DIRECTORY.] NORTH RIDING YORKSHIRE. BED ALE. 41 BEDALE RURA:{t DISTRICT COU:KCIL. Police Station, .:\.iskew, Charles Brigginshaw, inspector The townshi~ts in the 1istrict are the same as in the & 10 constable~ Union, 11ith the exception (Jf Burton-upon-Ure, Ilton­ Public Assembly Rooms, :Marlret place cum-Pott, Kirklington-cum-Upsland, Masham & Reading Room, J on a than J aques, librarian Swinton with Warthermarske. Town Hall, Market place, Raymond Botterill, ket>pe:r Council meets at Guardians' Board room fortnightly on Young Men's Institute, South end, Clement Dodsworth,. tuesday. secretary; Jonathan Jaque~, librarian Chairman, Sir H. Monson de la Poer Beresford-Peirse bart • Officials. l PUBLIC OFFICERS. Clerk, Bernard William Swarbreck, Market pi. Bedale Clerk to the Conur:issioners f Taxes (vacant) Treasurer, George Lonsdale Bainbridge, Barclay & Clerk to Parish Council & Assistant Overseer, Thomas Company's Bank, Bedale J,inscott, Wycar Medical Officer of Health, Fras. Ryalls Eddison M.R.C.S. Collector of Market Tolls, R. Johnson Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Bedale Distributor of Stamps, Edwin Scott Surveyor, James Hammond, Londonderry, Bedale Town Crier, John .Archer, South end, Bedale Inspector, .Arthur Thompson, .Aiskew Water Inspector,. James William Hall, South end,Bedale PL.:\.CES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. BED.ALE UNION. St. Grt>gory's Church, Rev. Windham de la Poer Beresford­ Board day, every alternate tuesday at the Board room at Peirse :M.A. rector; Rev. Maurice Henry Edwards 1.30 p.m. B . .:\.. & Rev . ..:\.rthur Thurston Pain, curates; 8 & 10 30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m 'The union comprises thirty-three parishes & townships, Chapel of Ease, Burrill; every other sunday, 3 & 6 30 viz.-Ainderby :Miers-with-Holtby, Aiskew, Bedale, p.m. alternately & 10.30 a m. once a month Burrill-with-Collling, Burneston, Burton-upon-Ure, Chapel c1f Ease, Leeming Bar; every sunday, 10.30 a. m Carthorpe, Clifton-upon-l.:"re, Crakehall, Exelby, Leem­ ing &. Newton, Firby, Gatenby, Hackforth, Howgrave, & 6.30 p.m SS. Mary & Joseph, Catholic, .Aiskew; Rev. Richard Ilton-cum-Pott, Killerby, Kirklington-with-Upsland, Lewis, priest; sundays, I0.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Kirk by-Fleetham, Langthm ne, Masham, Rand Grange, & Rookwith, Scrnton, Snape, Sutton-with-Howgrave, Baptist, ).ledale, Rev. Edward Moore; 10.30 a.m. 6 30 Swainby- with-Allerthorpe, Swinton- with- Warther­ p.m.; 'tburs. 7.30 p.m Primitive l\iethodi~t, Ai•kew; Re>. Jeremiah Hopkms, marske, East Tanfield, West Tanficld, Theakston, Thirn, Thornton Watla•s & Well. The area of the supt.; ro a.m. & 2 & 6.30 p.m.; tues. & fri. 7 30 pm union is 52,229 acres; rateable value at Michaelmas, Wesleyan Methodist; 10.30 a.m. & Rev. Jas. Green I 12, £72,372; the population in xgn was 8,772. 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 & fri. 8 p.m (supt.) & Rev. Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Sir H. M. de la Wesleyan Methodist, Burrill; 2 & 6.30 John Marshall Poer Beresford-Peirse bart p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Featherstone Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Bernard William Swarbreck, Market place, Bedale SCHOOLS. T1easurer, Geor~re Lon•dale Bainbridge, Barclay & Com­ The Grammar school, founded in 1584, and now a pany's Bank, Bedale secondary 2chool, was endowed by Queen Elizabeth CollectOI s of Poor's Rates, Thomas Linscott, Wycar ; 11ith a sum of £6 7s. 4d. per annum. Frances William Thomas Whitton, .Aiskew Countess of Warwick & W. Heaton esq. augmented Relieving & Vaccmation Officer for the Union, .Arthur the endowment to the extent of £13 6s. 8d. The old Thompson, .Aiskew building, situated within the churchyard, bears the l\Iedical Officers & Public Vaccinatms, North & South date 1674, but in 1887 a new school in the Tudor Bedale district, Francis