General of the Army George C. Marshall The George Washington of the 20th Century By LTC David Saltman, ADS (Ret) General ofthe Army George Catlett Marshall, 1880-1959 Photo credit: George C. Marshall Foundation Reprinted from: Officer Review / December 1995 Distributed by the George C. Marshall Foundation P.O. Drawer 1600, Lexington, Virginia 24450 Fax: 5404645229 5404637103 his men. A great leader overcomes General of the Army George C. Marshall all difficulties, for campaigns and battles are nothing more than a The George Washington of the long series of difficulties to be over­ come .... The power of an army 20th Century cannot be measured in mere num­ bers. It is based on a high state of by discipline and training, on readiness LTC David Saltman, AUS (Ret) to carry out its mission whenever the Commander-in-Chief and Congress Prologue many changes in the curriculum. He decide. Any compromise of these kept a careful record of those officers requirements minimizes the effec­ George Marshall and George Wash­ he considered the most capable. tiveness of our military power. We ington have much in common: neither Among his students were 150 future are always in need of leaders. one is fully understood by the general generals of World War II and an Marshall was transferred to Wash­ population. In the Revolutionary War, additional 50 who became instruc­ ington in 1938. His brilliant work as George Washington was appointed a tors. Hundreds more were field Chief of War Plans and Deputy General by Congress to command a rebel grade officers. He identified talented Chief of Staff in 1938-1939 convinced army of citizen-soldiers in 1775. At officers, helped train and educate President Franklin D. Roosevelt that war's end in 1783, he resigned his com­ them, then saw to their promotion Marshall was the most qualified mission to retire to his home in Mount several years later. Marshall ,was a leader who could meet the great mil­ Vernon, VA. He was unanimously elect­ shrewd judge of character and capa­ itary challenges of war. ed president of the United States in bility, who later picked for high On September 1, 1939 he was 1789 and served two terms until 1797. command those whose characteris­ appointed Army Chief of Staff, He was a brilliant leader in war and tics were passionate devotion to the by coincidence the day that Hitler peace, serving his country with professional mastery of their sub­ invaded Poland-the day that unselfish patriotism, He died in 1799, jects, tactics, strategy and logistics. marked the beginning of World One and one-half centuries later, in Among his greatest assets were his War II. Marshall's keen mind World War II, history repeated itself. high standards, his integrity, concen­ absorbed endless detail that he could trating always on the task at hand; recall at will. His testimony before his selfcontrol, exceptional patrio­ Congress was straightforward, never tism and profound humility. making false statements to accom­ eorge Marshall was born at Marshall's insight was extraordi­ plish his goals. Uniontown, PA, December nary. Using his talents as a teacher, In 1939 the Army had a peacetime G 31, 1880. He attended Virginia he insisted that officers study the force of less than 200,000 men, rank­ Military Institute, excelled in leader­ first six months of a war when arms ing it seventeenth among the world's ship and became First Captain dur­ and men are lacking, versus the clos­ armed forces. At its peak, this force ing the 1900-1901 school year. He ing phases when supplies and grew to over eight million in World graduated from the VMI Class of troops are plentiful. Before he went War II. The awesome task of enlist­ 1901 and was commissioned a to Washington in 1938 as Chief of ing personnel and the vast war Second Lieutentant with a date of War Plans, he had learned much materiel needed to equip an army rank of February 2, 1901. about the supervision and training (including air force units which were In World War I he, saw men of the citizen-soldiers who were in an army responsibility, initially), is a shipped overseas with no field train­ the National Guard and the Reserve. great tribute to the outstanding lead­ ing and vowed that this must never He knew well the importance of ership of George Marshall. happen again. He fumed because integrating them with the Regular In the Spring of 1940, Treasury bravery was recognized only after forces in time of war. Secretary Henry Morgenthau was so long delays. He insisted that the As outstanding leaders, both impressed by Marshall's outline of value of medals and battlefield pro­ George Marshall and George Wash­ America's defense needs that he motions lay in prompt recognition as ington had learned how to challenge brought him to see the President. a model of leadership and valor for men to give their best. They set an Roosevelt said he was not ready to all