 Schellert, Harry, 235 S. 17th Ave. ______________ DRe}!.'.el i684 New Crown Cemetery, Churchman Ave. ____ ,__ _:_ DRexel 6686 Schmidt, C. Frederick, 244 S. 1st Ave. __________ DRexel 1517 Newhouse, Paul, Acton ______________________ DRexel 7646-1 Schoentrup, Lyman, Wanamaker, lnd. _____ ,___ DRexel 7735-1 Newman, Walter, 94 S. 9th A,ve. _____________ DRexel 1122-J Schuler, Walter L., 85 N. 7th Ave. ________ :_ __ DRexel 1396-R Newton, Francis, S. Sherman Dr. _____ ...; ____ __ DRexel 1286-M Schwomeyer, Henry 0., Churchman Pike ______ DRexel 7775-1 Nicolai, Emma J., 125 N. 18th Ave. ___________ DRexel 1385-J Shirley, E. G., Acton, Ind. ______ :_ ____________ DRexel ·7972-1 Nield, Lewis H., 430 N. 20th Ave, ______________ DRexel 3414 Shorty's Garage, 1st and Albany St. ___________ DRexel 5840 p Showalter, N. R., 2214 Albany St. ____ __ __ :_ __ DRexel 0870-W Simpson, William J., 102 S. 5th Ave. _______ __ DRexel 0918-R Parker, Fred A., 1015 Main St. _________________ DRexel 2664 Singleton, Earl E., 74 N. 13th Ave. ___________ DRexel 1483-M Parker, Mack R., 923 Main St. ______________ DRexel 1122-W Smith, C. E., Stop 8 Road ____________________ DRexe1 7962-3 Parton, Mary, 153 S. 10th Ave. ________________ DRexel 2688 Smith, Phil 0., 55 N. 7th Ave. _______________ DRexel 1396-J Patton, Frieda, S. Emerson Ave· .--- . -~-------DRexel 1122-M South Side Motor Coach Co., 2nd and Main St. __ DRexel 7487 Paugh, Grant, S. Emerson Ave. ______________ DRexel 7953-1 Stahley, R. J., D. C., 405 N. 17th Ave. ________ DRexel 1368-R Pfendler, Samuel, Acton, Ind. __ ~ _____________ DRexel 7842-2 Stanley, C. A., Acton, Ind. ___________________ DRexel 7843-2 Pierson, Howard, Service Station, Stanley, P. R., Acton, Ind. ___________________ DRexel 7930-4 Second and Main St·---- ----~--------------- DRexel 7487 Starks, Orion L., 24 N. 14th Ave. ______________ DRexel 4236 Pierson, Verl, 134 S. 9th Ave. __________________ DRexel 2557 Stevens, Gus, Acton, Ind. ________________ :_ ___ DRexel 7971-1 Postma, John S., S. Sherman Dr. _________ _____ DRexel 2863 Stewart, F. R., 102 S. 17th Ave, _____________ DRexel 0805-W Prosch, Louis G., 105 N. 5th Ave. _= ___________ DRexel 1281-R Stewart, W. M., 1414 Main St. ______________ DRexel 1459-W Stogsdill, Noble K., 145 S. 10th Ave. __________ DRexel 0918-J Q Stuck, Daul F., S. 9th Ave. __________________ DRexel 7881-2 ·9uigley, Frank, 238 N. 17th Ave. ____________ DRexel 1368-M Surber, 0. J., 106 Main St. ____________________ DRexel 1644 Swails, J. A., M. D., Acton, Ind. ______________ DRexel 7920:..1 R Swartz, Albert C., 150 S. 4th Ave. ___________ DRexel 2943-R Rabourn, Aimee, New Bethel, Ind. ____________ DRexel 7792-1 Sweeney, L. F., 1410 Main SL _____________ DRexel 1468-W ·Redwine, E. L., 44 N. 17th Ave. ________________ DRexel 3683· Reed's Super Service. Station, 602-604 Main St. __ DRexel 4810 Rhea, J. C., M. D;, 801 Main s·t._~ ~----------- · --DRexel 1687 DRIE'S SERVICE STATION Rizzi, Tony, 56 N. 13th Ave. ___ :....:. ______________ DRexel 5719 Skelly Gas and Oil EVERETT HARTLEY, Mgr . • M.PLElUENT AND MACHlNERY PAINT FOR FARM TOOLS HATFIELD PAINT CO., 104 S. -MERIDIAN ST. , 449 N. Seventeenth Ave. Beech Grove 20 BEECH GROVE DIRECTORY BEECH GROVE DIRECTORY 21 T BEECH GROVE CITY DIRECTORY Terhune, ·Jessie, 80 S. 10th Ave. ______ .:_ _________ DRexei 5381 An Rural Mail Routes Shown Are FrQm. Indianapolis Timmerman, Beulah, 71 N. 7th Ave. _________ DRexel 1387-M Timmerman, Delphin, 78 N. 13th Ave. ________ DRexel 1483-J A Toohey, A. R., 80 s.· 4th Ave. ____ ______________ DRexel 1635 A. & P. Grocery, Charles F. Murphy, Manager_ __ 627 Main St. Achgill, Edward (Myrtle) ___ __ _____ ____ __ ____ 51 S. 7th Ave. Tri.tes,. Albert F., Five Points ________ .:. _______ DRexel 7868-1 Achgill, Edwin (Mary) ___________________ -419 N. 19th Ave. Achgill, Inez, stenographer ___________________ 51 S. 7th Ave. u Achgill, Kenneth _________________ .