SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO WEST AND NORTH DATE 13/02/2007 PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS John Williamson TEL NO: 0114 2734944 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 05/04609/FUL Court House 2-6 Town End Road 5 Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9YY 06/01694/LBC 2-6 Town End Road Ecclesfield 16 Sheffield S35 9YY 06/02017/OUT 22 Stannington Road, Malin Bridge Sports And Social Club And Land To The Side And Rear 18 Sheffield S6 5FL 06/02711/FUL Land At Ranmoor Hall And Site Of 67 Storth Lane Belgrave Road 37 Sheffield 06/02712/CAC Land At Ranmoor Hall And Site Of 67 Storth Lane Belgrave Road 61 Sheffield 06/03034/FUL Land At Ranmoor Hall And Site Of 67 Storth Lane Belgrave Road 63 Sheffield S10 3LL 06/03168/FUL Land Rear Of 2-10 Mount Pleasant Close And Loundside 78 Chapeltown Sheffield 06/04129/FUL 21 Whiteways Close Sheffield 89 S4 8FN 06/04153/FUL 162 Walkley Lane Sheffield 94 S6 2PA 06/04844/CHU 22 Oakbrook Road Sheffield 99 S11 7EA 3 4 Report Of The Head Of Planning, Transport And Highways, Development, Environment And Leisure To The NORTH & WEST Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 13/02/2007 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 05/04609/FUL Application Type A Full Planning Application Proposal Alterations to shops to form 4 dwellings (Amended plans received 5th May 2006 and 5th January 2007 and Noise report received 25th August 2006) Location Court House 2-6 Town End Road Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9YY Date Received 02/12/2005 Team NORTH & WEST Applicant/Agent A P Doughty Design Consultant Recommendation Refuse For the following reason(s): 1 The Local Planning Authority consider that the bedroom windows to be inserted in the side elevation on the site boundary facing No. 8 Townend Lane would lead to unacceptable amenity implications to the detriment of future occupants of the proposed development and the occupants of No. 8 Townend Lane. 2 The submitted plans do not include details of the velux roof lights shown to be inserted in the Listed building. In the absence of such detail the Local Planning Authority must assume the proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the Grade II Listed Building and the Ecclesfield 5 Conservation Area. As such the proposal is deemed contrary to Policies BE15, BE16, BE17 and BE19 of the Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. 3 The Local Planning Authority consider that the proposed development which includes the use of the internal court yard for parking would be detrimental to the amenities and living conditions of the future residents of the development owing to noise and disturbance generated by manoeuvring vehicles. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy H14 of the Unitary Development Plan. 4 The Local Planning Authority consider that the use of the proposed site as detailed would result in an unacceptable living conditions to occupiers of the resulting development. In these respects the proposal is contrary to Policy H14 of the Unitary Development Plan. 6 Site Location © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 10018816. 2005 LOCATION AND PROPOSAL The application site relates to 2–6 Townend Road, Ecclesfield. The site currently operates as Court House Antiques shop. The site has a traditional domestic style frontage to Townend Road, an access from the highway leads to an internal courtyard. The premises has been altered and extended significantly in the past. The part of the site fronting the highway is a Grade II Listed Building. The site is also located within the Ecclesfield Conservation Area. The applicants are seeking consent to change the use of the building to form 4 residential dwelling houses. Physical alterations include inserting new windows and 7 carrying out internal alterations to facilitate the formation of the dwellings. A planning application and a Listed Building application have been submitted and are both assessed in this joint report. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 80/00860/FUL, 2 and 4 Townsend Road. Use of premises as DIY Store Refused. 13.08.1980 86/00633/LBC 2,4,6 Townend Road including part demolition of buildings for use as two dwellings and studio flat and three garages. Granted. 10.09.1986 86/02516/FUL Alterations and extensions to premises to form a restaurant was granted 25.03.1987 87/02869/FUL 2, 4 AND 6 Townend road, Ecclesfield, 30 - alterations and extension to ground floor of premises for retail use and to form garage and to first and second floors for use as living accommodation was granted 08.03.1988 92/02266/FUL Use of building as bed and breakfast accommodation and provision of car parking accommodation was granted 15.04.1993 92/02270/LBC Use of building as bed and breakfast accommodation and internal alterations was granted 27.04.1993 96/01691/LBC Alterations and erection of first floor conservatory (as amended 14.07.1997) 21.10.1997 96/01692/FUL Alterations and extension to form a first floor conservatory for use as a coffee shop (USE CLASS A3) (AS AMENDED 14.07.1997) was granted 21.10.1997 99/00002/FUL Use of second floor flat as additional retail floorspace (CLASS A1) was granted 10.06.1999 99/00214/LBC ground floor extension to reception area and alterations to part of first floor of building was withdrawn 10.06.1999 SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS Three letters of representation have been received following publicity on this application. Two letters have been received from The Stocks, public house and 1 letter from the occupants of 17 Priory Road. The following points are raised; - Concern is raised from the occupants of The Stocks Public House that the application site is no more than 10 metres away from the pub at the nearest point, concern is raised regarding the impact of the noise of people leaving the pub, and noise from inside the pub such as music on the occupants of these dwellings which would be in extremely close proximity. The new licensing laws have extended drinking hours to mid night so its approximately 00.30 hours when people leave the 8 pub on weekend nights. Concern is raised that the occupants of these dwellings may object to this noise. The Griffin pub across the road was forced to close two and a half years ago due to residents objecting about noise. - As the present coffee shop extension is in the closest proximity to adjacent residential properties, it is requested that no changes are made to the external fabric and appearance and that all windows will remain fixed and obscure glazed to maintain the current level of privacy currently afforded by residents. - The current facilities create minimal noise pollution and certainly none following 5.30 pm when the premises closes. It is requested that this level of noise pollution is maintained following redevelopment, particularly as the area surrounding consists of stone walls and paving with no opportunity for sound absorption. Consideration must be given to this as the resulting echo effect will cause noise pollution for new and existing residents. - Concern is raised regarding the lack of car parking facilities. Four new residential properties would need a minimum allocation of four off street parking spaces together with visitor parking. It is understood that the proposed plans indicate two parking spaces within the site which is insufficient. Lack of parking will increase illegal parking on the Priory and other adjacent roads. The increase in the numbers of residential properties would heighten the present inadequacies in this respect. It is requested that the case is referred to the highways department for their comments together with how alterations may be made to the proposal to minimise the impact. PLANNING ASSESSMENT Policy Issues The application site is located within a housing area. Policy H10 lists Housing (C3) as being the preferred use in this area. Policy H14 - Conditions on Development in Housing Areas states, amongst other things, that development will be permitted provided: - New buildings are well designed and would be in scale and character with neighbouring buildings, - The site would not be overdeveloped or deprive residents of light, privacy or security, - It would provide safe access to the highway network and appropriate off-street parking and not endanger pedestrians. Policy BE15 relates to areas and buildings of special architectural or historic interest. The policy is concerned with ensuring that these areas are preserved and enhanced. Development which harms the character or appearance of Listed Buildings and conservation areas will not be permitted. 9 Policy BE16 states that permission will be only given for proposals which contain sufficient information to enable their impact on an area to be judged and which would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. Policy BE17 relates to the design and materials in areas of special architectural or historic interest and requires high standards of design traditional materials.
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