蝶と蛾 Lepidoptera Science 70(1): 25-28, April 2019 Discovery of Setomorpha rutella Zeller( Tineidae, Setomorphinae) in Japan Yoshitsugu Nasu1)*, Takaki Shigematsu2), Toshiya Hirowatari3), Shiro Murahama4), Hiroyuki Matsumuro4) and Keisuke Ueda5) 1) Environmental Entomology and Zoology, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan 2) Waseda-Saga Highschool, 7-1 Higashijyounai, Karatsu, Saga, 847-0016 Japan 3) Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395 Japan 4) Bird Rescue Society of Japan, 3918 Oyamada-cho, Kawachinagano, Osaka, 586-0014 Japan 5) Rikkyo University, 3-34-1 Nishi-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 171-8501 Japan Abstract The tropical tobacco moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller( Tineidae, Setomorphinae), is newly recorded from Okinawa, Japan. This moth was reared from detritus in nests of the Ryukyu Scops Owl and the Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher in Miyako-jima Is. and Minami-daito-jima Is. The adult and male genitalia are illustrated. Key words Bird nest, male genitalia, nest-dwelling, tropical tobacco moth. The authors have studied the insect fauna living in the Aedeagus slender( Fig. 2g). Saccus slender, swollen nests of various bird species in Japan, and reported a anteriorly( Fig. 2d). Intersegmental membrane between variety of insect species living in them and a symbiotic eighth and ninth segments with a pair of coremata( Figs system in the nests( Nasu, 2012; Hirowatari et al., 2012, 1b, 2b, 2c). 2017; Nasu et al., 2012a, b; Yahiro et al., 2013, etc.). Distribution. Pan-tropical and -subtropical( Diakonoff, During the course of our studies, we confirmed the 1938; Hinton, 1956; Robinson and Nielsen, 1993). Japan: occurrence of Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852( Tinedae, Okinawa Pref.( Miyako-jima Is., Minami-daito- jima Is.) Setomorphinae) which is the first record of this species in (new to Japan). Miyako-jima and Minami-daito-jima Is. of Okinawa, Japan. In the present paper, we report the species with Host. The larvae feed on the dry detritus of various plant figures of the adult and male genitalia. and animal materials. It is an important tropical pest of dried tobacco leaves and stored products( Hinton, 1956; Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852( Figs 1, 2) Gozmány and Vári, 1973). Setomorpha rutella: Diakonoff, 1938: 409; Hinton, 1956: 261; Material examined. JAPAN: Okinawa Pref.: Miyako-jima Gozmány and Vári, 1973: 82; Robinson and Nielsen, 1993: 182 Is., Ono-sanrin, 3♂, em. 29. vii. -5. viii. 2016, from nest (selected literature). box of the Ryukyu Scops Owl, Otus elegans elegans Setomorpha sp.: Nasu et al., 2012b: 81. (Cassin),( preserved in Osaka Prefecture University), 1♂, em. 10. x. 2015, from natural tree nest of the Ruddy Adult( Figs 1a, 2a): head smooth, dark brown. Forewing Kingfisher, Halcyon coromanda bangsi( Oberholser), span about 12 mm. Forewing oblong, bent dorsally in (preserved in Kyushu University); Minami-daito-jima apical 1/3; color light grayish brown, with many dark Is., 1♂, em. 24. vii. 2007, from natural tree nest of the brown markings. Hindwing light grayish