___________ 51 S. 7th Ave. Unelco Electric Service, 55 S. 4th Ave. _________ DRexel 2149 Adair, Raymond (Julia), patrolman, Big Four __ 64 N. 8th Ave. Urich, K. L., 302 S. 9th Ave· -- · ~--------- - ---DRexel 0823-R Adams, Charles D. (Bonnie), town treasurer ___ 1226 Alton St. U. S .. Post Office, 704 Main SL-- -'- --:------------DRexel 7033 Adams, Edward H. (Mabel), clerk, Big Four ___ 56 S. 5th Ave. Adams, James (Ethel), B. G. Feed Store _____ 1424 Albany St. v Adams, Reese, shops ____ ___ ___ _____ ____ ____ ___ 919 Main St. VanBeriton, Henry H., 88 S. 13th Ave. ____ ~ __ DRexel 0806-R Adams, Walter (Corena), Crown Paper Box Co. 84 S. 8th Ave. Vestal, Frank, 65 N. 7th Ave. ___________ .__ __ DRexel 1387-R Adcock, Thomas (Dorothy) _______________ .___ 84 N. 6th Ave. Volir~th , Emil · C., Arlington Ave. ___ ._________ DRexel 7841-2 Akers, J. T. (Mae) _________________________ 120 N. 2nd Ave. Alexander, Carl E. (Mildred), shops ________ llO S. 11th Ave. w Alexander Edward (Velma) _________________ 22 N. 18th Ave. Wade, L. A., 308 20th Ave· ------------------~-DRexel 2272 Alexander, Paul (Marie), Schrader Gro. Co. __ 137 S. 9th Ave. Allee, John (Mary Elizabeth), shops _________ 242 S. 5th Ave. Wakelarn, E. C., 1424 Albany St. _____________ DRexel 1468-J Allee, Joseph (Eva), shops _____________ :.. ___ 50 N. 17th Ave. Wampner, George H., Five Points Road ______ DRe4el 7865-1 Allen, Clarence (Opal), tractor opr., shops ___ 126 S. 3rd Ave. Wanamaker Coal Co., Wanamaker, Ind. _______ DRexel 7735-3 Allen, Paul (Helen), chief stock clerk, shops __ l18 N. 10th Ave. Wanamaker. State Bank, Wanamaker, Ind. ____ DRexel 7726-1 Allen, Wilfred (Sophia) _____________. ______ 227 N. 18th Ave. Ambercrombie, Thelma __________________ ___ _68 N. 8th Ave. Ward, Dewey, 1715 Albany, SL' _____________ DRexel 0938-R Anderson, Claude (Eva), shops ______________ 134 S. 4th Ave. Waterman; H. A., C9., Five Points ___________ DRexel 1484-W Anderson, Mabel, L. S. Ayres Co. _________ __203 N. 19th Ave. Weishaar., Harry J., 3870 Bethel Ave. ________ DRexel 7835-2 Anderson, Paul, truckman _____________________ 105 Alton ·St. Wesselmi:m, B._J.,_Five Points Road_'"' _______ __ DRexel 7867-2 Applegate, Elizabeth, teacher B. G. school 6540 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis ·western Union Telegraph Co. ___________________ Rlley 4321 Armstrong, H. W. (Anna) __________________ 156 S. 5th Ave. Wheatley, J.ohn I., 146 S. 13th Aye. ____ ___ ___ DRexel 0806-J Armstrong, Leon (Mabel) ___________________ 249 S. 4th Ave. Williams, Joseph R., Attorney, Michigan Rd. __ DRexel 7782-3 Arszman, E. J. (Lena), commission merchant__ 100 S. 17th Ave. Asche, John ______________________________ 235 N. 17th Ave. Willsey, ~ Florence, S. Sherman Dr. ____________ DRexel 7835-1 Ashley, Ruth, teacher, B. G. schooL ____ _____ ___ 923 Main St. Wilske, Mrs. Buddiker, 104 N. 2nd Ave. ______ DRexel l184-M Askine, Henry (Katherine) ________________ 421 N. 21st Ave. Wilson; Alice, 56 S. 11th Ave. ____ ___ __ ____ ____ DRexel 286~ Atkinson, Mrs. Margaret_ _________________ '.... 1816 Albany St. Wilson, Carl, 2280 Churchman .Ave. ___ ________ DRexel 3498 Atkinson, William (Leona), custodian, Holy Name. Schcool Wilson, J. C., Acton, Ind. ____________________ DRexel 7919-3 52 N. 16th Ave. Augustine, Fred (Josephine), shops _________ 78 N. 15th Ave. Wilson, .Ralph, 201 N. 17th Ave. ___________ ____ DRexel 3286 Winings) Harry, 722 Main St. __________________ DRexel 1257 B Woerner,·Frank H., Beech Grove Ave. ________ DRexel 7786-2 Baier, Chris, shops _________________________ 154 S. 2nd Ave. Woody; M. E., New Bethel, Ind. ______________ DRexel 7896-4 Baier, George (Edna), locomotive engineer ___ 154 S. 2nd Ave. Wr~ght, Paul L. ________ ,___________________ DRexel 1163-W Bailey, E. I. (Marie), electrician _____________ 52 S.
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