RKEIVEOJ:::?^ .^= nt "•> FEB-4698 FEATURE ENTIRTAINMENT VLisppy 25th! My Left Breast III This Issni • Abziefhistoxyof dicGay • Shipping Dock Theater offieirs I Alliance on its 25th aimiver- a play about a lesbian with SecttsiiA £ saty. breast cancer. Worid AIDS Oay 3 I Page AIO PageBI Opinion: ReNgtous= PoSdcal 8 GAGV history 10 fiaklr^ the Scene H Ervtertainmenc Hollywood wise­ cracker; revlaws, more..».»...».» 3 CotumniseL.».».».... H..»..M»M..»».... »....S Gay Groups .^. 12 Oassifleds 15 Caiendr_ mu** .*.••>* ...*.«. »**»**»** . Number 299 F«brtnry I99i HttH York date's Otdesc Gay Alesbian Newspaper ESPA names Matt IVewsFronts Foreman as chief • LOCAL AND STATE GAGV seeks Headed N.Y.C. Anti-Vtolence Project nominations fbr Sue Cowell and JefF Soref, co-chairs In the process of selecting a new l>oard of directors of the Board of Directors of the executive director, the Board of The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA) ESPA convened a selection com­ Valley is soliciting npminattons for announced on Dec. 3 the selection mittee in August 1997 of board the Board ofDirectorsforthe 1998/ of Matt Foreman as ESPA's Execu­ members, under the chairshtp of 2001 term. tive Director. Foreman succeeds former board co-chair, Michael Dick Dadey, Executive Director Katovitz, to recommend candidates The three-year term of office will since 1991, fbr the job. A professional search begin May, 1998. Applications may be obtained by calling the GAGV His appointment took affect Dec. firm was hired and a diverse group Matt Foreman became the new executhfc director of the office at 244-8640. Nomination 8. The Empire State Pride Agenda is of over SO individuals were con­ Empire State Pride Agenda in December. forms must be returned by Feb. 21. the largest polidcal advocacy orga­ tacted. After a lengthy, in-depth either by mail or hx. If you would nization representing lesbians and screening process. Foreman was like to make a nomination, or K you gay men In New York Scate. recommended by the selection would like to volunteer, please call committee and their decision was Foreman will also serve as the for an application. ^AMMNMI^ Director cf the Empire ratified at a special meeting of th« ScMKn F-rt*im A^^ntia FoundsttJon. a board in mid-November. GMHC calls fbr non-partisan research, education Matt Foreman said, "f am very and advocacy foundation. IHIe spent honored to join the Pride Agenda new way to his first day on the job in Albany family — its board. Its staff, and its trace infection with Tim Sweeney, foundation pro­ thousands of loyal supporters. gram director, observing a techni­ Working together, we can build on Gay Men's Heaith Crisis, the N.Y.C.- cal assistance training session on Dick Dadey*s legacy, and not only based AIDS organization, called on public funding, for memt>ers ofthe beat back the unr'elenting attacks Jan. 13 for a new system for tracing sotewide Lesbian and Gay Health against our community but secure HIV infection in New York State. and Hiiman Services Network (The our equal rights with all other New Until now, GMHC had opposed Network). Yorkers." pians to report HIV infections. But ESPA Board Co-chairs Sue From 1990 to 1996. Matt Fore­ with changes in the epidemic, the Cowell and jeff Soref stated: man served as Executive Director agency now believes that the old "Matt has an extraordinary 20- of New York City Gay and Lesbian hospital-based AIDS reporting sys­ year history of service, activism and Anti-Violence Project (AVP), build­ tem is obsolete. accomplishment. He has worked ing it into the natlon*s leading les­ A new monitoring system is criti­ with all levels of govemment and bian and gay crime victim assistance cal to help prevent new infections, understands the political process agency. especially among young peopte, as thoroughly. As important, he rec­ Foreman used aggressive case well as to expand health care for ognizes the link between building advocacy and street activism to those already infected with HIV. communrty and building power, and focus attention on hate violence, The numbers of AIDS cases and how to get things done. organizing anti-violence marches deaths have been available for years, "We are delighted to have some­ and demonstrations in all boroughs but the huge number of those in­ one with Mate's experience and of the city. At the same dme he fected with HIV — and of new devotion to the lesbian and gay maintained cooperative relations infections each year — remains a community leading the Pride with the police, negotiating signifi­ mystery. Agenda. We are confident he will cant changes in police handling of "Shifts in HIV infections and new build upon and expand our record bias crimes and in police training on early treatment options demand of fighting for the rights of lesbian gay/lesbian i^ues. Foreman led a new approaches,** said Ronald S. and gay New Yorkers." Foreinan continued on p. 3 Johnson. GMHCs managing