GREATER AUSTIN ARTS+ ENTERTAINMENT ++++++++++++ MUSIC / ART / CULTURE Independence Title LEARN MORE IndependenceTitle.com GREATER AUSTIN ARTS+ ENTERTAINMENT ++++++++++++ MUSIC / ART / CULTURE +++++++++++++++++ Austin has a diverse population and an artistic streak to match that diversity. Musicians, painters, actors, dancers and more all live and work here. You can always find a place to indulge your artistic side, as our music venues, theaters and galleries are top notch, and a testament to the creatives that choose to make Austin their home. Indeed, many Austinites have gone on to achieve acclaim for their work, including musicians Willie Nelson & Janis Joplin, actor Matthew McConaughey, director Robert Rodriguez and so many more! So hit up an art gallery or rock out at a live show— you’ll find no end to the excitement in Austin! Photo modified from original by sbmeaper1, under a CC0 1.0 license. LIVE MUSIC Austin is known across the globe as the Live Music Capital of the World, with hundreds of music venues and a reputation for nurturing talent. The premier showcase of Austin’s music scene is the annual SXSW Festival turning the city into a mecca for musicians and fans from around the world. Austin City Limits, the longest-running concert music program on American television, is videotaped on the University of Texas at Austin campus. Concert Halls & Large Venues Auditorium Shores 900 W Riverside Dr austinparks.org Cactus Café 2247 Guadalupe St cactuscafe.org Circuit of the Americas 9201 Circuit of the Americas Blvd circuitoftheamericas.com Frank Erwin Center 1701 Red River St uterwincenter.com H-E-B Center 2100 Ave. of the Stars, Cedar Park hebcenter.com Long Center 701 W Riverside Dr thelongcenter.org Moody Theater 310 W Willie Nelson Blvd acl-live.com Paramount Theatre 713 Congress Ave austintheatre.org Texas Performing Arts Multiple Locations texasperformingarts.org Live Music ABGB 1305 W Oltorf St theabgb.com Ah Sing Den 1100 E 6th St ahsingden.com Anderson Mill Tavern 10401 Anderson Mill Rd andersonmilltavern.com B.D. Riley's Irish Pub 204 E 6th St bdrileys.com Bat Bar 218 E 6th St batbaraustin.com Beerland 711 Red River St beerlandtexas.com The Belmont 305 West 6th St thebelmontaustin.com Boat House Grill 6812 Ranch Rd 620 N boathousegrill.com Broken Spoke 3201 S Lamar Blvd brokenspokeaustintx.com Carousel Lounge 1110 E 52nd St carousellounge.net C-Boy's Heart & Soul 2008 S Congress Ave cboysheartnsoul.com Cedar Street Courtyard 208 W 4th St cedarstreetaustin.com The Chuggin Monkey 219 E 6th St thechugginmonkey.com Continental Club 1315 S Congress Ave continentalclub.com Dirty Dog 505 E 6th St dirtydogbar.com Donn’s Depot 1600 W 5th St donnsdepot.com El Sol Y La Luna 600 E 6th St elsolylalunaaustin.com Elephant Room 315 Congress Ave elephantroom.com Emo's East 2015 E Riverside emosaustin.com Evangeline Café 8106 Brodie Ln #115 evangelinecafe.com Fado Irish Pub 214 W 4th St fadoirishpub.com/austin Flamingo Cantina 515 E 6th St flamingocantina.com Giddy Ups 12010 Manchaca Rd giddyups.com Green Mesquite BBQ 1400 Barton Springs Rd greenmesquite.net Guero’s Taco Bar 1412 S Congress Ave gueros.com Hanovers 2.0 16912 N I-35 hanovers2.com Hanover's Draught Haus 108 E Main St, Pflugerville hanoversaustin.com Hill's Cafe 4700 S Congress Ave hillscafe.com The Hole in the Wall 2538 Guadalupe St holeinthewallaustin.com