GOVERNED TOO MUCH.* ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS IN ADVANCE. TERVS, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. "THE WORLD IS VOLUME NO. 28- NEW SERIES, VOL 'J. NO. IS. 1 'A I {IS, 31E. F1UI )AY, J UN E 4, 1858. OLD SERIES. 25, «• uii A t<T that, thinka I to •• cu*t IoU.uikI llm l.ii loll lite •t.iMurJ; "Now, Kim ih* Uliw CuhiiaUii. •horter,Ina beautiful, ami tin refol* thicker, Root M I SCH V. uijaalf, Crops Turnips LI,AN * turn •>i we •town!—" Capinn Jom-a, it four ami a pretty arr anj Uii« the uf tlio There ar» varieties of cul- Hereford Cattle.-How Etteem especially through region n»»nj turnip* 11 • In* lor or nam* thry II u».n, Mr. lUrkuin !" Ml Hint it'll *ou, iuj ain't rd where are Best vital «>r^ itta, lit) ln\»rt, lun^«, etc, in.it.<1 our farmer*, hul cipe- A SHIP 8 COMPANY. pinners' they Known upon t»jr general PACKET " I win'l in no manner of hur« Department «« Mini-Inn." \r», iuim, intt«<sl. We atAwrU the •uc ati<l actual uf wliicli rienc" ha* the to iwn kind* Th« extent of whm ll»<* ! power depend* given preference \Vi> Inl thffi it f irtni/'it on Iktard the for I knew "iriiB mi now." country rvdmj liia H« was iho rv. \ou mu»t MmfBiVr, hi tlm of tlio conatituti ii, tlio willt their »ul>-v«rietict—for »tiK*k Itaxti*—Wellington*. top* of lltrcf rd* ut lea* vitality ability let-ding mill k' t on our h >m from the and I knew h« {retail*, oiu>|>ria» |..n way leti'l'r< »t. Then no caat l"t» again, and couldn't ij-nd the money, t > move, to ►•vrvte, an<i to ; in a w>>r>l, the «>r SwedUli DARIUS FOKOKS, Editor. ImHI mile*. ol grow Ituta-lUg* turnip—-for \V -«t I'iMit of Africa, an<l had eihauftvl much •tir a Sou I embracing Ur^o part* tho lot it'll <>n the black co«»k ; ■» »o »l*">r«l "t Inml it, or make un I tliriltiii- M, ami j. 'Wt r to in tturo ii*» the l'Ut Of tl><* former the counti«*« of M ill »r>I. Worw«lff, (Jloiicea vigor KngMah, it aff waa t» find nearly ctery poanlil* In* lint tii'-j wm urxwUbU, (hough it in any way. So my o'ywt wiwr't I" ar p ami i< deemed ono pump*; Alllhrtrit •* I lifr, t«r, M mraouth and m *t of t«> early, l»j wcreting huiMing up rapidly. number mil r l!i circuni»Univ* ami within tliuw Hereford, I.aing'i Improved !»jr U* •llttf lflld.it < that Nit<l to fintl liitn »nd mak« rliwl) li itr «» l «re l> tlin Alter liirn. quietly, \i|rtltrr, Hot the a£>* at which Hereford atvra uro in r* T colli- Mllp kept gvther with ik oi Somerwt, vnjr—oth« chooaeSkirving'a I'urple >p. limit*. We ti.i l mi In aid tli« uaiial portion occupy wo caat lot* ti^ ii, «n<l thx lot full on the Itim gim it up. dealer* in tlio inter* um* an ami a the river of thoae rountie*, o purchaaed l»jr engaged For t»h|e »*»rljr lato variety •-UK-111 i.f unl ing valley* jit •trtm£i*-!.*ikin£ captain* nnd ho *trwrd In* wat<r but*; Well ! Vou'll liardly belia*a it, mediate hutincM of olio * captain, roajtw in ihciu in dia- to he iwn—for lli® former cnur**, !-*i»uik« tbeae lh« U««t buying ought purpmn trad<ra from the ritnr II ami, alt*»r wii» i*u n if mold Items | »nny, luit wtrx iMiirmlou* hot it lhr*» y Iff I 4MM Acricultural anj them in •> ttl-« we the Stut»* ( r thrjr tough, *ur*ljr. i* the >r tncl, selling another, would nmnnriul H-»rlv !<\ had wit-h-d the canor* cum* found. Through gra« growing p pt**inj» Accra, wa* in that man'a tra.-k. I did »»m«i Tub and M weiw unu At tin* Mr. Iltrkurn up upon April »_t the «tion of their Then* tho latter the (irccn tilotw or Norfolk va- point interrupt* ti.n t>( theae <vuntiea th« Hereford* are uiuot tjiu e.irly maturity. off th« aurf itt Com! Ci«t|e, and I wna aura •uail* cold months. The through Capo •*<1 t'V I *hout o| remolialrunfo. ii ut 1.4*1. though, pretty I fmjucnt li^ht foil are hut v« few of the farm* In the choice of general rai*ed m their charaet.r»«iio rjr riety. varietie*, however, nixl I in I 5 mid Willi'*I t > th** Outer* e<wnl in teg comparatively up » a a tm I found hun in a Mr. VV.