MAY, 1969 oui-iiil The People of the IBEW IBEW people are members of the largest electrical Be proud you arc one of the IBEW people-a union workers' union In the world and are citizens of the member. Unions exist for the good of the working two greatest nations in the .... orld. They arc good trade people. OUf union, Ihe IBEW. accomplishes what we unionists and responsible citizens. The)' and their cannot accomplish as individuals. In bargaining with families make up some four-million Nonh Americans. employers for employee benefits, all unions serve all IBEW people have organized 2,278 local unions in workers and add to the welfare of our countries. Unions the history of the Brotherhood. They are presently work-if their members work as a union. Accomplish­ operating oyer 1.710 local unions with approximately ments can usually be measured by the percentage of 20.000 local union officers. most of whom work full­ active panicipation by individual members. time at their jobs and serve their locals without pay. Attend you r union meetings. serve on committees, These union workers arc the union. They write their study your contracts. your bylaws, and the ISEW Con­ union laws and incorporate them into the I BEW Con­ stitution. Work togethcr to accomplish your common st itution every four years at an International Conven­ goals. You must contribute your time. your talents, and tion. They operate their local unions accordingly. They your money to make your union function properly. You are members of a democratic organization, electing their must be good productive employees to add strength to International officers and establishing their own laws your local union. Know your jobs; become the best­ for administcring union affairs. qualified craftsmen possible in your fields; be willing IBEW people have over 20.000 agreements with to produce-and produce a reasonable day's work. 30,000 employers to prove that unions work. Their Remember. not only is your employer in a highly­ wages, frin ge benefits. working conditions. and grieY. competitive market in the free enterprise system under ance procedures arc among the best of any workers in which we all work, bUI you. as a skilled and highly­ the world. productive union worker. must compete with non-union The 905,000 IBEW people join the other millions workers. Let's continue to improve ourselves as workers of union members in two great houses of labor. the and 10 increase our knowledge so as to strengthen our AFL·ClO in the United States. and the CLC (Canadian union in collective bargaining and to add to our benefits. Labor Congress) in Canada, to carry forward the You arc the union; be proud of it. Work to make it work programs that benefit all workers. their familics, and better. their nations. It is hard to imagine a plant, a