25 June 2019 No 14 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen Why are the teachers in turmoil? by Claude Meunier-Berthelot, French author, lawyer and teacher CC. The following olution is characterised by the disappear- also to leave the impression that the ed- article from France ance of the knowledge imparted through ucational system is being improved, al- makes it clear that teaching and its replacement by activities though the opposite is the case. the same pedagogi- in which the pupils have to acquire their cally nonsensical re- own knowledge. In other words, school is Renewing existing educational forms are being car- no longer a school. institutions by new designations ried out there as in Since the needs in a teaching-centred J.-M. Blanquer claims to be refounding Switzerland, Germa- school are obviously not the same as in the Institut nationaux supérieurs du pro- Claude Meunier- ny and other Euro- a living space school, it follows that the fessorat (INSP). One could laugh oneself Bertholet pean countries. There, institutions, the organisational form and to death if it were not for crying if one (picture ma) too, the responsible pol- the personnel recruitment must be adapt- took the appropriate law at hand. There it iticians seem immune to ed: This is the aim of the measures taken. says: “The term ‘colleges of teaching and all pedagogically justified objections and The activities of Education Minister education’ is replaced by ‘higher schools concerns, to any didactic experience, to Blanquer, are ,therefore, part of the imple- of education’ […]”. Otherwise, nothing is developmental psychological facts and mentation of this Charter, which is grad- changed in the text of the law! anthropological conditions. And there, ually being implemented “methodically, The “new” INSP are, therefore, nothing too, the reforms are presented under progressively and without conflict” by the other than the former Ecoles supérieures partly superficially melodious, partly various ministers who followed one an- du professorat et de l’éducation (ESPE), unspeakably meaningless terms. Whom other at the head of the Ministry of Edu- which themselves were previously called should it serve? cation, as Jack Lang, as Claude Allègre’s IUFM (Institut universitaires de formation successor, recommended in the early des maîtres). These were allegedly abol- In view of the sparseness of the comments 2000’s. ished in 2005 because of massive criti- on the draft law of the French Minister cism. Within the universities, however, of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, on Misleading language they continued to exist until they were res- the so-called “school of trust” (!), one Since this school revolution complete- urrected in 2013 by Vincent Peillon [Min- is perplexed by the inability of journal- ly contradicts the will of the parents and ister of Education 2012–2014] under the ists to understand the essence of the sub- the interests of the French nation, the ac- name ESPE. ject and to communicate it to the public. tivities (e.g. ball games, roller skating, Jean-Michel Blanquer now immortal- There are also those who understand the swimming …) are never described with ises the IUFM under the new name INSP. system best and use their usual malice to the normal terms, but packed into an am- So he does not invent anything new at all conceal reality in order to serve the state. poule-like, esoteric and varied language. – which is the best proof that he follows Those who do not understand this course This language is incomprehensible to lay- the same policy as his predecessors. of action would do well to press the re- people and suggests that the decisions play button, at least until the reforms of taken serve to improve the quality of the Changes in teacher training? Claude Allègre [Minister of Education educational system – in reality however, It is also claimed that Blanquer is plan- 1997-2000, transl.] This review would at everything is done to destroy it. ning to change teacher training as well. least make it possible to understand the So, at the level of principles, it is about However, this change has already been logic of the system, even if in reality the “multi-disciplinarity” (J.-M. Blanquer implemented with Vincent Peillon’s “fu- dismantling of the French education sys- has clearly stated that the pedagogical ture employment of teachers” [“emplois tem began much earlier. approach must always be multi-discipli- d’avenir professeur” (EAP)],* which Bl- nary), “inter-disciplinarity”, “transversal- anquer is now taking over under the new A reform that is none… ity”, “trans-disciplinarity”, “inter-disci- name of “pedagogical assistants”. For this If we analyse Blanquer’s approach, it plinary practical exceptional teaching”, in purpose, unqualified personnel are going quickly becomes clear that this project is order not to use the simple word “activi- to be employed, regardless of nationali- by no means a fundamentally new reform, ty”. As far as activities are concerned in ty or any social criteria. University edu- quite the contrary! detail, it is about “project pedagogy”, in- cation disappears and this short training It is only a continuation of the policy dividual project work, “cross work”, “ex- for all employees only takes place in the of its predecessors, based on the “Charter peditions”, “art and cultural pedagogy”, IUFM-INSP, from kindergarten to univer- for the Construction of the School of the “personalised support”, “personal project sity. 21st Century” published by Claude Allègre for educational success”, “tutorials” and Najat Vallaud-Belkacem [Minister of in 1999, which consisted in transforming even “homework assistance” etc. All these Education 2014-2017] had stated that this the school system into a place of life for terms are completely exaggerated word had become the “normal way of recruit- our children – as Jack Lang, Minister of clichés for simple activities. Education from 2000–2002, put it: “The Everything is done to deceive the pub- school must be a living-space! This rev- lic and not only to appear credible, but continued on page 2 No 14 25 June 2019 Current Concerns Page 2 ”Why are the teachers in …” be combined in comprehensive schools, teachers are annoyed; they can hardly continued from page 1 which are called “Ecoles inclusives” by bear the situation they have to cope with Education Minister Blanquer. on a daily basis. He knows very well that ing” “teachers who are no longer teach- As far as basic knowledge is concerned, the explosion is imminent, reason enough ing”. you can always come back to it later to ac- to oblige them to keep silent. A living-space school no longer needs quire it! Silence! We are killing the intelligence qualified personnel with diplomas. This of your children! This is the “school of also largely explains last year’s intro- The teachers are dissatisfied – trust”, keep silent! duction of the “Parcoursup” system. In but that is nothing new! So, we know why the teachers are in this online application of the Ministry of The teachers are dissatisfied – but this turmoil: Abused by the state, which claims Higher Education, all high school gradu- is nothing new. 20 per cent of the staff to be working to restore the educational ates who are interested in higher teacher have quit in the last few years: That has system, they know very well that this is training have to provide detailed informa- never happened before! However, noth- not the case and that, on the contrary, their tion about themselves and their interests, ing is said about that. The Cerberus of the situation and that of the children entrusted which makes access to universities diffi- system (mostly a dog with several heads, to them, will only deteriorate in the future. cult for many. which in Greek mythology, guards the en- Blanquer continues this policy under a trance to the underworld so that no liv- Strikes? A washout … different name while claiming to be inno- ing person penetrates and no dead person The strikes, called by the unions, only vative. comes out) – in other words, the trade un- serve to curb dissatisfaction. It is obvi- ions have looked on and done nothing, al- ous that they will bring nothing but a few Creation of public comprehensive though they know exactly what has been meagre consolation prizes, with no effect schools for the acquisition going on for decades. They are pushing on Mr Blanquer’s policy, because it is far of basic knowledge? for demonstrations when it is too late. The too late. Everything is planned in detail This has been in preparation for quite teachers have been silenced, despite the and prepared so that he can continue his some time! If there are no longer lessons commotion caused by the real nonsense of policy. at school, if neither knowledge or intellec- the system. They mistakenly believe, how- Strikes, at the wrong time and without tual education is imparted, if there are no ever, that it is still a school, since many putting the finger on the sore spot, are, as teaching goals to be achieved, but only ac- have not yet realised where they and our usual, nothing more than a washout! • tivities to be carried out, class teaching is children are heading. * Law from 26 June 2012, Decree in CE n°2013- no longer justified and no distinction be- 50 from 15 January 2013 tween primary and secondary school is Blanquer’s slogan: “Keep silent!” Source: www.libertepolitique.com/Actualite/De- needed.
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