MIDDLE. E,AST RECORD VOLUME ONE 1960 THE ISRAEL ORIENTAL SOCIETY THE REUVEN SHILOAH RESEARCH CENTER Tel Aviv, P.O.B. 1067 5 ,l]]tltlllr{fl ARAB.ISRADL BORDEI{ RELATIONS THE ISRADLI.SYRTAN BORDER lJpper Talvafiq at a traclcl --- -. Katzir area, and later in:.-: -- - [Incidents in the southern DZ started in Dec 1959, and inc:-::: occurred daily from 26 The viilage officer investigating the armed clashes Jan. Syrian Army sirokesman :-.- Tarvafiq rvas raided by Israel Defence Forces (IDF) A * of -Feb plating aggressive action in :: I 1 and clashes continued until 6 Feb. Later = units on rrould be rcpelled by for,e. .. the month lvarlike tension ensued betrveen Israel ar-rd - in 14 the UAR, (On these see p 197 ff.) The incidents in the June) On 14' fi.re rtas o1 -- northern DZ in Feb described belorv were regarded at thc June =:.i; the Bnot Ya'akov bridge. .:', : time as a consequence of the tension.] -- On 15 June Syrian positic:-i ::-- a tractor ploughing a field ne;.: l.- Jan-June: Various Incidents. During the soqin.q- season, (collective village) of Dan in the Huleh Val- lune ) ih" kibbrrt, Cairo Radio :r'- :::r. also cultivated its land in the northern DZ. In the On 27 June ley Akhbar a statement by the f ::r: course of this r,r'ork, Israeli tractors struck mines in the man to the cffcct tllat the >. --::' area nine times. (Ila'aretz' 14 Jan) borders by gangs" r'c'-:-: : patrol r'vas fired on north-east of Kfar Szold. "Israeli An Israeli the :r: .-...: (Ha'aretz, torious UAR Armies in i::-.: i: 14 Jan) Islacli artillcry fire one sin-ele..'.' On 26 an Israeli soidier was slightly t''ounded u'hen Jan the Israeli border area into a 1i"':: a squad ol Syrian troops penetrated about 150 metres into follow the aggression a min'::: Israel territory and fiied at a patrol, north-east of Kfar in the establishment of contact oL :': : : :: : '. : Szold. The Israel patrol did not return fire. The Syrians rvarning in the same vein u'as :::::- I kept up automatic fire for 15 minutes and rvithdrerv rvhen on 29 .June, again quoting the C=::: arrived. Israel immediately lodged a com- - UN o6servers ings were not broadcast in AraL:: plaint r'vith the Israeli-syrian MAC' (!er. Po-st, 27 lan) - border' r reported that member of an Israeli On 28 June an Israel ;ci::: -=: Israeli sources a patrol south-e3:: .- T Israel territory lvas rvounded by Syrian a routine border patrol moving in heavy Syrian fire from Uppe: 7" '-:-':. -:. Tel-Azizat in the Huleh Vallev, rvhich continued by hre from secure a c. : - l by an armoured car to extricate the sol- veral UN attempls to -: during atternpts the wounded man l\'ere tulned i-i..:- : :.:: diers.-A cease-fi." rvas arranged by UN observers. (/er. died on his way to a hospital. ' h-.:' :" :: : - Feb) Syrian sources said that an Israeli armoured ' Post,5 An Israel note to the Securi:v f-:-:.-,, :- car Lad penetiated the DZ and opened fire on the .A,rab specific action) assei"ted that ;l': : : .' . : : border position, and another armoured car appeared later. - One of-them rvas hit by Syrian fire. (,R. Cairo,4 Feb* rian fishing in the Sea of Gal;1t:- .::'.:-: : IMB, 5 Feb) quoted UAR threats (see abo\e . tr.r :l:'r':: Feb trvo members of an Israeli patrol r'vere killed On 12 forces on the border had orders :: :.:: ::,: by Syrian macl-rine-gun fire in the Tel Hilal sector, north 'lvait further instructions. D::-:::.,:-: : .: (formeily as Dardara). It rvas on its for oi Aihrrrru known the note a "warning" to the L.\i' -: : :" check a fire the eastern Huleh Valley, and u'as rvay to in Post, 3 in israel territory when attacked. (Jer. Post,13 Feb) 'the Jer. July) Syrians opened f;re :-- .:. :::::: . Staff, General Laskov, reported to a Ca- On 3 July Israel Chief of gaged a routine patrol in ri:e a:.: ':r: binet meeting that Syrians were building fortifications on in police officer was killed a leek ::: -: the border. (Jer. Post, 15 Feb) The Syrian Army sp-okes- -:, the incident started rvhen Israeli forces Iulv) man said that Biran, Director of Arnis',:.: -: I opened fire on Arab cultivators in theDZ. (R. Damascus, Dr -r.i, Gener:.1 , :. :'- . 12 Feb*IMB, 14 Feb) Foreign Ministry, met hinr. acccici::.- : . Mar Israel and Syria cooperated for the first time UN'ISO, and told In of incidel:s : .