Volsted Lounge 1500 E 6th St texashotelvegas.com Lucky Lounge 209A W 5th St theluckylounge.com Maggie Mae's 323 E 6th St maggiemaesaustin.com The Mean-Eyed Cat 1621 West 5th St themeaneyedcat.com The Mohawk 912 Red River St mohawkaustin.com The North Door 502 Brushy St ndvenue.com Nutty Brown Cafe 12225 W Hwy 290 nuttybrown.com One-2-One Bar 1509 S Lamar Blvd one2onebar.com The Parish 214 E 6th St theparishaustin.com Patsy's Café 5001 E Ben White Blvd patsyscafe.com Plush 617 Red River St plushatx.com Rattle Inn 610 Nueces St rattleinnaustin.com Sahara Lounge 1413 Webberville Rd saharalounge.com Saxon Pub 1320 S Lamar Blvd thesaxonpub.com Sidewinder 715 Red River St thesidewinderaustin.com Shiner's Saloon 422 Congress Ave shinerssaloon.com Speakeasy 412 Congress Ave speakeasyaustin.com Stay Gold 1910 E Cesar Chavez St staygoldaustin.com Stubb's 801 Red River St stubbsaustin.com Threadgill's 301 W Riverside Dr threadgills.com The Tiniest Bar in Texas 817 W 5th St tiniestbarintexas.com Historic Scoot Inn 1308 E 4th St scootinnaustin.com Victory Grill 1104 E 11th St atxhistoricvictorygrill.org Whip In 1950 S IH-35 whipin.com White Horse Saloon 500 Comal St thewhitehorseaustin.com PERFORMING ARTS For the artistic-minded individual looking to get a taste of what Austin has to offer, the task might seem daunting; there are truly endless opportunities to take in the arts in the Capital City, and throughout the rest of the metroplex. Here are just some of the great Austin performing arts venues. Choir A Cappella Texas acappellatexas.org Capital City Men’s Chorus ccmcaustin.org Chorus Austin chorusaustin.org Heart of Texas Chorus hotchorus.org River City Pops rivercitypops.org Tapestry Singers Austin Women’s Chorus tapestrysingers.org University of Texas Chorale music.utexas.edu Ballet & Dance AZTLAN Dance Company aztlandance.com Austin Babtist Women babtistwomen.com Ariel Dance Theatre arieldance.org Ballet Austin balletaustin.org Ballet East Dance Theater balleteast.org Kathy Dunn Hamrick Dance Co. kdhdance.com Roy Lozano’s Ballet Folklorico de Tejas balletfolkloricodetexas.com Tapestry Dance Company tapestry.org Third Coast Contemporary dancersworkshopaustin.com Orchestra Austin Civic Orchestra austincivicorchestra.org Austin Symphonic Band austinsymphonicband.org Austin Chamber Ensemble austinchamberensemble.com Austin Civic Wind Ensemble acwe.org Austin Symphony Orchestra austinsymphony.org La Follia Austin Baroque lafollia.org Wild Basin Winds wildbasinwinds.com Theater & Opera Austin Opera 3009 Industrial Terrace #100 austinopera.org Austin Playhouse 6001 Airport Blvd austinplayhouse.com Austin Shakespeare 6001 Airport Blvd, # 2280-A austinshakespeare.org Bass Concert Hall 2350 Robert Dedman Dr texasperformingarts.org B. Iden Payne Theatre 300 E 23rd St utexas.edu/finearts/tad City Theatre Company 3823 Airport Blvd, Austin citytheatreaustin.org Esther’s Follies 525 E 6th St esthersfollies.com Georgetown Palace Theatre 810 S Austin Ave, Georgetown georgetownpalace.org Hideout Theatre 617 Congress Ave hideouttheatre.com Long Center 701 W Riverside Dr thelongcenter.org Off Center 2211 Hidalgo St rudemechs.com/off_center One World Theatre 7701 Bee Caves Rd oneworldtheatre.org Paramount Theatre 713 Congress Ave austintheatre.org Salvage Vanguard Theatre 2803 E Manor Rd salvagevanguard.org Scottish Rite Children’s Theater 