brown. Male Daito Scops Owl, Otus elegans interpositus Kuroda, genitalia( Figs 1b, 2b-2g): uncus a pair of smooth lobes, previously recorded as Setomorpha sp. by Nasu et al. weakly sclerotized( Fig. 2d). Valva large, with a long (2012),( preserved in Osaka Prefecture University). sickle-shaped process at apical end( Figs 2e, 2f). Remarks. Setomorpha rutella belongs to the subfamily Setomorphinae, which is newly recorded from Japan. This * Corresponding author: Yoshitsugu Nasu( fwik6205@mb. subfamily consists of nine species in three genera infoweb.ne.jp) 26 Y. Nasu et al. Figs 1, 2. Adults and male genitalia of Setomorpha rutella Zeller. 1. Male emerged from nest box of the Ryukyu Scops Owl[ Miyako-jima Is.]; a: adult; b: whole male genitalia, lateral. 2. Male emerged from natural tree nest of the Ruddy Kingfisher[ Miyako-jima Is.]; a: adult; b: whole male genitalia, lateral; c: 8th segment with coremata, ventral, d: ring and uncus( 9th and 10th segments), ventral; e: right valva; f: left valva; g: aedeagus, lateral. Scale lines: 1 mm in 1a, 2a; 0.5 mm in 1b, 2b‒2g. Discovery of Setomorpha rutella in Japan 27 distributed around the world, and has the following with English summary) characters: lamellate, semi-adpressed scales on the adult Hinton, H.E., 1956. The larvae of the species of Tinedae of head, mouthparts( galea, maxillary palpus) strongly economic importance. Bull. ent. Res. 47: 251-346. Nasu, Y., 2012. Bird nest as niche for Lepidoptera( Insecta). Biol. reduced, etc.( Robinson and Nielsen, 1993; Sakai, 2011). Sci. 64: 35-42.( In Japanese) The moths emerged from a nest box of the Ryukyu Scops Nasu, Y., Y. Mitsuhashi, Y. Ohsako and K. Ueda, 2012a. Symbiotic Owl and a natural nest of the Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher in animals of an Oriental white storknest in Toyooka, Hyogo Pref., Japan. Jpn. J. Ent.( N. S.) 15 : 151-158.( In Japanese with Miyako-jima Is., Okinawa. The external features and male English summary) genitalia of the species are identical with those of Nasu, Y., S. Murahama, H. Matsumuro, K. Ueda, T. Hirowatari, and Setomorpha rutella illustrated by Gozmány and Vári Y. Yoshiyasu, 2012b. Relationships between nest-dwelling (1973), Robinson and Nielsen( 1993) and Robinson et Lepidoptera and their owl hosts. Ornithol. Sci. 11: 77-85. al.( 1994). This species was previously recorded as Robinson, G.S. and E.S. Nielsen, 1993. Tineid Genera of Australia Setomorpha sp. from a nest of the Daito Scops Owl in (Lepidoptera). In: Nielsen, E.S.( ed.), Monographs on Minami-daito-jima Is. by Nasu et al.( 2012b). This was Australian Lepidoptera, 2 : 1-344, CSIRO Publications, the first record of this species from a bird nest. Melbourne. Robinson, G.S., K.R. Tuck and M. Shaffer, 1994. A Field guide to It is presumed that the larvae ingest detritus of plants and the smaller moths of South-East Asia. 308pp. Malaysian Nature animals such as decayed wood and faeces in the bird Society, Kuala Lumpur. nests. As implied by the English name “Tropical tobacco Sakai, M., 2011. Tineioidea. In: Komai, F., Y. Yoshiyasu, Y. Nasu and T. Saito( eds), A guide to the Lepidoptera of Japan. Pp. moth”, the moth is an important pest, which raises the 134-143. Tokai University Press, Hatano.