to see. As Chief of Operations of example by their own zeal and dedi­ pressure Congress. Marshall walked First U.S. Army, he gained wide cation. Both encouraged subordi­ over to the President and asked for recognition for his role in preparing nates to be independent and creative. three minutes of his time. The presi­ the Meuse-Argonne offensive. From They asked questions and were good dent listened intently to the list 1919 to 1924 he was Aide-de-Camp listeners. Said Marshall: "Soldiers of critical requirements outlined by to General John J. Pershing, giving will tolerate almost anything in Marshall, who concluded: "Mr. him valuable military education an officer except unfairness and President, if you do not do some­ which he utilized effectively at the ignorance." thing immediately, I greatly fear Infantry School at Fort Benning, GA At the Infantry Officer Candidate what will happen to this country." from 1927-1932. School, Marshall emphasized that The President was convinced During his tour at Fort Benning he good leadership requires an officer and asked Congress for a billion­ became commandant and made to have the complete respect of dollar budget. 6 Officer Review/December 1995 In World War II General Marshall told his wife. "I cannot allow myself He was persuasive with Congress was a global commander, in charge to get angry for it is too exhausting. on extension of the draft, with peri­ of ground and air forces in nine the­ My brain must remain clear at all odic requests for enormous appro­ aters throughout the world. His times." priations as the army expanded. His many burdens included persuading In order to maintain high morale, presence was awe-inspiring. He had Congress to appropriate funds for he established Post Exchanges to an unwavering commitment to the ever-increasing manpower and keep up with the troops overseas. He supremacy of national over personal materiel, as well as influencing directed that hot Thanksgiving interests, the ability to delegate industry leaders to keep pace with turkey dinners be supplied to all authority while accepting full re­ the ever-expanding military needs. troops even in the front lines. ("I was sponsibility, a combination of dignity He spent six long years as the archi­ a beneficiary of this legacy on and humility. tect and builder of the most power­ Thanksgiving 1944, pleasantly sur­ By 1943, the problem arose of who ful army in American history. prised to eat a hot turkey dinner in would be overall commander in Marshall's dedication to his coun­ my mess kit, while standing up in Europe, which entailed the cross­ try above all else is a model of lead~ a German pillbox we had captured Channel invasion of France. This ership at its best. Old friends were earlier.") was a position that Marshall would bypassed if they could not meet his People were at ease in his presence have relished, but he left that critical stringent high standards of building because he did not talk down to any­ decision to President Roosevelt. Said the best fighting force possible. one. He listened attentively to all the the President: "I feel I could not This regrettable situation occurred essential facts before he reached a sleep at night with you out of the because older officers never had the conclusion or announced a decision. country." After this remark, General opportunity to handle large units of He never tried to impress anyone for Marshall made two important deci­ division size or higher. 'Many suf­ he inspired the confidence of a sions: General Dwight Eisenhower fered physical exhaustion, a serious leader. One of Marshall's strong would be the supreme commander defect of the function of command. principles: "Leadership requires tak­ in Europe and General Douglas Said Marshall: "Leadership in the ing responsibility, not asserting rank MacArthur would be the supreme field depends on strong physical sta­ and privilege". commander in the Pacific. mina, the ability to withstand hard­ House Speaker Sam Rayburn tells General Marshall wrote to each ship and lack of s~eep, yet have why General Marshall had so much parent or wife when a man was enough energy to command and influence and respect from Congress. killed in World War II. Toward the dominate men on the battlefield." "When General Marshall takes the end of the war he sent printed cards As Chief of Staff he made constant witness stand to testify, we forget personally. This was a man of visits to his troops and made lists of whether we are Republicans or unusual character, who cared about those items that needed correction. Democrats. We know we are in the t1le smaller details as well as the big Such mundane things as shortages of presence of a man who is telling the ones because he considered all of shoes, blankets, hospital supplies, truth about the problem he is them important.
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