NORWALK PEDESTRIAN & BIKEWAY TRANSPORTATION PLAN Introduction and Existing Conditions Technical Memorandum DRAFT Submitted by: Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. 72 Cedar Street Hartford, CT 06106 Contents Vision..............................................................................................3 Executive Summary...........................................................................4 Key Points Plan Purpose....................................................................................5 Background Study Area The Case for Walking & Cycling Plan Development............................................................................7 Review of Existing Plans 2009 Connecticut Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan..........9 SWRPA Bicycle and Pedestrian Study......................................10 2008 Plan of Conservation and Development for Norwalk.......11 Existing Conditions Report..............................................................14 Population and Employment................................................14 Land Use...........................................................................15 Transportation Network.......................................................16 Overpasses & Underpasses..................................................17 Sidewalks & Footpaths.........................................................18 Major Pedestrian Routes......................................................19 Connectivity Plan................................................................23 On-Road Bicycling.............................................................26 Trails /MultiUse Paths...........................................................30 Bike Storage/Amenities........................................................31 Crash Data........................................................................32 Appendix 1: Summary of Focus Group Meetings.............................34 Appendix 2: Summary of Public Meetings.........................................40 Appendix 3: Detailed Survey Results.................................................42 2 Norwalk Pedestrian and Bikeway Transportation Plan Vision The draft vision statement was first presented to stakeholders at the fo- Norwalk’s walking and bicycling vision is: cus group meetings and to the community at the public meeting held in July 2010. The comments and suggestions received at those meetings All Norwalk residents and visitors have access to the benefits of walk- were incorporated into a revised vision statement. The result is a state- ing and cycling. They are physically active and they and their children ment that is a synthesis of the many goals stated by various participants have learned to safely walk and bike, giving them mobility and inde- regarding their goals and aspirations for the Pedestrian & Bikeway plan. pendence. Norwalk is a community where people can walk or ride from their home to work, transit, to places for shopping and entertain- ment and for recreation. Norwalk’s streets are livable places that accommodate many activi- ties. Neighborhood business districts are thriving with foot traffic from residents and visitors. A civic commitment to share the road is respect- ed by drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike. Norwalk is the hub of a connected regional bicycle network that includes bike lanes, multi-use paths and greenways. This statement will be used over the coming years to guide pedestrian and bicycle initiatives and improvements in the City and is a critical component of Plan. The vision statement forms the foundation for the goals, objectives, recommendations and designs within this plan so that all participants will be represented and will work congruently and coherently toward a desirable future. Norwalk Pedestrian and Bikeway Transportation Plan 3 Executive Summary City of Norwalk Sidewalks, Footpaths, Multi-Use The City of Norwalk seeks to create a transportation system that will Paths, Schools & Transit Centers accommodate the needs of all users, including pedestrians and cyclists; one that integrates safety improvements, reduces congestion, and pro- motes healthier lifestyles. Norwalk’s pedestrian infrastructure of side- walks and footpaths provides good access to the City’s urban streets and to certain rural parts of the City adjacent to schools and parks. In many cases, however, sidewalks and footpaths are narrow, in poor condition, and have significant gaps or are missing pedestrian activated crosswalks to link sidewalks at dangerous intersections. Bicycle facili- ties in Norwalk are less comprehensive, limited to multi-use trails and shoulders of roadways. The City has no clearly designated on-street bike lanes and bike racks are hard to find. Improvements made to the walking and bicycling infrastructure in prox- imity to densely populated areas, employment centers, schools, transit facilities, parks, and community facilities are needed and will have a positive impact on residents and businesses alike. The present network of roads is primarily designed to serve the needs of motor vehicles and provides limited support for alternative modes of transportation, includ- ing cycling and walking. This study will focus on identifying deficiencies and recommending improvements to the existing system that will assist in a mode shift from auto traffic to walk, bicycling, and transit use. Norwalk’s pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure is concentrated in densely populated areas and near pedestrian generating facilities (see Figure 1). Filling gaps and improving this network by alleviating barri- ers, making new connections and providing new wayfinding signs is a critical component of the plan which will improve the environment for bicycling and walking in Norwalk. Key Points • Norwalk’s extensive sidewalk infrastructure and emerging bi- cycle path network provide access for the majority of residents and pro- vide a good foundation for future improvements. • Connecting the gaps in this network is critical to the success of facilitating walking and bicycling in Norwalk. Figure 1 4 Norwalk Pedestrian and Bikeway Transportation Plan • Overpasses and underpasses and the lack of crosswalks at criti- Study Area cal intersections present obstacles to safety and can represent a critical deficiency in an otherwise safe pedestrian corridor. The study area of this plan includes the entire City of Norwalk (see Figure 2) with attention called to specific focus areas within the City. In particular, The Existing Conditions Report will evaluate the condition of the existing this plan focuses on pedestrian and bicycle connections between schools, network and provide the basis for Task 2 which will prioritize key corri- transit centers, parks, open spaces, and other community facilities and dors, develop design guidelines and recommend needed improvements amenities. over the next decade. A subset of the study area is the Norwalk Connectivity Study area which Plan Purpose is bordered by Wall Street on the north, Washington Street on the south, the Norwalk River/ harbor on the east, and West Avenue on the west. This area was analyzed in detail in the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency Background Connectivity Plan study area. All pedestrian and bicycle issues and rec- ommendations in that area are included in the Connectivity Plan. Dur- The 2011 City of Norwalk Pedestrian and Bikeway Transportation Plan ing the citywide Pedestrian and Bikeway Transportation Plan development, will serve the City of Norwalk by providing direction on improving and the study team coordinated with the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency to expanding pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The ultimate goal of the ensure that the two plans’ recommendations were compatible with one Plan and the planning process is to advance the transportation network another. to include a more connected system of bikeways and walkways through- out the City. This technical memorandum provides an introduction to While there is some discussion of state roadways, the Plan places special the overall planning process and analysis of the existing transportation focus on City facilities, whose design and construction are primarily the network to assist in determining what improvements are necessary to responsibility of the City of Norwalk. support a more connected system of sidewalks and footpaths, on-road dedicated bicycle lanes, and off-road bicycle and walking trails. The final Plan provides recommendations as well as specific plans and drawings to illustrate the recommended improvements. The Case for Walking and Cycling in Norwalk The City of Norwalk initiated this planning effort because it believes that As stated earlier, research shows that fewer than five percent of Norwalk an improved system of pedestrian and bicycle facilities will encourage residents are walking or bicycling to work. An improved system of pedes- residents to use these modes more frequently. The Plan of Conserva- trian and bikeway facilities can encourage residents to be more active and tion and Development (POCD) for Norwalk reports that fewer than five thus has the potential to reduce motor vehicle trips. percent of Norwalk residents walk or bicycle to work. Early outreach in the planning process identified missing links and gaps in the system The benefits of increased walking and bicycling in Norwalk are multiple. of sidewalks, footpaths, and bikeways as possible causes for this single These include improvements to health, transportation, the environment, digit mode share percentage. Ultimately, the Planning Commission
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