building. a home, a IBEw people have aligned themselves with the room, or any manufactured goods in which electricity fastest·growing industry of this or any age. With this is not present or has nOl been present. IBEW people amazing source of ene rgy. work opportunities and the have a part in all of it. Be proud you are one of Ihe potential for enlarging the electrical workers' knowledge I BEW people. Be a !!OOO one. are never ending. The imporlance of education and training in the electrical industry is easily discerned. All mEW people must have basic knowledge to get in wilh and to keep up with the industry'S ever~changing tech nology. INTERNATIONAL PR ESIDENT EXECUTIVE OFFICERS THE ELECTRICAL WORK ERS' CII.\lII.E~ II. 1'11.1..\1(1 ' h ... , ..'.o ..,I'".ulu' I ~" ':,th SI .. /><. \\ .......I"n.ton. I). C ;f)Oj JOS."' II I). k.:t::.:.\:> hl.. r.G"O~GI "',, .~IG' 1;00 1'.• 11 S ... ~. \\ W .. h'nlrton. II. (" ~_. Official Pub licotion of the International BrOlherhood of Electricol WorkefS ilAnllY VAN ARSDAI.E. In 1.,.. , •• ,,,,.«1 T" .....ra 1;;./ .:".1 2:.• 11 :<tl,"" C HARLES H. PILLARD, Edi/or /><r' York. ". \' IIMIIU VICE 'UStDEHTS ~' Irlt Di.trlrl. WlI. I.'AM L.\IJYMA!" ~~ t1n!.rr.lly lJlv,l., Sy,,~ 6U! VOLUM E 6H, '\0. ;; 1'0,'0 "'0 1. Ont .. Cft",,,I,, 8ec"nd I)l>Il'Iot. JOliN t:. FLYNN H{."" ~~j. I',... k So""",· 111<111 1I000t .. ", MM ..",' I"' .~lI~ (I~ll!; CON'I'ENTS TI, I"I Ul.trlr~. A. It. JOHNSON 6U i 11,,11,11" 11. II""", :WI r,o; W". !>I" .. ,,,n H,I. l'IUol.u." h. I'M. l ;,~~" II th Utility Conferences 2 Fourth OI , l mt. H. II . III.AN la:NSHlf' ~r,2:; VI olory I'k .. ~. Vice President Johnson Retires 7 ClnolnnKII. Ohio ~.; 20'-, t' lfth DIIl,lot, G. X. IIAIlKElt East Coast Metal Trades Council H lUI i' .,.. ht ,~ St. Nt; .. Sui", 20l At;'nU. r_,II'!" aosO!! Wichita Me mbers Give Helping Hand 10 :;hlh [)i . tro~ •• J .... JUII!"SO" lloom 2n~. K,' n' ....· ' In u'''''~ ,· U.. Ild"." 20" \\ o~~<'r 0,'1 .. Union Industries Show in Denver 12 t·hl~o"". lIIin"'" 6tI6Ioti Se¥~nlh Ob ll'irl. A. t:. };OWAJtO:. Unions Sign Dis ney Contract 1:1 161' ('ORI_r~ III"" ;'~1 W s.-.~nl h M ....... t'.,... W"" h. Tu .. ,6102 IBEW Member Is Hawaii State Senate Preside nt I I i:li.,h,h Oi...... I. :;, E. TIIO;\II'SO" 1t00lll 2'111. WII ~uJI IIldot ;".111 t umlh A,.-.• ",,.,h Government Employees' Council Meets 1'.0. II<> . 19'" IUIUn", •• )/on •. ~"D Editorial Nlnlh m .lrltl, W. L. VI~ S O:--' n ..um U ". ~,u MorbI :-;1.-1. W ith the Ladies IH Soon ~·n n"" c", I".Uf" , nill ' 4 WZ T"nth 1II.ld"l. 1'IIOMAS V. UA/IlSt; \ lloom 11011. no SnUlh lYdIa SI_I. Canadian labor News 20 l·hle."". 110",,;. Gu&Ol; Elucnth 1)1 , 11'1 .. ,. ItOHEH1' K. IOAUlUT\ RCA Factory local Unions Meet 22 Sulle U;l, 1.11'1,,,1<1 BI ,I .. ~9U" W. lIvol"" 51 Apprenticeship and Training Depart ment Om.hI.. Nd,, 'u ~. GHI14 22 T w,'1f1 1l 111 '<1 1"1,.1. W. n. Pt:TTY Whll. lll 1l ,,11, lin~ . U,n. ~:1 4 . 