WEATHER FORECASTS ♦ ♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT For 34 hours ending 6 p.m Thursday: Pantagee—Vaudeville Victoria and rioinlty—Northerly winds, Princess—King of the Cannibal Islands. fine and warm to-day and on Thursday. Variety—Jack Plckford. Lower Mainland—Continued ftn6 and Romano—Mrs Vernon Cggtle. warm to-day and on Thursday. Columbia—Bessie Barrlscale. Pomlnioilow—My- rFour ---------------- Years lb Germany. VOL. 52. NO. 137 VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1918 SIXTEEN PAGES LOCAL OPERATIONS FOLLOW FAILURE OF ENEMY’S OFFENSIVE Germans Seize Still No Munitions Aboard- U BOAT RAD HAS NO Another Norwegian Ships British Use ALLIED TROOPS ON AISNE-MARNE EFFECT ON SENDING Ship Promised Safety to Carry Wounded SALIENT BREAK UP LOCAL ENEMY Washington. June 6.—The Norwe­ London. June S.—The British Admir­ gian steamship Eikundaaund. which alty in a statement denies a German had a German sale conduct, hak been wireless report that a captured English captured by a German submarine and medical student had seen munitions OF AMERICAN TROOPS taken to Swinemunde as a prise, ad­ unloaded from the hospital ship West­ ATTEMPTS AND INFLICT LOSSES vice» to the State Department said to­ day. The ship was on her way to ern Australia in Rouen Harbor. "No munitions of any description Stockholm with a cargo of herring con- ever was carried by the Western Aus­ Daniels Says Navy Will Keep Way Open for Un­ si gned to the Swedish Food Commis­ tralia or any other British hospital German Thrust on Extended Front Has Fallen Short sion. ship." says the statement. checked Movement of Men and Munitions to France; and Contest Is Taking Form of a War of Position; American Schooner Mengel Was Sunk Sunday GERMANS FORCED TO STOP TO VICTORIA NOW British Make Raids and Repulse a German Raid Washington- June 5.—Whatever the -purpose of the German sub Has Reached Fort Yukon anc London, June 6.—German masses no longer hurl themselves at marine raid off the Atlantic coast of the United States, and whatever DRIVE WITHOUT ATTAINING the Allied line in France along extended fronts. The momentum of number of enemy submarines hereafter may come to American waters, Will Come by Dawson or Nome the Teuton advance of last week appears to have exhausted itself in there will be no check on the flow of American troops and munitions DEFINITE GOAL DESIRED striking the yielding lines of the French and British, which now have to Prance, Secretary Daniels said to-day, stiffened and are holding the foe except for insignificant gain* here "The great duty of our navy,” said he, “is to keep open the door and there^jespecially along the front running south from the neigh- to Prance, lb .carry our men and munitions to the great battlefront Paris, June 5.—All the French military writer», says a Havas Ottawdt June 5.—Heading for civil! Agency summary of the military situation to-day, point out that yes­ ration again, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, borbood of Boissons to Chateau Thierry. The struggle apparently is and to guard the food supplies for our co-belligerents. That has been the Canadian Arctic explorer, is ex­ changing from a war of movement to a war of position. accomplished thus far and we will continue to keep the road open. ’ ’ terday’s events in the battle area emphasized the slaekening of the pected to arrive in a few weeks In Vic­ action by the enemy, and that as in the case of the March offensive, toria after an absence of five years. He The official reports show that the Germans are launching their The Navy Department had no further advices at noon to-day the main offensive of the Germans came to a halt on the ninth day went north in June. 1913. The Naval assaults on Chezy, Corey and near Dommiers, isolated points of vant­ from the patrol fleet hunting down the submarine that was last heard i leg Mtaient has had word from with the enemy out of breath from his.exertions and without, in this" the explorer that he ha* reached Fort age. These attacks were, roughly, from five to seven miles apart from off the Virginia and Maryland coasts. ease, having been able to cross (he Marne or to force a mad to Paris. Yukon and from there will proceed to Dawson City or Nome, and then to Vic­ along the line which includes ground on which American troops have . The critics expect that the struggle will be resumed with even toria. New York, June B.