www.wexfordgaa.ie Official Wexford GAA @OfficialWexGAA LOCH GARMAN v ÁTH CLIATH 2pm, Sunday 10th February 2013 • Bellefield, Enniscorthy RÉITEOIR: TONY CARROLL (Offaly) - Extra time must be played if sides finish level Clar Oifigiuil Luach €1 (*OmPYKL[mMmPS[LYVTOHPIONVStPYPUUPNVK[x3VJO 6\YYLMLYLL;VU`*HYYVSSHUKOPZ[LHTVMVMMPJPHSZKV .HYTHU HKPMMPJ\S[HUKVM[LU[OHURSLZZQVIHUKT`[OHURZ[V 0^LSJVTLL]LY`IVK`OLYL[V)LSSLMPLSK[OPZHM[LYUVVU [OLTMVY[OLJVU[YPI\[PVU[OL`THRL[VV\YNHTLZ MVY [OL MPUHS VM [OL )VYK UH 4}UH >HSZO *\W 0 HZR HSS WYLZLU[ OLYL [VKH` PUJS\KPUN [OL WSH`LYZ IL[^LLU>L_MVYKHUK+\ISPU HUKTHUHNLTLU[Z[VYLZWLJ[[OLKLJPZPVUZVM[OL YLMLYLLHUKZL[HZ[HUKHYKMVY[OLZLHZVUHOLHK 4`ILZ[^PZOLZ[VIV[OWHULSZHUK[OLPYTHUHNLTLU[ [LHTZMVY[OLNHTLHOLHK0SVVRMVY^HYK[VHNVVK ;OPZ`LHYTHYRZ[OLZLJVUK`LHYVM)VYKUH4}UH ZWVY[PUN NHTL PUKPJH[P]L VM [OL MHJ[ [OH[ P[ PZ VUL HZ[OLSLHKZWVUZVYZVMV\Y(JJPKLU[;V\YUHTLU[Z VMV\Y(JJPKLU[;V\YUHTLU[Z^P[OHSSM\UKZYHPZLK 0 L_[LUK H ^HYT ^LSJVTL [V [OLPY YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ NVPUN[V^HYKZ[OLOHYKZOPWM\UK OLYL[VKH`[OHUR[OLTMVY[OLPY]HS\LKPUW\[[V >L_MVYK OH]L YHJRLK \W ZVTL PTWYLZZP]L ZJVYLZ [OLJVTWL[P[PVUZ[O\ZMHYVUZVTHU`SL]LSZHUKSVVR HSVUN[OL^H`KLMLH[PUN+0;6MMHS`HUKYLPNUPUN MVY^HYK[VV\YJVU[PU\LKWHY[ULYZOPW (SS0YLSHUKJOHTWPVUZ2PSRLUU`[VYLHJO[OLMPUHS;OL`HYL ,UQV`[OLNHTLHUKZHMLQV\YUL`OVTL [OL ZLJVUK TVZ[ Z\JJLZZM\S JV\U[` PU [OPZ JVTWL[P[PVU ;mZPSHNHTNVTIHPUMPKOZPIONVStPY[HP[ULHTOHZ HM[LY2PSRLUU`HUK^PSSILO\UNY`[VHKK[OLPYMPYZ[[P[SL[V UHNJS\PJOxHUZLVPUUP [OPZ[HSS`ZPUJL+\ISPUOHKHSLZZJPYJ\P[V\ZYV\[L[V [OLMPUHSHUKWSH`LKV\[H[OYPSSPUNLUJV\U[LY^P[O.HS^H` Martin Skelly ^OLYL [OL` WPWWLK [OL (SS0YLSHUK MPUHSPZ[Z I` H ZPUNSL Leinster Chairman. 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[OL HIPSP[` [V HKHW[ [V [OL JOHSSLUNLZ [OH[ 3 The Bord na Mó na Walsh Cup Final FIR IONAID: 16. Ailéin Ó Nualláin AlAN NOlAN Naomh Bríd 17. Aodhan Ó Clabaigh AODhAN ClABBy Naomh Eoin Baile an tSaoir Áth ClIAth 18. Niall Ó Corcáin SHELMALIERS NIAll CORCORAN Cill Mochuda Na Crócaigh 1. Ge aróid Mag uidhir 19. Ceiteach Ó Duinn GARy M AGuIRE KEIth DuNNE Oiléan na hÉireann Baile Buadáin Naomh Éanna 20. Síomón laimbeart SIMON lAMBERt 2. peadar Ó Ceallaigh 3. pól S chutte 4. Ruairí M ac thréinir Baile Buadáin pEtER KElly pAul SChuttE RuAIRI tRAINOR Naomh Éanna Na Sáirséalaigh Cuala Naomh uinsionn 21. Seán Mac Craith leamhcáin SEAN M cGRAth Cill Mochuda Na Crócaigh 5. Seosamh Ó Beolláin 6. M ícheál Mac Artáin 7. Críostó ir Ó Cromtha JOEy B OlAND MIChAE l CARt O N ChR IS CRuMMEy 22. Níall Mac Muirí Na Fianna uí tuathaill Na Sáirséalaigh NIAll M cMORROw Baile Buadáin leamhcáin Naomh Éanna 23. Conchúr Ó Murchú 8. Caoimhín Ó Broin 9. Seán Mac Dhuarcáin CONOR MuRphy KEvIN ByRN E ShANE DuRKIN Croimlinn Croimlinn Baile Buadáin Naomh Éanna 24. Daibhéid Ó Ceallacháin DAvID O’CAllAGhAN 1 0. Dónall Sutcliffe 11. Seán Mac Gafraidh 12. C onal Ó Cianaigh Naomh Marcais DANNy Su tClIF F E JOhN M cCAF F R E y CON A l KEANEy 25. Rossa Ó Cearúill Naomh Jude Na Sáirséalaigh Baile Buadáin Naomh ROSS O’CARROll leamhcáin (capt.) Éanna Cill Mochuda Na Crócaigh 13. Éam ann Ó Diolún 14 . Marc as Schutte 15. pó l Ó Riain 26. Glen Ó Faoláin EAM ON DIllON MARK S ChuttE pA u l RyAN GlEN whElAN Naomh Fionnbarra Cuala Baile Buadáin Naomh Eoin Baile Naomh Éanna an tSaoir Goals Points Wides Frees 1st Half 2nd Half TOTAL 4 Bellefie ld, Enn iscorthy, 10th Feb. 2013 FIR IONAID: 16. M. Ó Fainín MARK FANNING Glynn Barntown 17. A.