2~"" ['" " IR I Recent IBE W Elections ~I"",, 'h l ". '1'""", ... ,· ,·,· a~'1 2 Execut ive Council Minutes 25 IN TER N A T ION A ~ UICUTI'IE COU NC IL t; . J , I"/(,\:-<SW",' (·"",r,,,,,,, Local Lines : ~ ,; 2121 W ...t WI ..."" .I" Avenue MII ... nuk.~'. II'j ....,".in .;a20~ Washington Circuit :m FI ..I Dlotrlot. ltALi'1i IIAI.I.oItA}' 2LO W, W.ler Str"t. 2nd .'100' Research and Education Department t:lm;rn. N, ... \ ·"rlo. 1",101 Stn>n<l Ili.lrlrl. (; " 1\111,1:::; t: CAn' II~: \' In Memoriam 140 Ch"oln"t Stt ..... Sp,;n.,lId<l. M..... hp... l t. 0I1O~ Death Claims Thl...t 1>10.,10-1. IIAUlt\' J . WI1.I.IA M:' 79 1111 (;,1 ...) ,\Y~n ... eIMlnno,!. 0"'" ~'·!O ~'OIIrt h mottl.... A W SCIBIII)T ('9!1 w ll.... · ..... 1 .\vfn ... Sar.. o ....... Ian .... u.;;., Fifth 1)1.ltkl. JM'" I, .\I(X)ltJ:; IO~'~ "" ..., WoJnlll S"..... SI"lndldd. M ..,,"rl ,,:,~'" Si:lIh D"ukl, JOS."'II C. }:I·l't;ItSO:--. An·C IO ~'.o~ S",h.rI~nd 8<,.... , 1I '""',,n T, .,. "to. s"v~"lh I', 1.1 .. 1. 1(,\1.1'/1 A I.J-:lGO:>; '''". s .... ,," ,\"'hU' I." \ ,·.'U ,<, "I" •. ,\11, ~~~ P"''<TtO ON I)l " I.. t. r; ":OIII;. : I', l'I\TTEIt>'O" """'e Hua. ~u 1\·.-II'n,.. ..,n C,""""'" Wlnnl".,.. ~. Mnn .. Cn"n ,l~ P OS1 ~ ... STE.S Cl-o'Qe of odd,eH co"" on f,," )S79 .~o .. ld b. ,en! Ie IntO'MI .1 5 ~'r. ,. o[ E'." "I 1'/0".", 1100 Fdlun!~ S!'nt, N. W .. W.,"'n~Ie" D., 700(); l>"b."".,, e 'II~ .nn 'e en" ." r,e"'O;~ po d 01 W. t ,~".', D, C S b 'r',on r''''.' U",,-d St.t., .,d C"n"do, $2 p" YU' "c'On p, n! '. " US" h JOURN"L,. 00' b, "old '."'0'1 " fe ... " ~" d t, , •• r Dndo"'" If. fi,.! of eoo~ ,",onll. ,. ol"""Q d.t •. Ad cOPv ,t, I ," 0"' """d. en 0' be;o·. II"" •. P.id .d, ," '01 ."op!·". 11th Utility Con (1111'; 1111111 ,i.-,fI IHEW 1I1"11111('I's H . 1{ ;ljllIlllllli. (' hitI'll· ... II . '1'\l1'fll'I·. M II I' J'(' tl,·1t 'r~1I t "" II , 1 III' I ~ t(,! t Edll:II'oI ,I I,"gnn. 1\ 1'11111'111 It. 1·;01 - [ 11ilil,1' {'ollh'I'\ 'II("'~ II1'hl I'(\]' 11,(, 11111',] ... 1111<1 11 11.1' \\". l)i,·l dll~\l1I pl'(" SI\111. ]':idl1h nlHI \illlli I ti"'!"id" S"tll,',II·"POI·1-. ..\ 1"'0. tIll' ril'I' 1' 1·,'~i_ ill 1.11" \·t'!.!;I .... :\"111<1;1. F \·ht'HaJ'~· tll'IIt-,1IIId E X"I'Hlill' ( 'III1 II1 'illlll"lI1- I\. 1:;: fot' Ih,' l"il'llI. ~('\I'lIth, hI')'''' III' 1111' I'I'''']lI'('lil"l' ,H"'ll"il'h 111 1';I('wlllli. all,[ '1'1\\,11"111 lli ... 1I'I", ... ill I'n!'h l'olll"!'I'I'III'I' g:an' IOlIl, ... 01' in­ \11,1II]llli .... 'I" 'IIHI''''''-''. F,·hl'II:I I','" :!" II't'!',,1 I (I 111 t ,]!·!t'!!;lh ". IIlI "I'II11- 111101 )ln1"l·11 1: ;1IIt! 1"01' III(' s",·4Ilt.r, liollal '1'1 ',·;1"'111"'1' 11 ;11"1'.1' \ '1111 .h...:, T ld,'d.
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