207 W 18th St scottishritetheater.org Stateside at the Paramount 719 Congress Ave austintheatre.org The Vortex 2307 Manor Rd vortexrep.org Wimberley Players 450 Old Kyle Rd, Wimberley wimberleyplayers.org Zachary Scott Theatre 1510 Toomey Rd zachtheatre.org Zilker Hillside Theatre 2201 Barton Springs Rd zilker.org MUSEUMS & GALLERIES With Austin’s eclectic variety of museums, visitors can enjoy the work of designers, painters, filmmakers, and many more. The history buffs will also find a wealth of museums to suit their tastes. Whether you want to learn about the history of the Lone Star State or just sink into an abstract painting, you’ll find it here in Austin! Museums & Galleries AMOA - The Jones Center 700 Congress Ave thecontemporaryaustin.org AMOA - Laguna Gloria 3809 W 35th St thecontemporaryaustin.org Art on 5th 3005 S Lamar Blvd arton5th.com Artworks Galleries 1214 W 6th St Ste 105 artworksaustin.com Austin Aquarium 13530 N Hwy 183 austinaquarium.com Austin Art Garage 2200 S Lamar Blvd austinartgarage.com Austin Galleries 5804 Lookout Mountain Dr austingalleries.com Austin History Center 810 Guadalupe library.austintexas.gov/ahc Austin Nature & Science Center 2389 Stratford Dr austintexas.gov Black Lagoon: Art + Yoga 4301 Guadalupe St blacklagoongallery.com Blanton Museum of Art (UT) 200 E MLK Jr. Blvd blantonmuseum.org Bob Bullock Museum 1800 Congress Ave thestoryoftexas.com Center for Texas Music History Texas State University txstate.edu/ctmh Central Texas Wing of the CAF 1841 Airport Dr # 2249 cafcentex.com Clayways Pottery Studio & Gallery 5442 Burnet Rd clayways.com Creative Research Laboratory 2832 E MLK Jr. Blvd uts.cc.utexas.edu/~crlab Davis Gallery and Framing 837 W 12th St davisgalleryaustin.com Dick's Classic Garage 120 Stagecoach Tr, San Marcos dicksclassicgarage.com Dougherty Arts Center 1110 Barton Springs Rd austintexas.gov Elisabet Ney Museum 304 East 44th St austintexas.gov Flatbed Press 2830 East MLK Jr. Blvd flatbedpress.com French Legation Museum 802 San Marcos St frenchlegationmuseum.org Gallery Shoal Creek 2832 E MLK Jr. Blvd #3 galleryshoalcreek.com Gallery Soco 1714-A S Congress Ave —— George Washington Carver Museum 1165 Angelina St austintexas.gov Glass Blowing Austin 6910 Shirley Ave glassblowingaustin.com grayDUCK Gallery 2213 E Cesar Chavez St grayduckgallery.com Harry Ransom Center (UT) 300 W 21st St hrc.utexas.edu Haven Gallery 1122 W 6th St —— Jean Marc Fray Decorative Arts 1009 W 6th St #102 jeanmarcfray.com Susanna Dickinson Museum 411 E 5th St austintexas.gov Kathy Womack Gallery 411 Brazos St, Ste #100 kwomack.com La Peña Gallery 227 Congress Ave #300 lapena-austin.org LBJ Presidential Library 2313 Red River St lbjlibrary.org Lora Reynolds Gallery 360 Nueces St #50 lorareynolds.com Lotus Asian Art & Antiques 1009 W 6th St #101 lotusasianart.com Mexic-Arte Museum 419 Congress Ave mexic-artemuseum.org Mondo Gallery 4115 Guadalupe St mondotees.com Nat’l Museum of the Pacific War 340 E Main St, Fredericksburg nimitz-museum.org Neill-Cochran House Museum 2310 San Gabriel St nchmuseum.org O. Henry Museum 409 E 5th St austintexas.gov Okay Mountain 1619 E Cesar Chavez St okaymountain.com Republic of Texas Museum 510 E Anderson Ln drtinfo.org Russell Collection Fine Art Gallery 1137 W 6th St russell-collection.com Stephen L.
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