Ryalls Eddison M.R.C.S.Eng., Gothic style was erected by subscription in Wycar. L.R.C.P.Lond. Bedale; Kirklington district, Tboma8 The school is entitled to compete for the .Ackroyd Sayer M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Kirklington; scholarship & for the Lady Elizabeth Hastings ex­ Masbam district, .Alfred Brown L.R.C.P.I. Masbam hibitions at QueE)n·s College, Oxford. There are about. The Workhouse, erected in 1839, is of stone, & will bold 25 boys. The select vestry of Bedale are th~ xoo inmates, but the avf'rage number is about 30; governors, the rector being chairman; Charles F. George White, master; Rev. Windbam de la Poer Rowden Univ.Lond. bead master Beresford-Peirse M. A. acting chaplain; Francis R. Eddison, medical officer; Mrs. Mary Whit., matron Public Elementary Schools. Erected in 1846, & enlarged in 1884 & x8g7, for 311 BED_tLE REGIS1 RATION DISTRICT. children; average attendance, 240; the school L .. s aa Superintendent Registrar, Bernard William Swarbreck, endowment of £6 ns. Bd. arising out of land; Thomas ::\Ltrl,et place, Be dale; deputy, John Henry Martin, Linscott, master Sussex strPet, Bedale Leeming Bar (mixed), to hold So; average attendance. Registrars of Births & Dedths, Bedale sub-district, Geo. 63 ; Clement Dodsworth, master William Hem~ley, Bedale; deputy, Mrs. Agnes Hems­ lay, Bedale; Masham sub-district, James W. Finlay­ RAILWAY STATIONS. s n, :Masham ; deputy, Thomas E. Scarth, Masham Bedale, William Hunter, station master Registrar of Marriages, James Ernest Learoyd, Bedale; Leeming Bar, Frank Richardson, station master deputy, Charles Erne~t Learoyd, Bedale PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Excise Office, Black Swan h tel, :Morgan Jones, officer, Omnibus from Black Swan hotel to the Bedale station ..1ish.ew to meet principal trains BED.ALE. Hopkins Rev. Jeremiah (Primitive PRIV.nE RESIDENTS. Methodist), Windsor cottage, South COMMERCIAL. Allison Miss lVycar end Early closing, Thursday, at 1 p m. Bainbridge Geo. Lonsdale, Marh.et pi Horsfall Mrs. Thomas, Market place .Anderson. Harry, coach builder Beames Charles, Wycar Lawson Sir Arthur Tredgold bart J.P. Annexe Club (B. W. Swarbreck, sec) Benn William Marshall, Wycar Bedale hall Archer John, town crier & bill poster- Beresford-Peirse Rev. Windham de la Linscott Thomas, Wycar Askquith .Alfred, Green Dragon P.H. Poer M . .A. (rector & chaplain to the Pain Rev. Arthur Thurston (curate) Market place union & surrogate), Rectory Pearson Frederick Wm. South end Askquith Charles, butcher, Market pl Beresford-Peirse Mrs. The Grange Pearson Joseph Ira, South end Auton Thomas, tailor, South end Dalton .Alfred Ernest, Wycar Pearson Robert, South end Bainbridge George Lonsdale, mana- Eddison Francis Ryalls, St. Gregory's Petch Ernest, Wycar ger of Barclay & Company's Bank & Edwards Rev. Maurice Henry B.A. Robson Harry, Rand grange treasurer to the Rural D1strkt curate), Wycar Rowden Charles F. (master of Gram- Council & L'"nion, Market place Featherstone Rev. John Marshall mar school), WJ car house Baines 'Vm. Jas.fanner,Low.Ash bank (Wesleyan Methodist), Market pl Sadler Edwd. Jas. The Cottage,Wycar & Bedale wood Firth .Alfred, Wycar Sayner Frank Tilney, Market place BaiClay & Company Ltd. bankers Fothergill Miss, Vine cottage, Wycar Scott Edwin, Market place (George Lonsdale Bainbridge,mana- Fothergill Mrs. Thomas Prmce, St. Sherley Henry James, Emgate ger); office hours, 10 to 3; tues- Gregory's Swarbreck Bernard Wm. :Mar]{et pl days 10 to 4; Saturdays 9 to 12 Green Rev. James (We-sleyan), Wycar Swarbreck Erlwd.Dukinfield,Mn'rket pl Market place; draw on Lond • Rarrison Mrs. Sussex stret>t Thomas HaroldMorri8,Rosleigh,Wycar office, Lombard street E C on Beslop Joseph William, The Wynde Towler Reuben, Market place Barrell Emily (Miss) Holmes Benjamin, South End house Wa~e Ruben B.A. Red house South end ,tt ft IC .
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