LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 6 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 6-1 Scope and Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 6-1 Outline Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 6-2 Technical Guidance ................................................................................................................................. 6-2 Consultation ........................................................................................................................................... 6-4 LANDSCAPE PLANNING CONTEXT ................................................................................................. 6-4 Planning Policy Context .......................................................................................................................... 6-4 Planning Policy Wales (PPW), Edition 10 (December 2018) ................................................................... 6-5 Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2011-2026. Adopted 31 July 2017 .................... 6-6 Snowdonia National Park Authority – Eryri Local Development Plan (2016-2031)................................. 6-8 Planning Permissions and Applications ................................................................................................... 6-9 THE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL .................................................................................................. 6-10 Timescales and Permanency of Development ...................................................................................... 6-13 Design Development and Built-in Mitigation ........................................................................................ 6-13 Potential Sources of Landscape and Visual Effects ............................................................................... 6-15 Pre-Extraction Activities ........................................................................................................................ 6-16 Extraction .............................................................................................................................................. 6-16 Restoration ........................................................................................................................................... 6-16 LANDSCAPE EFFECTS .................................................................................................................. 6-17 Character of the landscape ................................................................................................................... 6-17 Overall Trends and Change ................................................................................................................... 6-22 Landscape Value for Designations and Character Areas ....................................................................... 6-23 Prediction of Landscape Effects ............................................................................................................ 6-24 The Proposed Extension ....................................................................................................................... 6-25 The Proposed Tipping ........................................................................................................................... 6-26 The Modified Restoration Landform .................................................................................................... 6-26 Levels of Landscape Effect for Specified Receptors .............................................................................. 6-26 Landscape of Penrhyn Quarry............................................................................................................... 6-27 Landscape and Landscape Related Designations .................................................................................. 6-28 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 6 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 6-31 VISUAL EFFECTS ......................................................................................................................... 6-31 Visual Baseline ...................................................................................................................................... 6-31 Assessment of Significance of Residual Visual Effects .......................................................................... 6-33 Residual Visual Effects .......................................................................................................................... 6-35 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6-40 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 6 INTRODUCTION This chapter of the ES assesses the potential landscape and visual effects arising from the proposed extension to Penrhyn Quarry; the proposed revisions to the restoration scheme to accommodate changes to the ‘E2’ and main ‘South Quarry’ tips; and the extension of the operational period by around 4 to 5 years. Full details of the proposed development are contained within Chapter 3 of this volume. 6.1 The assessment is divided into the following sections: • Introduction, containing Scope and Definitions, Outline Methodology (a detailed Methodology cross referenced in the text is contained in Appendix 6/1), and details of Consultation; • Landscape planning context, including a review of restoration proposals; • Summary of the development proposal and identification of the elements likely to cause landscape and visual effects, as relevant to this topic; • Establishment of the landscape baseline, prediction of Landscape effects and assessment of significance based on a tabular assessment contained in Appendix 6/2; • Establishment of the landscape baseline, prediction of Visual effects and assessment of significance based on a tabular assessment contained in Appendix 6/3; and • Conclusion. 6.2 The LVIA is supported by the five Appendices and 21 drawings. Scope and Definitions 6.3 Paragraph 1.1 of the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (3rd Edition), published by Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (hereafter referred to as “GLVIA3”) states that “Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) is a tool used to identify and assess the significance of and the effects of change resulting from development on both the landscape as an environmental resource in its own right and on people’s views and visual amenity”. 6.4 Paragraph 5.1 of GLVIA3 describes how landscape effects are concerned with “how the proposal will affect the elements that make up the landscape, the aesthetic and perceptual aspects of the landscape and its distinctive character”. 6.5 Allied to this, paragraph 6.1 of GLVIA3 describes how visual effects are concerned with “assessing how the surroundings of individuals or groups of people may be specifically affected by changes in the content and character of views as a result of the change or loss of existing elements of the landscape and/or introduction of new elements”. Penrhyn Quarry – Volume 2A Page 6-1 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 6 6.6 This assessment deals separately with landscape and visual effects, although where relevant and appropriate, cross references may be made to the same features or elements where they are relevant to both. 6.7 The proposed development would be present for approximately 4 to 5 additional years before being absorbed into the long-term restoration scheme through regrading works and vegetation establishment. The positions and forms of the proposed tips have been constrained by operational factors, particularly the need to maintain access to working faces and haulage routes to the works area. The revised restoration scheme has been reviewed as part of the LVIA as part of an iterative design and assessment process; no further mitigation has been considered necessary due to the low level of landscape and visual impact generated. Outline Methodology 6.8 The detailed methodology that has been used for assessing landscape and visual effects is set out in Appendix 6/1. A summary of the assessment process and key parts of the GLVIA3 technical guidance is provided below. 6.9 Initially, a desktop study was undertaken to review the relevant publications, maps and plans relating to the application site and surrounding study area (approximately 4km radius from Penrhyn Quarry and as indicated on Drawing PQ 6/1). This was supplemented by fieldwork and photography from various parts of the study area in October 2019. Earlier LVIA work undertaken as part of a previous planning application for a lateral extension to the working area in 2012 and a ‘Review of Mineral Permission’ (often referred to as a ROMP submission) undertaken in 2015 were also used to help inform this study including the choice of viewpoints used. 6.10 The assessment makes use of Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) studies to inform the potential degree of visibility and extent of visibility across the study area. 6.11 No technical difficulties were encountered in assessing the landscape and visual impacts of the proposed development. Technical Guidance 6.12 The below information explains the broad principles behind our
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