direc­ tor fbr public policy, communica­ tions and community relations. "Counting only those who are hos­ Out & Equal conference looks at workplace issues pitalized reveals yesterday's epi­ demic, not today's. We are com­ By David L. Frishkom of Lucent Technologies in San Fran­ COLLEAGUES is the nattonal or­ role models for us all." mitted to fighting for a new system The sixth Nattonal Out & Equal cisco and chairperson of COL­ ganization of LGBT emptoyee re­ David Kosel of the Eastman of tracidng HIV infections with conference will be held atthe Hyatt LEAGUES, explains why Rochester source groups which is coordinat­ Kodak Company, chairperson for strong privacy protections thskt wili Regency in Rochester on April 17- was chosen to host Out & Equal. ing this yearns conference. the April conference, says. 'It is http thoee most at risk: the poor. 19. This nadonal conference on **Rochester has many attributes that Robertson Y#ent on to explatn, truly an honor for the Rochester ¥mn>en, youth, espedaliy gay youth, reflect the conference values and "We note that the dty known as area, and spedfically the local ffty lesbian, gay. bisexual, and and young adults." transgender (LGBT) workplace is­ support thb year's theme, 'Profes­ The WoHd*s Image Center* is a community, to bring this presti­ sues has been held four tknes In San stonal Development.* We were leader in promodngdlverslty aware­ gious conference to Rochester. I New York's current monitoring Frandsco and once in Denver. This impressed vAth the corporate and ness and setdng standards for oth­ am so proud of my community and system, designed in 1983, tracks die epidemic by counting people is the fkrst time the conference. govemment support demonstrated ers to follow. The nondiscrlmina- know conference participants wffl wito become Impitallzed with, or wf)ich draws several hundred par­ through polides and programs tion policies and practices of cor­ be impressed with their visit here." die from, AIDS-rebted Illnesses, ticipants, is being held in the East­ which prontote safe work places porate citizens IHce Eastman Kodak Local and nattonal speaicers w0l the system nnhses the shift of HIV ern United Sntes. for gay. lesbian, bisexuai and and Xerox as well as the City of present discusstons and worksiiops Rochester itself, provkie posidve Sheryl Robertson, an empk>yee transgendered people." she sakJ. Workplaca continued on p. 3 Lo^ news continued on p* 3 A2 LETnmS TO THE EDITOII: Foreman continued from p. I CEO of Ziff-Davis Educadon. The opinions of cohimntets* editorial writ­ t;R;:;;?5:,S5i success^ effort to devek>p a nadonal Saturday and Sunday of the ^conference will print anonxmous letters if the name ers and other eontrlbutlns writers are system for gay vicdm assistance programs are more directed towards LGBT employ­ their own and do not necMsarlty reflect and phone number are provMed to the th« collectlvtt sttKuda of the C»ay AHiance Ecfttor; confidentiality y*^ be respected. to document and report on h»te crime, ees themselves* Topics will indude dps for of the C^enesee VsHex or the gmpty cnosec SubmisskNU art due by the ISth ofthe andin 1993 AVP assumed responsibility creating and malntalnirtg jempfoyee re­ Wtt wW print latcert at the editor** discre­ month at; for producing the annual national report source groups, working reiatk>nships widi tion and on a sfMce avaibble btsls.Wa will TK* bnptf Clottcit 179 Atlantk Ave. on anti-^y/lesbian violence AVP also led management, sexual harassmenCdeaf-gay e r noc print personal attadcs on individuats. IUKhestM^NYI4607-l35S the Hate Crimes Bill Coalition, a dhwrse employees, empfoyment law. empfoyee coalition of more than IOO or^nlzations assMnce programs* homophobia and rac­ working to pass a meaningful Hate Crimes ism, <flversf^tnUningup9'ades.transgerKler law in New York State. employee issues, overconijng organiza­ IVewsfronts Prior to joining AVP, Foreman worked tional resistance, and leamir^from f^LAG* • LOCALAND STATE NEWS From Our Readers in pristm policy and administration fbr 10 Cindy Martin, President Gfobal Customer years, including service as Assistant Com- Support at Eastman Kodak, will be roe County Healdi Dept* for confidential test­ missk>ner of the West Virginia Depart­ Saturda/s keynote speaker. Pataki's sex panic Universalist ing. Thc people there werc always friendly; ment of Corrections, Executive Assistant Conference fees range from $195 for however, going there was not a comfortable Interweave group to the NYC Correction Commissioner, Saturday and Sunday only to $375 for the experience for me due to the fact diat their and as Director of the work release pro­ full three days. A registration form is in­ bacics Bishop Clark waiting area was an empty hallway, and as gram at a medium/minimum security focil- cluded in an advertisement elsewhere in personal as thc case workers were, dierc they ity.
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