Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 9-17-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 17, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 66, Issue 19 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 17, 1981." (Sep 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. City resisting 'Daily 'Egyptian efforts to close Southern Illinois University Wednesday. September 16. 1981-'0'01. 66. No. 18 job center Ry John Schrag peoplE' Richilrd :'rlorrlS. ofllCf? Starr Wriu-r manager. sclld about 10 to I:! per.cent nC those peoplf? havp ("ity officla Is are resisting bt'en Sit .(' studl'nts state t'{forts to clOSt' a Car Tht' Job St-rnce also has dn bondale employment orrlc(" offiet' In \\,,oc\, 11,,11 wht'N' It which has helped hundrPds of works wltil It,;:· :"Iudt'n! \\'Ofl<; Sll··(' sll:dents and local and fmam lal .-\Ull,fflt"P tn flflrl residents imd JObs in the past ofr·tamPII> J"bs For "tud"nh mnt'vears. EVt'n lhoul/.h thl' \\'1(111\ H.!ll ThP Carbondale Cit,' ('ounel! office "1:1 p'rnaln - opt'n \'Oted Monday night to '''actlvelv N'gardh'~- "I what happens In oppose" the propos{'d closing of Carhrmri .. le. 'In'-TIS saId ~ht· (,arbondale's Job Serncl' of· closlC,g I)f tht' Cit\' "fflt"f' ""OIJio fice. and authorized :'>Tavor hurt o;t udt'nts . Hans Fischer to (,flntaet go\'e.-nmf'nt offiCIals In an . If thr' l'ildl<mdaif? "Cfll'" " attempt to kt'('p th{' otrlce opt'n closl.'d. It \\ III alm~, ('ertamh Lorin VanHorn. rf'glOnai rPduet' pmploY('r ('ontact~. ,tn:! emplf)yment Sf'r\'lce nffl('r it Will deflnllt'h n·du['f' 'h,' manager. said that ht'('ausl.' "F prugr"n:'s t'ffll'i;'I1l'~ :'>1"r".­ anticlpatt"d cuts of f{'dt'ral funds saId to the state. the Illinois (;t'nf'ral City :'>h'nagt'f Carroll Fro I",;j Sen-ict's Administration I~ tht' i.' l'S Rf'p '1':.'1: starr photo by ;\Ilichael Marcotte'(' pro~ing to close thp Car Simon. D Hth District. has ,,·t BRill. n~IE-From left. (agi Guelzow. fl't'!'ihman laITY Haisler, frE'shman in computer sdeoce. bondalf' office and consolidat .. up a meeL,;>~ Thursda} With in forl"ign languagf', Ron Goral. frl'5hman. un- WE'rE' among the participants in Army ROTC drills its services with existing Jot citv officials SUitf' St'n Ken d~idPd. Capt. {'hris Sll'ffler, in IUIlform. and hE'ld nf'ar tiff' Sc:if'tKf' II Tuesday. Service offices in :'>!urph\'shoro neth Buzbee. D-~h District. and Herrin. and State Rc~ Eruce Ric!: VanHorn saId thf' Carhonrialp mond. [l-,!\th DI~trlCt In office could remam open onh IC discuss the prohlem William free office space can Ix- found TuUar. an assltant to Slm"n Labor unions, workers backed The lease on the Job Sfor\'j('{, saId onl' or two commULi!\ officE'. located In the Eurma C leaders and representatl\'f;" Hays Center. termmates Stopt from the Job Sen'lcf' may OJis(l 30. and VanHorn has askffi tht' bt" askt"d to attend the mft.tmg in papal social issue stateDlent city to pay for tht' spaCl' alter CounCIl mt'mtwrs agreed to that time walt untIl after Fr)' meets with Since bt>~innin~ operation In the state oHlclals on Thursda\ VATICAN CITY lAP I-Pope principle of the priority of labor from the point of view of the 1972. the Carbondale Job SE'r b{'fort' det'lding ... ht'thf'r tn John Paul II. in his most over capital." good of society and of the family \'ice office has lound em­ pru\'ide the seryiCl.' with offICI.' comprehensive statement on The encyclical. a former when it contradicts and hinders ployment for about 1.300 space social issues. on Tuesday policy-setting letter from the these primary goals of the strongly backed labor unions. pope to the Roman Catholic mission of the mother." he said. urged worker participation in Church and the world. was --Radical and urgent changes Clean-Up Day 10 unite mana(lement and proposed a written in Polish. the pontiff's art" necessarY to rescue lar­ "just' family wage and sub­ native tongue. and carried the mers from the big landowners sidies that would free mothers Latin title "Laborem Exer· and "to restore to agriculture from the necessity of taking cent." The Vatican gave it the their just value as the basis for students, community jobs. descriptive title "On Human a healthy economy." The pap.!i encyclical con· Work." -Multinational corporations Bv Mike .-\nthOllv turnout from them." demns both "rigid" capitalism The Rev. John Schansching. are engaged in the con­ siaff Wriu-r - "The :'Iiatlonal Guard IS and the "collectivist S\'stem" dean of social science at the demnable prac~ice of fixing planmng to ht'lp us likE' they dId that would eliminate all p.