Ó Ceannaigh ANDREw KENNy Buffers Alley STARLIGHTSwEXFORD 18. D. Mac Reamoinn DAvID REDMOND Oulart the Ballagh 19. G. Ó Sionóid 1 . N. Ó Braoin GARREtt SINNOtt NIAl l BREEN Oulart the Ballagh tara Rocks 20. E. Ó Coigligh EOIN QuIGlEy Sarsfields, Cork 2 . E Ó Mó rdha 3 . t. Ó t uarisc 4. R Ó Cea nnaigh EOIN M OORE tOMÁ S wAtERS BOB B y KENNy 21. l. Chin Oulart the Ballagh St. Martin’s Buffers Alley lEE ChIN Faythe harriers 22. S. Ó Murchú 5. S. t onks 6. R. Mac E ochaidh 7 . C. Ó Ceannaigh ShAuN MuRphy JAM E S tONKS RICh IE KEhOE CIA RA N KENNy Oulart the Ballagh Ferns Faythe harriers Buffers Alley (capt.) 23. S. Ó Murchú StEphEN MuRphy St Martins 8. E. Ó Dú ill 9. A . Shore 24. E. Ó Máirtín EOIN D O ylE ANDREw ShORE EANNA MARtIN Shelmaliers parnells Ger. O’hanrahans 10. h . Mac E ochaidh 11 . p. Ó M urris 12. pS Ó Núalláin hARR y KEhOE pAul MORRIS pJ N OlAN ROGhNOIRÍ: Cloughbawn Ferns Askamore-Kilrush Liam Dunne, Bainisteóir Murty Dempsey Tomas Codd 13. G . Ó M órdha 14. M. Ó R aogáin 15. p. Ó D eoráin GAR y MOORE MIChA E l O'REGAN pADGE DORAN Glynn Barntown Glynn Barntown Oylegate Goals Points Wides Frees 1st Half 2nd Half TOTAL 5 Wexford GAA are delighted to welcome Tom Doyle Supplies as the new sponsor of the Wexford Senior Football Championship Camolin, Co. Wexford Telephone: 053 9383700 Fax: 053 9383701 tiles l bathrooms l timber floors l furniture l stone w www.tomdoylesupplies.com 7 ❖How it all works GAA Clubs across County Wexford will host quiz nights in their areas on Thursday 21st February. You can select a venue that has been chosen by your Club or simply choose a venue that suits you and ❖ your team. The quiz is a general knowledge quiz so there will be something for ❖ everyone. It comprises of 8 rounds of ❖ 10 questions per round. To help us have an idea of how people are coming along on the night we would ask you to complete the registration form below. Dont worry if you aren’t able to register on line, all are welcome on the night just come along a few ❖ minutes earlier. Registration and payment takes place from 8.15pm at ❖ each venue. To enter, each team must pay €40 on the quiz night. Up to 4 members per ❖ team. The quiz starts at 9.00pm ❖ sharp. Quiz answer booklets will be sold in advance. Please ensure to bring the booklets with you on the ❖ night. The quiz questions will be broadcast live on South East Radio into each venue so everyone hears the same questions at the ❖ same time. At the end of each round the venue manager will collect the answer sheet from each team – the sheet will be signed by the ❖ team captain. ❖ The venue scrutineers will check each answer against the answers broadcast by South East Radio. ❖ A league table will highlight the scores for each team at each venue. The scores will be relayed to the team at South East Radio who will enter them into a computerised league table. The top 10 team scores across all venues will be announced on air after every second round of questions. Random team scores will be announced 5 throughout the course of the quiz so teams will have an idea of how they are tracking. 9 2 l 5 3 Prizes are as follows: 2 o 9 Ist Prize: €1,000 for winning team plus a set of jerseys for their nominated GAA club. 3 o 5 0 2nd Prize: €500 for winning team plus 4 Gold Season Tickets to Wexford Park (all Fixtures) for their nominated GAA club. e i o . t n 3rd Prize: €250 for winning team plus 4 –All Ireland tickets for their nominated GAA club. i o r p r Plaque for each venue winner. c • No cash in lieu of non cash prizes. Venues and locations on www.wexfordgaa.ie and south east radio. So don’t delay and register today. Terms and conditions apply..
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