-- l the Armistice Agreement was signed in destroying that the latest spate c:-:-- since recent IJAR ti:::,:, ! :...: slvarms of locusts near the border. After Syrian agreement, in the light of border rre:= : :lr I l Israeli planes sprayed the border areas without inter- centrations on the ( Ha' aretz Daaar, 6 lerence from 17 to 25 l\{ar. (Ha'aretz,3 Apr) ; July ) sent a note to the t \ S: : ,.' The Israeli Press reported that Syrians hacl pcnetrated The UAR --'':. Israel territory in the Tel Katzir area several times in butting Israeli allegations of tet:e',r=- : into : a Icrv days, some of them crossing the drainage ditch and vity along the Syrian border. Tl:: :,:: crops. (Ha'aretz; Post, 23 May) 259 aggressive acts along the to:::: : ' lll reaping summer Jer. ' " On 2A May Syrian forces fired at Israeii agricultural of 1960. (R. Cairo, 6 .lul1'-IltE. .; officials locating swarms of locusts near the Bnot Ya'aliov General von Horn held tai:s -:'. :. bidge. (IIa'aretz, 29 May) Commander of the UAR First .-:: -: - -. In June the $,aters of the Dufilla spring on the Syrian Amman, B luIy-IMB,9 Jttl") 11 an Israeli tractc:--.. ..' l side o1 the border, which flow into Israel and are used by On July - the Shamir kibbutz, r,r,ere diverted into Syria, as the lvas injured rvhen Syrian pcs:::-:,: : - u i :ili:li Syrians do every yeat at this season. UNTSO deait rvith opened fire on him. (Ha'ar,:--. - .-. the situation. (Ha'aretz, 9 lune) On 22 July, trvo Syriarl solii::; ::, J,r1:'"]:;:)]))ILL to the IDI' spokesrnan, tlhett a S. ---- - I ' " ilin it:l June July: Flare-up in Southern DZ and Bnot Ya'atr'.ttv into lsrael telritoiy'souLh oi K.:. Bridge Sector. [The relative quiet which had prevailed in brought up heavy leinforcetle:.:, :: : rllll the southern D2 area since mid-Feb rvas broken in mid- {or six hours, being directecl a-.: :: J- .. " Repoltine c:. .. - ::.': ,llll.ri;l rll June.] On 11 June an Israeli jeep rvas damaged by a mine aretz, 21 /uly) i irear ihe Bnot Ya'akov htidge. (Ha'aretz, 12 June) Radio said: "Heavy casualtie: \':t: : ': On 12 June fire tas opened from Syrian positions in patrol on 22 July. The Isra:-:. :.., : 1!lt) ARAB.ISRAEL BORDER RELATIONS ISRAEL SYRIAN BORDER SOUTHtR,N DEt!lL/T/iRiZED ZOTJE T*\,l"/AFlQ StCTOtl "- 2oti.i' "{ o,lif,,, t,r'r,, *rnr rorral t I N sHA/t1/p al I I wzs,r L lHAtoi ,4SAS4Afr a ,. "{:.__,*K4NABt Go,yrfl A ! KUNE/TRA ! I o aatna AI €IKA o { 8ilO7 JAATO7 Bp/%r x q 191 "*iill{ll|ff ARAB-ISRAEL BORDER RELATIONS /SRAEL JORDAN BORDER TR /A NGI E ^*/{!^s!.4::__. --''- /,frAET LEBANON EORDER i : I :\:{ u :q a !J \': Q: i / /'z{; {--.-.-.e.-"e'/ /SRAEL lll $ $ 192 il *, tl r ARA}-ISRAEL BORDDR RELATIONS occupied with preparations for the eighth anniversary of On 11 Dec a tractor struck a mine north of the Dan the revolution." (R. Damascus, 22 July-Il,{B, 24 luly) kibbutz in the DZ. Evidence shoned that it had recenrlv On 27 July the First Army spokesman said that an been planted. (Ha'aretz, 12 Dec) [A similar incideni Israeli patrol had tried to infiltrate Syrian iines and had had occurred a year before in the pievious sou,ing sea- been ambushed, suffering heavy casualties. The First son-see above.] Army had demonstrated absolute supremacy. (R. Dr On 20 Dec a Syrian infiltrator armed with a sub- rnl.scus' 27 July-IMB, 28 July) The Israel Army spokes- machinegun and handgrenades s,as kilied inside Israeli rnan said on 27 July that on the previous night Syria"n territory in an encounter between Israeli border police {orces had been observed firing heavily at targets inside and a group of infiltrators. (!er. Post, 20 Dec) their own territory. No Israeli unit rras involted. (Ha'a- On 21 Dec a border police r-ehicle on a routine patrol retz, 2B struck mine ya,akov fll luly) a south of the Bnot bridee. One policeman*rvas slightly rrounded. (Ha,aretz, 22 bec) Aug Oct: Various Incidents, In Aug Syrrans rvere 1'e. On 24_Dec Syrians opened fire on a group of picnick- ported to have stepped up fishing in the north-eastern ers near Dan. There were no injured. (Ha,aietz, iS Oecl part of the Sea of Galilee, ernploying about 20 boats. (Ha'aretz, 15 Aug) [The whole of the Sea of Galilee THE ISITAEI,I-EGYPTIAN BORDER is in Israel territory including a demilitarized strip of the [For^ .lgyptian military build-up in Sinai in Fe].:, see eastern shore, 10 metres wide.] pp 203-4.1 Ot 4 Aug Syrians opened fire at the Shamir Kibbutz in the Huleh Yalley. (IIa'aretz, Au.g) 5 Egyptian Complaint. Egypt complainecl On Aug Syrians Jan: to the ilIAC 9 opened {ire at a pzrtrol east of -feli that fighter planes had Katzir. (ITdaretz, 10 Aug) _Israeli violated its airspace over 9: 9"1" strip on 10 Jan. (R. Amman, tI jan-IMB, On 22 Aug Syrian fire rvas trained on Misl'rmar FIa- 12 yarden.
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