*ka, »*-ttl«d in of r»i-i the »urf«cv wet, »v>J or Wi'll," *ar» ho, when ladf Iclla kept n.-pt 1114 who can ufT >rd to feed an r n'lt cultivator inu«t ciercia* In* own rity. t* well a* in of their he*t Community nor'« hiiuao at Surra l/me. W.» Iu<l Ku*in>«a took ma to dr* Urtu», interfered with tin tntny grade*, ■nun *h« w ii n t a it at-irv of a wlu»t'* t*411-1'Li Naturally. MMi'lrruMjr animal intend for hi iro than aij nn nt a* t ««Inch him the at<*t *hipwreck, U mg I u' v t ilu>>1 in eith'T Ai Iwf will j»i»o gr. I lit whl«t ami the of the race «i><l 1 > ptiue thi» wherr Mr. \V«*k« li»*-d, w >rk. alth on th whole, ) pit] ho to il l? I tolil the aiT* l«eat I could." |>Ucn Sj ring'* >ugh iu<<nths or one sca»>n, am) th< r« aru not return—the tn«M>t nutriment a ere, nnd there >■ it jr»'>l of land in per at nil <1 liiuea, mi l had ■ hoi with him. a anouut of water and man? proportion |w»»tor' untccupr ditplayi'd And with mioth'T Mr. Uirkmu, who pi<-ked up ui|ii4inUiK<ii gnat Ml, up- > it itrin are • many who would il it could, for it at the leiMt ii»t—in which fur tho <• *»«•. llm district* they fact, pur our larioim % *1 iwi*r* and uiu»ic«l m* II-* w»■ Joii'-a I found ool that; land fitrid* are n-<w in need of ram. lira** -wntully brewing | aeeiiicd not *o lunch i»a to hilfe tolil hi* atorjr Captain ttiMi'l < ien- »i\ in-intha i* all and !«.•« to w Inch it i* to t>e th-vule I will in tin- main, lierf i« l.ktt' >1 for th< j'»jr. r.illy p paj 'im-iiU—whii h, I mu*t infiw* *fW not mi.I U l.ir.« I | «»• mora «iir« than rt«r ta »-ll started, hut in manv Iocwlitie* c. t although <|iiir •a tii hat* it out of him, leant Uick iii); more lh.in all the time all >ited to the Mtno lhl> Ik*!. jerked l lw lt-i.limi, lorminglitn, and other n- u ofamiti.ro t hare enlivened tl at Im had neither tha ttnn<*nor terr thi< k. The Iruit tree#. are anycir>le— mil linked around him, upp-irt-mlv w.II *|<*nt j*»-n-rallj, > an mini in the aull. Cunx if tteera Tho troo nil U a «anj or « market*. t « lar^e extent. tl>< <|uentlr, turnip d.-rp jii I a* w were homeward hound we lnv<l ;n»* it ; hut it I will * t with fruit hud* Th* fine *.-ithct |Vrlu|<« Mtiabfd with tii" fff ft lie h■*'I *bm |p»t mM|'| 1 are pr<xlucfil. •IV -II t the feeder at tw>i fat at loam. or *>ila ar* ■ tu it eic!u*ne district, i« the lain they •andy Clayey iMinpiet no ii «t ami \• (< w hmilii, *i'«rc IP* will I tu rn for- breeding | «|w«|'*t« r_v W4* utt.rt«l hi 4 ho«rao Ml. cty>>jiog brin^ three, and if aold to the feeder at three not auitad t«> it* rofltaMo neither "Humph!" of Hereford ; hut in theotlwr di*tnet* tn tliejr | production, Th# in ufoTiccr* r it time Mr Werka ami I it to h# ward iJlv. my |vi**'n(rri(uniiitfi| «inly 'growI U<hin>! him, nt which wr all »Urt<d A ft jp r*j are fat at four old. one who aro lit land* For the culture of are hrej i r and *dd to feeders in the mid- yenr* Any ivy lioum on m. k one o! whom— " ut tha rut of ail ilainp, p iiii^ Intii; —for it came Iron no other than tho ailuiit »«rj i;r it fri-nda, and feeU *1 inclined, m ihoui' theSa.de the Imt i« that Irom which Corn l»ttr Tiitm. The wfret »>f Itnl di«tn t« mi 1 tlfiM convenient to th" curioualy rniy wli h-ld a citil of * \V..k« to talk of how jjrtwt (^o*th apj.ointment mull—uii oltl who lutl bitn iii'iiitI Mr hegan umN o|/iro y«ar old r* driven off or ulii-at v i* mm v. <>n ae- *^4-f.ipuin, of n t* n<>t in the London m irket. taken, though >ri in M on ili<< ti .I i accom- l.o atiould liki to into hu»in<»»—•.une* p»rd> vegetable* greater iiiij- QmM—aaa l>ii-kfl iioImmIv kn>'w when.
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