-ivate Pontifical Gregorian Univer­ high prices for their products Sll'·(, students and ('ar­ last year. dependmg on con· ownership of the means of sity said the encyclical reflects while trying to keep down prices bondale residents will work firmation from Springfield. and production. It suggests a John Paul's v;sion of "a just for raw materials and semi­ togt'ther to makf? thE' city and the Carbondale Park District 15 socialist middle g.-ound as a society based on an ideal manufactured goods, widening {'xpectt"d to dOLate personnel model fo.- economic develop­ economic system_" the gap between the rich and ~~~b~~~f:~le~I~_~~e[)a~u::~~ trueks and some trash bags." ment poor nations. Oct. 10. - D~!lnmg said Central to the 99-page. 22.000- - Workers should receive a John Paul strongly endorsed This is the second \'ear thE' Th{' trash colll'('ted will be word encyclical is opposition to "just" wage, which the pope the workers' right to organize Undergraduate Stud~nl taken tva landfill outside of the the "dehumanization excesses" defines as adequate to support unions, to participate to some Organization has sponsored thE' ei" AlumInum will be of modt>rn economic systems. the family and allow mothers to extent in the management of clean-up day. Last year'~ clean· rec'ycJed_ and "we're checkmg concentrate on the care and their companies and to strike, uf day resulted in the removal Into the possibility of separating "We must emphasize and education of children. Mothers except for political purposes or o about 10 tons of garbage from glass and recycling It." Dun· give prominence to the primacy also should benefit from family in es3ential public services. the city. ning said of man in the production allowances to enable them to He said unions are "a mouth­ According to John Dunning. At Monda\"s mformal Citv process. the primacy of man devote themselves "exclusively piece for the struggle for social co-chairman of the project. the Council m~tmg. the l'S6 over things." the pope said. to their families." JUstice" but added they must theme of the clean-up day will presented a $3.006 request to the "We must first of all recall a "Having to abandon these take into account their nation's be to increase interaction city f::>r partial Cunding of the principle that has always been tasks in order to take up paid economic problems when between students and com­ projt>.:t. The request will be taught by the church-the work outside the home is wrong pressing their demands. munity members. ~'oted on at next Monda,,'s "We're proml..ting a better meetmg. A,ssass;nation attempt fails relationship for ~tudents with Mayor Hans Fischer sairl. the community. and pro\'iding "This is money well spent and them an opportunity to clean up I'd like to see the clean-up day their environment-both on­ funded." NATO head slightly injured campus and in the city." ThE' clean-up committee has Dunning said. alreadv received $.1.000 from HEIDELBERG, West Germany Kroesen, 58. was "treated for loolted to see if my wife was all Clean-up teams made up of PresidE-nt Albert Somit and (API-·-GE'n. Frederick J. superficial injuries at the U.S. right. and waited to see \\ohat equal numbers of students and $1.728 from the l1S0_ The Kroesen. the commander in Army hospital in Heidelberg was going to happen next." community members will be Student Programming Cooncil chief of the U.S. Army in and was released." said a "We looked to see if everyone one of the ways in which the has provided 53.000 for the Europe, was slightly injured milltarv statement. had arms legs in order." then USO will work to help increase Corky Seigel free concert to be today in the fourth attack on The 'Other occupants of the the driver found he could start interaction. Dunning said_ held the evening of the clean-up U.S_ government personnel in car-the general's wife. the car and drove away. The car Also, upon request, the USO day. West Germany in two weeks. Rowene; an aid. Maj Philip E. also came under smallarms will send special teams of his headqarters announced. Ondine; and the driver. a fire, but "none of them workers to the homes of elderly West German police said German who was not iden­ penetrated the car." or disabled people to aid in .!, ~US Kroesen's sedan was hit b\' two tified-were unhurt, an Army Police said two persons were removing unwanted refuse.
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