-r-The American greater force, as long as the Ger- The Intrepid explorer kept on the go established themselves The French auxiliary schooner Samuel C. Mengel till last- winter, when he waa stricken official statement to-day says the Teu­ mans shall not have obtained a de­ with typhoid fever ^t Herschel island. was another victim of the German sub­ cision or exhausted their reserves. - but On recovery he made his way to Fort ton attacks were all repulsed. marine attack oft the Atlantic co^st of doubt Is expressed as jo the point at Italians Expecting The report from Field-Marshal Hals the United States. "She was sunk Sun­ to-day falls to show any notable ac­ which the enemy will attempt another tivity on tho part pf the Hermans. At day afternoon 176 miles off New York offensive. Austrian Offensive Morlancourt, between the Ancre and and—eleven men of her crew were Most of the newspapers, like Le the hum me, .south of Albert, German brought here to-day toy * Danish Matin and L’Homme Libra, see the Within a Few Days troops, supported by heavy artillery steamship. DESPITE U DOITS Are. attempted to raid British posi­ possibility of an attempt by the Ger­ The Mengel, according to the crew, mans at a passage pf the Marne or one tions, but were repulsed, leavliig pris­ was on her way to New York with a Invention of Son of Premier to break the front between Noyon Washington. June S —A dispatch to­ oners behind. cargo from the West African coast. and Montdidier. This latter Hector, day fn.rn Rome said It was believed the Notwithstanding haid Wash­ French Report. The vessel was sunk by tombs after Oliver Approved by Can­ according to majority of the critics, is p”rl«. June 5.—The Germans con­ expected Austrian offensive would the men had taken to the boats at the the one that needs the watching. tinued local attacks last evening, and command of the U boat commander. adian Board start within a few days. The Aus­ ington Reduces Its Rate during the night on the main battle- Fell Short. - trians. It was said, were bringing up for Merchant Sailors front, the War Office announces. At­ The Samuel C. Mengel. a vessel of Washington. June 6.—Observers here about sixty of their best divisions, and French Correspondents Pay tempt* made on the French lines at • 16 gross tons, was built In !•!• at are now anticipating a more or less were massing cavalrf on th* lower Carlepont Wood, Corey, Dommiers and Bath. Maine, hr* owners of record be- j Charles Edward Oliver, son of the quiet spell along the Marne and the Tributes to Heroic Deeds in the neighborhood of Chesy failed. tng the Axtm Transportation Com-I Hon. John Oliver, Premier of British sector from Chateau Thierry to Sois- Piave front. In the region north of Corey an action Washington. June S.—The enemy pany. __J], Columbia, ia the inventor of the com­ flons. as the German rush again ap in Battle by French Infantry, aaalsted by tanka, partment gasoline tank for use in aero­ pears to have spent itself short of any submarine danger is not sufffrifnt at rectified the French line on the borders planes. , The Premier’s son has been definite goal that can be defined. If It this time to Justify advances In the of the forest. engaged on his task for some time past American Sweepers proves to be a fart that the Invaders Government marine Insurance rates, The statement follows: and now writes to the effect that the are unable to di*lodge the French from Inventons Board of Ottawa, through ita Paris, June 5.—A special correspon­ the Treasury Department announced .“Local attacks continued list evening the Vlllers-Cotterets Wood, the great Pick Up Mines Off dent -f The Fçtit Journal at British TURKS, DEFEED. engineer, has come to the conclusion natural barrier that ha* aided in to-day. The rate on life insurance for and during the night. On the north­ headquarters, after describing many that^hi# type of gas tank for aeroplaUbs stemming the drive to the West, it la officers and crews of merchant vessels ern outskirts of Carlepont Wood two has practical value. Plans and specifi­ heroic deeds of British soldiers related German attacks were arrested by the thought that General Foch may the Atlantic States t i hitri yesterday, says: » engaged In traffic through the war cations have been forwarded to the Im­ Hufficlent promise of success to war­ zone waa reduced to-day from twenty- fire of French machine gun*. Other perial Air ,-B«>ard In London following ' Many other fine instances of bravery efforts in the region of Autreche*. east rant counter-strokes along this line. might be mentioned. All of them dem­ five cent* to fifteen cents per $100, as TURN TD MASSACRE whose consideration «adoption of the Washington. June 5 —Mine-sweepers recommended before the submarine at­ of Dommier* and near Corey also were The German position as It «lands to onstrate the splendid spirit with which tank ia reasonably expected.
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