( In Japanese) possibility that this species may become a notable house Yahiro, K., K. Kameda, Y. Nasu and S. Murahama, 2013. Insect hold pest of dried tobacco leaves and stored products in fauna of Great Cormorant( Phalacrocorax carbo) nests. Jpn. J. Japan. Ent.( N. S.) 16: 15-23.( In Japanese with English summary) Acknowledgments 摘 要 We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Dr 日本からのSetomorpha rutella Zeller(ヒロズコガ科, Masaoki Takagi( Hokkaido University), Mr Kunihiro Setomorphinae 亜科)の発見(那須義次・重松貴樹・広渡 Nakachi( Miyako Wild Bird Society) and the graduate 俊哉・村濱史郎・松室裕之・上田恵介) students of Osaka City University for providing us opportunities to carry out our sampling surveys in 筆者らは我が国の様々な鳥の巣に生息している昆虫類の研 Miyako-jima Is. We also thank Mr Sadahisa Yagi( Kyushu 究をおこない,多種の昆虫が鳥の巣に生息し,巣内共生系 University) for photographing the genitalia. This work とも呼ぶべき特殊な生態系が成立していることを報告して was supported by JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific きた(那須,2012;広渡ら,2012, 2017;那須ら,2012; Research( No. JP25291090). Nasu et al., 2012;八尋ら,2013 など).これら研究の過程 で沖縄県の宮古島と南大東島の鳥の巣から日本新記録とな References るヒロズコガ科の Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 の発生を 確認したので,成虫と雄交尾器の図とともに報告する. Diakonoff, A. 1938. Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera, I. Notes on the tropical tabacco moth, Setomorpha rutella Zeller Setomorpha rutella Zeller, 1852 ミナミクロマダラヒロズコガ (Tnineidae). Treubia 16: 399-414. ( 新 称 )( Figs 1, 2) Gozmány, L.A. and I. Vári, 1973. The Tineidae of the Ethiopian region. Transvaal Museum Memoir( 18). 238pp. Heer Printing 前翅開張約 12 mm.頭部の鱗粉はなめらかで,暗褐色. Co( Pty) Ltd, Pretoria. 前翅は長方形,先端 1/3 が背方にやや折れ曲がり,地色は Hirowatari, T., S. Matsui, M. Takagi, Y. Nasu and K. Ueda, 2012. 淡灰褐色で多数の黒褐色の斑点をもつ.後翅は淡褐灰色. Lepidoptera emerged from nests of the Bull-headed Shrike in 雄交尾器:ウンクスは一対の滑らかな突起で硬化が弱い. Minamidaitojima, Japan. Lepid. Sci. 63: 107-115.( In Japanese バルバは大きく,先端に長い鎌状に曲がった突起をもつ. with English summary) エデアグスは細長い.サックスは細長く,前方部は膨らむ. Hirowatari, T., N. Yamaguchi, Y. Nasu, T. Yoshida, K. Matsuo and K. 一対のコレマータをもつ. Ueda, 2017. Insects that emerged from nests of the Eurassian Magpie in the Saga Plain, Japan( 1)-Preliminary investigation 分布:世界の熱帯,亜熱帯域に分布(Diakonoff, 1938; in 2013. Jpn. J. Environ. Entomol. Zool 28: 181-187.( In Japanese Hinton, 1956; Robinson and Nielsen, 1993).日本:沖縄(宮 28 Y. Nasu et al. 古島,南大東島).(日本新記録) bangsi の自然巣から成虫が羽化した.羽化標本が Robinson and Nielsen( 1993)などが図示した成虫と雄交尾器の形態 食性:乾燥葉タバコ,スパイス,豆類や貯蔵穀類などの乾 が一致したので本種と判断した.本種は Nasu et al.( 2012) 燥した植物,ハチの巣,鳥の皮・糞,動植物質のデトリタ が南大東島のダイトウコノハズク Otus elegans interpositus ス(Hinton, 1956; Gozmány and Vári, 1973). の自然巣から記録した Setomorpha sp. と同じものである. 備考:本種が属する Setomorphinae 亜科は日本新記録のヒ 幼虫は鳥の巣内では朽ち木屑や糞などの動植物質のデトリ ロズコガ科の亜科である.本亜科は世界的に分布し,3 属 タスを摂食していたと推測される.英名 Tropical tobacco 9 種からなる小さな亜科で,成虫の頭頂の鱗粉が薄板状で, moth が示すとおり,熱帯域の乾燥葉タバコと貯蔵穀類の やや頭に押しつけられている,口器(口吻,マキシラリ・ 重要害虫であるため,今後,鳥の巣だけでなく,我が国の パルプス)が退化するなどの特徴をもつ(Robinson and 穀類倉庫や屋内から発生して問題になる可能性がある. Nielsen, 1993;坂井,2011). 宮古島のリュウキュウコノハズク Otus elegans elegans の巣 (Received January 13, 2019. Accepted February 4, 2019) 箱とリュウキュウアカショウビンHalcyon coromanda .
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